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Setting parameters

    The portion of the script which you might want to edit is after the initial comment section, and looks like this:
# Set up the parameters of the reduction sequences.
# These can be changed to test behaviour of the programs under
# different circumstances.
# The defaults are sensible.  For all the Boolean variables, 
# TRUE is a more resource-intensive option than FALSE.

      # Do we want variances calculated and propagated (TRUE or FALSE)?
            set variance = TRUE

      # Do we want to treat ARD mask within CCDPACK (TRUE or FALSE)?  
      # (else explicitly impose mask on data using ARDMASK).
            set keepard = TRUE

      # Do we want to use a bias frame? (TRUE or FALSE)?
      # (else interpolate between bias strips)
            set biasframe = TRUE

      # Do we want to normalize the frames for scale and zero factors?
            set normalise = TRUE

      # Data type (_WORD, _INTEGER, _REAL or _DOUBLE)
            set datatype = _REAL

      # List of image sizes for frames (pixels along a side)
            set image_sizes = ( 1000 2000 3000 4000 )

      # List of object densities (objects per million pixels).
      # If this is set to ( 0 ) then min_objects will always be used.
            set object_densities = ( 50 )

      # Minimum number of objects per frame (can override object_densities)
            set min_objects = 300

      # Graphic display device ("xwindows" is GWM window, "NONE" is none)
            set device = NONE

      # Set logging interval (seconds)
            set interval = 15

      # Set filename for logging resource usage
            set reslogfile = ccdbig_res.log

# End of parameter setup.
The significance of these options is as follows:

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CCDBIG: assessing CCDPACK resource usage for large data sets
Starlink System Note 69
Mark Taylor
6 July 1998