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7.1.3 Column Metadata

There is a one-to-one correspondence between a StarTable's ColumnInfo objects (accessed using getColumnInfo) and the FIELD elements contained in the corresponding TABLE. The attributes of each fields are interpreted (for reading) or determined (for writing) in a number of different ways:

So if you have read a VOTable and want to determine the name, ucd and ID attributes of the first column and its magic blank value, you can do it like this:

    StarTable table = readVOTable();
    ColumnInfo col0 = table.getColumnInfo(0);
    String name0 = col0.getName();
    String ucd0 = col0.getUCD();
    String id0 = (String) col0.getAuxDatumValue(VOStarTable.ID_INFO,
    Number blank0 = (Number) col0.getAuxDatumValue(Tables.NULL_VALUE_INFO,

And if you are preparing a table to be written as a VOTable and want to set the name, ucd and ID attributes of a certain column, fix it to use a particular magic null integer value, and have it contain an element <LINK title='docs' href='...'>" you can set its ColumnInfo up like this:

    ColumnInfo configureColumn(String name, String ucd, String id, Number blank,
                               URL docURL) {
        ColumnInfo info = new ColumnInfo(name);
        info.setAuxDatum(new DescribedValue(VOStarTable.ID_INFO, id));
        info.setAuxDatum(new DescribedValue(Tables.NULL_VALUE_INFO, blank));
        info.setAuxDatum(new DescribedValue(new URLValueInfo("docs",null), docURL));
        return info;

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