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10.7.10 Formats

Functions for formatting numeric values.

formatDecimal( value, dp )
Turns a floating point value into a string with a given number of decimal places using standard settings.

formatDecimalLocal( value, dp )
Turns a floating point value into a string using current locale settings. For instance if language is set to French, decimal points will be represented as a comma "," instead of a full stop ".". Otherwise behaves the same as the corresponding formatDecimal function.

formatDecimal( value, format )
Turns a floating point value into a formatted string using standard settings. The format string is as defined by Java's java.text.DecimalFormat class.

formatDecimalLocal( value, format )
Turns a floating point value into a formatted string using current locale settings. For instance if language is set to French, decimal points will be represented as a comma "," instead of a full stop ".". Otherwise behaves the same as the corresponding formatDecimal function.

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