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6.4.11 topcat



Attempts to display the output table directly in TOPCAT. If a TOPCAT instance is already running on the local host, an attempt will be made to open the table in that. A variety of mechanisms are used to attempt communication with an existing TOPCAT instance. In order:

  1. SAMP using existing hub (TOPCAT v3.4+ only, requires SAMP hub to be running)
  2. PLASTIC using existing hub (requires PLASTIC hub to be running)
  3. SOAP (requires TOPCAT to run with somewhat deprecated -soap flag, may be limitations on table size)
  4. SAMP using internal, short-lived hub (TOPCAT v3.4+ only, running hub not required, but may be slow. It's better to start an external hub, e.g. topcat -exthub)
Failing that, an attempt will be made to launch a new TOPCAT instance for display. This only works if the TOPCAT classes are on the class path.

If large tables are involved, starting TOPCAT with the -disk flag is probably a good idea.

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