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6.1.32 setparam


   setparam [-type byte|short|int|long|float|double|boolean|string]
            [-desc <descrip>] [-unit <units>] [-ucd <ucd>]
            [-utype <utype>] [-xtype <xtype>]
            <pname> <pexpr>

Sets a named parameter in the table to a given value. The parameter named <pname> is set to the value <pexpr>, which may be a literal value or an expression involving mathematical operations and other parameter names (using the param$<name> syntax). By default, the data type of the parameter is determined by the type of the supplied expression, but this can be overridden using the -type flag. The parameter description, units, UCD, Utype and Xtype attributes may optionally be set using the other flags.

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