STILTS Licensing Arrangements ----------------------------- The STILTS application is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) available from Most, though not all, of the library code that it uses is however available under more permissive licenses. The code original to STILTS, and all of the other starjava (*) classes, are licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), available from The third party dependencies have a mixed bag of licenses. (For the original code, if even the LGPL is not acceptable to you, I might be able to offer other licenses.) Not all of these libraries are required for all the functions of STILTS. So, depending on what you want to do, you may be able to just throw out those libraries whose licenses you find unacceptable and use the remainder. If you don't see runtime NoClassDefFoundErrors, it's worked! For a less haphazard approach to determining whether certain libraries are required for certain operations, feel free to contact me. There follows a list of the individual libraries and their licenses. These refer to the jar files built used or built by the starjava build system, and are available as named if you download STILTS in the form of an archive of individual jar files ( rather than the monolithic standalone jar file (stilts.jar). I'll try to keep this list up to date, but if there are missing entries please complain. GPL: epsgraphics_classes.jar jel_g.jar jlatexmath.jar jfreesvg-3.4.jar moc.jar (probably LGPL in future versions) GPL with classpath exception: jide-oss.jar LGPL (starjava classes): astrogrid.jar cdf.jar connect.jar ecsv.jar fits.jar gbin.jar mirage.jar pal.jar parquet.jar plastic.jar registry.jar stilts-app.jar stilts-version.jar table.jar task.jar ttools.jar util.jar vo.jar votable.jar LGPL (other): adqlParser.jar ucidy-1.1.jar iText_shrunk.jar jcdf.jar dpac.jar Apache license: commons-logging-1.0.4.jar commons-codec-1.3.jar commons-el.jar xmlrpc-2.0.jar jsamp.jar org.mortbay.jetty.jar snakeyaml-1.25.jar gov.nasa.pds.* in pds.jar BSD 2-clause: unity-1.0.jar BSD 3-clause: cdshealpix.jar OSI CDDL: javax.servlet.jar Other permissive licenses: json.jar (JSON license) rayreg.jar (JUNX license) Unknown (but probably permissive): rmi-lite.jar htmIndex.jar skyview-geom.jar Mark Taylor