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7.1.4 Data Types

The class and shape of each column in a StarTable (accessed using the get/setContentClass() and get/setShape() methods of ColumnInfo) correspond to the datatype and arraysize attributes of the corresponding FIELD element in the VOTable. You are not expected to access the datatype and arraysize attributes directly.

How Java classes map to VOTable data types for the content of columns is similar to elsewhere in STIL. In general, scalars are represented by the corresponding primitive wrapper class (Integer, Double, Boolean etc), and arrays are represented by an array of primitives of the corresponding type (int[], double[], boolean[]). Arrays are only ever one-dimensional - information about any multidimensional shape they may have is supplied separately (use the getShape method on the corresponding ColumnInfo). There are a couple of exceptions to this: arrays with datatype="char" or "unicodeChar" are represented by String objects since that is almost always what is intended (n-dimensional arrays of char are treated as if they were (n-1)-dimensional arrays of Strings), and unsignedByte types are represented as if they were shorts, since in Java bytes are always signed. Complex values are represented as if they were an array of the corresponding type but with an extra dimension of size two (the most rapidly varying).

The following table summarises how all VOTable datatypes are represented:

    datatype        Class for scalar   Class for arraysize>1
    --------        ----------------   ---------------------
    boolean         Boolean            boolean[]
    bit             boolean[]          boolean[]
    unsignedByte    Short              short[]
    short           Short              short[]
    int             Integer            int[]
    long            Long               long[]
    char            Char               String or String[]
    unicodeChar     Char               String or String[]
    float           Float              float[]
    double          Double             double[]
    floatComplex    float[]            float[]
    doubleComplex   double[]           double[]

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STIL - Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library
Starlink User Note252
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