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3.1 Class Path

The classpath is the list of places that Java looks to find the bits of compiled code that it uses to run an application. Depending on how you have done your installation the core STILTS classes could be in various places, but they are probably in a file with one of the names stilts.jar, topcat-full.jar or topcat-extra.jar. The full pathname of one of these files can therefore be used as your classpath. In some cases these files are self-contained and in some cases they reference other jar files in the filesystem - this means that they may or may not continue to work if you move them from their original location.

Under certain circumstances the tools might need additional classes, for instance:

In this case the classpath must contain a list of all the jar files in which the required classes can be found, separated by colons (unix) or semicolons (MS Windows). Note that even if all your jar files are in a single directory you can't use the name of that directory as a class path - you must name each jar file, separated by colons/semicolons.

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