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omode=out out=<out-table> ofmt=<out-format>
Writes a new table.
Additional parameters for this output mode are:
out = <out-table>
- The location of the output table. This is usually a filename
to write to.
If it is equal to the special value "-" (the default)
the output table will be written to standard output.
[Default: -
ofmt = <out-format>
- Specifies the format in which the output table will be written
(one of the ones in Section 5.1.2 - matching is
case-insensitive and you can use just the first few letters).
If it has the special value
(the default),
then the output filename will be
examined to try to guess what sort of file is required
usually by looking at the extension.
If it's not obvious from the filename what output format is
intended, an error will result.
[Default: (auto)
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