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C.1 Acknowledgements

TOPCAT was initially (2003-2005) developed under the UK Starlink project (1980-2005, R.I.P.). Since then it has been supported mainly by the UK's governmentally funded research council STFC and its forerunner PPARC, but it has also been funded by a number of VO-related projects and received interim or targetted support from various other organisations. Specifically:

Some more detail is available in the FAQ. All of this support is gratefully acknowledged.

Nearly all of this work has been done in the Astrophysics Group of the School of Physics at the University of Bristol, but the Institute of Astronomy at the University of Cambridge and ARI at the University of Heidelberg have also been involved at some time.

Apart from the excellent Java 2 Standard Edition itself, the following external libraries provide parts of TOPCAT's functionality:

Contributed code from the following people is gratefully acknowledged:

Other contributions to the software are gratefully acknowledged:

TOPCAT has benefitted from, and is largely shaped by, advice, comments and feedback from very many users, testers and developers. Some of the notable contributers are these:

If you use this software in published work, the following citation would be appreciated:

2005ASPC..347...29T: M. B. Taylor, "TOPCAT & STIL: Starlink Table/VOTable Processing Software", in Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIV, eds. P Shopbell et al., ASP Conf. Ser. 347, p. 29 (2005)

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TOPCAT - Tool for OPerations on Catalogues And Tables
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