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TOPCAT was initially (2003-2005) developed under the UK
Starlink project (1980-2005, R.I.P.).
Since then it has been supported mainly by the UK's governmentally
funded research council STFC and its forerunner PPARC,
but it has also been funded by a number of VO-related projects and
received interim or targetted support from various other organisations.
Starlink, funded by PPARC
the UK's Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council,
grant PP/D002486/1
the UK's Science and Technology Facilities Council,
grants ST/H008470/1, ST/I00176X/1, ST/J001414/1 ST/L002388/1,
ST/M000907/1, ST/R000700/1, ST/S001980/1, ST/V000454/1,
ST/X002969/1 and ST/Y002032/1
the UK's VO project, funded by STFC/PPARC
the German Astrophysical Virtual Observatory,
BMBF Bewilligungsnummer 05A08VHA
the European Space Agency
- VOTech, an EU FP6 virtual observatory project
an EU FP7 virtual observatory project
an EU FP7 project related to the Gaia mission
Europlanet-2024 RI,
an EU Horizon 2020 planetary science virtual observatory project,
grant agreement No 871149
Some more detail is available in the
All of this support is gratefully acknowledged.
Nearly all of this work has been done in the
Astrophysics Group of the
School of Physics
at the
University of Bristol,
the Institute of Astronomy
at the University of Cambridge and
at the University of Heidelberg have also been involved at some time.
Apart from the excellent Java 2 Standard Edition itself,
the following external libraries provide parts of TOPCAT's
(Konstantin Metlov, GNU) for algebraic expression evaluation
(F-X Pineau, CDS) for HEALPix manipulation
Skyview in a Jar (NASA) for sky axis drawing
JLaTeXMath (Scilab) for LaTeX typesetting in plots
for PDF output
for SVG output
(Jibble) for encapsulated postscript output
VOLLT ADQL Library (Grégory Mantelet, CDS)
for ADQL parsing
Multi-Order Coverage HEALPix maps for footprint manipulation
Snakeyaml for YAML parsing in ECSV input handler
(Grégory Mantelet, CDS) for UCD parsing
Unity (Norman Gray, Glasgow) for VOUnits parsing
JSON-java (Douglas Crockford, org.json)
for JSON de/serialization
JIDE Common Layer (Jidesoft)
for double-ended slider controls
(NASA), a few low-level classes used for PDS4 datatype parsing
(NVO) for ADQL/X->S translations in registry searches
(Sloan Digital Sky Survey) for HTM-based celestial sphere row matching
(now deprecated within TOPCAT)
(Ptolemy) for some 2D axis plotting
(Sloan Digital Sky Survey) for simple display of FITS images
Contributed code from the following people is gratefully acknowledged:
- Thomas Boch (CDS), for the VizieR load dialogue.
- Gerard Lemson (MPE, Garching) for the GAVO load dialogue.
- Marco Molinaro (INAF-OATS) for the BaSTI load dialogue.
Other contributions to the software are gratefully acknowledged:
- The TOPCAT logo in use since version 4 was kindly drawn by Phil Hall.
- Initial inspiration for some of TOPCAT's features was taken from the
pre-existing tools
Mirage (Bell labs)
- The MacOS DMG file since v4.9 is built using
- The sources for colour maps used in plotting are
listed in Appendix A.4.7.
- Some icons were created by or adapted from
Smashicons from
TOPCAT has benefitted from, and is largely shaped by, advice,
comments and feedback from very many users, testers and developers.
Some of the notable contributers are these:
- Alasdair Allan (Starlink, Exeter)
- Mark Allen (CDS)
- Heinz Andernach (Guanajuato)
- Mark Bentley (ESA)
- Gabriel Bihain (MPG)
- Mark Birkinshaw (Bristol)
- Thomas Boch (CDS)
- Laurent Bourges (JMMC)
- Danny Boxhoorn (Kapteyn, Groningen)
- Malcolm Bremer (Bristol)
- Patrick Broos (Penn State)
- Johannes Buchner (MPE)
- Russ Calvert (AstroGrav)
- Baptiste Cecconi (LESIA)
- Igor Chilingarian (CfA)
- Tamara Civera (CEFCA)
- Malcolm Currie (Starlink, RAL)
- Clive Davenhall (Royal Observatory Edinburgh)
- Luke Davies (Bristol)
- Christoph Deil (MPI Heidelberg)
- Markus Demleitner (ARI Heidelberg)
- Sébastien Derriere (CDS)
- Emilio Donoso (ICATE)
- Peter Draper (Starlink, Durham)
- Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein (AEI, Hannover)
- Stéphane Erard (Observatoire de Paris)
- Jeremy Faden (Cottage Systems)
- Pierre Fernique (CDS)
- Boris Gänsicke (Warwick)
- Shashikiran Ganesh (PRL, India)
- Fedrico Garcia (RUG)
- Vincent Génot (IRAP)
- Robin Geyer (TU-Dresden)
- David Giaretta (Starlink, RAL)
- Bertrand Goldman (MPIA)
- Eduardo Gonzalez-Solares (IoA)
- Norman Gray (Starlink, Glasgow)
- Claire Greenwell (Durham)
- Phil Hall (Son of Ken)
- Haggis Harris (Bath)
- Evanthia Hatziminaoglou (ESO)
- Greg Hennessy (USNO)
- Avon Huxor (Bristol/ARI)
- Jonathan Irwin (Cambridge)
- Tim Jenness (JACH)
- JJ Kavelaars (NRC)
- Grant Kennedy (IoA)
- Sergei Klioner (Dresden)
- Christian Knigge (Southampton)
- Marina Kounkel (WWU)
- Gerard Lemson (MPE Garching)
- Jochen Liske (Hamburg)
- Mark Mahabir (Leicester)
- Brian Major (CADC)
- Bob Mann (Royal Observatory Edinburgh)
- Grégory Mantelet (CDS)
- Jean-Baptiste Marquette (Bordeaux)
- Ben Maughan (Bristol)
- Richard McMahon (IoA)
- Guillaume Mella (JMMC)
- Konstantin Metlov (Donetsk)
- Daniel Michalik (Lund)
- David Mills (Bristol)
- Alexey Mints (AIP)
- Douglas Morgan (Bristol)
- Rhys Morris (Bristol)
- August Muench (AAS)
- Simon Murphy (ANU)
- John Murrell
- Ada Nebot (CDS)
- François Ochsenbein (CDS)
- Masato Onodera (NAOJ)
- Clive Page (Leicester)
- Olivia Panzenböck (TU-Wien)
- Menelaus Perdikeas (ESAC)
- François-Xavier Pineau (CDS)
- Roy Platon (RAL)
- James Price (Bristol)
- Paul Price (Princeton)
- Mike Read (ROE)
- Anita Richards (Jodrell Bank)
- Kristin Riebe (AIP)
- Aaron Robotham (Bristol)
- Yannick Roehlly (OAMP)
- Robert Ryans (QUB)
- Henrik Rydberg (Gothenburg drinking water laboratory)
- Juan Carlos Segovia (ESAC)
- Petr Škoda (AIAS, CZ)
- Benjamin Steltner (MPG)
- Ole Streicher (AIP)
- Rachel Taylor (Cotham)
- Mattia Vaccari (Cape Town)
- Juande Sandander Vela (IAA-CSIC)
- Stelios Voutsinas (Rubin)
- Mike Watson (Leicester)
- Ming Yang (Athens)
- Ivan Zolotukhin (SAI MSU)
- Jonathan Zwart (Columbia)
If you use this software in published work, the following citation
would be appreciated:
M. B. Taylor, "TOPCAT & STIL: Starlink Table/VOTable Processing Software",
in Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIV,
eds. P Shopbell et al., ASP Conf. Ser. 347, p. 29 (2005)
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TOPCAT - Tool for OPerations on Catalogues And Tables
Starlink User Note253
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