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3.11 Authentication

Where STIL is given an HTTP/HTTPS URL to read, typically for table input, in most cases it reads the resource via methods of the AuthManager class rather than with a direct URL.openStream() or similar. This has the effect of managing authentication in cases where authentication requirements are specified in VO-compliant ways by the remote service. The default behaviour in this case is simply to deny access to resources for which authentication is required, but if a non-trivial UserInterface object is installed on the default AuthManager instance, the user will be queried for credentials when a recognised authentication challenge is encountered, and subsequent access will be granted if authentication and authorization are successful.

This user interaction and negotiation of authentication is invisible to STIL client code and requires no action other than an initial setup of the preferred user interface. This is typically done as follows:

    AuthManager.getInstance().setUserInterface( UserInterface.CLI );

This invocation would install a command-line user interface, so that the user would be queried on the console for username and password when required. Other UserInterface implementations (e.g. GUI, createFixed) can be used instead. If no such setup is done (or equivalently following setUserInterface(null)) STIL should behave just as if URLs are dereferenced in the usual way. However, the access is still being handled by the AuthManager in this case, so unforseen differences in behaviour are not impossible.

Note: These authentication arrangements in STIL are new at version 4.2, and rely on VO standards that are still under discussion. The API and behaviour may change in future releases, and at time of writing not all data services that provide authentication advertise it in a way that STIL can work with. It is hoped that authentication interoperability will improve in future versions of STIL and of server-side software. The authentication management is currently handled by the package bundled with STIL, but the AUTH package may be split off into a standalone product at some point in the future.

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STIL - Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library
Starlink User Note252
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