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2.3.2 Random Access

If a table's isRandom method returns true, then it is possible to access the cells of a table in any order.

The most straightforward way to do this is using the getCell or getRow methods directly on the table itself (not on a RowSequence). These methods are supposed to be in general safe for use from multiple threads concurrently; however depending on the implementation that may be enforced in a way that slows down concurrent access, for instance using synchronization.

The preferred alternative in multithreaded contexts is to use the getRowAccess method to obtain a RowAccess object. A RowAccess can be used for random access within a single thread, in a way that may (depending on the implementation) avoid contention for resources.

Similar comments about whether to use the by-cell or by-row methods apply as in the previous section.

If an attempt is made to call these random access methods on a non-random table (one for which isRandom() returns false), an UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown.

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