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B.45.3 Examples

Here is a brief example of running votlint against a (very short) imperfect VOTable document. If the document looks like this:

  <VOTABLE version="1.1">
    <TABLE nrows="2">
     <FIELD name="Identifier" datatype="char"/>
     <FIELD name="RA" datatype="double"/>
     <FIELD name="Dec" datatype="double"/>
     <DESCRIPTION>A very small table</DESCRIPTION>
        <TD>HD 216956</TD>
then the output of a votlint run looks like this:
  INFO (l.4): No arraysize for character, FIELD implies single character
  ERROR (l.7): Element "TABLE" does not allow "DESCRIPTION" here.
  WARNING (l.11): Characters after first in char scalar ignored (missing arraysize?)
  WARNING (l.15): Wrong number of TDs in row (expecting 3 found 4)
  ERROR (l.18): Row count (1) not equal to nrows attribute (2)
(Note that the details of the reports will vary according to the XML parser/validator that forms part of your Java installation.)

Note also that the warning at line 11 has resulted from the same error as the one at line 4 - because the FIELD element has no arraysize attribute, arraysize="1" (single character) is assumed, while the author almost certainly intended arraysize="*" (unknown length string).

By examining these warnings you can see what needs to be done to fix this table up. Here is what it should look like:

  <VOTABLE version="1.1">
    <TABLE nrows="1">                                <!-- change row count -->
     <DESCRIPTION>A very small table</DESCRIPTION>   <!-- move DESCRIPTION -->
     <FIELD name="Identifier" datatype="char" 
                              arraysize="*"/>        <!-- add arraysize -->
     <FIELD name="RA" datatype="double"/>
     <FIELD name="Dec" datatype="double"/>
       </TR>                                         <!-- remove extra TD -->
When fed this version, votlint gives no warnings.

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