STILTS - Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library Tool Set
Version 3.5-1

Cover image

Starlink User Note 256
Mark Taylor
6 November 2024



STILTS is a set of command-line tools for processing tabular data. It has been designed for, but is not restricted to, use on astronomical data such as source catalogues. It contains both generic (format-independent) table processing tools and tools for processing VOTable documents. Facilities offered include crossmatching, format conversion, format validation, column calculation and rearrangement, row selection, sorting, plotting, statistical calculations and metadata display. Calculations on cell data can be performed using a powerful and extensible expression language.

The package is written in pure Java and based on STIL, the Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library. This gives it high portability, support for many data formats (including FITS, VOTable, text-based formats and SQL databases), extensibility and scalability. Where possible the tools are written to accept streamed data so the size of tables which can be processed is not limited by available memory. As well as the tutorial and reference information in this document, detailed on-line help is available from the tools themselves.

The STILTS application is available under the GNU General Public License (GPL) though most parts of the library code may alternatively be used under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).

1 Introduction

STILTS provides a number of command-line applications which can be used for manipulating tabular data. Conceptually it sits between, and uses many of the same classes as, the packages STIL, which is a set of Java APIs providing table-related functionality, and TOPCAT, which is a graphical application providing the user with an interactive platform for exploring one or more tables. This document is mostly self-contained - it covers some of the same ground as the STIL and TOPCAT user documents (SUN/252 and SUN/253 respectively).

Currently, this package consists of commands in the following categories:

Generic table manipulation
tcopy, tpipe, tmulti, tmultin, tcat, tcatn, tloop, tjoin, arrayjoin, tgridmap, tgroup, and tcube (see Section 6).
tmatch1, tmatch2, tmatchn and tskymatch2 (see Section 7).
plot2plane, plot2sky, plot2cube, plot2sphere, plot2corner and plot2time (also deprecated old-style plot commands plot2d, plot3d and plothist) (see Section 8).
Sky Pixel Operations
tskymap, pixfoot and pixsample.
votcopy and votlint.
Virtual Observatory access
cdsskymatch, cone, coneskymatch, tapquery, tapresume, tapskymatch, taplint, datalinklint and regquery.
SQL databases
sqlclient, sqlupdate and sqlskymatch.
calc, funcs, server and xsdvalidate.
See Appendix A for an expanded version of this list.

There are many ways you might want to use these tools; here are a few possibilities:

In conjunction with TOPCAT
you can identify a set of processing steps using TOPCAT's interactive graphical facilities, and construct a script using the commands provided here which can perform the same steps on many similar tables without further user intervention.
Format conversion
If you have a separate table processing engine and you want to be able to output the results in a somewhat different form, for instance converting it from FITS to VOTable or from TABLEDATA-encoded to BINARY-encoded VOTable, or to perform some more scientifically substantial operation such as changing units or coordinate systems, substituting bad values etc, you can pass the results through one of the tools here. Since on the whole operation is streaming, such conversion can easily and efficiently be done on the fly.
Server-side operations
The tools provided here are suitable for use on servers, either to generate files as part of a web service (perhaps along the lines of the Format conversion item above) or as configurable components in a server-based workflow system. The server command may help, but is not required, for use in these situations.
Quick look
You might want to examine the metadata, or a few rows, or a statistical summary of a table without having to load the whole thing into TOPCAT or some other table viewer application.

2 The stilts command

All the functions available in this package can be used from a single command, which is usually referred to in this document simply as "stilts". Depending on how you have installed the package, you may just type "stilts", or something like

   java -jar some/path/stilts.jar
   java -classpath topcat-full.jar
or something else - this is covered in detail in Section 3.

In general, the form of a command is

   stilts <stilts-flags> <task-name> <task-args>
The forms of the parts of this command are described in the following subsections, and details of each of the available tasks along with their arguments are listed in the command reference at the end of this document. Some of the commands are highly configurable and have a variety of parameters to define their operation. In many cases however, it's not complicated to use them. For instance, to convert the data in a FITS table to VOTable format you might write:
   stilts tcopy cat.fits cat.vot

2.1 Stilts flags

Some flags are common to all the tasks in the STILTS package, and these are specified after the stilts invocation itself and before the task name. They generally have the same effect regardless of which task is running. These generic flags are as follows:

Prints a usage message for the stilts command itself and exits. The message contains a listing of all the known tasks.
Prints the STILTS version number and exits.
Causes more verbose information to be written during operation. Specifically, what this does is to boost the logging level by one notch. It may be specified multiple times to increase verbosity further. The flag +verbose can be used to do the opposite (reduce the logging level by one notch).
Causes unused parameter settings on the command line to be tolerated. Normally, any unused parameters on the command line cause a usage message to be output and the command to fail, on the assumption that if you've supplied a parameter setting that's not doing anything it is probably a mistake and you should be given a chance to correct it. But if this flag is set, you just get a warning through the logging system about any unused parameters, and the command is executed as if they weren't there.
Most of the STILTS commands have a number of parameters which will assume sensible defaults if you do not give them explicit values on the command line. If you use the -prompt flag, then you will be prompted for every parameter you have not explicitly specified to give you an opportunity to enter a value other than the default.
Outputs the elapsed time taken by the task to standard error on successful completion.
Sets up output suitable for debugging. The most visible consequence of this is that if an error occurs then a full stacktrace is output, rather than just a user-friendly report.
Some parameters will prompt you for their values, even if they offer legal defaults. If you use the -batch flag, then you won't be prompted at all.
Encourages the command to use java heap memory for caching large amounts of data rather than using temporary disk files. The default is to use memory for small tables, and disk for large ones. This flag is in most cases equivalent to specifying the system property
Encourages the command to use temporary files on disk for caching table data. The default is to use memory for small tables, and disk for large ones. Using this flag may help if you are running out of memory. This flag is in most cases equivalent to specifying the system property
Displays a graphical window while the command is running which summarises used and available heap memory. May be useful for profiling or understanding resource constraints.
-checkversion <vers>
Requires that the version is exactly as given by the string <vers>. If it is not, STILTS will exit with an error. This can be useful when executing in certain controlled environments to ensure that the correct version of the application is being picked up.
-stdout <file>
Sends all normal output from the run to the given file. By default this goes to the standard output stream. Supplying an empty string or "-" for <file> will restore this default behaviour.
-stderr <file>
Sends all error output from the run to the given file. By default this goes to the standard error stream. Supplying an empty string or "-" for <file> will restore this default behaviour.

If you are submitting an error report, please include the result of running stilts -version and the output of the troublesome command with the -debug flag specified.

2.2 Task Names

The <task-name> part of the command line is the name of one of the tasks listed in Appendix B - currently the available tasks are:

2.3 Task Arguments

The <task-args> part of the command line is a list of parameter assignments, each giving the value of one of the named parameters belonging to the task which is specified in the <task-name> part.

The general form of each parameter assignment is

If you want to set the parameter to the null value, which is legal for some but not all parameters, use the special string "null", or just leave the value blank ("<param-name>="). In some cases you can optionally leave out the <param-name> part of the assignment (i.e. the parameter is positionally determined); this is indicated in the task's usage description if the parameter is described like [<param-name>=]<param-value> rather than <param-name>=<param-value>. If the <param-value> contains spaces or other special characters, then in most cases, such as from the Unix shell, you will have to quote it somehow. How this is done depends on your platform, but usually surrounding the whole value in single quotes will do the trick.

Tasks may have many parameters, and you don't have to set all of them explicitly on the comand line. For a parameter which you don't set, two things can happen. In many cases, it will default to some sensible value. Sometimes however, you may be prompted for the value to use. In the latter case, a line like this will be written to the terminal:

   matcher - Name of matching algorithm [sky]:
This is prompting you for the value of the parameter named matcher. "Name of matching algorithm" is a short description of what that parameter does. "sky" is the default value (if there is no default, no value will appear in square brackets). At this point you can do one of four things: Under normal circumstances, most parameters which have a legal default value will default to it if they are not set on the command line, and you will only be prompted for those where there is no default or the program thinks there's a good chance you might not want to use it. You can influence this however using flags to the stilts command itself (see Section 2.1). If you supply the -prompt flag, then you will be prompted for every parameter you have not explicitly set. If you supply -batch on the other hand, you won't be prompted for any parameters (and if you fail to set any without legal default values, the task will fail).

If you want to see the actual values of the parameters for a task as it runs, including prompted values and defaulted ones which you haven't specified explicitly, you can use the -verbose flag after the stilts command:

   % stilts -verbose tcopy cat.fits cat.vot ifmt=fits
   INFO: tcopy in=cat.fits out=cat.vot ifmt=fits ofmt=(auto)

If you make a parameter assignment on the command line for a parameter which is not used by the task in question, STILTS will issue an error message and the task will fail. Note some parameters are only used dependent on the presence or values of other parameters, so even supplying a parameter which is documented in the task's usage can have this effect. This is done on the assumption that if you have supplied a spurious parameter it's probably a mistake and you should be given the opportunity to correct it. But if you want to be free to make these mistakes without the task failing, you can supply the -allowunused flag as described in Section 2.1, in which case they will just result in a warning.

Note that when running STILTS from the shell, it may be necessary to quote some parameter values, in case they contain spaces or other characters which the shell may try to interpret. This can typically be done by writing assignments of the form

but things can get more hairy; see Section 10.6 for more detail.

Extensive help is available from stilts itself about task and its parameters, as described in the next section.

2.4 Getting Help

As well as the command descriptions in this document (especially the reference section Appendix B) you can get help for STILTS usage from the command itself. Typing

   stilts -help
results in this output:
      stilts [-help] [-version] [-verbose] [-allowunused] [-prompt] [-bench]
             [-debug] [-batch] [-memory] [-disk] [-memgui]
             [-checkversion <vers>] [-stdout <file>] [-stderr <file>]
             <task-name> <task-args>

      stilts <task-name> help[=<param-name>|*]

      Known tasks:

For help on the individual tasks, including their parameter lists, you can supply the word help after the task name, so for instance

   stilts tcopy help
results in
   Usage: tcopy ifmt=<in-format> ofmt=<out-format>
                [in=]<table> [out=]<out-table>

Finally, you can get help on any of the parameters of a task by writing help=<param-name>, like this:

   stilts tcopy help=in
   Help for parameter IN in task TCOPY



         Location of input table

         The location of the input table. This may take one of the following

          * A filename.
          * A URL.
          * The special value "-", meaning standard input. In this case the
               input format must be given explicitly using the ifmt parameter.
               Note that not all formats can be streamed in this way.
          * A scheme specification of the form :<scheme-name>:<scheme-args>.
          * A system command line with either a "<" character at the start, or
               a "|" character at the end ("<syscmd" or "syscmd|"). This
               executes the given pipeline and reads from its standard output.
               This will probably only work on unix-like systems.

         In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression
         formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed

If you use "*" instead of a parameter name in this usage, help for all the parameters will be printed. Note that in most shells you will probably need to quote the asterisk, so you should write
   stilts tcopy help='*'

In some cases, as described in Section 2.3, you will be prompted for the value of a parameter with a line something like this:

   matcher - Name of matching algorithm [sky]:
In this case, if you enter "help" or a question mark, then the parameter help entry will be printed to the screen, and the prompt will be repeated.

For more detailed descriptions of the tasks, which includes explanatory comments and examples as well as the information above, see the full task descriptions in the Command Reference.

3 Invocation

There are a number of ways of invoking commands in the stilts application, depending on how you have installed the package. This section describes how to invoke it from the command line. Other options are using it from Jython (the Java implementation of the Python language) as described in Section 4, invoking it over HTTP as described in Section 11, and invoking it from within a Java application as described in Section 12.

If you're using a Unix-like operating system, the easiest way is to use the stilts script. It is a simple shell script which just invokes java with the right classpath and the supplied arguments.

If you have a full starjava installation the stilts script is in the starjava/bin directory. Otherwise you can download it separately from wherever you got your STILTS installation in the first place, or find it at the top of the stilts.jar or topcat-*.jar file that contains your STILTS installation, so do something like

   unzip stilts.jar stilts
   chmod +x stilts
to extract it (if you don't have unzip, try jar xvf stilts.jar stilts). If you have mounted the topcat-all.dmg file on MacOS (hdiutil attach topcat-all.dmg) it will probably be present at a location like /Volumes/topcat/

To run using the stilts script, first make sure that both the java executable and the stilts script itself are on your path, and that the stilts.jar or topcat-*.jar jar file is in the same directory as stilts. Then the form of invocation is:

   stilts <java-flags> <stilts-flags> <task-name> <task-args>
A simple example would be:
   stilts votcopy format=binary t1.xml t2.xml
in this case, as often, there are no <java-flags> or <stilts-flags>. If you use the -classpath argument or have a CLASSPATH environment variable set, then classpath elements thus specified will be added to the classpath required to run the command. The examples in the command descriptions below use this form for convenience.

If you don't have a Unix-like shell available however, you will need to invoke Java directly with the appropriate classes on your classpath. If you have the file stilts.jar, in most cases you can just write:

   java <java-flags> -jar stilts.jar <stilts-flags> <task-name> <task-args>
which in practice would look something like
   java -jar /some/where/stilts.jar votcopy format=binary t1.xml t2.xml

In the most general case, Java's -jar flag might be no good, for one of the following reasons:

  1. You have the classes in some form other than the stilts.jar file (such as topcat-full.jar)
  2. You need to specify some extra classes on the classpath, which is required e.g. for use with JDBC or if you are extending the commands using your own classes at runtime
In this case, you will need an invocation of this form:
   java <java-flags> -classpath <class-path> <stilts-flags> <task-name> <task-args>
The example above in this case would look something like:
   java -classpath /some/where/topcat-full.jar 
        votcopy format=binary t1.xml t2.xml

Finally, as a convenience, it is possible to run STILTS from a TOPCAT installation by using its -stilts flag, like this:

   topcat <java-flags> -stilts <stilts-flags> <task-name> <task-args>
This is possible because TOPCAT is built on top of STILTS, so contains a superset of its code.

The <stilts-flags>, <task-name> and <task-args> parts of these invocations are explained in Section 2, and the <class-path> and <java-flags> parts are explained in the following subsections.

3.1 Class Path

The classpath is the list of places that Java looks to find the bits of compiled code that it uses to run an application. Depending on how you have done your installation the core STILTS classes could be in various places, but they are probably in a file with one of the names stilts.jar, topcat-full.jar or topcat-extra.jar. The full pathname of one of these files can therefore be used as your classpath. In some cases these files are self-contained and in some cases they reference other jar files in the filesystem - this means that they may or may not continue to work if you move them from their original location.

Under certain circumstances the tools might need additional classes, for instance:

In this case the classpath must contain a list of all the jar files in which the required classes can be found, separated by colons (unix) or semicolons (MS Windows). Note that even if all your jar files are in a single directory you can't use the name of that directory as a class path - you must name each jar file, separated by colons/semicolons.

3.2 Java Flags

In most cases it is not necessary to specify any additional arguments to the Java runtime, but it can be useful in certain circumstances. The two main kinds of options you might want to specify directly to Java are these:

System properties
System properties are a way of getting information into the Java runtime from the outside, rather like environment variables. There is a list of the ones which have significance to STILTS in Section 3.3. You can set them from the command line using a flag of the form -Dname=value. So for instance to ensure that temporary files are written to the /home/scratch directory, you could use the flag
Memory size
Java runs with a fixed amount of 'heap' memory; this is typically 64Mb by default. If one of the tools fails with a message that says it's out of memory then this has proved too small for the job in hand. You can increase the heap memory with the -Xmx flag. To set the heap memory size to 256 megabytes, use the flag
(don't forget the 'M' for megabyte). You will probably find performance is dreadful if you specify a heap size larger than the physical memory of the machine you're running on.

You can specify other options to Java such as tuning and profiling flags etc, but if you want to do that sort of thing you probably don't need me to tell you about it.

If you are using the stilts command-line script, any flags to it starting -D or -X are passed directly to the java executable. You can pass other flags to Java with the stilts script's -J flag; for instance:

   stilts -Xmx4M -J-verbose:gc calc 'mjdToIso(0)'
is equivalent to
   java -Xmx4M -verbose:gc -jar stilts.jar calc 'mjdToIso(0)'

3.3 System Properties

System properties are a way of getting information into the Java runtime - they are a bit like environment variables. There are two ways to set them when using STILTS: either on the command line using arguments of the form -Dname=value (see Section 3.2) or in a file in your home directory named, in the form of a name=value line. Thus submitting the flag

on the command line is equivalent to having the following in your file:
   #  Force strict interpretation of the VOTable standard.

The following system properties have special significance to STILTS:

Can be used to force HTTP access to go via a named proxy; may be required if you are attempting access to remote data or services from behind a firewall configured to block direct HTTP connections. See java documentation for this property for more details.
May need to be set to "true" if running the plotting tasks on a headless server. You only need to worry about this if you see error messages complaining about headlessness.
The directory in which STILTS will write any temporary files it needs. This defaults to the system temporary directory (e.g. /tmp on Unix), so if working with large unmapped (e.g. CSV) tables on a machine with limited space on the default disk, it may be necessary to change it.
Controls the level of parallelisation done by certain processing, currently mainly visualisation. By default it is typically set to one less than the number of processing cores on the current machine. To inhibit parallelisation (e.g. if you suspect that the parallel output is giving different results to sequential processing) you can set this to 1.
Can be set to a (colon-separated) list of JDBC driver classes using which SQL databases can be accessed (see Section 3.4).
Can be set to a (colon-separated) list of classes containing static methods which define user-provided functions for synthetic columns or subsets. (see Section 10.9.3).
If set to "true", this will work around a bug in the mark()/reset() methods of some java InputStream classes. These are rather common, including in Sun's J2SE system libraries. Use this if you are seeing errors that say something like "Resetting to invalid mark". Currently defaults to "false".
Raises the maximum number of concurrent queries that may be made during a multi-cone operation. You should only increase this value with great care since you risk overloading servers and becoming unpopular with data centres. As a rule, you should only increase this value if you have obtained permission from the data centres whose services on which you will be using the increased parallelism.
If these are both set, they will provide username and password for accessing authenticated resources. Any time the application is refused access to an HTTP connection and knows how to try to authenticate, it will try again using these credentials. In each case the values may be either the username/password itself, or of the form "@<filename>", in which case the value is read from the first line of the named file. This replaces the normal behaviour of asking for a username and password on the console; see the section on Authentication for more details. Since this setting will pass the username and password information to any protected resource without checking it is the intended destination, this can potentially leak secret information to third parties, so these properties should be set with care.
Configures the list of authentication schemes that will be considered when connecting to services issuing a WWW-Authenticate challenge. A comma-separated list of scheme names or AuthScheme implementation classnames may be provided.
Can be set to a (colon-separated) list of custom table format input handler classes (see SUN/252). Each class must implement the interface, and must have a no-arg constructor. The readers thus named will be available alongside the standard ones listed in Section 5.1.1.
Can be set to a (colon-separated) list of custom table scheme handler classes. Each class must implement the interface, and must have a no-arg constructor. The schemes thus named will be available alongside the standard ones listed in Section 5.3.
Can be set to determine the default storage policy. Setting it to "disk" has basically the same effect as supplying the "-disk" argument on the command line (see Section 2.1). Other possible values are "adaptive", "memory", "sideways" and "discard"; see SUN/252. The default is "adaptive", which means storing smaller tables in memory, and larger ones on disk.
Determines whether and how unmapping of memory mapped buffers is done. Possible values are "sun" (the default), "cleaner", "unsafe" or "none". In most cases you are advised to leave this alone, but in the event of unmapping-related JVM crashes (not expected!), setting it to none may help.
Can be set to a (colon-separated) list of custom table format output handler classes (see SUN/252). Each class must implement the interface, and must have a no-arg constructor. The writers thus named will be available alongside the standard ones listed in Section 5.1.2.
Determines how namespacing is handled in input VOTable documents. Known values are "none" (no namespacing, xmlns declarations in VOTable document will probably confuse parser), "lax" (anything that looks like it is probably a VOTable element will be treated as a VOTable element) and "strict" (VOTable elements must be properly declared in one of the correct VOTable namespaces). May also be set to the classname of a implementation. The default is "lax".
Controls the behaviour when encountering a VOTable FIELD or PARAM element with a datatype attribute of char/unicodeChar, and no arraysize attribute. The VOTable standard says this indicates a single character, but some VOTables omit arraysize specification by accident when they intend arraysize="*". If votable.strict is set true, a missing arraysize will be interpreted as meaning a single character, and if false, it will be interpreted as a variable-length array of characters (a string). The default is true.
Selects the version of the VOTable standard which output VOTables will conform to by default. May take the values "1.0", "1.1", "1.2", "1.3" or "1.4". By default, version 1.4 VOTables are written.

3.4 JDBC Configuration

This section describes additional configuration which must be done to allow the commands to access SQL-compatible relational databases for reading or writing tables. If you don't need to talk to SQL-type databases, you can ignore the rest of this section. The steps described here are the standard ones for configuring JDBC (which sort-of stands for Java Database Connectivity); you can find more information on that on the web. The best place to look may be within the documentation of the RDBMS you are using.

To use STILTS with SQL-compatible databases you must:

Installing the driver consists of two steps:
  1. Ensure that the classpath you are using includes this driver class as described in Section 3.1
  2. Set the jdbc.drivers system property to the name of the driver class as described in Section 3.3

Here is an example of using tpipe to write the results of an SQL query on a table in a MySQL database as a VOTable:

   stilts -classpath /usr/local/jars/mysql-connector-java.jar \
          -Djdbc.drivers=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver \
          tpipe \
          in="jdbc:mysql://localhost/db1#SELECT id, ra, dec FROM gsc WHERE mag < 9" \
          ofmt=votable gsc.vot
or invoking Java directly:
   java -classpath stilts.jar:/usr/local/jars/mysql-connect-java.jar \
        -Djdbc.drivers=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver \ tpipe \
        in="jdbc:mysql://localhost/db1#SELECT id, ra, dec FROM gsc WHERE mag < 9" \
        ofmt=votable out=gsc.vot
You have to exercise some care to get the arguments in the right order here - see Section 3.

Alternatively, you can set some of this up beforehand to make the invocation easier. If you set your CLASSPATH environment variable to include the driver jar file (and the STILTS classes if you're invoking Java directly rather than using the scripts), and if you put the line

in the file in your home directory, then you could avoid having to give the -classpath and -Djdbc.drivers flags respectively.

Below are presented the results of some experiments with JDBC drivers. Note however that this information may be be incomplete and out of date. If you have updates, feel free to pass them on and they may be incorporated here.

To the author's knowledge, STILTS has successfully been used with the following RDBMSs and corresponding JDBC drivers:

MySQL has been tested on Linux with the Connector/J driver and seems to work; tested versions are server 3.23.55 with driver 3.0.8 and server 4.1.20 with driver 5.0.4. Sometimes tables with very many (hundreds of) columns cannot be written owing to SQL statement length restrictions. Note there is known to be a column metadata bug in version 3.0.6 of the driver which can cause a ClassCastException error when tables are written. Check the driver's documentation for additional parameters, for instance "useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF8" may be required to handle some non-ASCII characters.
PostgreSQL 7.4.1 apparently works with its own driver. Note the performance of this driver appears to be rather poor, at least for writing tables.
You can use Oracle with the JDBC driver that comes as part of its Basic Instant Client Package.
SQL Server
There is more than one JDBC driver known to work with SQL Server, including jTDS and its own JDBC driver. Some evidence suggests that jTDS may be the better choice, but your mileage may vary.
Sybase ASE
There has been a successful use of Sybase 12.5.2 and jConnect (jconn3.jar) using a JDBC URL like "jdbc:sybase:Tds:hostname:port/dbname?user=XXX&password=XXX#SELECT...". An earlier attempt using Sybase ASE 11.9.2 failed.
It is probably possible to use other RDBMSs and drivers, but you may have to do some homework.

Here are some example command lines that at least have at some point got STILTS running with databases:

   stilts -classpath pg73jdbc3.jar \
          -Djdbc.drivers=org.postgresql.Driver ...
   stilts -classpath mysql-connector-java-3.0.8-bin.jar \
          -Djdbc.drivers=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver ...
   stilts -classpath ojdbc14.jar \
          -Djdbc.drivers=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver ...
SQL Server with jTDS
   stilts -classpath jtds-1.1.jar \
          -Djdbc.drivers=net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver ...

4 JyStilts - STILTS from Python

Most of the discussions and examples in this document describe using STILTS as a standalone java application from the command line; in this case, scripting can be achieved by executing one STILTS command, followed by another, followed by another, perhaps controlled from a shell script, with intermediate results stored in files.

However, it is also possible to invoke STILTS commands from within the Jython environment. Jython is a pure-java implementation of the widely-used Python scripting language. Using Jython is almost exactly the same as using the more usual C-based Python, except that it is not possible to use extensions which use C code. This means that if you are familiar with Python programming, it is very easy to string STILTS commands together in Jython.

This approach has several advantages over the conventional command-line usage:

Note however that you will not be able to introduce JyStilts commands into your larger existing Python programs if those rely on C-based extensions, such as NumPy and SciPy, since JyStilts will only run in JPython, while C-based extensions will only run in CPython. (See however JNumeric for some of the Numpy functionality from Jython.)

Usage from jython has syntax which is similar to command-line STILTS, but with a few changes. The following functions are defined by JyStilts:

Reasonably detailed documentation for these is provided in the usual Python way ("doc strings"), and can be accessed using the Python "help" command, however for full documentation and examples you should refer to this document.

In JyStilts the input, processing, filtering and output are done in separate steps, unlike in command-line STILTS where they all have to be combined into a single line. This can make the flow of execution easier to follow. A typical sequence will involve:

  1. Reading one or more tables from file using the tread function
  2. Perhaps filtering the input table(s) using one or more of the cmd_* filter methods
  3. Performing core processing such as crossmatching
  4. Perhaps filtering the result using one or more of the cmd_* filter methods
  5. If running interactively, perhaps examining the intermediate results using one of the mode_* output modes
  6. Writing the final result to a file using the write method

Here is an example command line invocation for crossmatching two tables:

stilts tskymatch2 in1=survey.fits \
	     icmd1='addskycoords fk4 fk5 RA1950 DEC1950 RA2000 DEC2000' \
	     in2=mycat.csv ifmt2=csv \
	     icmd2='select VMAG>18' \
	     ra1=ALPHA dec1=DELTA ra2=RA2000 dec2=DEC2000 \
	     error=10 join=2not1 \
and here is what it might look like in JyStilts:
>>> import stilts
>>> t1 = stilts.tread('survey.fits')
>>> t1 = t1.cmd_addskycoords(t1, 'fk4', 'fk5', 'RA1950', 'DEC1950', 'RA2000', 'DEC2000')
>>> t2 = stilts.tread('mycat.csv', 'csv')
>>> t2 = t2.cmd_select('VMAG>18')
>>> tm = stilts.tskymatch2(in1=t1, in2=t2, ra1='ALPHA', dec1='DELTA',
...                        error=10, join='2not1')
>>> tm.write('matched.fits')

When running interactively, it can be convenient to examine the intermediate results before processing or writing as well, for instance:

>>> tm.mode_count()
columns: 19   rows: 2102
>>> tm.cmd_keepcols('ID ALPHA DELTA').cmd_head(4).write()
| ID     | ALPHA         | DELTA     |
| 262    | 149.82439     | -0.11249  |
| 263    | 150.14438     | -0.11785  |
| 265    | 149.92944     | -0.11667  |
| 273    | 149.93185     | -0.12566  |

More detail about how to run JyStilts and its usage is given in the following subsections.

4.1 Running JyStilts

The easiest way to run JyStilts is to download the standalone jystilts.jar file from the STILTS web page, and simply run

java -jar jystilts.jar   
This file includes jython itself and all the STILTS and JyStilts classes. To use the JyStilts commands, you will need to import the stilts module using a line like "import stilts" from Jython in the usual Python way.

Alternatively, you can run JyStilts from an existing Jython installation using just the stilts.jar file. First, make sure that Jython is installed; it is available from, and comes as a self-installing jar file. JyStilts has been tested, and appears to work, with jython version 2.7.2. It also works with jython 2.5.* under Java 8 and Java 11, but jystilts with jython 2.5.* and Java 17 can fail with security problems. Some earlier versions of JyStilts worked with jython 2.2.1, but that no longer seems to be the case; it might be possible to reinstate this if there is some pressing need.

To use JyStilts, you then just need to start jython with the stilts.jar file on your classpath, for instance like this:

jython -J-classpath /some/where/stilts.jar
or (C-shell):
setenv CLASSPATH /some/where/stilts.jar

Optionally, you can extract the module from the stilts.jar file (using a command like "unzip stilts.jar") and put it in a directory on your jython sys.path (e.g. jythondir/Lib); this may cause jython to compile it to bytecode (stilts$py.class) and thus improve startup time. Note that in this case you will still need the stilts.jar file on your classpath as above.

4.2 Table I/O

The tread function reads tables from an external location into JyStilts. Its arguments are as follows:

tread(location, fmt='(auto)', random=False)
and its return value is a table object, which can be interrogated directly, or used in other JyStilts commands. Usually, the location argument should be a string which gives the filename or URL at which a table can be found. You can alternatively use a readable python file (or file-like) object for the location, but be aware that this may be less efficient on memory. As with command-line STILTS, the fmt argument is one of the options in Section 5.1.1, but may be left as the default if the format auto-detectable, which currently means if the file is in VOTable, FITS, CDF, ECSV, PDS4, Parquet, Feather or GBIN format. The random argument can be used to ensure that the returned file has random (i.e. not sequential-only) access; for some table formats the default way of reading them in means that their rows can only be accessed in sequence. Depending on what processing you are doing, that may or may not be satisfactory.

Examples of reading a table are:

>>> import stilts
>>> t1 = stilts.tread('cat.fits')
>>> t2 = stilts.tread(open('cat.fits', 'rb'))           # less efficient
>>> t3 = stilts.tread('data.csv', fmt='csv', random=True)

The most straightforward way to write a table (presumably the result of one or a sequence of JyStilts commands) is using the write table method:

write(self, location=None, fmt='(auto)')
The location gives either a string which is a filename, or a writable python file (or file-like) object. Again, use of a filename is preferred as it may(?) be more efficient. If no location is supplied, the table will be written to standard output (useful for inspection, but a bad idea for binary formats or very large tables). The fmt argument is one of the output formats in Section 5.1.2, but may be left as the default if the format can be guessed from the filename.

Examples of writing a table are:

>>> table.write('out.fits')
>>> table.write(open('out.fits', 'wb'))       #  less efficient?
>>> table.write('catalogue.dat', fmt='csv')
>>> table.write()                             #  display to stdout

Often it's convenient to combine examining the table with filtering steps, for instance:

>>> table.every(100).write()
would write only every hundredth row, and
>>> (table.cmd_sorthead(10, 'BMAG')
...       .cmd_select('!NULL_VMAG')
...       .cmd_keepcols('BMAG VMAG')
...       .write())
would write only the BMAG and VMAG columns for the ten rows in which VMAG is non-null with the lowest BMAG values.

You can also read and write multiple tables, if you use a table format for which that is appropriate. This generally means FITS (which can store tables in multiple extensions) or VOTable (which can store multiple TABLE elements in one document). This is done using the treads and twrites functions. The functions look like this:

treads(location, fmt='(auto)', random=False)
twrites(tables, location=None, fmt='(auto)')
These are similar to the tread and twrite functions, except that treads returns a list of tables rather than a single table, and twrites's tables argument is an iterable over tables rather than a single table. Here is an example of reading multiple tables from a multi-extension FITS file, counting the rows in each, and then writing them out to a multi-TABLE VOTable file:
import stilts
tables = stilts.treads('multi.fits')
print([t.getRowCount() for t in tables])
stilts.twrites(tables, 'multi.vot', fmt='votable')

4.3 Table objects

The tables read by the tread function and produced by operating on them within JyStilts have a number of methods defined on them. These are explained below.

First, a number of special methods are defined which allow a table to behave in python like a sequence of rows:

This special method means that the table can be treated as an iterable, so that for instance "for row in table:" will iterate over all rows.
__len__ (random-access tables only)
This special method means that you can use the expression "len(table)" to count the number of rows. This method is not available for tables with sequential access only.
__getitem__ (random-access tables only)
Returns a row at a given index in the table. This special method means that you can use indexing expressions like "table[3]" or table[0:10] to obtain the row or rows corresponding to a given row index or slice. This method is not available for tables with sequential access only.
__add__, __mul__, __rmul__
These special methods allow the addition and multiplication operators "+" and and "*" to be used with the sense of concatenation. Thus "table1+table2" will produce a new table with the rows of table1 followed by the rows of table2. Note this will only work if both tables have compatible columns. Similarly "table*3" would produce a table like table but with all its rows repeated three times.
In all of these cases, each row object that is accessed is a tuple of the column values for that row of the table. The tuple items (table cells) may be accessed using a key which is a numeric index or slice in the usual way, or with a key which is a column name, or one of the ColumnInfo objects returned by columns().

Sometimes, the result of a table operation will be a table which does not have random access. For such tables you can iterate over the rows, but not get their row values by indexing. Non-random-access tables are also peculiar in that getRowCount returns a negative value. To take a table which may not have random access and make it capable of random access, use the random filter: "table=table.cmd_random()".

To a large extent it is possible to duplicate the functions of the various STILTS commands by writing your own python code based on these python-friendly table access methods. Note however that such python-based processing is likely to be much slower than the STILTS equivalents. If performance is important to you, you should try in most cases to use the various cmd_* commands etc for table processing.

Second, some additional utility methods are defined:

Returns the number of rows in the table in the most efficient way possible. If the table is random-access or otherwise knows its row count without further calculation, that value is returned. Otherwise, the rows are iterated over without reading, which may take some time but should be much more efficient than iterating over the table as an iterable, since the row cell data itself is not retrieved.
Returns a tuple of the column descriptors for the table. Each item in the tuple is an instance of the ColumnInfo class; useful methods include getName(), getUnitString(), getUCD(). str(column) will return its name.
Returns a sequence of the values for the given column. The sequence will have the same number of elements as the number of rows in the table. The key argument may be either an integer column index (if negative, counts backwards from the end), or the column name or info object. The returned value will always be iterable (has __iter__), but will only be indexable (has __len__ and __getitem__) if the table is random access.
Returns a name to value mapping of the table parameters (per-table metadata). This does not include all the available information about those parameters, for instance unit and UCD information is not included. For more detailed information, use the StarTable methods. Note that as currently implemented, changing the values in the returned mapping will not change the actual table parameter values.
write(location=None, fmt=None)
Outputs the table. The optional location argument gives a filename or writable file object, and the optional fmt argument gives a format, one of the options listed in Section 5.1.1. If location is not supplied, output is to standard output, so in an interactive session it will be printed to the terminal. If fmt is not supplied, an attempt will be made to guess a suitable format based on the location.

Third, a set of cmd_* methods corresponding to the STILTS filters are available; these are described in Section 4.4.

Fourth, a set of mode_* methods corresponding to the STILTS output modes are available; these are described in Section 4.5.

Finally, tables are also instances of the StarTable interface defined by STIL, which is the table I/O layer underlying STILTS. The full documentation can be found in the user manual and javadocs on the STIL page, and all the java methods can be used from JyStilts, but in most cases there are more pythonic equivalents provided, as described above.

Here are some examples of these methods in use:

   >>> import stilts
   >>> xsc = stilts.tread('/data/table/2mass_xsc.xml')  # read table
   >>> xsc.mode_count()                                 # show rows/column count
   columns: 6   rows: 1646844
   >>> print xsc.columns()                              # full info on columns
   (id(String), ra(Double)/degrees, dec(Double)/degrees, jmag(Double)/mag, hmag(Double)/mag, kmag(Double)/mag)
   >>> print [str(col) for col in xsc.columns()]        # column names only
   ['id', 'ra', 'dec', 'jmag', 'hmag', 'kmag']
   >>> row = xsc[1000000]                               # examine millionth row
   >>> print row
   (u'19433000+4003190', 295.875, 40.055286, 14.449, 13.906, 13.374)
   >>> print row[0]                                     # cell by index
   >>> print row['ra'], row['dec']                      # cells by col name
   295.875 40.055286
   >>> print len(xsc)                                   # count rows, maybe slow
   >>> print xsc.count_rows()                           # count rows efficiently
   >>> print (xsc+xsc).count_rows()                     # concatenate
   >>> print (xsc*10000).count_rows()
   >>> for row in xsc:                  # select rows using python commands
   ...     if row[4] - row[3] > 3.0:
   ...         print row[0]
   >>>                                  # same thing using stilts (50x faster)
   >>> (xsc.cmd_select('hmag - jmag > 3.0')
   ...     .cmd_keepcols('id')
   ...     .write())
   | id               |
   | 11165243+2925509 |
   | 20491597+5119089 |
   | 04330238+0858101 |
   | 01182715-1013248 |
   | 11244075+5218078 |

The following are all ways to obtain the value of a given cell in the table from the previous example.

    xsc.getCell(99, 0)
Some of these methods may be more efficient than others. Note that none of these methods will work if the table has sequential-only access.

4.4 Table filter commands (cmd_*)

The STILTS table filters documented in Section 6.1 are available in JyStilts as table methods which start with the "cmd_" prefix. The return value when calling the method on a table object is another table object. The arguments, which are the same as those required for the command-line version, are supplied as a list of unnamed arguments of the cmd_* function. In general the arguments are strings, but numbers are accepted where appropriate. Use the python help command to see the usage of each method.

So, to use the tail filter to select only the last ten lines of a table, you can write:

To set units of "Hz" for some columns using the colmeta filter write:
   table.cmd_colmeta('-units', 'Hz', 'AFREQ BFREQ CFREQ')
Note that where a filter argument is a space-separated list it must appear as a single argument in the filter invocation, just as in command-line STILTS.

The filter commands are also available as module functions. This means that

   stilts.cmd_head(table, 10)
have exactly the same meaning. It's a matter of taste which you prefer.

4.5 Table output modes (mode_*)

The STILTS table output modes documented in Section 6.4 are available in JyStilts as table methods which start with the "mode_" prefix. These methods have no return value, but cause something to happen, in some cases output to be written to standard output. Some of these methods have named arguments, others have no arguments. Use the python help command to see the usage of each method.

These methods are straightforward to use. The following example calculates statistics for a table and writes the results to standard output:

   >>> table.mode_stats()
and this one attempts to send the table via the SAMP communications protocol to a running instance of TOPCAT:
   >>> table.mode_samp(client='topcat')

The output modes are also available as module functions. This means that

   stilts.mode_samp(table, client='topcat')
have exactly the same meaning. It's a matter of taste which you prefer.

4.6 Tasks

The STILTS tasks documented in Appendix B can be used under their usual names if they are imported from the stilts module. STILTS parameters as are supplied as named arguments of the python functions. In general they are either table objects for table input parameters or strings, but in some cases python arrays are accepted, and numbers may be used where appropriate. The STILTS input format (ifmt, istream), filter (cmd/icmd/ocmd) and output mode (omode) parameters are not used however; instead perform filtering directly on the table inputs and outputs using the python cmd_* and mode_* table methods or functions.

Here is an example of concatenating two similar tables together and writing the result:

   >>> from stilts import tread, tcat
   >>> t1 = tread('data1.csv', fmt='csv')
   >>> t2 = tread('data2.csv', fmt='csv')
   >>> t12 = tcat([t1,t2], seqcol='seq')
   >>> t12.write('t12.csv', fmt='csv')

Note that for those tasks which have a parameter named "in" in command-line STILTS, it has been renamed as "in_" for the python version, to avoid a name clash with the python reserved word. In most cases, the in parameter is the first, mandatory parameter in any case, and so can be referenced by position as in the previous example (we could have written "tcat(in_=[t1,t2])" instead).

4.7 Calculation Functions

The various functions from the expression language listed in Section 10.7 are available directly from JyStilts. Each of the subsections in that section is a class in the stilts module namespace, with unbound functions representing the functions.

This means you can use them like this:

    >>> import stilts
    >>> print stilts.Times.mjdToIso(54292)
or like this:
    >>> from stilts import CoordsDegrees
    >>> dist = CoordsDegrees.skyDistanceDegrees(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2)

5 Table I/O

Most of the tools in this package either read one or more tables as input, or write one or more tables as output, or both. This section explains what kind of tables the tools can read and write, and how you tell them where to find the tables to operate on.

In most cases input and output table specifications are given by parameters with the following names (or similar ones):

Location of the input table; usually a filename or URL, but maybe some other source of data (see Section 5.2) or a scheme specification (see Section 5.3)
Format of the input table, as listed in Section 5.1.1, or blank for automatic format detection based on input content or name (but ignored for scheme specifications)
Destination of the output table; usually a filename or "-"/blank for standard output
Format of the output table as listed in Section 5.1.2, or blank for automatic format detection based on output filename

5.1 Table Formats

The generic table commands in STILTS (currently tpipe, tcopy, tmulti, tmultin, tcat, tcatn, tloop, tjoin, tgridmap, tgroup, tcube, tmatch1, tmatch2, tmatchn, tskymap, tskymatch2, pixfoot, pixsample, plot2corner, plot2cube, plot2plane, plot2sky, plot2sphere, plot2time, plot2d, plot3d, plothist, cdsskymatch, cone, coneskymatch, sqlskymatch, tapquery, tapresume, tapskymatch and regquery) have no native format for table storage, they can process data in a number of formats equally well. STIL has its own model of what a table consists of, which is basically:

Some table formats have better facilities for storing this sort of thing than others, and when performing conversions STILTS does its best to translate between them, but it can't perform the impossible: for instance there is nowhere in a Comma-Separated Values file to store descriptions of column units, so these will be lost when converting from VOTable to CSV formats.

The formats the package knows about are dependent on the input and output handlers currently installed. The ones installed by default are listed in the following subsections. More may be added in the future, and it is possible to install new ones at runtime - see the STIL documentation for details.

Some formats can be used to hold multiple tables in a single file, and others can only hold a single table per file.

5.1.1 Input Formats

Some of the tools in this package ask you to specify the format of input tables using the ifmt (or a similarly named) parameter. For some file formats (e.g. FITS, VOTable, CDF), the format can be automatically determined by looking at the file content, regardless of filename; for others (e.g. CSV files with a ".csv" extension), STILTS may be able to use the filename as a hint to guess the format (the details of these rules are given in the format-specific subsections below). Otherwise, you have to supply the format using the ifmt parameter. It is always safe to specify the format explicitly; this will be slightly more efficient than auto-determination, and may lead to more helpful error messages in the case that the table can't be read correctly.

The available input formats are described in the following subsections. It is also possible to add new formats at runtime using the startable.readers system property, or by setting the format to the classname of a class. fits

FITS is a very well-established format for storage of astronomical table or image data (see This reader can read tables stored in binary (XTENSION='BINTABLE') and ASCII (XTENSION='TABLE') table extensions; any image data is ignored. Currently, binary table extensions are read much more efficiently than ASCII ones.

When a table is stored in a BINTABLE extension in an uncompressed FITS file on disk, the table is 'mapped' into memory; this generally means very fast loading and low memory usage. FITS tables are thus usually efficient to use.

Limited support is provided for the semi-standard HEALPix-FITS convention; such information about HEALPix level and coordinate system is read and made available for application usage and user examination.

A private convention is used to support encoding of tables with more than 999 columns (not possible in standard FITS); see Section

Header cards in the table's HDU header will be made available as table parameters. Only header cards which are not used to specify the table format itself are visible as parameters (e.g. NAXIS, TTYPE* etc cards are not). HISTORY and COMMENT cards are run together as one multi-line value.

Any 64-bit integer column with a non-zero integer offset (TFORMn='K', TSCALn=1, TZEROn<>0) is represented in the read table as Strings giving the decimal integer value, since no numeric type in Java is capable of representing the whole range of possible inputs. Such columns are most commonly seen representing unsigned long values.

Where a multi-extension FITS file contains more than one table, a single table may be specified using the position indicator, which may take one of the following forms:

Files in this format may contain multiple tables; depending on the context, either one or all tables will be read. Where only one table is required, either the first one in the file is used, or the required one can be specified after the "#" character at the end of the filename.

This format can be automatically identified by its content so you do not need to specify the format explicitly when reading FITS tables, regardless of the filename.

There are actually two FITS input handlers, fits-basic and fits-plus. The fits-basic handler extracts standard column metadata from FITS headers of the HDU in which the table is found, while the fits-plus handler reads column and table metadata from VOTable content stored in the primary HDU of the multi-extension FITS file. FITS-plus is a private convention effectively defined by the corresponding output handler; it allows de/serialization of much richer metadata than can be stored in standard FITS headers when the FITS file is read by fits-plus-aware readers, though other readers can understand the unenhanced FITS file perfectly well. It is normally not necessary to worry about this distinction; STILTS will determine whether a FITS file is FITS-plus or not based on its content and use the appropriate handler, but if you want to force the reader to use or ignore the enriched header, you can explicitly specify an input format of "fits-plus" or "fits-basic". The details of the FITS-plus convention are described in Section colfits

As well as normal binary and ASCII FITS tables, STIL supports FITS files which contain tabular data stored in column-oriented format. This means that the table is stored in a BINTABLE extension HDU, but that BINTABLE has a single row, with each cell of that row holding a whole column's worth of data. The final (slowest-varying) dimension of each of these cells (declared via the TDIMn headers) is the same for every column, namely, the number of rows in the table that is represented. The point of this is that all the cells for each column are stored contiguously, which for very large, and especially very wide tables means that certain access patterns (basically, ones which access only a small proportion of the columns in a table) can be much more efficient since they require less I/O overhead in reading data blocks.

Such tables are perfectly legal FITS files, but general-purpose FITS software may not recognise them as multi-row tables in the usual way. This format is mostly intended for the case where you have a large table in some other format (possibly the result of an SQL query) and you wish to cache it in a way which can be read efficiently by a STIL-based application.

For performance reasons, it is advisable to access colfits files uncompressed on disk. Reading them from a remote URL, or in gzipped form, may be rather slow (in earlier versions it was not supported at all).

This format can be automatically identified by its content so you do not need to specify the format explicitly when reading colfits-basic tables, regardless of the filename.

Like the normal (row-oriented) FITS handler, two variants are supported: with (colfits-plus) or without (colfits-basic) metadata stored as a VOTable byte array in the primary HDU. For details of the FITS-plus convention, see Section votable

VOTable is an XML-based format for tabular data endorsed by the International Virtual Observatory Alliance; while the tabular data which can be encoded is by design close to what FITS allows, it provides for much richer encoding of structure and metadata. Most of the table data exchanged by VO services is in VOTable format, and it can be used for local table storage as well.

Any table which conforms to the VOTable 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 or 1.4 specifications can be read. This includes all the defined cell data serializations; cell data may be included in-line as XML elements (TABLEDATA serialization), included/referenced as a FITS table (FITS serialization), or included/referenced as a raw binary stream (BINARY or BINARY2 serialization). The handler does not attempt to be fussy about input VOTable documents, and it will have a good go at reading VOTables which violate the standards in various ways.

Much, but not all, of the metadata contained in a VOTable document is retained when the table is read in. The attributes unit, ucd, xtype and utype, and the elements COOSYS, TIMESYS and DESCRIPTION attached to table columns or parameters, are read and may be used by the application as appropriate or examined by the user. However, information encoded in the hierarchical structure of the VOTable document, including GROUP structure, is not currently retained when a VOTable is read.

VOTable documents may contain more than one actual table (TABLE element). To specify a specific single table, the table position indicator is given by the zero-based index of the TABLE element in a breadth-first search. Here is an example VOTable document:

       <TABLE name="Star Catalogue"> ... </TABLE>
       <TABLE name="Galaxy Catalogue"> ... </TABLE>
If this is available in a file named "cats.xml" then the two tables could be named as "cats.xml#0" and "cats.xml#1" respectively.

Files in this format may contain multiple tables; depending on the context, either one or all tables will be read. Where only one table is required, either the first one in the file is used, or the required one can be specified after the "#" character at the end of the filename.

This format can be automatically identified by its content so you do not need to specify the format explicitly when reading VOTable tables, regardless of the filename. cdf

NASA's Common Data Format, described at, is a binary format for storing self-described data. It is typically used to store tabular data for subject areas like space and solar physics.

This format can be automatically identified by its content so you do not need to specify the format explicitly when reading CDF tables, regardless of the filename. csv

Comma-separated value ("CSV") format is a common semi-standard text-based format in which fields are delimited by commas. Spreadsheets and databases are often able to export data in some variant of it. The intention is to read tables in the version of the format spoken by MS Excel amongst other applications, though the documentation on which it was based was not obtained directly from Microsoft.

The rules for data which it understands are as follows:

Note that you can not use a "#" character (or anything else) to introduce "comment" lines.

Because the CSV format contains no metadata beyond column names, the handler is forced to guess the datatype of the values in each column. It does this by reading the whole file through once and guessing on the basis of what it has seen (though see the maxSample configuration option). This has the disadvantages:

This means that CSV is not generally recommended if you can use another format instead. If you're stuck with a large CSV file that's misbehaving or slow to use, one possibility is to turn it into an ECSV file file by adding some header lines by hand.

The handler behaviour may be modified by specifying one or more comma-separated name=value configuration options in parentheses after the handler name, e.g. "csv(header=true,maxSample=100000)". The following options are available:

header = true|false|null
Indicates whether the input CSV file contains the optional one-line header giving column names. Options are: The default value is null (auto-determination). This usually works OK, but can get into trouble if all the columns look like string values. (Default: null)
maxSample = <int>
Controls how many rows of the input file are sampled to determine column datatypes. When reading CSV files, since no type information is present in the input file, the handler has to look at the column data to see what type of value appears to be present in each column, before even starting to read the data in. By default it goes through the whole table when doing this, which can be time-consuming for large tables. If this value is set, it limits the number of rows that are sampled in this data characterisation pass, which can reduce read time substantially. However, if values near the end of the table differ in apparent type from those near the start, it can also result in getting the datatypes wrong. (Default: 0)

This format cannot be automatically identified by its content, so in general it is necessary to specify that a table is in CSV format when reading it. However, if the input file has the extension ".csv" (case insensitive) an attempt will be made to read it using this format.

An example looks like this:

1,pig,Pigling Bland,4,0.8,true
6,queen ant,Ma'am,6,0.002,false

See also ECSV as a format which is similar and capable of storing more metadata. ecsv

The Enhanced Character Separated Values format was developed within the Astropy project and is described in Astropy APE6 (DOI). It is composed of a YAML header followed by a CSV-like body, and is intended to be a human-readable and maybe even human-writable format with rich metadata. Most of the useful per-column and per-table metadata is preserved when de/serializing to this format. The version supported by this reader is currently ECSV 1.0.

There are various ways to format the YAML header, but a simple example of an ECSV file looks like this:

# %ECSV 1.0
# ---
# delimiter: ','
# datatype: [
#   { name: index,   datatype: int32   },
#   { name: Species, datatype: string  },
#   { name: Name,    datatype: string  },
#   { name: Legs,    datatype: int32   },
#   { name: Height,  datatype: float64, unit: m },
#   { name: Mammal,  datatype: bool    },
# ]
If you follow this pattern, it's possible to write your own ECSV files by taking an existing CSV file and decorating it with a header that gives column datatypes, and possibly other metadata such as units. This allows you to force the datatype of given columns (the CSV reader guesses datatype based on content, but can get it wrong) and it can also be read much more efficiently than a CSV file and its format can be detected automatically.

The header information can be provided either in the ECSV file itself, or alongside a plain CSV file from a separate source referenced using the header configuration option. In Gaia EDR3 for instance, the ECSV headers are supplied alongside the CSV files available for raw download of all tables in the Gaia source catalogue, so e.g. STILTS can read one of the gaia_source CSV files with full metadata as follows:

   stilts tpipe

The ECSV datatypes that work well with this reader are bool, int8, int16, int32, int64, float32, float64 and string. Array-valued columns are also supported with some restrictions. Following the ECSV 1.0 specification, columns representing arrays of the supported datatypes can be read, as columns with datatype: string and a suitable subtype, e.g. "int32[<dims>]" or "float64[<dims>]". Fixed-length arrays (e.g. subtype: int32[3,10]) and 1-dimensional variable-length arrays (e.g. subtype: float64[null]) are supported; however variable-length arrays with more than one dimension (e.g. subtype: int32[4,null]) cannot be represented, and are read in as string values. Null elements of array-valued cells are not supported; they are read as NaNs for floating point data, and as zero/false for integer/boolean data. ECSV 1.0, required to work with array-valued columns, is supported by Astropy v4.3 and later.

The handler behaviour may be modified by specifying one or more comma-separated name=value configuration options in parentheses after the handler name, e.g. "ecsv(header=,colcheck=FAIL)". The following options are available:

header = <filename-or-url>
Location of a file containing a header to be applied to the start of the input file. By using this you can apply your own ECSV-format metadata to plain CSV files. (Default: null)
Determines the action taken if the columns named in the YAML header differ from the columns named in the first line of the CSV part of the file. (Default: WARN)

This format can be automatically identified by its content so you do not need to specify the format explicitly when reading ECSV tables, regardless of the filename. ascii

In many cases tables are stored in some sort of unstructured plain text format, with cells separated by spaces or some other delimiters. There is a wide variety of such formats depending on what delimiters are used, how columns are identified, whether blank values are permitted and so on. It is impossible to cope with them all, but the ASCII handler attempts to make a good guess about how to interpret a given ASCII file as a table, which in many cases is successful. In particular, if you just have columns of numbers separated by something that looks like spaces, you should be just fine.

Here are the detailed rules for how the ASCII-format tables are interpreted:

If the list of rules above looks frightening, don't worry, in many cases it ought to make sense of a table without you having to read the small print. Here is an example of a suitable ASCII-format table:

    # Here is a list of some animals.
    # RECNO  SPECIES         NAME         LEGS   HEIGHT/m
      1      pig             "Pigling Bland"  4  0.8
      2      cow             Daisy        4      2
      3      goldfish        Dobbin       ""     0.05
      4      ant             ""           6      0.001
      5      ant             ""           6      0.001
      6      ant             ''           6      0.001
      7      "queen ant"     'Ma\'am'     6      2e-3
      8      human           "Mark"       2      1.8
In this case it will identify the following columns:
    Name       Type
    ----       ----
    RECNO      Short
    SPECIES    String
    NAME       String
    LEGS       Short
    HEIGHT/m   Float
It will also use the text "Here is a list of some animals" as the Description parameter of the table. Without any of the comment lines, it would still interpret the table, but the columns would be given the names col1..col5.

The handler behaviour may be modified by specifying one or more comma-separated name=value configuration options in parentheses after the handler name, e.g. "ascii(maxSample=5000)". The following options are available:

maxSample = <int>
Controls how many rows of the input file are sampled to determine column datatypes. When reading ASCII files, since no type information is present in the input file, the handler has to look at the column data to see what type of value appears to be present in each column, before even starting to read the data in. By default it goes through the whole table when doing this, which can be time-consuming for large tables. If this value is set, it limits the number of rows that are sampled in this data characterisation pass, which can reduce read time substantially. However, if values near the end of the table differ in apparent type from those near the start, it can also result in getting the datatypes wrong. (Default: 0)

This format cannot be automatically identified by its content, so in general it is necessary to specify that a table is in ASCII format when reading it. However, if the input file has the extension ".txt" (case insensitive) an attempt will be made to read it using this format. ipac

CalTech's Infrared Processing and Analysis Center use a text-based format for storage of tabular data, defined at Tables can store column name, type, units and null values, as well as table parameters.

This format cannot be automatically identified by its content, so in general it is necessary to specify that a table is in IPAC format when reading it. However, if the input file has the extension ".tbl" or ".ipac" (case insensitive) an attempt will be made to read it using this format.

An example looks like this:

\Table name = "animals.vot"
\Description = "Some animals"
\Author = "Mark Taylor"
| int   | char      | char          | int  | double | char   |
|       |           |               |      | m      |        |
| null  | null      | null          | null | null   | null   |
  1       pig         Pigling Bland   4      0.8      true    
  2       cow         Daisy           4      2.0      true    
  3       goldfish    Dobbin          null   0.05     false   
  4       ant         null            6      0.001    false   
  5       ant         null            6      0.001    false   
  6       queen ant   Ma'am           6      0.002    false   
  7       human       Mark            2      1.8      true pds4

NASA's Planetary Data System version 4 format is described at This implementation is based on v1.16.0 of PDS4.

PDS4 files consist of an XML Label file which provides detailed metadata, and which may also contain references to external data files stored alongside it. This input handler looks for (binary, character or delimited) tables in the Label; depending on the configuration it may restrict them to those in the File_Area_Observational area. The Label is the file which has to be presented to this input handler to read the table data. Because of the relationship between the label and the data files, it is usually necessary to move them around together.

If there are multiple tables in the label, you can refer to an individual one using the "#" specifier after the label file name by table name, local_identifier, or 1-based index (e.g. "label.xml#1" refers to the first table).

If there are Special_Constants defined in the label, they are in most cases interpreted as blank values in the output table data. At present, the following special values are interpreted as blanks: saturated_constant, missing_constant, error_constant, invalid_constant, unknown_constant, not_applicable_constant, high_instrument_saturation, high_representation_saturation, low_instrument_saturation, low_representation_saturation .

Fields within top-level Groups are interpreted as array values. Any fields in nested groups are ignored. For these array values only limited null-value substitution can be done (since array elements are primitives and so cannot take null values).

This input handler is somewhat experimental, and the author is not a PDS expert. If it behaves strangely or you have suggestions for how it could work better, please contact the author.

The handler behaviour may be modified by specifying one or more comma-separated name=value configuration options in parentheses after the handler name, e.g. "pds4(checkmagic=false,observational=true)". The following options are available:

checkmagic = true|false
Determines whether an initial test is made to see whether the file looks like PDS4 before attempting to read it as one. The tests are ad-hoc and look for certain elements and namespaces that are expected to appear near the start of a table-containing PDS4 file, but it's not bulletproof. Setting this true is generally a good idea to avoid attempting to parse non-PDS4 files, but you can set it false to attempt to read an PDS4 file that starts with the wrong sequence. (Default: true)
observational = true|false
Determines whether only tables within a <File_Area_Observational> element of the PDS4 label should be included. If true, only observational tables are found, if false, other tables will be found as well. (Default: false)

Files in this format may contain multiple tables; depending on the context, either one or all tables will be read. Where only one table is required, either the first one in the file is used, or the required one can be specified after the "#" character at the end of the filename.

This format can be automatically identified by its content so you do not need to specify the format explicitly when reading PDS4 tables, regardless of the filename. mrt

The so-called "Machine-Readable Table" format is used by AAS journals, and based on the format of readMe files used by the CDS. There is some documentation at, which mostly builds on documentation at, but the format is in fact quite poorly specified, so this input handler was largely developed on a best-efforts basis by looking at MRT tables actually in use by AAS, and with assistance from AAS staff. As such, it's not guaranteed to succeed in reading all MRT files out there, but it will try its best.

It only attempts to read MRT files themselves, there is currently no capability to read VizieR data tables which provide the header and formatted data in separate files; however, if a table is present in VizieR, there will be options to download it in more widely used formats that can be used instead.

An example looks like this:

Title: A search for multi-planet systems with TESS using a Bayesian
       N-body retrieval and machine learning
Author: Pearson K.A.
Table: Stellar Parameters
Byte-by-byte Description of file: ajab4e1ct2_mrt.txt
   Bytes Format Units   Label   Explanations
   1-  9 I9     ---     ID      TESS Input Catalog identifier
  11- 15 F5.2   mag     Tmag    Apparent TESS band magnitude
  17- 21 F5.3   solRad  R*      Stellar radius
  23- 26 I4     K       Teff    Effective temperature
  28- 32 F5.3   [cm/s2] log(g)  log surface gravity
  34- 38 F5.2   [Sun]   [Fe/H]  Metallicity
  40- 44 F5.3   ---     u1      Linear Limb Darkening
  46- 50 F5.3   ---     u2      Quadratic Limb Darkening
231663901 12.35 0.860 5600 4.489  0.00 0.439 0.138
149603524  9.72 1.280 6280 4.321  0.24 0.409 0.140
336732616 11.46 1.400 6351 4.229  0.00 0.398 0.140
231670397  9.85 2.070 6036 3.934  0.00 0.438 0.117

The handler behaviour may be modified by specifying one or more comma-separated name=value configuration options in parentheses after the handler name, e.g. "mrt(checkmagic=false,errmode=FAIL)". The following options are available:

checkmagic = true|false
Determines whether an initial test is made to see whether the file looks like MRT before attempting to read it as one; the test is that it starts with the string "Title: ". Setting this true is generally a good idea to avoid attempting to parse non-MRT files, but you can set it false to attempt to read an MRT file that starts with the wrong sequence. (Default: true)
Indicates what action should be taken if formatting errors are detected in the file at read time. (Default: warn)
usefloat = true|false
Sets whether this handler will use a 32-bit float type for reading sufficiently narrow floating point fields. This is usually a good idea since it reduces storage requirements when only a few significant figures are provided, but can fail if the column contains any very large absolute values (>~1e38), which cannot be represented in a 32-bit IEEE float. So it's safer to set it false.

If it is set true, then encountering values outside the representable range will be reported in accordance with the current ErrorMode. (Default: false)

This format can be automatically identified by its content so you do not need to specify the format explicitly when reading MRT tables, regardless of the filename. parquet

Parquet is a columnar format developed within the Apache project. Data is compressed on disk and read into memory before use.

This input handler will read columns representing scalars, strings and one-dimensional arrays of the same. It is not capable of reading multi-dimensional arrays, more complex nested data structures, or some more exotic data types like 96-bit integers. If such columns are encountered in an input file, a warning will be emitted through the logging system and the column will not appear in the read table. Support may be introduced for some additional types if there is demand.

At present, only very limited metadata is read. Parquet does not seem(?) to have any standard format for per-column metadata, so the only information read about each column apart from its datatype is its name.

Depending on the way that the table is accessed, the reader tries to take advantage of the column and row block structure of parquet files to read the data in parallel where possible.

Parquet support is currently somewhat experimental.


The parquet I/O handlers require large external libraries, which are not always bundled with the library/application software because of their size. In some configurations, parquet support may not be present, and attempts to read or write parquet files will result in a message like:
   Parquet-mr libraries not available
If you can supply the relevant libaries on the classpath at runtime, the parquet support will work. At time of writing, the required libraries are included in the topcat-extra.jar monolithic jar file (though not topcat-full.jar), and are included if you have the topcat-all.dmg file. They can also be found in the starjava github repository ( or you can acquire them from the Parquet MR package. These arrangements may be revised in future releases, for instance if parquet usage becomes more mainstream. The required dependencies are a minimal subset of those required by the Parquet MR submodule parquet-cli, in particular the files aircompressor-0.21.jar commons-collections-3.2.2.jar commons-configuration2-2.1.1.jar commons-lang3-3.9.jar failureaccess-1.0.1.jar guava-27.0.1-jre.jar hadoop-auth-3.2.3.jar hadoop-common-3.2.3.jar hadoop-mapreduce-client-core-3.2.3.jar htrace-core4-4.1.0-incubating.jar parquet-cli-1.13.1.jar parquet-column-1.13.1.jar parquet-common-1.13.1.jar parquet-encoding-1.13.1.jar parquet-format-structures-1.13.1.jar parquet-hadoop-1.13.1.jar parquet-jackson-1.13.1.jar slf4j-api-1.7.22.jar slf4j-nop-1.7.22.jar snappy-java- stax2-api-4.2.1.jar woodstox-core-5.3.0.jar.
These libraries support some, but not all, of the compression formats defined for parquet, currently uncompressed, gzip, snappy and lz4_raw. Supplying more of the parquet-mr dependencies at runtime would extend this list.

The handler behaviour may be modified by specifying one or more comma-separated name=value configuration options in parentheses after the handler name, e.g. "parquet(cachecols=true,nThread=4)". The following options are available:

cachecols = true|false|null
Forces whether to read all the column data at table load time. If true, then when the table is loaded, all data is read by column into local scratch disk files, which is generally the fastest way to ingest all the data. If false, the table rows are read as required, and possibly cached using the normal STIL mechanisms. If null (the default), the decision is taken automatically based on available information. (Default: null)
nThread = <int>
Sets the number of read threads used for concurrently reading table columns if the columns are cached at load time - see the cachecols option. If the value is <=0 (the default), a value is chosen based on the number of apparently available processors. (Default: 0)
tryUrl = true|false
Whether to attempt to open non-file URLs as parquet files. This usually seems to fail with a cryptic error message, so it is not attempted by default, but it's possible that with suitable library support on the classpath it might work, so this option exists to make the attempt. (Default: false)

This format can be automatically identified by its content so you do not need to specify the format explicitly when reading parquet tables, regardless of the filename. hapi

HAPI, the Heliophysics Data Application Programmer’s Interface is a protocol for serving streamed time series data. This reader can read HAPI CSV and binary tables if they include header information (the include=header request parameter must be present). An example HAPI URL is

While HAPI data is normally accessed directly from the service, it is possible to download a HAPI stream to a local file and use this handler to read it from disk.

This format cannot be automatically identified by its content, so in general it is necessary to specify that a table is in HAPI format when reading it. However, if the input file has the extension ".hapi" (case insensitive) an attempt will be made to read it using this format. feather

The Feather file format is a column-oriented binary disk-based format based on Apache Arrow and supported by (at least) Python, R and Julia. Some description of it is available at and It can be used for large datasets, but it does not support array-valued columns. It can be a useful format to use for exchanging data with R, for which FITS I/O is reported to be slow.

At present CATEGORY type columns are not supported, and metadata associated with TIME, DATE and TIMESTAMP columns is not retrieved.

This format can be automatically identified by its content so you do not need to specify the format explicitly when reading feather tables, regardless of the filename. gbin

GBIN format is a special-interest file format used within DPAC, the Data Processing and Analysis Consortium working on data from the Gaia astrometry satellite. It is based on java serialization, and in all of its various forms has the peculiarity that you only stand any chance of decoding it if you have the Gaia data model classes on your java classpath at runtime. Since the set of relevant classes is very large, and also depends on what version of the data model your GBIN file corresponds to, those classes will not be packaged with this software, so some additional setup is required to read GBIN files.

As well as the data model classes, you must provide on the runtime classpath the GaiaTools classes required for GBIN reading. The table input handler accesses these by reflection, to avoid an additional large library dependency for a rather niche requirement. It is likely that since you have to supply the required data model classes you will also have the required GaiaTools classes to hand as well, so this shouldn't constitute much of an additional burden for usage.

In practice, if you have a jar file or files for pretty much any java library or application which is capable of reading a given GBIN file, just adding it or them to the classpath at runtime when using this input handler ought to do the trick. Examples of such jar files are the MDBExplorerStandalone.jar file available from, or the gbcat.jar file you can build from the CU9/software/gbcat/ directory in the DPAC subversion repository.

The GBIN format doesn't really store tables, it stores arrays of java objects, so the input handler has to make some decisions about how to flatten these into table rows.

In its simplest form, the handler basically looks for public instance methods of the form getXxx() and uses the Xxx as column names. If the corresponding values are themselves objects with suitable getter methods, those objects are added as new columns instead. This more or less follows the practice of the gbcat ( tool. Method names are sorted alphabetically. Arrays of complex objects are not handled well, and various other things may trip it up. See the source code (e.g. for more details.

If the object types stored in the GBIN file are known to the special metadata-bearing class and its dependencies, and if that class is on the runtime classpath, then the handler will be able to extract additional metadata as available, including standardised column names, table and column descriptions, and UCDs. An example of a jar file containing this metadata class alongside data model classes is GaiaDataLibs-18.3.1-r515078.jar. Note however at time of writing there are some deficiencies with this metadata extraction functionality related to unresolved issues in the upstream gaia class libraries and the relevant interface control document (GAIA-C9-SP-UB-XL-034-01, "External Data Centres ICD"). Currently columns appear in the output table in a more or less random order, units and Utypes are not extracted, and using the GBIN reader tends to cause a 700kbyte file "temp.xml" to be written in the current directory. If the upstream issues are fixed, this behaviour may improve.

Note: support for GBIN files is somewhat experimental. Please contact the author (who is not a GBIN expert) if it doesn't seem to be working properly or you think it should do things differently.

Note: there is a known bug in some versions of GaiaTools (caused by a bug in its dependency library zStd-jni) which in rare cases can fail to read all the rows in a GBIN input file. If this bug is encountered by the reader, it will by default fail with an error mentioning zStd-jni. In this case, the best thing to do is to put a fixed version of zStd-jni or GaiaTools on the classpath. However, if instead you set the config option readMeta=false the read will complete without error, though the missing rows will not be recovered.

The handler behaviour may be modified by specifying one or more comma-separated name=value configuration options in parentheses after the handler name, e.g. "gbin(readMeta=false,hierarchicalNames=true)". The following options are available:

readMeta = true|false
Configures whether the GBIN metadata will be read prior to reading the data. This may slow things down slightly, but means the row count can be determined up front, which may have benefits for downstream processing.

Setting this false can prevent failing on an error related to a broken version of the zStd-jni library in GaiaTools. Note however that in this case the data read, though not reporting an error, will silently be missing some rows from the GBIN file. (Default: true)

hierarchicalNames = true|false
Configures whether column names in the output table should be forced to reflect the compositional hierarchy of their position in the element objects. If set true, columns will have names like "Astrometry_Alpha", if false they may just be called "Alpha". In case of name duplication however, the hierarchical form is always used. (Default: false)

This format can be automatically identified by its content so you do not need to specify the format explicitly when reading GBIN tables, regardless of the filename.

Example: Suppose you have the MDBExplorerStandalone.jar file containing the data model classes, you can read GBIN files by starting STILTS like this:

   stilts -classpath MDBExplorerStandalone.jar ...
or like this:
   java -classpath stilts.jar:MDBExplorerStandalone.jar ... tst

Tab-Separated Table, or TST, is a text-based table format used by a number of astronomical tools including Starlink's GAIA and ESO's SkyCat on which it is based. A definition of the format can be found in Starlink Software Note 75. The implementation here ignores all comment lines: special comments such as the "#column-units:" are not processed.

An example looks like this:

    Simple TST example; stellar photometry catalogue.

    A.C. Davenhall (Edinburgh) 26/7/00.

    Catalogue of U,B,V colours.
    UBV photometry from Mount Pumpkin Observatory,
    see Sage, Rosemary and Thyme (1988).

    # Start of parameter definitions.
    EQUINOX: J2000.0
    EPOCH: J1996.35

    id_col: -1
    ra_col: 0
    dec_col: 1

    # End of parameter definitions.
    5:09:08.7<tab> -8:45:15<tab>  4.27<tab>  -0.19<tab>  -0.90
    5:07:50.9<tab> -5:05:11<tab>  2.79<tab>  +0.13<tab>  +0.10
    5:01:26.3<tab> -7:10:26<tab>  4.81<tab>  -0.19<tab>  -0.74
    5:17:36.3<tab> -6:50:40<tab>  3.60<tab>  -0.11<tab>  -0.47

This format cannot be automatically identified by its content, so in general it is necessary to specify that a table is in TST format when reading it. wdc

Some support is provided for files produced by the World Data Centre for Solar Terrestrial Physics. The format itself apparently has no name, but files in this format look something like the following:

  Column formats and units - (Fixed format columns which are single space separated.)
  Datetime (YYYY mm dd HHMMSS)            %4d %2d %2d %6d      -
  aa index - 3-HOURLY (Provisional)       %3d                  nT

  2000 01 01 000000  67
  2000 01 01 030000  32
Support for this (obsolete?) format may not be very complete or robust.

This format cannot be automatically identified by its content, so in general it is necessary to specify that a table is in WDC format when reading it.

5.1.2 Output Formats

Some of the tools ask you to specify the format of output tables using the ofmt parameter. The output formats described below are supported; in some cases there are variants or options for the basic formats as documented. If you don't specify an output format explicitly, STILTS will try to guess what format to write based on the output filename; the details of those rules are also documented below.

It is also possible to add new formats at runtime using the startable.writers system property, or by setting the format to the classname of a class. fits

FITS is a very well-established format for storage of astronomical table or image data (see This writer stores tables in BINTABLE extensions of a FITS file.

There are a number of variations in exactly how the table data is written to FITS. These can be configured with name=value options in brackets as described below, but for most purposes this isn't required; you can just choose fits or one of the standard aliases for commonly-used combinations like colfits or fits-basic.

In all cases the output from this handler is legal FITS, but some non-standard conventions are used:

In "fits-plus" format, the primary HDU contains an array of bytes which stores the full table metadata as the text of a VOTable document, along with headers that indicate this has been done. Most FITS table readers will ignore this altogether and treat the file just as if it contained only the table. When it is re-read by this or compatible applications however, they can read out the metadata and make it available for use. In this way you can store your data in the efficient and widely portable FITS format without losing the additional metadata such as table parameters, column UCDs, lengthy column descriptions etc that may be attached to the table. This variant, which is the default, can be explicitly selected with the primary=votable option or fits-plus alias (if you don't want it, use primary=basic or fits-basic). This convention is described in more detail in Section
In Column-Oriented FITS output, the HDU containing the table data, instead of containing a multi-row table, contains a single-row table in which each cell is an (nrow-element) array containing the data for an entire column. The point of this is to keep all the data for a single row localised on the disk rather than scattered through the whole file. This can be more efficient for certain applications, especially when the table is larger than physical memory, and has many columns of which only a few are needed for a particular task, for instance plotting two columns against each other. The overhead for writing this format is somewhat higher than for normal (row-oriented) FITS however, and other FITS table applications may not be able to work with it, so in most cases normal FITS is a better choice. This variant can be selected with the col=true option or the colfits-plus/colfits-basic aliases. If you write to a file with the ".colfits" extension it is used by default.
A private convention is used where required to support encoding of tables with more than 999 columns, which is not possible in standard FITS. If software unaware of this convention (e.g. CFITSIO) is used to read such tables, it will only see the first 998 columns written as intended, plus a column 999 containing an undescribed byte buffer where the rest of the column data is stored. This convention is described in more detail in Section

For convenience, and compatibility with earlier versions, these standard aliases are provided:

Alias for fits or fits(primary=votable).
Alias for fits(primary=basic).
Alias for fits(primary=basic,var=true).
Alias for fits(col=true).
Alias for fits(col=true,primary=basic).
This is a special case. It is used for storing HEALPix pixel data in a way that conforms to the HEALPix-FITS serialization convention. In most ways it behaves the same as fits-basic, but it will rearrange and rename columns as required to follow the convention, and it will fail if the table does not contain the required HEALPix metadata (STIL_HPX_* parameters).

The handler behaviour may be modified by specifying one or more comma-separated name=value configuration options in parentheses after the handler name, e.g. "fits(primary=basic,col=false)". The following options are available:

primary = basic|votable[n.n]|none
Determines what is written into the Primary HDU. The Primary HDU (PHDU) of a FITS file cannot contain a table; the following options are available.
A minimal PHDU is written with no interesting content
The PHDU contains the full table metadata as the text of a VOTable document, along with headers to indicate that this has been done. This corresponds to the "fits-plus" format. The "[n.n]" part is optional, but if included (e.g. "votable1.5") indicates the version of the VOTable format to use.
No PHDU is written. The output is therefore not a legal FITS file, but it can be appended to an existing FITS file that already has a PHDU and perhaps other extension HDUs.
(Default: votable)
col = true|false
If true, writes data in column-oriented format. In this case, the output is a single-row table in which each cell is an array value holding the data for an entire column. All the arrays in the row have the same length, which is the row count of the table being represented. This corresponds to the "colfits" format. (Default: false)
Determines how variable-length array-valued columns will be stored. True stores variable-length array values after the main part of the table in the heap, while false stores all arrays as fixed-length (with a length equal to that of the longest array in the column) in the body of the table.The options P or Q can be used to force 32-bit or 64-bit pointers for indexing into the heap, but it's not usually necessary since a suitable choice is otherwise made from the data. (Default: FALSE)
date = true|false
If true, the DATE-HDU header is filled in with the current date; otherwise it is not included. (Default: true)

Multiple tables may be written to a single output file using this format.

If no output format is explicitly chosen, writing to a filename with the extension ".fits", ".fit" or ".fts" (case insensitive) will select fits format for output. votable

VOTable is an XML-based format for tabular data endorsed by the International Virtual Observatory Alliance and defined in the VOTable Recommendation. While the tabular data which can be encoded is by design close to what FITS allows, it provides for much richer encoding of structure and metadata. Most of the table data exchanged by VO services is in VOTable format, but it can be used for local table storage as well.

When a table is saved to VOTable format, a document conforming to the VOTable specification containing a single TABLE element within a single RESOURCE element is written. Where the table contains such information (often obtained by reading an input VOTable), column and table metadata will be written out as appropriate to the attributes unit, ucd, xtype and utype, and the elements COOSYS, TIMESYS and DESCRIPTION attached to table columns or parameters.

There are various ways that a VOTable can be written; by default the output serialization format is TABLEDATA and the VOTable format version is 1.4, or a value controlled by the votable.version system property. However, configuration options are available to adjust these defaults.

The handler behaviour may be modified by specifying one or more comma-separated name=value configuration options in parentheses after the handler name, e.g. "votable(format=BINARY2,version=V13)". The following options are available:

Gives the serialization type (DATA element content) of output VOTables. (Default: TABLEDATA)
version = V10|V11|V12|V13|V14|V15
Gives the version of the VOTable format which will be used when writing the VOTable. "V10" is version 1.0 etc.
inline = true|false
If true, STREAM elements are written base64-encoded within the body of the document, and if false they are written to a new external binary file whose name is derived from that of the output VOTable document. This is only applicable to BINARY, BINARY2 and FITS formats where output is not to a stream. (Default: true)
compact = true|false|null
Controls whitespace formatting for TABLEDATA output, ignored for other formats. By default a decision will be taken dependent on table width. (Default: null)
encoding = UTF-8|UTF-16|...
Specifies the XML encoding used in the output VOTable. The default value is UTF-8. Note that certain optimisations are in place for UTF-8 output which means that other encodings may be significantly slower. (Default: UTF-8)
date = true|false
If true, the output file will contain a comment recording the current date; otherwise it is not included. (Default: true)

Multiple tables may be written to a single output file using this format.

If no output format is explicitly chosen, writing to a filename with the extension ".vot", ".votable" or ".xml" (case insensitive) will select votable format for output. csv

Writes tables in the semi-standard Comma-Separated Values format. This does not preserve any metadata apart from column names, and is generally inefficient to read, but it can be useful for importing into certain external applications, such as some databases or spreadsheets.

By default, the first line is a header line giving the column names, but this can be inhibited using the header=false configuration option.

The handler behaviour may be modified by specifying one or more comma-separated name=value configuration options in parentheses after the handler name, e.g. "csv(header=true,maxCell=160)". The following options are available:

header = true|false
If true, the first line of the CSV output will be a header containing the column names; if false, no header line is written and all lines represent data rows. (Default: true)
maxCell = <int>
Maximum width in characters of an output table cell. Cells longer than this will be truncated. (Default: 2147483647)

If no output format is explicitly chosen, writing to a filename with the extension ".csv" (case insensitive) will select CSV format for output.

An example looks like this:

1,pig,Pigling Bland,4,0.8,true
6,queen ant,Ma'am,6,0.002,false
7,human,Mark,2,1.8,true ecsv

The Enhanced Character Separated Values format was developed within the Astropy project and is described in Astropy APE6 (DOI). It is composed of a YAML header followed by a CSV-like body, and is intended to be a human-readable and maybe even human-writable format with rich metadata. Most of the useful per-column and per-table metadata is preserved when de/serializing to this format. The version supported by this writer is currently ECSV 1.0.

ECSV allows either a space or a comma for delimiting values, controlled by the delimiter configuration option. If ecsv(delimiter=comma) is used, then removing the YAML header will leave a CSV file that can be interpreted by the CSV inputhandler or imported into other CSV-capable applications.

Following the ECSV 1.0 specification, array-valued columns are supported. ECSV 1.0, required for working with array-valued columns, is supported by Astropy v4.3 and later.

The handler behaviour may be modified by specifying one or more comma-separated name=value configuration options in parentheses after the handler name, e.g. "ecsv(delimiter=comma)". The following options are available:

delimiter = comma|space
Delimiter character, which for ECSV may be either a space or a comma. Permitted values are "space" or "comma".

If no output format is explicitly chosen, writing to a filename with the extension ".ecsv" (case insensitive) will select ECSV format for output.

An example looks like this:

# %ECSV 1.0
# ---
# datatype:
# -
#   name: RECNO
#   datatype: int32
# -
#   name: SPECIES
#   datatype: string
# -
#   name: NAME
#   datatype: string
#   description: How one should address the animal in public & private.
# -
#   name: LEGS
#   datatype: int32
#   meta:
#     utype: anatomy:limb
# -
#   name: HEIGHT
#   datatype: float64
#   unit: m
#   meta:
#     VOTable precision: 2
# -
#   name: MAMMAL
#   datatype: bool
# meta:
#   name: animals.vot
#   Description: Some animals
#   Author: Mark Taylor
1 pig "Pigling Bland" 4 0.8 True
2 cow Daisy 4 2.0 True
3 goldfish Dobbin "" 0.05 False
4 ant "" 6 0.001 False
5 ant "" 6 0.001 False
6 "queen ant" Ma'am 6 0.002 False
7 human Mark 2 1.8 True ascii

Writes to a simple plain-text format intended to be comprehensible by humans or machines.

The first line is a comment, starting with a "#" character, naming the columns, and an attempt is made to line up data in columns using spaces. No metadata apart from column names is written.

The handler behaviour may be modified by specifying one or more comma-separated name=value configuration options in parentheses after the handler name, e.g. "ascii(maxCell=158,maxParam=160)". The following options are available:

maxCell = <int>
Maximum width in characters of an output table cell. Cells longer than this will be truncated. (Default: 158)
maxParam = <int>
Maximum width in characters of an output table parameter. Parameters with values longer than this will be truncated. (Default: 160)
params = true|false
Whether to output table parameters as well as row data. (Default: false)
sampledRows = <int>
The number of rows examined on a first pass of the table to determine the width of each column. Only a representative number of rows needs to be examined, but if a formatted cell value after this limit is wider than the cells up to it, then such later wide cells may get truncated. If the value is <=0, all rows are examined in the first pass; this is the default, but it can be configured to some other value if that takes too long. (Default: 0)

If no output format is explicitly chosen, writing to a filename with the extension ".txt" (case insensitive) will select ascii format for output.

An example looks like this:

  1     pig       "Pigling Bland" 4    0.8    true  
  2     cow       Daisy         4    2.0    true  
  3     goldfish  Dobbin        ""   0.05   false 
  4     ant       ""            6    0.001  false 
  5     ant       ""            6    0.001  false 
  6     "queen ant" "Ma\'am"      6    0.002  false 
  7     human     Mark          2    1.8    true ipac

Writes output in the format used by CalTech's Infrared Processing and Analysis Center, and defined at Column name, type, units and null values are written, as well as table parameters.

The handler behaviour may be modified by specifying one or more comma-separated name=value configuration options in parentheses after the handler name, e.g. "ipac(maxCell=1000,maxParam=100000)". The following options are available:

maxCell = <int>
Maximum width in characters of an output table cell. Cells longer than this will be truncated. (Default: 1000)
maxParam = <int>
Maximum width in characters of an output table parameter. Parameters with values longer than this will be truncated. (Default: 100000)
params = true|false
Whether to output table parameters as well as row data. (Default: true)
sampledRows = <int>
The number of rows examined on a first pass of the table to determine the width of each column. Only a representative number of rows needs to be examined, but if a formatted cell value after this limit is wider than the cells up to it, then such later wide cells may get truncated. If the value is <=0, all rows are examined in the first pass; this is the default, but it can be configured to some other value if that takes too long. (Default: 0)

If no output format is explicitly chosen, writing to a filename with the extension ".tbl" or ".ipac" (case insensitive) will select IPAC format for output.

An example looks like this:

\Table name = "animals.vot"
\Description = "Some animals"
\Author = "Mark Taylor"
| int   | char      | char          | int  | double | char   |
|       |           |               |      | m      |        |
| null  | null      | null          | null | null   | null   |
  1       pig         Pigling Bland   4      0.8      true    
  2       cow         Daisy           4      2.0      true    
  3       goldfish    Dobbin          null   0.05     false   
  4       ant         null            6      0.001    false   
  5       ant         null            6      0.001    false   
  6       queen ant   Ma'am           6      0.002    false   
  7       human       Mark            2      1.8      true parquet

Parquet is a columnar format developed within the Apache project. Data is compressed on disk and read into memory before use.

At present, only very limited metadata is written. Parquet does not seem(?) to have any standard format for per-column metadata, so the only information written about each column apart from its datatype is its name.

Parquet support is currently somewhat experimental.


The parquet I/O handlers require large external libraries, which are not always bundled with the library/application software because of their size. In some configurations, parquet support may not be present, and attempts to read or write parquet files will result in a message like:
   Parquet-mr libraries not available
If you can supply the relevant libaries on the classpath at runtime, the parquet support will work. At time of writing, the required libraries are included in the topcat-extra.jar monolithic jar file (though not topcat-full.jar), and are included if you have the topcat-all.dmg file. They can also be found in the starjava github repository ( or you can acquire them from the Parquet MR package. These arrangements may be revised in future releases, for instance if parquet usage becomes more mainstream. The required dependencies are a minimal subset of those required by the Parquet MR submodule parquet-cli, in particular the files aircompressor-0.21.jar commons-collections-3.2.2.jar commons-configuration2-2.1.1.jar commons-lang3-3.9.jar failureaccess-1.0.1.jar guava-27.0.1-jre.jar hadoop-auth-3.2.3.jar hadoop-common-3.2.3.jar hadoop-mapreduce-client-core-3.2.3.jar htrace-core4-4.1.0-incubating.jar parquet-cli-1.13.1.jar parquet-column-1.13.1.jar parquet-common-1.13.1.jar parquet-encoding-1.13.1.jar parquet-format-structures-1.13.1.jar parquet-hadoop-1.13.1.jar parquet-jackson-1.13.1.jar slf4j-api-1.7.22.jar slf4j-nop-1.7.22.jar snappy-java- stax2-api-4.2.1.jar woodstox-core-5.3.0.jar.
These libraries support some, but not all, of the compression formats defined for parquet, currently uncompressed, gzip, snappy and lz4_raw. Supplying more of the parquet-mr dependencies at runtime would extend this list.

The handler behaviour may be modified by specifying one or more comma-separated name=value configuration options in parentheses after the handler name, e.g. "parquet(compression=gzip,groupArray=false)". The following options are available:

compression = uncompressed|snappy|gzip|lz4_raw
Configures the type of compression used for output. Supported values are probably uncompressed, snappy, gzip and lz4_raw. Others may be available if the relevant codecs are on the classpath at runtime. If no value is specified, the parquet-mr library default is used, which is probably uncompressed. (Default: null)
groupArray = true|false
Controls the low-level detail of how array-valued columns are written. For an array-valued int32 column named IVAL, groupArray=false will write it as "repeated int32 IVAL" while groupArray=true will write it as "optional group IVAL (LIST) { repeated group list { optional int32 item} }". I don't know why you'd want to do it the latter way, but some other parquet writers seem to do that by default, so there must be some good reason. (Default: false)
usedict = true|false|null
Determines whether dictionary encoding is used for output. This will work well to compress the output for columns with a small number of distinct values. Even when this setting is true, dictionary encoding is abandoned once many values have been encountered (the dictionary gets too big). If no value is specified, the parquet-mr library default is used, which is probably true. (Default: null)

If no output format is explicitly chosen, writing to a filename with the extension ".parquet" or ".parq" (case insensitive) will select parquet format for output. feather

The Feather file format is a column-oriented binary disk-based format based on Apache Arrow and supported by (at least) Python, R and Julia. Some description of it is available at and It can be used for large datasets, but it does not support array-valued columns. It can be a useful format to use for exchanging data with R, for which FITS I/O is reported to be slow.

This writer is somewhat experimental; please report problems if you encounter them.

If no output format is explicitly chosen, writing to a filename with the extension ".fea" or ".feather" (case insensitive) will select feather format for output. text

Writes tables in a simple text-based format designed to be read by humans. No reader exists for this format.

The handler behaviour may be modified by specifying one or more comma-separated name=value configuration options in parentheses after the handler name, e.g. "text(maxCell=40,maxParam=160)". The following options are available:

maxCell = <int>
Maximum width in characters of an output table cell. Cells longer than this will be truncated. (Default: 40)
maxParam = <int>
Maximum width in characters of an output table parameter. Parameters with values longer than this will be truncated. (Default: 160)
params = true|false
Whether to output table parameters as well as row data. (Default: true)
sampledRows = <int>
The number of rows examined on a first pass of the table to determine the width of each column. Only a representative number of rows needs to be examined, but if a formatted cell value after this limit is wider than the cells up to it, then such later wide cells may get truncated. If the value is <=0, all rows are examined in the first pass; this is the default, but it can be configured to some other value if that takes too long. (Default: 0)

Multiple tables may be written to a single output file using this format.

An example looks like this:

Table name: animals.vot
Description: Some animals
Author: Mark Taylor
| 1     | pig       | Pigling Bland | 4    | 0.8    | true   |
| 2     | cow       | Daisy         | 4    | 2.0    | true   |
| 3     | goldfish  | Dobbin        |      | 0.05   | false  |
| 4     | ant       |               | 6    | 0.001  | false  |
| 5     | ant       |               | 6    | 0.001  | false  |
| 6     | queen ant | Ma'am         | 6    | 0.002  | false  |
| 7     | human     | Mark          | 2    | 1.8    | true   |
+-------+-----------+---------------+------+--------+--------+ html

Writes a basic HTML TABLE element suitable for use as a web page or for insertion into one.

The handler behaviour may be modified by specifying one or more comma-separated name=value configuration options in parentheses after the handler name, e.g. "html(maxCell=200,standalone=false)". The following options are available:

maxCell = <int>
Maximum width in characters of an output table cell. Cells longer than this will be truncated. (Default: 200)
standalone = true|false
If true, the output is a freestanding HTML document complete with HTML, HEAD and BODY tags. If false, the output is just a TABLE element. (Default: false)

Multiple tables may be written to a single output file using this format.

If no output format is explicitly chosen, writing to a filename with the extension ".html" or ".htm" (case insensitive) will select HTML format for output.

An example looks like this:

<TR> <TH>&nbsp;</TH> <TH>&nbsp;</TH> <TH>&nbsp;</TH> <TH>&nbsp;</TH> <TH>(m)</TH> <TH>&nbsp;</TH></TR>
<TR><TD colspan='6'></TD></TR>
<TR> <TD>1</TD> <TD>pig</TD> <TD>Pigling Bland</TD> <TD>4</TD> <TD>0.8</TD> <TD>true</TD></TR>
<TR> <TD>2</TD> <TD>cow</TD> <TD>Daisy</TD> <TD>4</TD> <TD>2.0</TD> <TD>true</TD></TR>
<TR> <TD>3</TD> <TD>goldfish</TD> <TD>Dobbin</TD> <TD>&nbsp;</TD> <TD>0.05</TD> <TD>false</TD></TR>
<TR> <TD>4</TD> <TD>ant</TD> <TD>&nbsp;</TD> <TD>6</TD> <TD>0.001</TD> <TD>false</TD></TR>
<TR> <TD>5</TD> <TD>ant</TD> <TD>&nbsp;</TD> <TD>6</TD> <TD>0.001</TD> <TD>false</TD></TR>
<TR> <TD>6</TD> <TD>queen ant</TD> <TD>Ma&apos;am</TD> <TD>6</TD> <TD>0.002</TD> <TD>false</TD></TR>
<TR> <TD>7</TD> <TD>human</TD> <TD>Mark</TD> <TD>2</TD> <TD>1.8</TD> <TD>true</TD></TR>
</TABLE> latex

Writes a table as a LaTeX tabular environment, suitable for insertion into a document intended for publication. This is only likely to be useful for fairly small tables.

The handler behaviour may be modified by specifying one or more comma-separated name=value configuration options in parentheses after the handler name, e.g. "latex(standalone=false)". The following options are available:

standalone = true|false
If true, the output is a freestanding LaTeX document consisting of a tabular environment within a table within a document. If false, the output is just a tabular environment. (Default: false)

If no output format is explicitly chosen, writing to a filename with the extension ".tex" (case insensitive) will select LaTeX format for output.

An example looks like this:

  \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{RECNO} &
  \multicolumn{1}{c|}{SPECIES} &
  \multicolumn{1}{c|}{NAME} &
  \multicolumn{1}{c|}{LEGS} &
  \multicolumn{1}{c|}{HEIGHT} &
  \multicolumn{1}{c|}{MAMMAL} \\
  1 & pig & Pigling Bland & 4 & 0.8 & true\\
  2 & cow & Daisy & 4 & 2.0 & true\\
  3 & goldfish & Dobbin &  & 0.05 & false\\
  4 & ant &  & 6 & 0.001 & false\\
  5 & ant &  & 6 & 0.001 & false\\
  6 & queen ant & Ma'am & 6 & 0.002 & false\\
  7 & human & Mark & 2 & 1.8 & true\\
\hline\end{tabular} tst

Tab-Separated Table, or TST, is a text-based table format used by a number of astronomical tools including Starlink's GAIA and ESO's SkyCat on which it is based. A definition of the format can be found in Starlink Software Note 75.

If no output format is explicitly chosen, writing to a filename with the extension ".tst" (case insensitive) will select TST format for output.

An example looks like this:


# Table parameters
Description: Some animals
Author: Mark Taylor

# Attempted guesses about identity of columns in the table.
# These have been inferred from column UCDs and/or names
# in the original table data.
# The algorithm which identifies these columns is not particularly reliable,
# so it is possible that these are incorrect.
id_col: 2
ra_col: -1
dec_col: -1

# This TST file generated by STIL v4.3-1

-----	-------	----	----	------	------
1	pig	Pigling Bland	4	0.8	true
2	cow	Daisy	4	2.0	true
3	goldfish	Dobbin		0.05	false
4	ant		6	0.001	false
5	ant		6	0.001	false
6	queen ant	Ma'am	6	0.002	false
7	human	Mark	2	1.8	true
[EOD] mirage

Mirage was a nice standalone tool for analysis of multidimensional data, from which TOPCAT took some inspiration. It was described in a 2007 paper 2007ASPC..371..391H, but no significant development seems to have taken place since then. This format is therefore probably obsolete, but you can still write table output in Mirage-compatible format if you like.

If no output format is explicitly chosen, writing to a filename with the extension ".mirage" (case insensitive) will select mirage format for output.

An example looks like this:

# Written by
# Omitted column 5: MAMMAL(Boolean)
# Column names
# Text columns
format text SPECIES
format text NAME
# Table data
1 pig Pigling_Bland 4 0.8 
2 cow Daisy 4 2.0 
3 goldfish Dobbin <blank> 0.05 
4 ant <blank> 6 0.001 
5 ant <blank> 6 0.001 
6 queen_ant Ma'am 6 0.002 
7 human Mark 2 1.8 

5.1.3 Non-standard FITS conventions

STIL, the I/O library underlying STILTS, uses a few private conventions when writing and reading FITS files. These are not private in the sense that non-STIL code is prevented from cooperating with them, but STIL does not assume that other code, or FITS tables it encounters, will use these conventions. Instead, they offer (in some cases) added value for tables that were written by STIL and are subsequently re-read by STIL, while causing the minimum of trouble for non-STIL readers. FITS-plus

When writing tables to FITS BINTABLE format, STIL can optionally store additional metadata in the FITS file using a private convention known as "FITS-plus". The table is written exactly as usual in a BINTABLE extension HDU, but the primary HDU (HDU#0) contains a sequence of characters, stored as a 1-d array of bytes using UTF-8 encoding, which forms the text of a DATA-less VOTable document. Note that the Primary HDU cannot be used to store table data, so under normal circumstances has no interesting content in a FITS file used just for table storage. The FITS tables in the subsequent extensions are understood to contain the data.

The point of this is that the VOTable can contain all the rich metadata about the table(s), but the bulk data are in a form which can be read efficiently. Crucially, the resulting FITS file is a perfectly good FITS table on its own, so non-VOTable-aware readers can read it in just the usual way, though of course they do not benefit from the additional metadata stored in the VOTable header.

In practice, STIL normally writes FITS files using this convention (it writes the VOTable metadata into the Primary HDU) and when reading a FITS files it looks for use of this convention (examines the Primary HDU for VOTable metadata and uses it if present). But if an input file does not follow this convention, the metadata is taken directly from the BINTABLE header as normal. Non-FITS-plus-aware (i.e. non-STIL) readers will ignore the Primary HDU, since it has no purpose in a standard FITS file containing only a table, and it doesn't look like anything else that such readers are usually expecting. The upshot is that for nearly all purposes you can forget about use of this convention when writing and reading FITS tables using STIL and other libraries, but STIL may be able to recover rich metadata from files that it has written itself.

To be recognised as a FITS-plus file, the Primary HDU (and hence the FITS file) must begin like this:

    SIMPLE  =              T
    BITPIX  =              8
    NAXIS   =              1
    NAXIS1  =            ???
    VOTMETA =              T
The sequence and values of the given header cards must be as shown, except for NAXIS1 which contains the number of bytes in the data block; any comments are ignored.

The content of the Primary HDU must be a VOTable document containing zero or more TABLE elements, one for each BINTABLE extension appearing later in the FITS file. Each such TABLE must not contain a DATA child; the table content is taken from the BINTABLE in the next unused table HDU. For instance the Primary HDU content annotating a single table might look like this:

   <?xml version='1.0'?>
   <VOTABLE version="1.3" xmlns="">
   <TABLE nrows="1000">
     <FIELD datatype="double" name="RA" ucd="pos.eq.ra;meta.main"/>
     <FIELD datatype="double" name="Dec" ucd="pos.eq.dec;meta.main"/>
     <!-- Dummy VOTable - no DATA element here -->
The first extension HDU would then contain the two-column BINTABLE corresponding to the given metadata.

The VOTable metadata MUST be compatible with the structure of the annotated BINTABLE(s) in terms of number and datatypes of columns.

Note: This arrangement bears some similarity to VOTable/FITS encoding, in which the output file is a VOTable which references an inline or external FITS file containing the bulk data. However, the VOTable/FITS format is inconvenient in that either (for in-line data) the FITS file is base64-encoded and so hard to read efficiently especially for random access, or (for referenced data) the table is split across two files. Wide FITS

The FITS BINTABLE standard (FITS Standard v4.0, section 7.3) permits a maximum of 999 columns in a binary table extension. Up to version 3.2 of STIL, attempting to write a table with more than 999 columns using one of the supported FITS-based writers failed with an error. In later versions, a non-standard convention is used which can store wider tables in a FITS BINTABLE extension. The various STIL FITS-based readers can (in their default configurations) read these tables transparently, allowing round-tripping of arbitrarily wide tables to FITS files. Note however that other FITS-compliant software is not in general aware of this convention, and will see a 999-column table. The first 998 columns will appear as intended, but subsequent ones will effectively be hidden.

The rest of this section describes the convention that is used to store tables with more than 999 columns in FITS BINTABLE extensions.

The BINTABLE extension type requires table column metadata to be described using 8-character keywords of the form TXXXXnnn, where TXXXX represents one of an open set of mandatory, reserved or user-defined root keywords up to five characters in length, for instance TFORM (mandatory), TUNIT (reserved), TUCD (user-defined). The nnn part is an integer between 1 and 999 indicating the index of the column to which the keyword in question refers. Since the header syntax confines this indexed part of the keyword to three digits, there is an upper limit of 999 columns in BINTABLE extensions.

Note that the FITS/BINTABLE format does not entail any restriction on the storage of column data beyond the 999 column limit in the data part of the HDU, the problem is just that client software cannot be informed about the layout of this data using the header cards in the usual way.

The following convention is used by STIL FITS-based I/O handlers to accommodate wide tables in FITS files:


The resulting HDU is a completely legal FITS BINTABLE extension. Readers aware of this convention may use it to extract column data and metadata beyond the 999-column limit. Readers unaware of this convention will see 998 columns in their intended form, and an additional (possibly large) column 999 which contains byte data but which cannot be easily interpreted.

An example header might look like this:

   XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'           /  binary table extension
   BITPIX  =                    8 /  8-bit bytes
   NAXIS   =                    2 /  2-dimensional table
   NAXIS1  =                 9229 /  width of table in bytes
   NAXIS2  =                   26 /  number of rows in table
   PCOUNT  =                    0 /  size of special data area
   GCOUNT  =                    1 /  one data group
   TFIELDS =                  999 /  number of columns
   XT_ICOL =                  999 /  index of container column
   XT_NCOL =                 1204 /  total columns including extended
   TTYPE1  = 'posid_1 '           /  label for column 1
   TFORM1  = 'J       '           /  format for column 1
   TTYPE2  = 'instrument_1'       /  label for column 2
   TFORM2  = '4A      '           /  format for column 2
   TTYPE3  = 'edge_code_1'        /  label for column 3
   TFORM3  = 'I       '           /  format for column 3
   TUCD3   = 'meta.code.qual'
   TTYPE998= 'var_min_s_2'        /  label for column 998
   TFORM998= 'D       '           /  format for column 998
   TUNIT998= 'counts/s'           /  units for column 998
   TTYPE999= 'XT_MORECOLS'        /  label for column 999
   TFORM999= '813I    '           /  format for column 999
   HIERARCH XT TTYPE999         = 'var_min_u_2' / label for column 999
   HIERARCH XT TFORM999         = 'D' / format for column 999
   HIERARCH XT TUNIT999         = 'counts/s' / units for column 999
   HIERARCH XT TTYPE1000        = 'var_prob_h_2' / label for column 1000
   HIERARCH XT TFORM1000        = 'D' / format for column 1000
   HIERARCH XT TTYPE1203        = 'var_prob_w_2' / label for column 1203
   HIERARCH XT TFORM1203        = 'D' / format for column 1203
   HIERARCH XT TTYPE1204        = 'var_sigma_w_2' / label for column 1204
   HIERARCH XT TFORM1204        = 'D' / format for column 1204
   HIERARCH XT TUNIT1204        = 'counts/s' / units for column 1204

This general approach was suggested by William Pence on the FITSBITS list in June 2012, and by François-Xavier Pineau (CDS) in private conversation in 2016. The details have been filled in by Mark Taylor (Bristol), and discussed in some detail on the FITSBITS list in July 2017.

5.2 Input Locations

The location of a serialized input table, usually given using the in parameter or similar, may be given in one of the forms listed below.

Very often, you will simply specify a filename as location, and the tool will just read from it in the usual way.
Tables can be read from URLs directly. Some non-standard URL protocols are supported as well as the usual ones. The list is:
Read from HTTP resources.
Read from HTTPS resources.
Read from anonymous FTP resources.
Read from local files, using the syntax file:///path/to/file. This is similar to specifying the filename directly, but there is a difference: using this form forces reads to be sequential rather than random access, which may allow you to experience a different set of performance characteristics and bugs.
Specialised protocol for looking inside Java Archive files - see JarURLConnection documentation.
(Obsolete?) Accesses files in the AstroGrid "MySpace" virtual file store. These URLs look something like "myspace:/survey/iras_psc.xml", and can access files in the myspace are that the user is currently logged into. These URLs can be used for both input and output of tables. To use them you must have an AstroGrid account and the AstroGrid WorkBench or similar must be running; if you're not currently logged in a dialogue will pop up to ask you for name and password.
(Obsolete?) Understands ivo-type URLs which signify files in the AstroGrid "MySpace" virtual file store. These URLs look something like "ivo://". These URLs can be used for both input and output of tables. To use them you must have an AstroGrid account and the AstroGrid WorkBench or similar must be running; if you're not currently logged in a dialogue will pop up to ask you for name and password.
JDBC URLs may be used, but they don't work in the same way as the others listed here, since they do not reference an input byte stream. See instead Section 5.3.3.
Minus sign ("-")
The special location "-" (minus sign) indicates standard input. This allows you to use STILTS commands in a normal Unix pipeline.
System command ("<syscmd" or "syscmd|")
If the location starts with a "<" character or ends with a "|" character, the rest of the string is taken as a command line to be executed by the system shell. For instance a location like "<cat header.txt data.txt" (or equivalently "cat header.txt data.txt|") could be used to prepend a header line to an ASCII data file before it is passed to the STILTS ASCII-format input handler. Note this syntax will probably only work on Unix-like systems.

In any of these cases, for input locations compression is taken care of automatically. That means that you can give the filename or URL of a file which is compressed using gzip, bzip2 or Unix compress and the program will uncompress it on the fly.

For file formats that can contain multiple tables, the one required, if it's not the first in the file, can generally be specified by a position indicator string appended to the basic location following a "#". For instance "cat.fits#3" references HDU 3 in a multi-extension FITS file. The details of this syntax depend on the file format, and are given in the relevant subsection of Section 5.1.1.

Note that tables can also be supplied from non-serialized sources, as described in Input Schemes.

5.3 Input Schemes

As well as being able to load tables from external data streams, STILTS offers a way to specify tables that do not correspond to a stream of bytes. These may be defined programmatically or interact with external services in some way that is not as straightforward as decoding a stream of bytes.

Such tables are defined using different schemes, and scheme specifications may be used in the same places as input table names, for instance as the value of the in parameter in tpipe and other commands. If an input location parameter (in) uses a scheme specification, the corresponding input format parameter (ifmt) is ignored.

The form of a scheme specification is:

so that for instance "in=:loop:10" specifies a 10-row single-column table, as described by the loop scheme documentation below. For an example of using such tables, you can try running for instance
   stilts plot2plane in=:attractor:1e7,clifford layer1=mark shading1=density densemap1=plasma x1=x y1=y

The following subsections describe all the schemes that are available by default. It is also possible to add new schemes at runtime by using the startable.schemes system property.

5.3.1 skysim

Usage: :skysim:<nrow>

Generates a simulated all-sky star catalogue with a specified number of rows. This is intended to provide crude test catalogues when no suitable real dataset of the required size is available. In the current implementation the row count, which may be given in integer or exponential notation, is the only parameter, so the specification ":skysim:5e6" would give a 5 million-row simulated catalogue.

The current implementation provides somewhat realistic position-dependent star densities and distributions of magnitudes and colours based on positionally averaged values from Gaia EDR3. The source positions do not correspond to actual stars. The columns and the statistics on which the output is based may change in future releases.


| ra        | dec        | l          | b          | gmag      | rmag      | b_r        |
| 266.7702  | -32.689117 | -3.044958  | -2.217145  | 18.168278 | 16.03555  | 1.046624   |
| 276.83398 | 8.132022   | 37.491447  | 9.031909   | 18.331224 | 18.786451 | 1.4425725  |
| 92.04118  | 23.79857   | -173.02219 | 1.7854756  | 16.743847 | 15.623316 | 1.690048   |
| 271.08215 | -5.2012086 | 22.848532  | 8.022958   | 21.538874 | 17.782997 | 2.1645386  |
| 298.83368 | 31.401922  | 67.75605   | 1.6348709  | 20.145718 | 17.728764 | 1.1521724  |
| 204.9299  | -77.07571  | -54.29949  | -14.464215 | 19.044079 | 20.277771 | 0.92987275 |

5.3.2 attractor

Usage: :attractor:<nrow>[,(clifford[,a,b,c,d]|rampe[,a,b,c,d,e,f]|henon[,a,b,c])]

Generates tables listing points sampled from one of a specified family of strange attractors. These can provide tables with (X,Y) or (X,Y,Z) columns and arbitrarily many rows. They can be used, for instance, to make (beautiful) example large-scale scatter plots in 2-d or 3-d space.

The specification syntax is of the form :attractor:<nrow>,<family-name>[,<args>] where <nrow> is the number of rows required, <family-name> is the name of one of the supported families of attractors, and <args> is an optional comma-separated list of numeric arguments specifying the family-specific parameters of the required attractor. If the <args> part is omitted, an example attractor from the family is used. Note that picking <args> values at random will often result in rather boring (non-strange) attractors.

The following families are currently supported:

clifford attractors are 2-dimensional and have 4 parameters, with suggested values in the range +/-2.0.

The iteration is defined by the equations:

    x' = sin(a*y) + c * cos(a*x)
    y' = sin(b*x) + d * cos(b*y)


rampe attractors are 3-dimensional and have 6 parameters, with suggested values in the range +/-2.0.

The iteration is defined by the equations:

    x' = x * z * sin(a*x) - cos(b*y)
    y' = y * x * sin(c*y) - cos(d*z)
    z' = z * y * sin(e*z) - cos(f*x)


henon attractors are 2-dimensional and have 3 parameters, with suggested values in the range +/-2.0.

The iteration is defined by the equations:

    x' = y + a + b*x*x
    y' = c*x



| x                    | y                   | z                    |
| -0.5759098296568739  | 0.09844750286352466 | -0.6712534741282851  |
| -1.3295344852011892  | -0.9829776649068059 | -0.7814409891660122  |
| -1.1910376215054008  | 0.04335596646295736 | -1.0308958690758545  |
| -2.0144704755218514  | -0.9699626185329038 | -0.35169532148364757 |
| -0.16145296509226564 | 0.5245428249077974  | 0.17929370340580017  |
| -0.8409807675257591  | -0.9598486078341374 | -0.955769158222801   |

5.3.3 jdbc

Usage: :jdbc:<jdbc-part>

Interacts with the JDBC system (JDBC sort-of stands for Java DataBase Connectivity) to execute an SQL query on a connected database. The jdbc:... specification is the JDBC URL. For historical compatibility reasons, specifications of this scheme may omit the leading colon character, so that the following are both legal, and are equivalent:

   jdbc:mysql://localhost/dbl#SELECT TOP 10 ra, dec FROM gsc
   :jdbc:mysql://localhost/dbl#SELECT TOP 10 ra, dec FROM gsc

In order for this to work, you must have access to a suitable database with a JDBC driver, and some standard JDBC configuration is required to set the driver up. The following steps are necessary:

  1. the driver class must be available on the runtime classpath
  2. the jdbc.drivers system property must be set to the driver classname

More detailed information about how to set up the JDBC system to connect with an available database, and of how to construct JDBC URLs, is provided elsewhere in the documentation.

5.3.4 loop

Usage: :loop:<count>|<start>,<end>[,<step>]

Generates a table whose single column increments over a given range.

The specification may either be a single value N giving the number of rows, which yields values in the range 0..N-1, or two or three comma-separated values giving the start, end and optionally step corresponding to the conventional specification of a loop variable.

The supplied numeric parameters are interpreted as floating point values, but the output column type will be 32- or 64-bit integer or 64-bit floating point, depending on the values that it has to take.



| i |
| 0 |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |
| 5 |

5.3.5 test

Usage: :test:[<nrow>[,<opts-ibsfgvwmk*>]]

Generates a table containing test data. The idea is to include columns of different data types, for instance to provide an example for testing I/O handler implementations. The columns will contain some variety of more or less meaningless values, but the content is reproducible between runs, so the same specification will produce the same output each time. Updates of the implementation might change the output however, so the output is not guaranteed to be the same for all time.

The table specification has two comma-separated parameters:

If <opts> and/or <nrow> are omitted, some default values are used.


| i_index | s_byte | s_short | s_int | s_long | s_float | s_double | s_string       | s_boolean |
| 0       | 0      | 0       | 0     | 0      | 0.0     | 0.0      | zero           | false     |
| 1       |        | 1       | 1     | 1      | 1.0     | 1.0      | one            | true      |
| 2       | 2      |         | 2     | 2      | 2.0     | 2.0      | two            | false     |
| 3       | 3      | 3       |       | 3      | 3.0     | 3.0      | three          | true      |
| 4       | 4      | 4       | 4     |        | 4.0     | 4.0      | four           | false     |
| 5       | 5      | 5       | 5     | 5      |         | 5.0      | five           | true      |
| 6       | 6      | 6       | 6     | 6      | 6.0     |          | six            | false     |
| 7       | 7      | 7       | 7     | 7      | 7.0     | 7.0      |                | true      |
| 8       | 8      | 8       | 8     | 8      | 8.0     | 8.0      | ' "\""' ; '&<> |           |
| 9       | 9      | 9       | 9     | 9      |         |          |                | true      |

5.3.6 class

Usage: :class:<TableScheme-classname>:<scheme-spec>

Uses an instance of a named class that implements the interface and that has a no-arg constructor. Arguments to be passed to an instance of the named class are appended after a colon following the classname.

For example, the specification "" would return a table constructed by the code new"10").

| i |
| 0 |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |

5.3.7 hapi

Usage: :hapi:<server-url>;<dataset>;start=<start>;stop=<stop>[;maxChunk=<n>][;failOnLimit=<true|false>][;<key>=<value>...]

Generates a table by interacting with a HAPI service. HAPI, the Heliophysics Data Application Programmer’s Interface is a protocol for serving streamed time series data.

In most cases it is not essential to use this scheme, since pointing the HAPI table input handler at a URL with suitable parameters will be able to read the data, but this scheme provides some added value by negotiating with the server to make sure that the correct version-sensitive request parameter names and the most efficient data stream format are used, and can split the request into multiple chunks if the service rejects the whole query as too large.

The first token in the specification is the base URL of the HAPI service, the second is the dataset identifier, and others, as defined by the HAPI protocol, are supplied as <name>=<value> pairs, separated by a semicolon (";") or an ampersand ("&"). The start and stop parameters, giving ISO-8601-like bounds for the interval requested, are required.

Additionally, some parameters may be supplied which affect load behaviour but are not transmitted to the HAPI service. These are:

divides the request up into at most <n> smaller chunks if the server refuses to supply the whole range at once.
determines what happens if the service does refuse to serve the whole range (in chunks or otherwise); if true, the table load will fail, but if false as many rows as are available will be loaded.

Some variant syntax is permitted; an ampersand ("&") may be used instead of a semicolon to separate tokens, and the names "time.min" and "time.max" may be used in place of "start" and "stop".

Note that since semicolons and/or ampersands form part of the syntax, and these characters have special meaning in some contexts, it may be necessary to quote the scheme specification on the command line.


| Timestamp                | Latitude      | Longitude     |
| 2009-01-01T00:00:03.607Z | -74.136357526 | -78.905620222 |
| 2009-01-01T00:00:05.607Z | -74.009378676 | -78.884853931 |
| 2009-01-01T00:00:06.607Z | -73.945887793 | -78.874590667 |
| 2009-01-01T00:00:07.607Z | -73.882397005 | -78.864406236 |
| 2009-01-01T00:00:08.607Z | -73.818903534 | -78.854396448 |

5.4 Authentication

Some external data services restrict access to registered users, meaning that you have to log in to use them. If STILTS encounters such a restriction and knows how to try to authenticate to the service in question, it will report on the console the URL for which the access is blocked (and possibly some additional information about the way authentication is being carried out), and ask for entry of a username and password. If authentication is successful, the resource can be retrieved, and so can any other resources from the same place, so if multiple contacts to the same service are required from the same STILTS command/session, only one login attempt should be required.

If user interaction during the command is not suitable, it is possible to supply a username and password using the system properties auth.username and auth.password. If both of these are set, then instead of asking on the console for login credentials, they will be taken from the property values, for instance

   stilts -Dauth.username=foo -Dauth.password=@~/passwd.txt
          tpipe in=
would access the named resource, and if challenged by the service for authentication would supply "foo" for user name and the contents of the file at ~/passwd.txt as the password. Note however that this feature should be used with care, since it passes private information indiscriminately to any service that asks for it.

Some TAP services offer optional authentication; anonymous access is permitted, but users who log in may benefit from restricted data or enhanced resource limits. By default, the TAP access commands (tapquery, taplint, tapskymatch and tapresume) will use anonymous access by default in this case. But if you prefer to use the service in authenticated mode, you can supply the auth=true parameter and an attempt will be made to log in before use.

There is currently no way to log in to non-TAP VO services that provide optional authentication; however at time of writing I'm not aware of any.

Note: These authentication arrangements in STILTS are new at version 3.4-9, and rely on VO standards that are still under discussion. The behaviour and user interface may change in future releases, and at time of writing not all data services that provide authentication advertise it in a way that STILTS can work with. It is hoped that authentication interoperability will improve in future versions of STILTS and of server-side software.

6 Table Pipelines

Several of the tasks available in STILTS take one or more input tables, do something or other with them, and produce one or more output tables. This is a pretty obvious way to go about things, and in the most straightforward case that's exactly what happens: you name one or more input tables, specify the processing parameters, and name an output table; the task then reads the input tables from disk, does the processing and writes the output table to disk.

However, many of the tasks in STILTS allow you to do pre-processing of the input tables before the main job, post-processing of the output table after the main job, and to decide what happens to the final tabular result, without any intermediate storage of the data. Examples of the kind of pre-processing you might want to do are to rearrange the columns so that they have the right units for the main task, or replace 'magic' values such as -999 with genuine blank values; the kind of post-processing you might want to do is to sort the rows in the output table or delete some of the columns you're not interested in. As for the destination of the final table, you might want to write it to disk, but equally you might not want to store it anywhere, but only be interested in counting the number of rows, or seeing the minima/maxima of a few of the columns, or you might want to send it straight to TOPCAT or some other table viewing application for interactive analysis.

Clearly, you could achieve the same effect by running multiple applications: preprocess your original input tables to write intermediate files on disk, run the main processing application which reads those files from disk and writes a new output file, run another application to postprocess the output file and write a new final output file, and finally do something with this such as counting the rows in it or viewing it in TOPCAT. However, by doing it all within a single task instead, no intermediate results have to be stored, and the whole sequence can be very much more efficient. You can think of this (if it helps) like a Unix pipeline, except what is being streamed from the start to the end of the pipe is not bytes, but table metadata and data. In most cases, the table data is streamed through the pipeline a row at a time, meaning that the amount of memory required is small (though in some cases, for instance row sorting and crossmatching, this is not possible).

Tasks which allow this pre/post-processing, or "filtering", have parameters with names like "cmd" which you use to specify processing steps. Tasks with multiple input tables (tmatch2, tskymatch2, tcatn, tjoin) may have parameters named icmd1, icmd2, ... for preprocessing the different input tables and ocmd for postprocessing the output table. tpipe does nothing except filtering, so there is no distinction between pre- and post-processing, and its filter parameter is just named cmd. tpipe additionally has a script parameter which allows you to use a text file to write the commands in, to prevent the command line getting too long. In both cases there is a parameter named omode which defines the "output mode", that is, what happens to the post-processed output table that comes out of the end of the pipeline.

Section 6.1 lists the processing steps available, and explains how to use them, Section 6.2 and Section 6.3 describe the syntax used in some of these filter commands for specifying columns, and Section 6.4 describes the available output modes. See the examples in the command reference, and particularly the tpipe examples, for some examples putting all this together.

6.1 Processing Filters

This section lists the filter commands which can be used for table pipeline processing, in conjunction with cmd- or script-type parameters.

You can string as many of these together as you like. On the command line, you can repeat the cmd (or icmd1, or ocmd...) parameter multiple times, or use one cmd parameter and separate different filter specifiers with semicolons (";"). The effect is the same.

It's important to note that each command in the sequence of processing steps acts on the table at that point in the sequence. Thus either of the two identical invocations:

   stilts tpipe cmd='delcols 1; delcols 1; delcols 1'
   stilts tpipe cmd='delcols 1' cmd='delcols 1' cmd='delcols 1'
has the same effect as
   stilts tpipe cmd='delcols "1 2 3"'
since in the first case the columns are shifted left after each one is deleted, so the table seen by each step has one fewer column than the one before. Note also the use of quotes in the latter of the examples above, which is necessary so that the <colid-list> of the delcols command is interpreted as one argument not three separate words.

The available filters are described in the following subsections.

6.1.1 addcol


   addcol [-after <col-id> | -before <col-id>]
          [-units <units>] [-ucd <ucd>] [-utype <utype>] [-xtype <xtype>]
          [-desc <descrip>] [-shape <n>[,<n>...][,*]] [-elsize <n>]
          <col-name> <expr>

Add a new column called <col-name> defined by the algebraic expression <expr>. By default the new column appears after the last column of the table, but you can position it either before or after a specified column using the -before or -after flags respectively.

The -units, -ucd, -utype, -xtype and -desc flags can be used to define textual metadata values for the new column.

The -shape flag can also be used, but is intended only for array-valued columns, e.g. -shape 3,3 to declare a 3x3 array. The final entry only in the shape list may be a "*" character to indicate unknown extent. Array values with no specified shape effectively have a shape of "*". The -elsize flag may be used to specify the length of fixed length strings; use with non-string columns is not recommended.

Syntax for the <expr> and <col-id> arguments is described in the manual.

6.1.2 addpixsample


   addpixsample [-radius <expr-rad>] [-systems <in-sys> <pix-sys>]
                <expr-lon> <expr-lat> <healpix-file>

Samples pixel data from an all-sky image file in HEALPix format. The <healpix-file> argument must be the filename of a table containing HEALPix pixel data. The URL of such a file can be used instead, but local files are likely to be more efficient.

The <expr-lon> and <expr-lat> arguments give expressions for the longitude and latitude in degrees for each row of the input table; this is usually just the column names. The long/lat must usually be in the same coordinate system as that used for the HEALPix data, so if the one is in galactic coordinates the other must be as well. If this is not the case, use the -systems flag to give the input long/lat and healpix data coordinate system names respectively. The available coordinate system names are:

The <expr-rad>, if present, is a constant or expression giving the radius in degrees over which pixels will be averaged to obtain the result values. Note that this averaging is somewhat approximate; pixels partly covered by the specified disc are weighted the same as those fully covered. If no radius is specified, the value of the pixel covering the central position will be used.

The <healpix-file> file is a table with one row per HEALPix pixel and one or more columns representing pixel data. A new column will be added to the output table corresponding to each of these pixel columns. This type of data is available in FITS tables for a number of all-sky data sets, particularly from the LAMBDA archive; see for instance the page on foreground products (including dust emission, reddening etc) or WMAP 7 year data. If the filename given does not appear to point to a file of the appropriate format, an error will result. Note the LAMBDA files mostly (all?) use galactic coordinates, so coordinate conversion using the -systems flag may be appropriate, see above.

Syntax for the <expr-lon> , <expr-lat> and <expr-rad> arguments is described in the manual.

This filter is somewhat experimental, and its usage may be changed or replaced in a future version.

Note: you may prefer to use the pixsample command instead.

6.1.3 addresolve


   addresolve <col-id-objname> <col-name-ra> <col-name-dec>

Performs name resolution on the string-valued column <col-id-objname> and appends two new columns <col-name-ra> and <col-name-dec> containing the resolved Right Ascension and Declination in degrees.

Syntax for the <col-id-objname> argument is described in Section 6.2.

UCDs are added to the new columns in a way which tries to be consistent with any UCDs already existing in the table.

Since this filter works by interrogating a remote service, it will obviously be slow. The current implementation is experimental; it may be replaced in a future release by some way of doing the same thing (perhaps a new STILTS task) which is able to work more efficiently by dispatching multiple concurrent requests.

This is currently implemented using the Simbad service operated by CDS.

6.1.4 addskycoords


   addskycoords [-epoch <expr>] [-inunit deg|rad|sex] [-outunit deg|rad|sex]
                <insys> <outsys> <col-id1> <col-id2> <col-name1> <col-name2>

Add new columns to the table representing position on the sky. The values are determined by converting a sky position whose coordinates are contained in existing columns. The <col-id> arguments give identifiers for the two input coordinate columns in the coordinate system named by <insys>, and the <col-name> arguments name the two new columns, which will be in the coordinate system named by <outsys>. The <insys> and <outsys> coordinate system specifiers are one of

The -inunit and -outunit flags may be used to indicate the units of the existing coordinates and the units for the new coordinates respectively; use one of degrees, radians or sexagesimal (may be abbreviated), otherwise degrees will be assumed. For sexagesimal, the two corresponding columns must be string-valued in forms like hh:mm:ss.s and dd:mm:ss.s respectively.

For certain conversions, the value specified by the -epoch flag is of significance. Where significant its value defaults to 2000.0.

Syntax for the <expr> , <col-id1> and <col-id2> arguments is described in the manual.

6.1.5 assert


   assert <test-expr> [<msg-expr>]

Check that a boolean expression is true for each row. If the expression <test-expr> does not evaluate true for any row of the table, execution terminates with an error. As long as no error occurs, the output table is identical to the input one.

If the <msg-expr> parameter is supplied, then on failure it will be evaluated and its value presented in the error message.

The exception generated by an assertion violation is of class although that is not usually obvious if you are running from the shell in the usual way.

Syntax for the <test-expr> and <msg-expr> arguments is described in the manual.

6.1.6 badval


   badval <bad-val> <colid-list>

For each column specified in <colid-list> any occurrence of the value <bad-val> is replaced by a blank entry.

Syntax for the <colid-list> argument is described in Section 6.3.

6.1.7 cache



Stores in memory or on disk a temporary copy of the table at this point in the pipeline. This can provide improvements in efficiency if there is an expensive step upstream and a step which requires more than one read of the data downstream. If you see an error like "Can't re-read data from stream" then adding this step near the start of the filters might help.

The output table contains no code-level reference to the input table, so this filter can also be useful when managing tables that have become deeply nested as the result of successively applying many STILTS operations.

The result of this filter is guaranteed to be random-access.

See also the random filter, which caches only when the input table is not random-access.

6.1.8 check



Runs checks on the table at the indicated point in the processing pipeline. This is strictly a debugging measure, and may be time-consuming for large tables.

6.1.9 clearparams


   clearparams <pname> ...

Clears the value of one or more named parameters. Each of the <pname> values supplied may be either a parameter name or a simple wildcard expression matching parameter names. Currently the only wildcarding is a "*" to match any sequence of characters. clearparams * will clear all the parameters in the table.

It is not an error to supply <pname>s which do not exist in the table - these have no effect.

6.1.10 collapsecols


   collapsecols [-[no]keepscalars] <array-colname> <col-id0> <ncol>

Adds a new array-valued column by using the values from a specified range of scalar columns as array elements. The new column is named <array-colname>, and produced from the sequence of <ncol> scalar columns starting with <col-id0>.

The array type of the output column is determined by the type of the first input column (<col-id0>). If it is of type Double, the output array column will be a double[] array, and similarly for types Long, Integer, Float and Boolean. Other integer types are currently mapped to int[], and object types, e.g. String, to the corresponding array type. Array elements for null or mistyped input values are mapped to NaN for floating point types, but note that they currently just turn into zeros for integer array types and false for boolean.

By default the scalar columns that have been used are removed from the output table and the new column replaces them at the same position. However, if you supply the -keepscalars flag they will be retained alongside the new array column (the new column will appear just after the run of scalar columns).

This filter does the opposite of explodecols.

Syntax for the <col-id0> argument is described in Section 6.2.

6.1.11 colmeta


   colmeta [-name <name>] [-units <units>] [-ucd <ucd>]
           [-utype <utype>] [-xtype <xtype>] [-desc <descrip>]
           [-shape <n>[,<n>...][,*]] [-elsize <n>]

Modifies the metadata of one or more columns. Some or all of the name, units, ucd, utype, xtype, description, shape and elementsize of the column(s), identified by <colid-list> can be set by using some or all of the listed flags. Typically, <colid-list> will simply be the name of a single column.

The -name, -units, -ucd, -utype, -xtype and -desc flags just take textual arguments. The -shape flag can also be used, but is intended only for array-valued columns, e.g. -shape 3,3 to declare a 3x3 array. The final entry only in the shape list may be a "*" character to indicate unknown extent. Array values with no specified shape effectively have a shape of "*". The -elsize flag may be used to specify the length of fixed length strings; use with non-string columns is not recommended.

Syntax for the <colid-list> argument is described in Section 6.3.

6.1.12 constcol


   constcol [-noparam] [-acceptnull] [-[no]parallel] [<colid-list>]

Identifies columns with constant values. Such columns are removed from the table and by default their fixed value is added to the table as a table parameter with the same name as the removed column. Such columns may have scalar or array values.

The -noparam flag controls whether constant columns identified are recorded instead as table parameters (per-table metadata items). By default they are, but supplying -noparam means these values will just be discarded.

The -acceptnull flag controls how blank values in candidate columns are treated. By default, all values in a column must be strictly the same for a column to be identified as constant value, but if -acceptnull is supplied then a column will be treated as constant if all its entries are either a single fixed value or blank.

The -[no]parallel flag controls whether processing is done using multithreading for large tables.

The <colid-list> gives the columns to be assessed by this filter; if not supplied, all columns will be examined.

Syntax for the <colid-list> argument is described in Section 6.3.

6.1.13 delcols


   delcols <colid-list>

Delete the specified columns. The same column may harmlessly be specified more than once.

Syntax for the <colid-list> argument is described in Section 6.3.

6.1.14 every


   every [-exact|-approx] <step>

Include only every <step>'th row in the result, starting with the first row. The optional -approx/-exact argument controls whether the selection needs to be exact; in some cases an approximate calculation can take advantage of parallelism where an exact one cannot.

6.1.15 explodeall


   explodeall [-ifndim <ndim>] [-ifshape <dims>]

Replaces any columns which is an N-element arrays with N scalar columns. Only columns with fixed array sizes are affected. The action can be restricted to only columns of a certain shape using the flags.

If the -ifndim flag is used, then only columns of dimensionality <ndim> will be exploded. <ndim> may be 1, 2, ....

If the -ifshape flag is used, then only columns with a specific shape will be exploded; <dims> is a space- or comma-separated list of dimension extents, with the most rapidly-varying first, e.g. '2 5' to explode all 2 x 5 element array columns.

6.1.16 explodecols


   explodecols <colid-list>

Takes a list of specified columns which represent N-element arrays and replaces each one with N scalar columns. Each of the columns specified by <colid-list> must have a fixed-length array type, though not all the arrays need to have the same number of elements.

This filter does the opposite of collapsecols.

Syntax for the <colid-list> argument is described in Section 6.3.

6.1.17 fixcolnames



Renames all columns and parameters in the input table so that they have names which have convenient syntax for STILTS. For the most part this means replacing spaces and other non-alphanumeric characters with underscores. This is a convenience which lets you use column names in algebraic expressions and other STILTS syntax.

Additionally, column names are adjusted if necessary to ensure that they are all unique when compared case-insensitively. If the names are all unique to start with then no changes are made, but if for instance two columns exist with names gMag and GMag, one of them will be altered (for instance to GMag_1).

6.1.18 group


   group [-[no]parallel] <key> [<key> ...] [<aggcol> ...]

Calculates aggregate functions on groups of rows. This does the same job as a SELECT ... GROUP BY statement with aggregate functions in ADQL/SQL.

The functionality is identical to that of the tgroup command, and the meaning and syntax of the <key> and <aggcol> words are identical too, except that the <aggcol> delimiter character is an at sign ("@") rather than a semicolon (";"), so a group entry count can be added for instance using an <aggcol> like "null@count". The <aggcol> arguments are distinguished by the fact that they contain at least one delimiter ("@"). See the tgroup documentation for a full explanation of the syntax and functionality.

The syntax here is rather cramped, so in many cases it will be more comfortable to use tgroup instead, but this filter is provided for cases where that may be more convenient.

6.1.19 head


   head <nrows>

Include only the first <nrows> rows of the table. If the table has fewer than <nrows> rows then it will be unchanged.

6.1.20 healpixmeta


   healpixmeta [-level <n>] [-implicit|-column <col-id>] [-csys C|G|E] [-nested|-ring] 

Adjusts the table metadata items that describe how HEALPix pixel data is encoded in the table.

Zero or more of the following flags may be supplied:

The effect of this filter is to write, or overwrite, certain special table parameters (per-table metadata) that STIL uses to describe how HEALPix pixel information is encoded in a table, specifically the HEALPix level, the column containing pixel index, the ordering scheme, and the sky coordinate system. Adding these parameters doesn't do anything on its own, but some of the STIL I/O handlers recognise these parameters, and they affect how the table will be formatted for output. In particular, if you set these parameters and then output to FITS format, the output table will contain headers defined by the HEALPix-FITS serialization format which is understood by several other applications to describe HEALPix maps. If you write to VOTable format, the metadata will only be recognised by other STIL-based applications but it means that if you, e.g., load the table into TOPCAT and then write it out again as FITS, the HEALPix information should be preserved.

When writing tables marked up like this to FITS, you have two options. If you write to one of the "normal" FITS formats (e.g. fits, fits-basic) then suitable headers will be added; in this case if an explicit pixel index column is used it must be the first column, and should be named "PIXEL". This may be enough for other applications to recognise the HEALPix metadata. However, if you use the special fits-healpix format more efforts will be made to conform to the HEALPix-FITS convention, for instance moving and renaming the explicit pixel index column if required.

The table parameters affected by this filter are: STIL_HPX_LEVEL, STIL_HPX_ISNEST, STIL_HPX_COLNAME, STIL_HPX_CSYS. Note these are not defined by any standard, they are defined and used only by STILTS and related applications (TOPCAT).

Syntax for the <col-id> argument is described in Section 6.2.

6.1.21 keepcols


   keepcols <colid-list>

Select the columns from the input table which will be included in the output table. The output table will include only those columns listed in <colid-list>, in that order. The same column may be listed more than once, in which case it will appear in the output table more than once.

Syntax for the <colid-list> argument is described in Section 6.3.

6.1.22 meta


   meta [<item> ...]

Provides information about the metadata for each column. This filter turns the table sideways, so that each row of the output corresponds to a column of the input. The columns of the output table contain metadata items such as column name, units, UCD etc corresponding to each column of the input table.

By default the output table contains columns for all metadata items for which any of the columns have non-blank values.

However, the output may be customised by supplying one or more <item> headings, in which case exactly those columns will appear, regardless of whether they have entries. It is not an error to specify an item for which no metadata exists in any of the columns (such entries will result in empty columns).

Some of the metadata items commonly found are:

Any table parameters of the input table are propagated to the output one.

6.1.23 progress



Monitors progress by displaying the number of rows processed so far on the terminal (standard error). This number is updated every second or thereabouts; if all the processing is done in under a second you may not see any output. If the total number of rows in the table is known, an ASCII-art progress bar is updated, otherwise just the number of rows seen so far is written.

Note under some circumstances progress may appear to complete before the actual work of the task is done since part of the processing involves slurping up the whole table to provide random access on it. In this case, applying the cache upstream may help.

6.1.24 random



Ensures that random access is available on this table. If the table currently has random access, it has no effect. If only sequential access is available, the table is cached so that downstream steps will see the cached, hence random-access, copy.

6.1.25 randomview



Ensures that steps downstream only use random access methods for table access. If the table is sequential only, this will result in an error. Only useful for debugging.

6.1.26 repeat


   repeat [-row|-table] <count>

Repeats the rows of a table multiple times to produce a longer table. The output table will have <count> times as many rows as the input table.

The optional flag determines the sequence of the output rows. If <count>=2 and there are three rows, the output sequence will be 112233 for -row and 123123 for -table. The default behaviour is currently -table.

The <count> value will usually be a constant integer value, but it can be an expression evaluated in the context of the table.

6.1.27 replacecol


   replacecol [-name <name>] [-units <units>] [-ucd <ucd>]
              [-utype <utype>] [-xtype <xtype>] [-desc <descrip>]
              <col-id> <expr>

Replaces the content of a column with the value of an algebraic expression. The old values are discarded in favour of the result of evaluating <expr>. You can specify the metadata for the new column using the -name, -units, -ucd, -utype, -xtype and -desc flags; for any of these items which you do not specify, they will take the values from the column being replaced.

It is legal to reference the replaced column in the expression, so for example "replacecol pixsize pixsize*2" just multiplies the values in column pixsize by 2.

Syntax for the <col-id> and <expr> arguments is described in the manual.

6.1.28 replaceval


   replaceval <old-val> <new-val> <colid-list>

For each column specified in <colid-list> any instance of <old-val> is replaced by <new-val>. The value string 'null' can be used for either <old-value> or <new-value> to indicate a blank value (but see also the badval filter).

Syntax for the <colid-list> argument is described in Section 6.3.

6.1.29 rowrange


   rowrange <first> <last>|+<count>

Includes only rows in a given range. The range can either be supplied as "<first> <last>", where row indices are inclusive, or "<first> +<count>". In either case, the first row is numbered 1.

Thus, to get the first hundred rows, use either "rowrange 1 100" or "rowrange 1 +100" and to get the second hundred, either "rowrange 101 200" or "rowrange 101 +100"

6.1.30 select


   select <expr>

Include in the output table only rows for which the expression <expr> evaluates to true. <expr> must be an expression which evaluates to a boolean value (true/false).

Syntax for the <expr> argument is described in Section 10.

6.1.31 seqview



Ensures that steps downstream see the table as sequential access. Any attempts at random access will fail. Only useful for debugging.

6.1.32 setparam


   setparam [-type byte|short|int|long|float|double|boolean|string]
            [-desc <descrip>] [-unit <units>] [-ucd <ucd>]
            [-utype <utype>] [-xtype <xtype>]
            <pname> <pexpr>

Sets a named parameter in the table to a given value. The parameter named <pname> is set to the value <pexpr>, which may be a literal value or an expression involving mathematical operations and other parameter names (using the param$<name> syntax). By default, the data type of the parameter is determined by the type of the supplied expression, but this can be overridden using the -type flag. The parameter description, units, UCD, Utype and Xtype attributes may optionally be set using the other flags.

6.1.33 sort


   sort [-down] [-nullsfirst] [-[no]parallel] <key-list>

Sorts the table according to the value of one or more algebraic expressions. The sort key expressions appear, as separate (space-separated) words, in <key-list>; sorting is done on the first expression first, but if that results in a tie then the second one is used, and so on.

Each expression must evaluate to a type that it makes sense to sort, for instance numeric. If the -down flag is used, the sort order is descending rather than ascending.

Blank entries are by default considered to come at the end of the collation sequence, but if the -nullsfirst flag is given then they are considered to come at the start instead.

By default, sorting is done sequentially for small tables and in parallel for large tables, but this can be controlled with the -parallel or -noparallel flag.

Syntax for the <key-list> argument is described in Section 10.

6.1.34 sorthead


   sorthead [-tail] [-down] [-nullsfirst] <nrows> <key-list>

Performs a sort on the table according to the value of one or more algebraic expressions, retaining only <nrows> rows at the head of the resulting sorted table. The sort key expressions appear, as separate (space-separated) words, in <key-list>; sorting is done on the first expression first, but if that results in a tie then the second one is used, and so on. Each expression must evaluate to a type that it makes sense to sort, for instance numeric.

If the -tail flag is used, then the last <nrows> rows rather than the first ones are retained.

If the -down flag is used the sort order is descending rather than ascending.

Blank entries are by default considered to come at the end of the collation sequence, but if the -nullsfirst flag is given then they are considered to come at the start instead.

This filter is functionally equivalent to using sort followed by head, but it can be done in one pass and is usually cheaper on memory and faster, as long as <nrows> is significantly lower than the size of the table.

Syntax for the <key-list> argument is described in Section 10.

6.1.35 stats


   stats [-[no]parallel] [-qapprox|-qexact] [<item> ...]

Calculates statistics on the data in the table. This filter turns the table sideways, so that each row of the output corresponds to a column of the input. The columns of the output table contain statistical items such as mean, standard deviation etc corresponding to each column of the input table.

By default the output table contains columns for the following items:

However, the output may be customised by supplying one or more <item> headings. These may be selected from the above as well as the following:

Additionally, the form "Q.nn" may be used to represent the quantile corresponding to the proportion 0.nn, e.g.:

Any parameters of the input table are propagated to the output one.

The -qapprox or -qexact flag controls how quantiles are calculated. With -qexact they are calculated exactly, but this requires memory usage scaling with the number of rows. If the -qapprox flag is supplied, an method is used which is typically slower and produces only approximate values, but which will work in fixed memory and so can be used for arbitrarily large tables. By default, exact calculation is used. These flags are ignored if neither quantiles nor the MAD are being calculated

The -noparallel flag may be supplied to inhibit multi-threaded statistics accumulation. Calculation is done in parallel by default if multi-threaded hardware is available, and it's usually faster.

6.1.36 tablename


   tablename <name>

Sets the table's name attribute to the given string.

6.1.37 tail


   tail <nrows>

Include only the last <nrows> rows of the table. If the table has fewer than <nrows> rows then it will be unchanged.

6.1.38 transpose


   transpose [-namecol <col-id>]

Transposes the input table so that columns become rows and vice versa. The -namecol flag can be used to specify a column in the input table which will provide the column names for the output table. The first column of the output table will contain the column names of the input table.

Syntax for the <col-id> argument is described in Section 6.2.

6.1.39 uniq


   uniq [-count] [<colid-list>]

Eliminates adjacent rows which have the same values. If used with no arguments, then any row which has identical values to its predecessor is removed.

If the <colid-list> parameter is given then only the values in the specified columns must be equal in order for the row to be removed.

If the -count flag is given, then an additional column with the name DupCount will be prepended to the table giving a count of the number of duplicated input rows represented by each output row. A unique row has a DupCount value of 1.

Syntax for the <colid-list> argument is described in Section 6.3.

6.2 Specifying a Single Column

If an argument is specified in the help text for a command with the symbol <col-id> it means you must give a string which identifies one of the existing columns in a table.

There are several ways you can specify a column in this context:

Column Name
The name of the column may be used if it contains no spaces. It is usually matched case insensitively. If multiple columns have the same name, the first one that matches is selected.
Column Index or $ID
The index of the column may always be used; this is a useful fallback if the column name isn't suitable for some reason. The first column is '1', the second is '2' and so on. You may alternatively use the forms '$1', '$2' etc.

Tip: if counting which column has which index is giving you a headache, running tpipe with omode=meta or omode=stats on the table may help.

Column ucd$ specifier
If the column has a Unified Content Descriptor (this will usually only be the case for VOTable or possibly FITS format tables) you can refer to it using an identifier of the form "ucd$<ucd-spec>". Depending on the version of UCD scheme used, UCDs can contain various punctuation marks such as underscores, semicolons and dots; for the purpose of this syntax these should all be represented as underscores ("_"). So to identify a column which has the UCD "phot.mag;em.opt.R", you should use the identifier "ucd$phot_mag_em_opt_r". Matching is not case-sensitive. Futhermore, a trailing underscore acts as a wildcard, so that the above column could also be referenced using the identifier "ucd$phot_mag_". If multiple columns have UCDs which match the given identifer, the first one will be used.
Column utype$ specifier
If the column has a Utype (this will usually only be the case for VOTable or possibly FITS format tables) you can refer to it using an identifier of the form "utype$<utype-spec>". Utypes may contain various punctuation marks such as colons and dots; for the purpose of this syntax these should all be represented as underscores ("_"). So to identify a column which has the Utype "ssa:Access.Format", you should use the identifier "utype$ssa_Access_format". Matching is not case-sensitive. If multiple columns have Utypes which match the given identifier, the first one will be used.

6.3 Specifying a List of Columns

If an argument is specified in the help text for a command with the symbol <colid-list> it means you must give a string which identifies a list of zero, one or more of the existing columns in a table. The string you specify is a separated into separate tokens by whitespace, which means that you will normally have to surround it in single or double quotes to ensure that it is treated as a single argument and not several of them.

Each token in the <colid-list> string may be one of the following:

Single Column Identifier
The identifier for a single column, as described in Section 6.2: one of <name>, <index>, $<index>, ucd$<ucd-expr> or utype$<utype-expr>.
Wildcard Expression
You can use a simple form of wildcard expression which expands to any columns in the table whose names match the pattern. Currently, the only special character is an asterisk '*' which matches any sequence of characters. To match an unknown sequence at the start or end of the string an asterisk must be given explicitly. Other than that, matching is usually case insensitive. The order of the expanded list is the same as the order in which the columns appear in the table.

Thus "col*" will match columns named col1, Column2 and COL_1024, but not decOld. "*MAG*" will match columns named magnitude, ABS_MAG_U and JMAG. "*" on its own expands to a list of all the columns of the table in order.

Column Range
You can specify a range of columns in order using a token of the form <first-colid>-<last-colid>, where the syntax for <first-colid> and <last-colid> is a Single Column Identifier as above (as long as it doesn't contain a "-" character). The range is inclusive, so the first and last column are both included. The <first-colid> or <last-colid> part (but not both) may be omitted, to indicate all the columns from the start or all the columns to the end, respectively.

So "RA-PARALLAX" means all the columns starting with the one named RA and ending with the one named PARALLAX (inclusive); "1-100" or "$1-$100" means the first hundred columns in the table; "101-" or "$101-" means all the columns apart from the first hundred, "PARALLAX-" means PARALLAX and all subsequent columns, etc.

Specifying a list which contains a given column more than once is not usually an error, but what effect it has depends on the function you are executing.

6.4 Output Modes

This section lists the output modes which can be used as the value of the omode parameter of tpipe and other commands. Typically, having produced a result table by pipeline processing an input one, you will write it out by specifying omode=out (or not using the omode parameter at all - out is the default). However, you can do other things such as calculate statistics, display metadata, etc. In some of these cases, additional parameters are required. The different output modes, with their associated parameters, are described in the following subsections.

6.4.1 cgi


   omode=cgi ofmt=<out-format>

Writes a table to standard output in a way suitable for use as output from a CGI (Common Gateway Interface) program. This is very much like out mode but a short CGI header giving the MIME Content-Type is prepended to the output

Additional parameters for this output mode are:

ofmt = <out-format>       (String)
Specifies the format in which the output table will be written (one of the ones in Section 5.1.2 - matching is case-insensitive and you can use just the first few letters).

[Default: votable]

6.4.2 checksum



Calculates a checksum from all the data in the table. The checksum is written to standard output in hexadecimal; row and column counts are also written.

If two tables have the same checksum it is extremely likely that they contain the same cell data. If they have a different checksum, their cell data differs. By default, the checksum implementation uses Adler32, which is fast but not cryptographically secure.

6.4.3 count



Counts the number of rows and columns and writes the result to standard output.

6.4.4 discard



Reads all the data in the table in sequential mode and discards it. May be useful in conjunction with the assert filter.

6.4.5 gui



Displays the table in a scrollable window.

6.4.6 meta



Prints the table metadata to standard output. The name and type etc of each column is tabulated, and table parameters are also shown.

See the meta filter for more flexible output of table metadata.

6.4.7 out


   omode=out out=<out-table> ofmt=<out-format>

Writes a new table.

Additional parameters for this output mode are:

out = <out-table>       (TableConsumer)
The location of the output table. This is usually a filename to write to. If it is equal to the special value "-" (the default) the output table will be written to standard output.

[Default: -]

ofmt = <out-format>       (String)
Specifies the format in which the output table will be written (one of the ones in Section 5.1.2 - matching is case-insensitive and you can use just the first few letters). If it has the special value "(auto)" (the default), then the output filename will be examined to try to guess what sort of file is required usually by looking at the extension. If it's not obvious from the filename what output format is intended, an error will result.

[Default: (auto)]

6.4.8 plastic


   omode=plastic transport=string|file client=<app-name>

Broadcasts the table to any registered Plastic-aware applications. PLASTIC, the PLatform for AStronomical Tool InterConnection, is a tool interoperability protocol. A Plastic hub must be running in order for this to work.

Additional parameters for this output mode are:

transport = string|file       (String)
Determines the method (PLASTIC message) used to perform the PLASTIC communication. The choices are If no value is set (null) then a decision will be taken based on the apparent size of the table.
client = <app-name>       (String)
Gives the name of a PLASTIC listener application which is to receive the broadcast table. If a non-null value is given, then only the first registered application which reports its application name as that value will receive the message. If no value is supplied, the broadcast will be to all listening applications.

6.4.9 samp


   omode=samp format=<value> client=<name-or-id>

Sends the table to registered SAMP-aware applications subscribed to a suitable table load MType. SAMP, the Simple Application Messaging Protocol, is a tool interoperability protocol. A SAMP Hub must be running for this to work.

Additional parameters for this output mode are:

format = <value>       (String[])
Gives one or more table format types for attempting the table transmission over SAMP. If multiple values are supplied, they should be separated by spaces. Each value supplied for this parameter corresponds to a different MType which may be used for the transmission. If a single value is used, a SAMP broadcast will be used. If multiple values are used, each registered client will be interrogated to see whether it subscribes to the corresponding MTypes in order; the first one to which it is subscribed will be used to send the table. The standard options are If any other string is used which corresponds to one of STILTS's known table output formats, an attempt will be made to use an ad-hoc MType of the form table.load.format.

[Default: votable fits]

client = <name-or-id>       (String)
Identifies a registered SAMP client which is to receive the table. Either the client ID or the (case-insensitive) application name may be used. If a non-null value is given, then the table will be sent to only the first client with the given name or ID. If no value is supplied the table will be sent to all suitably subscribed clients.

6.4.10 stats



Calculates and displays univariate statistics for each of the numeric columns in the table. The following entries are shown for each column as appropriate:

See the stats filter for more flexible statistical calculations.

6.4.11 topcat



Attempts to display the output table directly in TOPCAT. If a TOPCAT instance is already running on the local host, an attempt will be made to open the table in that. A variety of mechanisms are used to attempt communication with an existing TOPCAT instance. In order:

  1. SAMP using existing hub (TOPCAT v3.4+ only, requires SAMP hub to be running)
  2. PLASTIC using existing hub (requires PLASTIC hub to be running)
  3. SOAP (requires TOPCAT to run with somewhat deprecated -soap flag, may be limitations on table size)
  4. SAMP using internal, short-lived hub (TOPCAT v3.4+ only, running hub not required, but may be slow. It's better to start an external hub, e.g. topcat -exthub)
Failing that, an attempt will be made to launch a new TOPCAT instance for display. This only works if the TOPCAT classes are on the class path.

If large tables are involved, starting TOPCAT with the -disk flag is probably a good idea.

6.4.12 tosql


   omode=tosql protocol=<jdbc-protocol> host=<value> db=<db-name>
               dbtable=<table-name> write=create|dropcreate|append
               user=<username> password=<passwd>

Writes a new table to an SQL database. You need the appropriate JDBC drivers and -Djdbc.drivers set as usual (see Section 3.4).

Additional parameters for this output mode are:

protocol = <jdbc-protocol>       (String)
The driver-specific sub-protocol specifier for the JDBC connection. For MySQL's Connector/J driver, this is mysql, and for PostgreSQL's driver it is postgresql. For other drivers, you may have to consult the driver documentation.
host = <value>       (String)
The host which is acting as a database server.

[Default: localhost]

db = <db-name>       (String)
The name of the database on the server into which the new table will be written.

The value of this parameter forms the last part of the JDBC connection URL. That means that for some JDBC drivers, you can append parameter specifications to it to affect the way the connection is made to the database, e.g. "db=some_db?useSSL=false" for MySQL's Connector/J.

dbtable = <table-name>       (String)
The name of the table which will be written to the database.
write = create|dropcreate|append       (WriteMode)
Controls how the values are written to a table in the database. The options are:

[Default: create]

user = <username>       (String)
User name for the SQL connection to the database.

[Default: mbt]

password = <passwd>       (String)
Password for the SQL connection to the database.

7 Crossmatching

STILTS offers flexible and efficient facilities for crossmatching tables. Crossmatching is identifying different rows, which may be in the same or different tables, that refer to the same item. In an astronomical context such an item is usually, though not necessarily, an astronomical source or object. This operation corresponds to what in database terminology is called a join.

There are various complexities to specifying such a match. In the first place you have to define what is the condition that must be satisfied for two rows to be considered matching. In the second place you must decide what happens if, for a given row, more than one match can be found. Finally, you have to decide what to do having worked out what the matched rows are; the result will generally be presented as a new output table, but there are various choices about what columns and rows it will consist of. Some of these issues are discussed in this section, and others in the reference sections on the tools themselves in Appendix B.

Matching can in general be a computationally intensive process. The algorithm used by the tmatch* tasks in STILTS, except in pathological cases, scales as O(N log(N)) or thereabouts, where N is the total number of rows in all the tables being matched. No preparation (such as sorting) is required on the tables prior to invoking the matching operation. It is reasonably fast; for instance an RA, Dec positional match of two 105-row catalogues takes of the order of 60 seconds on current (2005 laptop) hardware. Attempting matches with large tables can lead to running out of memory; the calculation just mentioned required a java heap size of around 200Mb (-Xmx200M).

In the current release of STILTS the following tasks are provided for crossmatching between local tables:

Generic crossmatching between two tables.
Crossmatching between two tables where the matching criterion is a fixed separation on the sky. This is simply a stripped-down version of tmatch2 provided for convenience when the full generality is not required.
Generic crossmatching internal to a single table. The basic task this performs is to identify groups of rows within a single table which match each other.
Generic crossmatching between multiple (>2) tables.
Trivial join operation between multiple tables in which no row re-ordering is required. This barely warrants the term "crossmatch" and the concepts explained in the rest of this section are not relevant to it.

7.1 Match Criteria

Determining whether one row represents the same item as another is done by comparing the values in certain of their columns to see if they are the same or similar. The most common astronomical case is to say that two rows match if their celestial coordinates (right ascension and declination) are within a given small radius of each other on the sky. There are other possibilities; for instance the coordinates to compare may be in a Cartesian space, or have a higher (or lower) dimensionality than two, or the match may be exact rather than within an error radius....

If you just need to match two tables according to sky position with fixed errors you are recommended to use the simplified tskymatch2 task. For other cases, this section describes how to specify much more flexible match criteria for use with tmatch1, tmatch2 or tmatchn by setting the following parameters:

Name of the match criteria type.
Fixed value(s) giving the parameters of the match (typically an error radius). If more than one value is required, the values should be separated by spaces.
Expressions to be compared between rows. This will typically contain the names of one or more columns, but each element may be an algebraic expression (see Section 10) rather than just a column name if required. If more than one value is required, the values should be separated by spaces. There is one of these parameters for each table taking part in the match, so for tmatch2 you must specify both values1 and values2.
Fixed value(s) supplying tuning parameters for the match algorithm. If there is more than one value, they should be separated by spaces. This value will have a sensible default, so you do not need to supply it, but providing adjusted values may make your match run faster or require less memory (or the reverse). Adjusting tuning parameters will not change the result of any match, only the resources required to run it. Looking at the progress output of a match will indicate what tuning values have been used; adjusting the value a bit up or down is a good way to experiment.

For example, suppose we wish to locate objects in two tables which are within 3 arcseconds of each other on the sky. One table has columns RA and DEC which give coordinates in degrees, and the other has columns RArad and DECrad which give coordinates in radians. These are the arguments which would be used to tell tmatch2 what the match criteria are:

   values1='RA DEC'
   values2='radiansToDegrees(RArad) radiansToDegrees(DECrad)'
It is clearly important that corresponding values are comparable (in the same units) between the tables being matched, and in geometrically sensitive cases such as matching on the sky, it's important that they are the units expected by the matcher as well. To determine what those units are, either consult the roster below, or run the following command:
   stilts tmatch2 help=matcher
which will tell you about all the known matchers and their associated params, values* and tuning parameters.

The following subsections list the basic matcher types and the requirements of their associated params, values* and tuning parameters. The units of the required values are given where significant.

7.1.1 sky: Sky Matching

matcher=sky values*='<ra/deg> <dec/deg>'
  • ra/deg: Right Ascension
  • dec/deg: Declination
  • max-error/arcsec: Maximum separation along a great circle
  • healpix-k: Controls sky pixel size. Legal range 0 - 29. 0 is 60deg, 20 is 0.2".

The sky matcher compares positions on the celestial sphere with a fixed error radius. Rows are considered to match when the two (ra, dec) positions are within max-error arcseconds of each other along a great circle.

In fact this matching is not restricted to equatorial coordinates - the ra and dec parameters may represent any longitude-like and latitude-like coordinates in degrees, since the spherical geometry for the matching is unchanged under such transformations.

7.1.2 skyerr: Sky Matching with Per-Object Errors

matcher=skyerr values*='<ra/deg> <dec/deg> <error/arcsec>'
  • ra/deg: Right Ascension
  • dec/deg: Declination
  • error/arcsec: Per-object error radius along a great circle
  • scale/arcsec: Rough average of per-object error distance; just used for tuning to set default pixel size
  • healpix-k: Controls sky pixel size. Legal range 0 - 29. 0 is 60deg, 20 is 0.2".

The skyerr matcher compares positions on the celestial sphere using error radii which can be different for each row. Rows are considered to match when the separation between the two ra, dec positions is no larger than the sum of the two per-row error values.

The scale parameter should be a rough average value of the error distances. It is used only to set a sensible default for healpix-k tuning parameter, and its value does not affect the result. If you set healpix-k directly, its value is ignored.

As with sky matching, other longitude/latitude coordinate pairs may be used in place of right ascension and declination.

A variant form skyerr_q does the same thing but combines the two per-row error values in quadrature rather than by summation. In that case the separation between the two positions must be no larger than sqrt(error12+error22).

Note: the semantics of this matcher have changed slightly at version 2.4 of STILTS. In earlier versions the single parameter was named max-error and provided an additional constraint on the maximum accepted separation between matched objects. For most uses, the old and new behaviours are expected to give the same results, but in cases of difference, the new behaviour is more likely what you want.

7.1.3 skyellipse: Sky Matching of Elliptical Regions

matcher=skyellipse values*='<ra/deg> <dec/deg> <primary-radius/arcsec>
                            <secondary-radius/arcsec> <position-angle/deg>'
  • ra/deg: Right ascension of centre
  • dec/deg: Declination of centre
  • primary-radius/arcsec: Length of ellipse semi-major axis
  • secondary-radius/arcsec: Length of ellipse semi-minor axis
  • position-angle/deg: Position angle - measured from north pole to primary axis, in direction of positive RA
  • scale/arcsec: Rough average of ellipse major radius; just used for tuning to set default pixel size
  • healpix-k: Controls sky pixel size. Legal range 0 - 29. 0 is 60deg, 20 is 0.2".

The skyellipse matcher compares elliptical regions on the sky for overlap. Each row has to provide five values, giving the centre, the major and minor radii, and the position angle of an ellipse. Rows are considered to match if there is any overlap between the ellipses. The goodness of match is a normalised generalisation of the symmetrical case used by the skyerr matcher, in which the best possible match is two concentric ellipses, and the worst allowable match is when the circumferences just touch.

The calculations are approximate since in some cases they rely on projecting the ellipses onto a Cartesian tangent plane before evaluating the match, so for larger ellipses the criterion will be less exact. For objects the size of most observed stars or galaxies, this approximation is not expected to be problematic.

The scale parameter must be supplied, and should be a rough average value of the major radii. it is used only to set a sensible default for the healpix-k tuning parameter, and its value does not affect the result. If you set healpix-k directly, the value of scale is ignored.

7.1.4 sky3d: Spherical Polar Matching

matcher=sky3d values*='<ra/deg> <dec/deg> <distance>'
              params='<error/units of distance>'
  • ra/deg: Right Ascension
  • dec/deg: Declination
  • distance: Distance from origin
  • error/units of distance: Maximum Cartesian separation for match
  • bin-factor: Scaling factor to adjust bin size; larger values mean larger bins

The sky3d matcher compares positions in the volume of the sky taking account of distance from the observer. The position in three-dimensional space is calculated for each row using the ra, dec and distance as spherical polar coordinates, where distance is the distance from the observer along the line of sight. Rows are considered to match when their positions in this space are within error units of each other. The units of error are the same as those of distance.

As with sky matching, other longitude/latitude coordinate pairs may be used in place of right ascension and declination.

7.1.5 exact: Exact Matching

matcher=exact values*='<matched-value>'
  • matched-value: Value for exact match

The exact matcher compares arbitrary key values for exact equality. Rows are considered to match only if the values in their matched-value columns are exactly the same. These values can be strings, numbers, or anything else. A blank value never matches, not even with another blank one. Since the params parameter holds no values, it does not have to be specified. Note that the values must also be of the same type, so for instance a Long (64-bit) integer value will not match an Integer (32-bit) value.

7.1.6 1d, 2d, ...: Isotropic Cartesian Matching

matcher=1d values*='<x>'
  • x: Cartesian co-ordinate #1
  • error: Maximum Cartesian separation for match
  • bin-factor: Scaling factor to adjust bin size; larger values mean larger bins

matcher=2d values*='<x> <y>'
  • x: Cartesian co-ordinate #1
  • y: Cartesian co-ordinate #2
  • error: Maximum Cartesian separation for match
  • bin-factor: Scaling factor to adjust bin size; larger values mean larger bins

The 1d matcher compares positions in 1-dimensional Cartesian space. Rows are considered to match if their x column values differ by no more than error.

The 2d matcher compares postions in 2-dimensional Cartesian space. Rows are considered to match if the difference in their (x,y) positions reckoned using Pythagoras is less than error.

Matching in any number of Cartesian dimensions can be done by extending this syntax in the obvious way.

7.1.7 2d_anisotropic, ...: Anisotropic Cartesian Matching

matcher=2d_anisotropic values*='<x> <y>'
                       params='<error-in-x> <error-in-y>'
  • x: Cartesian co-ordinate #1
  • y: Cartesian co-ordinate #2
  • error-in-x: Axis length of error ellipse in Cartesian co-ordinate #1 direction
  • error-in-y: Axis length of error ellipse in Cartesian co-ordinate #2 direction
  • bin-factor: Scaling factor to adjust bin size; larger values mean larger bins

The 2d_anisotropic matcher compares positions in 2-dimensional Cartesian space using an anisotropic metric. Rows are considered to match if their (x,y) positions fall within an error ellipse with axis lengths error-in-x, error-in-y of each other. This kind of match will typically be used for non-'spatial' spaces, for instance (magnitude,redshift) space, in which the metrics along different axes are not related to each other.

Matching in any number of dimensions of Cartesian space using an anisotropic metric can be done by extending this syntax in the obvious way.

7.1.8 2d_cuboid, ...: Cuboid Cartesian Matching

matcher=2d_cuboid values*='<x> <y>'
                  params='<error-in-x> <error-in-y>'
  • x: Cartesian co-ordinate #1
  • y: Cartesian co-ordinate #2
  • error-in-x: Half length of cuboid in Cartesian co-ordinate #1 direction
  • error-in-y: Half length of cuboid in Cartesian co-ordinate #2 direction
  • bin-factor: Scaling factor to adjust bin size; larger values mean larger bins

The 2d_cuboid matcher compares positions in 2-dimensional Cartesian space in cuboidal cells. Rows are considered to match if their (x,y) positions fall within an error cuboid with half-axis lengths error-in-x, error-in-y of each other. This kind of match is suitable for grouping items into pixels, though it's not a very efficient way of doing that.

Matching in any number of dimensions using N-dimensional hyper-cuboids can be done by extending this syntax in the obvious way.

7.1.9 1d_err, 2d_err, ...: Cartesian Matching with Per-Object Errors

matcher=2d_err values*='<x> <y> <error>'
  • x: Cartesian co-ordinate #1
  • y: Cartesian co-ordinate #2
  • error: Per-object error radius
  • scale: Rough average of per-object error distance; just used for tuning in conjunction with bin factor
  • bin-factor: Scaling factor to adjust bin size; larger values mean larger bins

The 1d_err, 2d_err, ... matchers compare positions in N-dimensional Cartesian space like the 1d, 2d matchers described in Section 7.1.6, except that the match radius can be different for each row. Rows are considered to match when the separation reckoned by Pythagoras between the x, y, ... positions is no larger than the sum of the two per-row error values. Matching in any number of Cartesian dimensions can be done by extending this syntax in the obvious way.

A variant form 1d_err_q, 2d_err_q, ... does the same thing but combines the two per-row error values in quadrature rather than by summation. In that case the separation beween the two positions must be no larger than sqrt(error12+error22).

The scale parameter must be supplied, and should be approximately the characteristic size of the per-object error values. In conjunction with the bin-factor tuning parameter its value affects the performance of the match, but not the result.

7.1.10 2d_ellipse: Cartesian Matching of Elliptical Regions

matcher=2d_ellipse values*='<x> <y> <primary-radius> <secondary-radius>
  • x: X coordinate of centre
  • y: Y coordinate of centre
  • primary-radius: Length of ellipse semi-major axis
  • secondary-radius: Length of ellipse semi-minor axis
  • orientation-angle/deg: Angle from X axis towards Y axis of semi-major axis
  • scale: Rough average of per-object error distance; just used for tuning in conjunction with bin factor
  • bin-factor: Scaling factor to adjust bin size; larger values mean larger bins

The 2d_ellipse matcher compares elliptical regions in a 2d plane for overlap. Each row has to specify five values, giving the centre, the major and minor radii, and the orientation angle of an ellipse. Rows are considered to match if there is any overlap between the ellipses. The goodness of match is a normalised generalisation of the symmetrical case used by the isotropic matcher, in which the best possible match is two concentric ellipses, and the worst allowable match is when the circumferences just touch.

Note the orientation angle is measured anticlockwise from the horizontal, unlike the position angle used by the skyellipse matcher.

The scale parameter must be supplied, and should be approximately the characteristic size of the per-object major radius. In conjunction with the bin-factor tuning parameter its value affects the performance of the match, but not the result.

7.1.11 Custom Matchers

For advanced users, it is possible to supply the name of a class on the classpath which implements the interface and which has a no-arg constructor. This allows java programmers to write their own matchers using any match criteria and binning algorithms they choose.

7.1.12 Matcher Combinations

In addition to the matching criteria listed in the previous subsections, you can build your own by combining any of these. To do this, take the two (or more) matchers that you want to use, and separate their names with a "+" character. The values* parameters of the combined matcher should then hold the concatenation of the values* entries of the constituent matchers, and the same for the params parameter. Two rows are then considered to match if the the match is successful for all of their constituent matchers.

A variant form where the names are separated with a "*" character instead of "+" may also be used. In this case an additional constraint is applied requiring that the distance measure (see below) is less than or equal to unity, thus requiring the points in the notional scaled parameter coordinate space to be within a unit hypersphere rather than a unit hypercube.

So for instance the matcher "sky+1d" could be used with the following syntax:

matcher=sky+1d values*='<ra/deg> <dec/deg> <x>'
               params='<max-error/arcsec> <error>'
               tuning='<healpix-k> <bin-factor>'
  • ra/deg: Right Ascension
  • dec/deg: Declination
  • x: Cartesian co-ordinate #1
  • max-error/arcsec: Maximum separation along a great circle
  • error: Maximum Cartesian separation for match
  • healpix-k: Controls sky pixel size. Legal range 0 - 29. 0 is 60deg, 20 is 0.2".
  • bin-factor: Scaling factor to adjust bin size; larger values mean larger bins
This would compare positions on the sky with an additional scalar constraint. Rows are considered to match if both their ra, dec positions are within max-error arcseconds of each other along a great circle (as for matcher=sky) and their x values differ by no more than error (as for matcher=1d). Using matcher=sky*1d instead would work the same way but restrict the matches a bit further.

This example might be used for instance to identify objects from two catalogues which are within a couple of arcseconds and also 0.5 blue magnitudes of each other. Rolling your own matchers in this way can give you quite flexible match constraints.

When identifying the closest match (e.g. find=best1 in tmatch2) the "distance" measure is obtained by scaling the distances from each of the constituent matchers and adding these scaled distances in quadrature, so that each element of the matcher has approximately equal weight. Scaling is generally done using the maximum permissible match radius (or equivalent), so the distance measure looks something like d = sqrt([dA/max(dA)]2 + [dB/max(dB)]2). However the details are a bit dependent on which matchers you are combining. If the "*" separator is used instead of "+" in the matcher specification as described above, this distance will always be <=1 for successful matches.

Note that in STILTS v3.0-9 and earlier, a linear unscaled distance measure was used here instead, which did not give very meaningful Best match results.

7.2 Multi-Object Matches

The generic matching in STILTS is determined by specified match criteria, as described in Section 7.1. These criteria give conditions for whether two items (table rows) count as matched with each other. In the case of a pair match, as provided by tmatch2, it is clear how this is to be interpreted.

However, some of the matching tasks (tmatchn in group mode and tmatch1) search for match groups which may have more than two members. This section explains precisely how STILTS applies the pair-wise matching criteria it is given to identifying multi-object groups.

In a multi-object match context, the matcher identifies a matched group as the largest possible group of objects in which each is linked by a pair match to any other object in the group - it is a group of "friends of friends". Formally, the set of matched groups is a set of disjoint graphs whose nodes are input table rows and whose edges are successful pair matches, where no successful pair match exists between nodes in different elements of that set. Thus the set has a minimal number of elements, and each of its elements is a matched group of maximal size. The important point to note is that for any particular pair in a matched group, there is no guarantee that the two objects match each other, only that you can hop from one to the other via pairs which do match.

So in the case of a multi-object sky match on a field which is very crowded compared to the specified error radius, it is quite possible for all the objects in the input table(s) to end up as part of the same large matching group. Results at or near this percolation threshold are (a) probably not useful and (b) likely to take a long time to run. Some care should therefore be exercised when specifying match criteria in multi-object match contexts.

8 Plotting

As of version 3.0 (October 2014), STILTS offers plotting commands corresponding to the new-style plots in version 4 of the TOPCAT application. The commands are currently:

(In previous versions the less capable commands plot2d, plot3d and plothist were available - these are now deprecated, but described in Section 9).

These commands all have a similar structure. The plot surface, or geometry of the plot, is defined by which command you use (for instance, if you want to plot longitude/latitude data on the celestial sphere, use plot2sky). Content is added to the plot by specifying zero or more plot layers, as described in Section 8.3 below. Section 8.4 describes the shading modes which affect how colouring is performed for some of the layer types. Once a plot has been specified, it can be displayed on the screen or exported in some way according to a selected output mode (Section 8.5) and perhaps export format (Section 8.6). Plots displayed to the screen are by default "live" - they can be resized and navigated around (pan, zoom, rotate, ...) using the mouse in the same way as in a TOPCAT window.

These commands allow you to make all the plots that can be produced with TOPCAT, in some cases with more flexibility in configuration. Unlike TOPCAT, the size of table you can plot is not limited by the size of table you can load into the application. In most cases, STILTS will generate plots from arbitrarily large data sets with fixed (and modest) memory requirements. Performance is of course highly dependent on the details of the plot, but for instance an all-sky density plot for 2 billion points can be produced in the order of 30 minutes.

8.1 Plot Parameters

The plotting commands offer a great deal of control over what is plotted and how it is represented, and thus unavoidably have lots of parameters. When looking at the command documentation in Appendix B the Usage sections may look rather daunting. However, the discussion below and the Examples sections should help. Generating a simple plot is straightforward and can be done with only four or five parameters; if you want to represent more complicated data or have specific preferences for appearance then you can consult the documentation for the additional options.

As a simple example, if a file "cat.fits" contains the columns RMAG and BMAG for red and blue magnitudes, you can draw a two-dimensional colour-magnitude scatter plot with the command:

   stilts plot2plane layer_1=mark in_1=cat.fits x_1=BMAG-RMAG y_1=BMAG
Since an output file is not specified, the plot is shown in a window on the screen. This plot window is "live" - you can resize the window, or pan and zoom around it using the same mouse controls as in TOPCAT. To send the output to a PNG file, do instead:
   stilts plot2plane layer_1=mark in_1=cat.fits x_1=BMAG-RMAG y_1=BMAG out=fig.png

We can adjust the plot by inverting the Y axis so it increases downwards instead of upwards:

   stilts plot2plane
              layer_1=mark in_1=cat.fits x_1=BMAG-RMAG y_1=BMAG
The parameters of the plot now fall into two groups. Global parameters, without suffixes, make global adjustments to the plot. In this example yflip=true inverts the Y axis. Layer parameters, with suffixes, are introduced by a layer parameter and grouped together by a given suffix. Each layer group defines a plot layer with content to be drawn on the plot surface. In this case the layer is of type mark (draw markers) and the suffix is "_1". Global and Layer parameters are described separately in the following subsections.

8.1.1 Global Parameters

The global plot parameters are documented in the usage sections of the various plot commands (e.g. Appendix B.10.1). They deal with things like positioning the plot axes, fixing the data bounds, selecting font types and sizes, adjusting grids and tickmarks, configuring how interactive navigation works, managing data storage, and so on. They are all optional, since they all have sensible defaults, for instance data bounds will be determined from the supplied data if they are not given explicitly.

8.1.2 Layer Parameters

The layer parameters come in groups, each specifying the details of one plot layer. Each layer type has its own list of parameters. A plot layer is introduced on the command line with a parameter of the form

and any other parameters with the same <suffix> are considered to apply to the same layer. In the basic example we considered:
   stilts plot2plane layer_1=mark in_1=cat.fits x_1=BMAG-RMAG y_1=BMAG
the suffix is "_1" and the layer type associated with it is mark (plotting markers to make a scatter plot). The different layer types are documented in Section 8.3, and each has its own set of parameters, some of which are mandatory and some which are optional with sensible defaults. In the documentation, the suffix is represented as "N". For instance the mark layer type requires you to specify an input table (inN) and point positions (xN and yN). Since the suffix we have used in the example for the layerN parameter is "_1", we have written in_1, x_1 and y_1. The mark layer has some optional style parameters as well, so we could adjust the plot's appearance by adding shape_1=cross size_1=4 color_1=blue.

You can have as many layers as you like (even none), so we could overplot two datasets from different input files like this:

   stilts plot2plane
       layer_1=mark in_1=cat1.fits x_1=BMAG-RMAG   y_1=BMAG  color_1=magenta size_1=5
       layer_2=mark in_2=cat2.fits x_2=mag_b-mag_r y_2=mag_b color_2=cyan    size_2=5
We have assigned different colours to the different layers and boosted the marker size to 5 pixels.

As a convenience, if the same value is used for all the layers, you can omit the suffix. So to avoid having to specify the same markers size for both layers, you can write instead:

   stilts plot2plane
       layer_1=mark in_1=cat1.fits x_1=BMAG-RMAG   y_1=BMAG  color_1=magenta
       layer_2=mark in_2=cat2.fits x_2=mag_b-mag_r y_2=mag_b color_2=teal
Although the size parameter no longer has an explicit suffix, it's still a layer parameter, it just applies to multiple layers. This shorthand works for all layer parameters. Here is another example which also shows how you can use the icmdN parameter to pre-process input data prior to performing the plot. Here, we make two different selections of the input rows to plot two different data sets.
   stilts plot2plane
          in=cat.fits x=BMAG-RMAG y=BMAG
          layer_1=mark icmd_1='select vel<1000'  color_1=blue
          layer_2=mark icmd_2='select vel>=1000' color_2=red
The input tables and data values are the same for both datasets, so we can just supply the parameters in, x and y, rather than in_1, in_2 etc.

Any string can be used as a suffix, including the empty string (though an empty string can cause confusion if there are multiple layers). The suffixing is also slightly more sophisticated than described above; to find parameters relating to a layer with a given suffix, the parameter looks first using the whole suffix, and strips single characters off it until it has none left. So if a layer is introduced with the parameter layer_ab, you can give the marker shape using any of the parameters shape_ab, shape_a, shape_ or shape. If more than one of these is present, the first one in that list will be used (the order in which they appear on the command line is not significant). This can be used to group sets of layers.

By default, if multiple layers are specified, they are plotted in the order in which the introducing layerN parameters appear on the command line. This may be relevant, since layers plotted later sometimes obscure ones plotted earlier. You can alter the order of plotting with the seq (global) parameter, which is a comma-separated list of layer suffixes giving the sequence in which layers should be plotted. So adding "seq=_2,_1" would cause layer _2 to be plotted before layer _1, instead of the other way round.

By default, if more than one layer is plotted, a legend will appear labelling the datasets. The dataset labels appearing in the legend are by default the layer suffixes specified on the command line. However, the labels can be given explicitly with the legendN parameter, so for instance in the example above leglabel_1=Slow leglabel_2=Fast would adjust the legend accordingly. Legend appearance and positioning can be adjusted by various leg* global parameters.

8.1.3 Animation

The plotting commands can be used to produce animations. This is done by supplying an animation control table using the animate parameter (which has associated afmt and acmd parameters for specifying its file format and applying filters). One output image is produced for each row of the control table. The columns of the table have names which correspond to plot command parameters, and for each row, the basic plot command is executed with the parameters on the command line supplied or replaced by those from the table. This is most commonly used for providing a movie of the kind of navigation you can do interactively with the mouse, but other applications are possible.

For instance, given the following animation control table with the name "bounds.txt", in ASCII format:

  #  xmax  ymax
      4.0   2.0
      3.0   1.5
      2.0   1.0
      1.0   0.5
then this command:
   stilts plot2plane xmin=0 ymin=0
                     layer_1=mark in_1=gums_smc.fits x_1=ag y_1=av
                     animate=bounds.txt afmt=ascii
would produce a 4-frame animation zooming in towards the origin.

If output is to the screen (omode=swing, the default) the animation can be seen directly. If it is to an output file (omode=out) then a number of output files is written with sequence numbers, so adding the parameter "out=x.png" to the above command would produce 4 files, x-1.png, x-2.png, x-3.png and x-4.png. Padding zeros are used to keep the files in alphanumeric sequence, so for instance in a 500-frame animation the first one would be named x-001.png. STILTS does not actually turn these files into a single animated output file, but you can use other tools to do this, for instance using ImageMagick:

   convert x-*.png xmovie.gif
or ffmpeg:
   ffmpeg -i 'x-%03d.png' -framerate 15 -pix_fmt yuv420p xmovie.webm

You can create the animation control table any way you like, but you may find the tloop command convenient. For instance the above table can be written like this:

   stilts tloop xmax 4 0 -1 ocmd='addcol ymax xmax*0.5' ofmt=ascii out=bounds.txt
Alternatively, you can generate a table like this inline using the loop scheme. A common requirement is to produce an animation of rotating a 3-d plot, here's an example of how to do that:
   stilts plot2sphere layer_1=mark in_1=hip_main.fits lon_1=radeg lat_1=dedeg r_1=plx \
                      animate=:loop:15,375,2 acmd='colmeta -name phi $1'
The phi parameter controls the angle from which the 3D plot is viewed, and here it is incremented by 2 degrees for each frame. The same thing would work for plot2cube as well as plot2sphere.

Note that producing animations in this way is usually much more efficient than writing a shell script which invokes STILTS multiple times. The plot commands also employ multi-threading when animating to output files, so should make efficient use of multi-core machines (though currently animations to the screen are not multi-threaded).

8.2 Surface Types

The different plot2* commands correspond to different plot surface geometries. The different commands come with their own specific axis configuration parameters. Some of the plot layer types are specific to certain surface types. When supplying data from input tables to plot layers, the coordinate values you need to supply (and hence the corresponding parameter names) are determined not by the layer type, but by the surface type. For instance, point positions for layer N on a 2-d Cartesian surface (plot2plane command) are given using parameters xN and yN, but when plotting to the celestial sphere (plot2sky command) you supply lonN and latN).

The following list summarises the available surface types and their corresponding positional coordinates.

Plane (plot2plane)
2-dimensional Cartesian axes. Positional coordinates are supplied as x, y pairs. Note that this command can also be used to draw histograms.
Sky (plot2sky)
Celestial sphere. Positional coordinates are supplied as lon, lat pairs, giving longitude and latitude in decimal degrees. A number of different projections are available, and conversion between different celestial coordinate systems can also be performed. You could use it for other spherical coordinate systems too (like the surface of a planet).
Cube (plot2cube)
3-dimensional Cartesian axes. Positional coordinates are supplied as x, y, z triples.
Sphere (plot2sphere)
3-dimensional isotropic space with spherical polar coordinates. Positional coordinates are supplied as lon, lat, r triples, giving longitude and latitude in decimal degrees, and radius in an arbitrary unit. The plotting surface (space) is similar to Cube, except that the unit distance is always the same in all three directions.
Matrix (plot2corner)
Grid of scatter plots, one for each pair of N coordinates. Positional coordinates are supplied as x1, x2, x3, ... xN, up to the number N specified by the nvar parameter.
Time (plot2time)
2-dimensional axes, but the horizontal axis represents time. The axis may be labelled in various ways (ISO-8601 dates, decimal year, MJD etc). Positional coordinates are supplied as t, y pairs. Time can be represented in input data in various ways; if sufficient metadata is provided in the input format the epoch can be determined automatically, otherwise it may be necessary to specify the time representation being used.

8.3 Layer Types

The different plot layers and how to configure them with parameters is given in the following subsections. The layers which may be plotted on a particular surface depend on the plot geometry, so not all of these are available for every plot command.

8.3.1 mark

Plots a marker of fixed size and shape at each position.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=mark shapeN=filled_circle|open_circle|... sizeN=<pixels>
               shadingN=auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>
               <pos-coord-paramsN> inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format>
               istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.

Positional Coordinate Parameters:
The positional coordinates <pos-coord-paramsN> give a position for each row of the input table. Their form depends on the plot geometry, i.e. which plotting command is used. For a plane plot (plot2plane) the parameters would be xN and yN. The coordinate parameter values are in all cases strings interpreted as numeric expressions based on column names. These can be column names, fixed values or algebraic expressions as described in Section 10.


   stilts plot2plane layer1=mark in1=rrlyrae.fits x1=p1 y1=peak_to_peak_g

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

shadingN = auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>       (ShapeMode)
Determines how plotted objects in layer N are coloured. This may be influenced by how many objects are plotted over each other as well as the values of other parameters. Available options (Section 8.4) are: Each of these options comes with its own set of parameters to specify the details of how colouring is done.

[Default: auto]

shapeN = filled_circle|open_circle|...       (MarkerShape)
Sets the shape of markers that are plotted at each position of the scatter plot.

The available options are:

[Default: filled_circle]

sizeN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Size of the scatter plot markers. The unit is pixels, in most cases the marker is approximately twice the size of the supplied value.

[Default: 1]

8.3.2 size

Plots a marker of fixed shape but variable size at each position. The size is determined by an additional input data value.

The actual size of the markers depends on the setting of the autoscale parameter. If autoscaling is off, then the basic size of each marker is the input data value in units of pixels. If autoscaling is on, then the data values are gathered for all the currently visible points, and a scaling factor is applied so that the largest ones will be a sensible size (a few tens of pixels). This basic size can be further adjusted with the scale factor.

Currently data values of zero always correspond to marker size of zero, negative data values are not represented, and the mapping is linear. An absolute maximum of 100 pixels is also imposed on marker sizes. Other options may be introduced in future.

Note: for marker sizes that correspond to data values in data coordinates, you may find Error plotting more appropriate.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=size shapeN=filled_circle|open_circle|... scaleN=<factor>
               shadingN=auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>
               <pos-coord-paramsN> sizeN=<num-expr> inN=<table>
               ifmtN=<in-format> istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.

Positional Coordinate Parameters:
The positional coordinates <pos-coord-paramsN> give a position for each row of the input table. Their form depends on the plot geometry, i.e. which plotting command is used. For a plane plot (plot2plane) the parameters would be xN and yN. The coordinate parameter values are in all cases strings interpreted as numeric expressions based on column names. These can be column names, fixed values or algebraic expressions as described in Section 10.


   stilts plot2sky projection=aitoff xpix=500 ypix=250
                   layer1=size in1=messier.xml shading1=transparent lon1=RA lat1=DEC size1=Radius

autoscaleN = true|false       (Boolean)
Determines whether the basic size of variable sized markers is automatically scaled to have a sensible size. If true, then the sizes of all the plotted markers are examined, and some dynamically calculated factor is applied to them all to make them a sensible size (by default, the largest ones will be a few tens of pixels). If false, the sizes will be the actual input values in units of pixels.

If auto-scaling is off, then markers will keep exactly the same screen size during pan and zoom operations; if it's on, then the visible sizes will change according to what other points are currently plotted.

Marker size is also affected by the scale parameter.

[Default: true]

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

scaleN = <factor>       (Double)
Scales the size of variable-sized markers. The default is 1, smaller or larger values multiply the visible sizes accordingly.

[Default: 1]

shadingN = auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>       (ShapeMode)
Determines how plotted objects in layer N are coloured. This may be influenced by how many objects are plotted over each other as well as the values of other parameters. Available options (Section 8.4) are: Each of these options comes with its own set of parameters to specify the details of how colouring is done.

[Default: auto]

shapeN = filled_circle|open_circle|...       (MarkerShape)
Sets the shape of markers that are plotted at each position of the scatter plot.

The available options are:

[Default: filled_circle]

sizeN = <num-expr>       (String)
Size to draw each sized marker. Units are pixels unless auto-scaling is in effect, in which case units are arbitrary. The plotted size is also affected by the scale value.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

8.3.3 sizexy

Plots a shaped marker with variable horizontal and vertical extents at each position. The X and Y dimensions are determined by two additional input data values.

The actual size of the markers depends on the setting of the autoscale parameter. If autoscaling is off, the basic dimensions of each marker are given by the input data values in units of pixels. If autoscaling is on, the data values are gathered for all the currently visible points, and scaling factors are applied so that the largest ones will be a sensible size (a few tens of pixels). This autoscaling happens independently for the X and Y directions. The basic sizes can be further adjusted with the scale factor.

Currently data values of zero always correspond to marker dimension of zero, negative data values are not represented, and the mapping is linear. An absolute maximum of 100 pixels is also imposed on marker sizes. Other options may be introduced in future.

Note: for marker sizes that correspond to data values in data coordinates, you may find Error plotting more appropriate.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=sizexy shapeN=open_rectangle|open_triangle|... thickN=<int-value>
                 scaleN=<factor> autoscaleN=true|false
                 shadingN=auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>
                 <pos-coord-paramsN> xsizeN=<num-expr> ysizeN=<num-expr>
                 inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format> istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.

Positional Coordinate Parameters:
The positional coordinates <pos-coord-paramsN> give a position for each row of the input table. Their form depends on the plot geometry, i.e. which plotting command is used. For a plane plot (plot2plane) the parameters would be xN and yN. The coordinate parameter values are in all cases strings interpreted as numeric expressions based on column names. These can be column names, fixed values or algebraic expressions as described in Section 10.


   stilts plot2plane layer1=sizexy in1=dr5qso.fits shape1=filled_rectangle
                     x1=psfmag_u-psfmag_g y1=psfmag_r-psfmag_z xsize1=exp(psfmag_g) ysize1=exp(psfmag_r)
                     xmin=-3 xmax=1 ymin=1 ymax=3.2

autoscaleN = true|false       (Boolean)
Determines whether the basic size of variable sized markers is automatically scaled to have a sensible size. If true, then the sizes of all the plotted markers are examined, and some dynamically calculated factor is applied to them all to make them a sensible size (by default, the largest ones will be a few tens of pixels). If false, the sizes will be the actual input values in units of pixels.

If auto-scaling is off, then markers will keep exactly the same screen size during pan and zoom operations; if it's on, then the visible sizes will change according to what other points are currently plotted.

Marker size is also affected by the scale parameter.

[Default: true]

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

scaleN = <factor>       (Double)
Scales the size of variable-sized markers. The default is 1, smaller or larger values multiply the visible sizes accordingly.

[Default: 1]

shadingN = auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>       (ShapeMode)
Determines how plotted objects in layer N are coloured. This may be influenced by how many objects are plotted over each other as well as the values of other parameters. Available options (Section 8.4) are: Each of these options comes with its own set of parameters to specify the details of how colouring is done.

[Default: auto]

shapeN = open_rectangle|open_triangle|...       (BasicXYShape)
The available options are:

[Default: open_rectangle]

thickN = <int-value>       (Integer)
Controls the line thickness used when drawing shapes. Zero, the default value, means a 1-pixel-wide line is used. Larger values make drawn lines thicker, but note changing this value will not affect all shapes, for instance filled rectangles contain no line drawings.

[Default: 0]

xsizeN = <num-expr>       (String)
Horizontal extent of each marker. Units are pixels unless auto-scaling is in effect, in which case units are arbitrary.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

ysizeN = <num-expr>       (String)
Vertical extent of each marker. Units are pixels unless auto-scaling is in effect, in which case units are arbitrary.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

8.3.4 xyvector

Plots directed lines from the data position given delta values for the coordinates. The plotted markers are typically little arrows, but there are other options.

In some cases the supplied data values give the actual extents in data coordinates for the plotted vectors but sometimes the data is on a different scale or in different units to the positional coordinates. As a convenience for this case, the plotter can optionally scale the magnitudes of all the vectors to make them a reasonable size on the plot, so by default the largest ones are a few tens of pixels long. This auto-scaling is turned off by default, but it can be activated with the autoscale option. Whether autoscaling is on or off, the scale option can be used to apply a fixed scaling factor.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=xyvector arrowN=small_arrow|medium_arrow|... thickN=<int-value>
                   scaleN=<factor> autoscaleN=true|false
                   shadingN=auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>
                   xN=<num-expr> yN=<num-expr> xdeltaN=<num-expr>
                   ydeltaN=<num-expr> inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format>
                   istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2plane layer1=xyvector in1=gavo_g2.fits
                     x1=x y1=y xdelta1=velX ydelta1=velY autoscale1=true thick1=1
                     xmin=9 xmax=11 ymin=12 ymax=13.5

arrowN = small_arrow|medium_arrow|...       (MultiPointShape)
How arrows are represented.

The available options are:

[Default: small_arrow]

autoscaleN = true|false       (Boolean)
Determines whether the default size of variable-sized markers like vectors and ellipses are automatically scaled to have a sensible size. If true, then the sizes of all the plotted markers are examined, and some dynamically calculated factor is applied to them all to make them a sensible size (by default, the largest ones will be a few tens of pixels). If false, the sizes will be the actual input values interpreted in data coordinates.

If auto-scaling is on, then markers will keep approximately the same screen size during zoom operations; if it's off, they will keep the same size in data coordinates.

Marker size is also affected by the scale parameter.

[Default: false]

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

scaleN = <factor>       (Double)
Affects the size of variable-sized markers like vectors and ellipses. The default value is 1, smaller or larger values multiply the visible sizes accordingly.

[Default: 1]

shadingN = auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>       (ShapeMode)
Determines how plotted objects in layer N are coloured. This may be influenced by how many objects are plotted over each other as well as the values of other parameters. Available options (Section 8.4) are: Each of these options comes with its own set of parameters to specify the details of how colouring is done.

[Default: auto]

thickN = <int-value>       (Integer)
Controls the line thickness used when drawing shapes. Zero, the default value, means a 1-pixel-wide line is used. Larger values make drawn lines thicker, but note changing this value will not affect all shapes, for instance filled rectangles contain no line drawings.

[Default: 0]

xN = <num-expr>       (String)
Horizontal coordinate.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

xdeltaN = <num-expr>       (String)
Vector component in the X direction.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

yN = <num-expr>       (String)
Vertical coordinate.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

ydeltaN = <num-expr>       (String)
Vector component in the Y direction.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

8.3.5 xyerror

Plots symmetric or asymmetric error bars in some or all of the plot dimensions. The shape of the error "bars" is quite configurable, including (for 2-d and 3-d errors) ellipses, rectangles etc aligned with the axes.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=xyerror errorbarN=none|lines|capped_lines|... thickN=<int-value>
                  shadingN=auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>
                  xN=<num-expr> yN=<num-expr> xerrhiN=<num-expr>
                  xerrloN=<num-expr> yerrhiN=<num-expr> yerrloN=<num-expr>
                  inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format> istreamN=true|false

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2plane in=J_MNRAS_440_1571.vot x=S500 y=S160
                     layer1=mark size1=5 shape1=fat_circle
                     layer2=xyerror xerrhi2=e_S500 yerrhi2=e_S160 errorbar2=capped_lines thick2=1
                     xlog=true ylog=true shading=flat xmin=0.012 xmax=1 ymin=0.01 ymax=10

errorbarN = none|lines|capped_lines|...       (MultiPointShape)
How errorbars are represented.

The available options are:

[Default: lines]

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

shadingN = auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>       (ShapeMode)
Determines how plotted objects in layer N are coloured. This may be influenced by how many objects are plotted over each other as well as the values of other parameters. Available options (Section 8.4) are: Each of these options comes with its own set of parameters to specify the details of how colouring is done.

[Default: auto]

thickN = <int-value>       (Integer)
Controls the line thickness used when drawing shapes. Zero, the default value, means a 1-pixel-wide line is used. Larger values make drawn lines thicker, but note changing this value will not affect all shapes, for instance filled rectangles contain no line drawings.

[Default: 0]

xN = <num-expr>       (String)
Horizontal coordinate.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

xerrhiN = <num-expr>       (String)
Error in the X coordinate in the positive direction. If no corresponding negative error value is supplied, then this value is also used in the negative direction, i.e. in that case errors are assumed to be symmetric.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

xerrloN = <num-expr>       (String)
Error in the X coordinate in the negative direction. If left blank, it is assumed to take the same value as the positive error.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

yN = <num-expr>       (String)
Vertical coordinate.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

yerrhiN = <num-expr>       (String)
Error in the Y coordinate in the positive direction. If no corresponding negative error value is supplied, then this value is also used in the negative direction, i.e. in that case errors are assumed to be symmetric.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

yerrloN = <num-expr>       (String)
Error in the Y coordinate in the negative direction. If left blank, it is assumed to take the same value as the positive error.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

8.3.6 xyellipse

Plots an ellipse (or rectangle, triangle, or other similar figure) defined by two principal radii and an optional angle of rotation, the so-called position angle. This angle, if specified, is in degrees and gives the angle counterclockwise from the horizontal axis to the first principal radius.

In some cases the supplied data values give the actual extents in data coordinates for the plotted ellipses but sometimes the data is on a different scale or in different units to the positional coordinates. As a convenience for this case, the plotter can optionally scale the magnitudes of all the ellipses to make them a reasonable size on the plot, so by default the largest ones are a few tens of pixels long. This auto-scaling is turned off by default, but it can be activated with the autoscale option. Whether autoscaling is on or off, the scale option can be used to apply a fixed scaling factor.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=xyellipse ellipseN=ellipse|crosshair_ellipse|... thickN=<int-value>
                    scaleN=<factor> autoscaleN=true|false
                    shadingN=auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>
                    xN=<num-expr> yN=<num-expr> raN=<num-expr> rbN=<num-expr>
                    posangN=<deg-expr> inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format>
                    istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2plane in=mgc_ok.fits x=mgc_alpha_j2000 y=mgc_delta_j2000
                     ra=bulge_re/3600. rb=bulge_re*bulge_e/3600. posang=bulge_pa
                     autoscale=false scale=10 color=blue
                     layer1=xyellipse ellipse1=filled_ellipse shading1=transparent opaque1=4
                     layer2=xyellipse ellipse2=crosshair_ellipse
                     aspect=1 xmin=181.3 xmax=181.9

autoscaleN = true|false       (Boolean)
Determines whether the default size of variable-sized markers like vectors and ellipses are automatically scaled to have a sensible size. If true, then the sizes of all the plotted markers are examined, and some dynamically calculated factor is applied to them all to make them a sensible size (by default, the largest ones will be a few tens of pixels). If false, the sizes will be the actual input values interpreted in data coordinates.

If auto-scaling is on, then markers will keep approximately the same screen size during zoom operations; if it's off, they will keep the same size in data coordinates.

Marker size is also affected by the scale parameter.

[Default: false]

ellipseN = ellipse|crosshair_ellipse|...       (MultiPointShape)
How ellipses are represented.

The available options are:

[Default: ellipse]

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

posangN = <deg-expr>       (String)
Orientation of the ellipse. The value is the angle in degrees from the X axis towards the Y axis of the first principal axis of the ellipse.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

raN = <num-expr>       (String)
Ellipse first principal radius.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

rbN = <num-expr>       (String)
Ellipse second principal radius. If this value is blank, the two radii will be assumed equal, i.e. the ellipses will be circles.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

scaleN = <factor>       (Double)
Affects the size of variable-sized markers like vectors and ellipses. The default value is 1, smaller or larger values multiply the visible sizes accordingly.

[Default: 1]

shadingN = auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>       (ShapeMode)
Determines how plotted objects in layer N are coloured. This may be influenced by how many objects are plotted over each other as well as the values of other parameters. Available options (Section 8.4) are: Each of these options comes with its own set of parameters to specify the details of how colouring is done.

[Default: auto]

thickN = <int-value>       (Integer)
Controls the line thickness used when drawing shapes. Zero, the default value, means a 1-pixel-wide line is used. Larger values make drawn lines thicker, but note changing this value will not affect all shapes, for instance filled rectangles contain no line drawings.

[Default: 0]

xN = <num-expr>       (String)
Horizontal coordinate.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

yN = <num-expr>       (String)
Vertical coordinate.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

8.3.7 xycorr

Plots an error ellipse (or rectangle or other similar figure) defined by errors in the X and Y directions, and a correlation between the two errors.

The supplied correlation is a dimensionless value in the range -1..+1 and is equal to the covariance divided by the product of the X and Y errors. The covariance matrix is thus:

    [  xerr*xerr         xerr*yerr*xycorr  ]
    [  xerr*yerr*xycorr  yerr*yerr         ]

In some cases the supplied data values give the actual extents in data coordinates for the plotted ellipses but sometimes the data is on a different scale or in different units to the positional coordinates. As a convenience for this case, the plotter can optionally scale the magnitudes of all the ellipses to make them a reasonable size on the plot, so by default the largest ones are a few tens of pixels long. This auto-scaling is turned off by default, but it can be activated with the autoscale option. Whether autoscaling is on or off, the scale option can be used to apply a fixed scaling factor.

This plot type is suitable for use with the <x>_error and <x>_<y>_corr columns in the Gaia source catalogue.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=xycorr ellipseN=ellipse|crosshair_ellipse|... thickN=<int-value>
                 scaleN=<factor> autoscaleN=true|false
                 shadingN=auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>
                 xN=<num-expr> yN=<num-expr> xerrN=<num-expr> yerrN=<num-expr>
                 xycorrN=<num-expr> inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format>
                 istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2plane in=tgas_source.fits icmd='select skyDistanceDegrees(ra,dec,56.9,23.9)<0.4'
                     x=pmra y=pmdec
                     xerrhi2=pmra_error yerrhi2=pmdec_error
                     color2=cyan shading2=transparent
                     layer2a=xyerror errorbar2a=filled_rectangle opaque2a=10
                     layer2b=xyerror errorbar2b=crosshair_rectangle opaque2b=4
                     layer3=xycorr autoscale3=false
                     xerr3=pmra_error yerr3=pmdec_error xycorr3=pmra_pmdec_corr
                     xmin=17 xmax=24 ymin=-48 ymax=-42

autoscaleN = true|false       (Boolean)
Determines whether the default size of variable-sized markers like vectors and ellipses are automatically scaled to have a sensible size. If true, then the sizes of all the plotted markers are examined, and some dynamically calculated factor is applied to them all to make them a sensible size (by default, the largest ones will be a few tens of pixels). If false, the sizes will be the actual input values interpreted in data coordinates.

If auto-scaling is on, then markers will keep approximately the same screen size during zoom operations; if it's off, they will keep the same size in data coordinates.

Marker size is also affected by the scale parameter.

[Default: false]

ellipseN = ellipse|crosshair_ellipse|...       (MultiPointShape)
How ellipses are represented.

The available options are:

[Default: ellipse]

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

scaleN = <factor>       (Double)
Affects the size of variable-sized markers like vectors and ellipses. The default value is 1, smaller or larger values multiply the visible sizes accordingly.

[Default: 1]

shadingN = auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>       (ShapeMode)
Determines how plotted objects in layer N are coloured. This may be influenced by how many objects are plotted over each other as well as the values of other parameters. Available options (Section 8.4) are: Each of these options comes with its own set of parameters to specify the details of how colouring is done.

[Default: auto]

thickN = <int-value>       (Integer)
Controls the line thickness used when drawing shapes. Zero, the default value, means a 1-pixel-wide line is used. Larger values make drawn lines thicker, but note changing this value will not affect all shapes, for instance filled rectangles contain no line drawings.

[Default: 0]

xN = <num-expr>       (String)
Horizontal coordinate.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

xerrN = <num-expr>       (String)
Error in the X coordinate.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

xycorrN = <num-expr>       (String)
Correlation beteween the errors in the X and Y directions. This is a dimensionless quantity in the range -1..+1, and is equivalent to the covariance divided by the product of the X and Y error values themselves. It corresponds to the *_corr values supplied in the Gaia source catalogue.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

yN = <num-expr>       (String)
Vertical coordinate.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

yerrN = <num-expr>       (String)
Error in the Y coordinate.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

8.3.8 link2

Plots a line linking two positions from the same input table row.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=link2 thickN=<int-value>
                shadingN=auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>
                <pos-coord-params1N> <pos-coord-params2N> inN=<table>
                ifmtN=<in-format> istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.

Positional Coordinate Parameters:
The positional coordinates <pos-coord-params1N> , <pos-coord-params2N> give 2 positions for each row of the input table. Their form depends on the plot geometry, i.e. which plotting command is used. For a plane plot (plot2plane) the parameters would be x1N, y1N, x2N and y2N. The coordinate parameter values are in all cases strings interpreted as numeric expressions based on column names. These can be column names, fixed values or algebraic expressions as described in Section 10.


   stilts plot2sky clon=14.78 clat=-72.1525 radius=0.0015 sex=false
                   layer_h=mark in_h=ngc346.fits lon_h=_RAJ2000 lat_h=_DEJ2000 color_h=red
                   layer_g=mark in_g=ngc346xGaiadr1.fits lon_g=ra lat_g=dec color_g=blue shading_g=flat size_g=3
                   in_x=ngc346xGaiadr1.fits lon1_x=_RAJ2000 lat1_x=_DEJ2000 lon2_x=ra lat2_x=dec shading_x=flat
                   layer_xl=link2 color_xl=forestgreen
                   layer_xm=mark2 color_xm=greenyellow size_xm=4 shape_xm=open_circle
                   seq=_xm,_xl,_h,_g leglabel_h=HST leglabel_g='Gaia DR1' legseq=_h,_g legpos=0.95,0.95

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

shadingN = auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>       (ShapeMode)
Determines how plotted objects in layer N are coloured. This may be influenced by how many objects are plotted over each other as well as the values of other parameters. Available options (Section 8.4) are: Each of these options comes with its own set of parameters to specify the details of how colouring is done.

[Default: auto]

thickN = <int-value>       (Integer)
Controls the line thickness used when drawing point-to-point links. Zero, the default value, means a 1-pixel-wide line is used, and larger values make drawn lines thicker.

[Default: 0]

8.3.9 mark2

Plots 2 similar markers of fixed size and shape representing 2 separate positions from the same input table row. This is a convenience option that can be used with other plot layers based on 2 positions.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=mark2 shapeN=filled_circle|open_circle|... sizeN=<pixels>
                shadingN=auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>
                <pos-coord-params1N> <pos-coord-params2N> inN=<table>
                ifmtN=<in-format> istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.

Positional Coordinate Parameters:
The positional coordinates <pos-coord-params1N> , <pos-coord-params2N> give 2 positions for each row of the input table. Their form depends on the plot geometry, i.e. which plotting command is used. For a plane plot (plot2plane) the parameters would be x1N, y1N, x2N and y2N. The coordinate parameter values are in all cases strings interpreted as numeric expressions based on column names. These can be column names, fixed values or algebraic expressions as described in Section 10.


   stilts plot2sky clon=14.78 clat=-72.1525 radius=0.0015 sex=false
                   layer_h=mark in_h=ngc346.fits lon_h=_RAJ2000 lat_h=_DEJ2000 color_h=red
                   layer_g=mark in_g=ngc346xGaiadr1.fits lon_g=ra lat_g=dec color_g=blue shading_g=flat size_g=3
                   in_x=ngc346xGaiadr1.fits lon1_x=_RAJ2000 lat1_x=_DEJ2000 lon2_x=ra lat2_x=dec shading_x=flat
                   layer_xl=link2 color_xl=greenyellow
                   layer_xm=mark2 color_xm=forestgreen size_xm=4 shape_xm=open_circle
                   seq=_xm,_xl,_h,_g leglabel_h=HST leglabel_g='Gaia DR1' legseq=_h,_g legpos=0.95,0.95

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

shadingN = auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>       (ShapeMode)
Determines how plotted objects in layer N are coloured. This may be influenced by how many objects are plotted over each other as well as the values of other parameters. Available options (Section 8.4) are: Each of these options comes with its own set of parameters to specify the details of how colouring is done.

[Default: auto]

shapeN = filled_circle|open_circle|...       (MarkerShape)
Sets the shape of markers that are plotted at each position of the scatter plot.

The available options are:

[Default: filled_circle]

sizeN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Size of the scatter plot markers. The unit is pixels, in most cases the marker is approximately twice the size of the supplied value.

[Default: 1]

8.3.10 poly4

Draws a closed quadrilateral given the coordinates of its vertices supplied as 4 separate positions. The way that the polygon is drawn (outline, fill etc) is determined using the polymode option.

Polygons smaller than a configurable threshold size in pixels are by default represented by a replacement marker, so the position of even a very small polygon is still visible on the screen.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=poly4 polymodeN=outline|border|fill|cross|star thickN=<int-value>
                minsizeN=<pixels> minshapeN=filled_circle|open_circle|...
                shadingN=auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>
                <pos-coord-params1N> <pos-coord-params2N> <pos-coord-params3N>
                <pos-coord-params4N> inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format>
                istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.

Positional Coordinate Parameters:
The positional coordinates <pos-coord-params1N> , <pos-coord-params2N> , <pos-coord-params3N> , <pos-coord-params4N> give 4 positions for each row of the input table. Their form depends on the plot geometry, i.e. which plotting command is used. For a plane plot (plot2plane) the parameters would be x1N, y1N, x2N, y2N, x3N, y3N, x4N and y4N. The coordinate parameter values are in all cases strings interpreted as numeric expressions based on column names. These can be column names, fixed values or algebraic expressions as described in Section 10.


   stilts plot2sky in=big_tab_VIR_VIS_CSA_public.fits icmd='every 32'
                   lon1=LON_CORNER_1 lat1=LAT_CORNER_1
                   lon2=LON_CORNER_2 lat2=LAT_CORNER_2
                   lon3=LON_CORNER_3 lat3=LAT_CORNER_3
                   lon4=LON_CORNER_4 lat4=LAT_CORNER_4
                   layer_o=poly4 polymode_o=outline shading_o=aux
                   layer_f=poly4 polymode_f=fill shading_f=aux opaque_f=4
                   auxmap=rainbow auxvisible=false xpix=300 ypix=300 labelpos=none

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

minshapeN = filled_circle|open_circle|...       (MarkerShape)
Defines the shape of markers plotted instead of the actual polygon shape, for polygons that are smaller than the size threshold defined by minsize.

The available options are:

[Default: x]

minsizeN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Defines a threshold size in pixels below which, instead of the polygon defined by the other parameters, a replacement marker will be painted instead. If this is set to zero, then only the shape itself will be plotted, but if it is small it may appear as only a single pixel. By setting a larger value, you can ensure that the position of even small polygons is easily visible, at the expense of giving them an artificial shape and size. This value also defines the size of the replacement markers.

[Default: 1]

polymodeN = outline|border|fill|cross|star       (PolygonShape)
Polygon drawing mode. Different options are available, including drawing an outline round the edge and filling the interior with colour.

The available options are:

[Default: outline]

shadingN = auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>       (ShapeMode)
Determines how plotted objects in layer N are coloured. This may be influenced by how many objects are plotted over each other as well as the values of other parameters. Available options (Section 8.4) are: Each of these options comes with its own set of parameters to specify the details of how colouring is done.

[Default: auto]

thickN = <int-value>       (Integer)
Controls the line thickness used when drawing polygons. Zero, the default value, means a 1-pixel-wide line is used. Larger values make drawn lines thicker, but note changing this value will not affect all shapes, for instance filled polygons contain no line drawings.

[Default: 0]

8.3.11 mark4

Plots 4 similar markers of fixed size and shape representing 4 separate positions from the same input table row. This is a convenience option that can be used with other plot layers based on 4 positions.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=mark4 shapeN=filled_circle|open_circle|... sizeN=<pixels>
                shadingN=auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>
                <pos-coord-params1N> <pos-coord-params2N> <pos-coord-params3N>
                <pos-coord-params4N> inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format>
                istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.

Positional Coordinate Parameters:
The positional coordinates <pos-coord-params1N> , <pos-coord-params2N> , <pos-coord-params3N> , <pos-coord-params4N> give 4 positions for each row of the input table. Their form depends on the plot geometry, i.e. which plotting command is used. For a plane plot (plot2plane) the parameters would be x1N, y1N, x2N, y2N, x3N, y3N, x4N and y4N. The coordinate parameter values are in all cases strings interpreted as numeric expressions based on column names. These can be column names, fixed values or algebraic expressions as described in Section 10.


   stilts plot2plane in=big_tab_VIR_VIS_CSA_public.fits
                     icmd='select IOF_055<0.005'
                     icmd='select lon_center>250&&lon_center<300&&lat_center>-65&&lat_center<-16'
                     x1=LON_CORNER_1 y1=LAT_CORNER_1
                     x2=LON_CORNER_2 y2=LAT_CORNER_2
                     x3=LON_CORNER_3 y3=LAT_CORNER_3
                     x4=LON_CORNER_4 y4=LAT_CORNER_4
                     layer_q=poly4 polymode_q=fill shading_q=transparent opaque_q=4
                     layer_m=mark4 color_m=404040 shape_m=open_circle size_m=3

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

shadingN = auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>       (ShapeMode)
Determines how plotted objects in layer N are coloured. This may be influenced by how many objects are plotted over each other as well as the values of other parameters. Available options (Section 8.4) are: Each of these options comes with its own set of parameters to specify the details of how colouring is done.

[Default: auto]

shapeN = filled_circle|open_circle|...       (MarkerShape)
Sets the shape of markers that are plotted at each position of the scatter plot.

The available options are:

[Default: filled_circle]

sizeN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Size of the scatter plot markers. The unit is pixels, in most cases the marker is approximately twice the size of the supplied value.

[Default: 1]

8.3.12 polygon

Draws a closed polygon given an array of coordinates that define its vertices. In fact this plot requires the position of the first vertex supplied as a positional value in the usual way (e.g. X and Y coordinates) and the second, third etc vertices supplied as an array using the otherpoints parameter.

Invocation might therefore look like "xN=x1 yN=y1 otherpointsN=array(x2,y2, x3,y3, x4,y4)".

Usage Overview:

   layerN=polygon useposN=true|false polymodeN=outline|border|fill|cross|star
                  shadingN=auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>
                  <pos-coord-paramsN> otherpointsN=<array-expr> inN=<table>
                  ifmtN=<in-format> istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.

Positional Coordinate Parameters:
The positional coordinates <pos-coord-paramsN> give a position for each row of the input table. Their form depends on the plot geometry, i.e. which plotting command is used. For a plane plot (plot2plane) the parameters would be xN and yN. The coordinate parameter values are in all cases strings interpreted as numeric expressions based on column names. These can be column names, fixed values or algebraic expressions as described in Section 10.


   stilts plot2sky in=big_tab_VIR_VIS_CSA_public.fits
                   icmd='select ALTITUDE>4e4&&ALTITUDE<4.3e4'
                   layer=polygon polymode=fill
                   lon=LON_CENTER lat=LAT_CENTER
                   shading=weighted weight=IR_TEMPERATURE auxmap=plasma
                   texttype=latex fontsize=14 auxlabel=T_{IR}
                   clon=83 clat=34 radius=11

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

otherpointsN = <array-expr>       (String)
Array of coordinates giving the points of the vertices defining the polygon to be drawn. These coordinates are given as an interleaved array by this parameter, e.g. (x1,y1, x2,y2, y3,y3). The basic position for the row being plotted either is or is not included as the first vertex, according to the setting of the usepos parameter.

Some expression language functions that can be useful when specifying this parameter are array() and parseDoubles().

The value is an array-valued algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10. Some of the functions in the Arrays class may be useful here.

polymodeN = outline|border|fill|cross|star       (PolygonShape)
Polygon drawing mode. Different options are available, including drawing an outline round the edge and filling the interior with colour.

The available options are:

[Default: outline]

shadingN = auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>       (ShapeMode)
Determines how plotted objects in layer N are coloured. This may be influenced by how many objects are plotted over each other as well as the values of other parameters. Available options (Section 8.4) are: Each of these options comes with its own set of parameters to specify the details of how colouring is done.

[Default: auto]

thickN = <int-value>       (Integer)
Controls the line thickness used when drawing polygons. Zero, the default value, means a 1-pixel-wide line is used. Larger values make drawn lines thicker, but note changing this value will not affect all shapes, for instance filled polygons contain no line drawings.

[Default: 0]

useposN = true|false       (Boolean)
Determines whether the basic positional coordinates are included as one of the polygon vertices or not. The polygon has N+1 vertices if true, or N vertices if false, where N is the number of vertices supplied by the array coordinate. If false, the basic position is ignored for the purposes of drawing the polygon.

[Default: true]

8.3.13 area

Plots a region on the plotting surface specified by a string or array of numbers. The area may be specified as an STC-S string (as for example in an ObsCore or EPN-TAP s_region column) or using an array of numbers representing a polygon, circle or point as flagged using the DALI/VOTable extended type (xtype) marker, or as an ASCII-encoded MOC.

Areas smaller than a configurable threshold size in pixels are by default represented by a replacement marker, so the position of even a very small area is still visible on the screen.

This plot type is generally intended for displaying relatively small shapes such as instrument footprints. It can be used for areas that are larger as well, but there may be issues with use, for instance auto-determination of the initial plot region may not work so well, and the rendering of shapes that are large relative to the sky may be inaccurate. These issues may be addressed in future releases.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=area polymodeN=outline|border|fill|cross|star thickN=<int-value>
               minsizeN=<pixels> minshapeN=filled_circle|open_circle|...
               shadingN=auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>
               inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format> istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2sky reflectlon=false sex=false clon=348.9 clat=79.8 radius=1.0
                   in=crism.fits icmd='select sensor_id==0x4c'
                   area_p=s_region areatype_p=stc-s
                   layer_pf=area polymode_pf=fill color_pf=1199ff shading_pf=transparent
                   layer_pl=area polymode_pl=outline color_pl=grey

areaN = <area-expr>       (String)
Expression giving the geometry of a 2D region on the plot. It may be a string- or array-valued expression, and its interpretation depends on the value of the corresponding areatype parameter.

The value is a Area value algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

Selects the form in which the Area value for parameter areaN is supplied. Options are: If left blank, a guess will be taken depending on the data type of the value supplied for the areaN value.
icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

minshapeN = filled_circle|open_circle|...       (MarkerShape)
Defines the shape of markers plotted instead of the actual polygon shape, for polygons that are smaller than the size threshold defined by minsize.

The available options are:

[Default: x]

minsizeN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Defines a threshold size in pixels below which, instead of the polygon defined by the other parameters, a replacement marker will be painted instead. If this is set to zero, then only the shape itself will be plotted, but if it is small it may appear as only a single pixel. By setting a larger value, you can ensure that the position of even small polygons is easily visible, at the expense of giving them an artificial shape and size. This value also defines the size of the replacement markers.

[Default: 1]

polymodeN = outline|border|fill|cross|star       (PolygonShape)
Polygon drawing mode. Different options are available, including drawing an outline round the edge and filling the interior with colour.

The available options are:

[Default: outline]

shadingN = auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>       (ShapeMode)
Determines how plotted objects in layer N are coloured. This may be influenced by how many objects are plotted over each other as well as the values of other parameters. Available options (Section 8.4) are: Each of these options comes with its own set of parameters to specify the details of how colouring is done.

[Default: auto]

thickN = <int-value>       (Integer)
Controls the line thickness used when drawing polygons. Zero, the default value, means a 1-pixel-wide line is used. Larger values make drawn lines thicker, but note changing this value will not affect all shapes, for instance filled polygons contain no line drawings.

[Default: 0]

8.3.14 central

Plots the nominal central point of an area. This appears just like a normal marker plot, but can be used when the available geometry information is an area description (such as an STC-S string or an array of polygon vertices) rather than coordinate values such as an X,Y pair. The position plotted is the nominal center of the shape as determined by the plotting code; that may or may not correspond to the actual center.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=central shapeN=filled_circle|open_circle|... sizeN=<pixels>
                  shadingN=auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>
                  inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format> istreamN=true|false

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2plane xmin=136.7 xmax=138.5 ymin=-5.7 ymax=-4.2
                     in=crism.fits icmd='select sensor_id==0x53'
                     area=s_region areatype=STC-S
                     layer1=area polymode1=fill shading1=density densemap1=heat
                     layer2=central shape2=fat_circle size2=3 color2=black

areaN = <area-expr>       (String)
Expression giving the geometry of a 2D region on the plot. It may be a string- or array-valued expression, and its interpretation depends on the value of the corresponding areatype parameter.

The value is a Area value algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

Selects the form in which the Area value for parameter areaN is supplied. Options are: If left blank, a guess will be taken depending on the data type of the value supplied for the areaN value.
icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

shadingN = auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>       (ShapeMode)
Determines how plotted objects in layer N are coloured. This may be influenced by how many objects are plotted over each other as well as the values of other parameters. Available options (Section 8.4) are: Each of these options comes with its own set of parameters to specify the details of how colouring is done.

[Default: auto]

shapeN = filled_circle|open_circle|...       (MarkerShape)
Sets the shape of markers that are plotted at each position of the scatter plot.

The available options are:

[Default: filled_circle]

sizeN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Size of the scatter plot markers. The unit is pixels, in most cases the marker is approximately twice the size of the supplied value.

[Default: 1]

8.3.15 lines

Plots an N-segment line for each input row, with the X and Y coordinate arrays each supplied by an N-element array value.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=lines thickN=<pixels> dashN=dot|dash|...|<a,b,...> sortaxisN=[X|Y]
                shadingN=auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>
                xsN=<array-expr> ysN=<array-expr> inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format>
                istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2plane in1=LRS_NPW_V010_20071101.cdf
                     layer1=lines xs=multiply(param$frequency,1e-6) xlabel=f/MHz ys=RX1 thick=2
                     shading=aux aux=Epoch auxmap=sron
                     icmd='every 100' xmin=13 xmax=16 xpix=660 auxvisible=false

dashN = dot|dash|...|<a,b,...>       (float[])
Determines the dash pattern of the line drawn. If null (the default), the line is solid.

Possible values for dashed lines are dot, dash, longdash, dotdash. You can alternatively supply a comma-separated list of on/off length values such as "4,2,8,2".

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

shadingN = auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>       (ShapeMode)
Determines how plotted objects in layer N are coloured. This may be influenced by how many objects are plotted over each other as well as the values of other parameters. Available options (Section 8.4) are: Each of these options comes with its own set of parameters to specify the details of how colouring is done.

[Default: auto]

sortaxisN = [X|Y]       (AxisOpt)
May be set to "X" or "Y" to ensure that the points for each line are plotted in ascending order of the corresponding coordinate. This will ensure that the plotted line resembles a function of the corresponding coordinate rather than a scribble. The default (null) value causes the points for each line to be joined in the sequence in which they appear in the arrays. If the points already appear in the arrays sorted according to the corresponding coordinate, this option has no visible effect, though it may slow things down.

[Default: None]

thickN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Thickness of plotted line in pixels.

[Default: 1]

xsN = <array-expr>       (String)
Array giving the X coordinate array for each line. In most cases, if a blank value is supplied but Y values are present then a suitable linear sequence, of the same length as the Y array, is assumed.

The value is an array-valued algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10. Some of the functions in the Arrays class may be useful here.

ysN = <array-expr>       (String)
Array giving the Y coordinate array for each line. In most cases, if a blank value is supplied but X values are present then a suitable linear sequence, of the same length as the X array, is assumed.

The value is an array-valued algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10. Some of the functions in the Arrays class may be useful here.

8.3.16 marks

Plots N markers for each input row, with the X and Y coordinate values each supplied by an N-element array value.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=marks shapeN=filled_circle|open_circle|... sizeN=<pixels>
                shadingN=auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>
                xsN=<array-expr> ysN=<array-expr> inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format>
                istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2plane in=LRS_NPW_V010_20071101.cdf xs=param$frequency ys=RX2
                     layer1=lines shading1=density densemap1=greyscale denseclip1=0.2,0.7
                     layer2=marks shading2=weighted weight2=epoch shape2=filled_triangle_down size2=4
                     xmin=13e6 xmax=16e6 xpix=660 icmd='head 50' auxmap=sron auxvisible=false

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

shadingN = auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>       (ShapeMode)
Determines how plotted objects in layer N are coloured. This may be influenced by how many objects are plotted over each other as well as the values of other parameters. Available options (Section 8.4) are: Each of these options comes with its own set of parameters to specify the details of how colouring is done.

[Default: auto]

shapeN = filled_circle|open_circle|...       (MarkerShape)
Sets the shape of markers that are plotted at each position of the scatter plot.

The available options are:

[Default: filled_circle]

sizeN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Size of the scatter plot markers. The unit is pixels, in most cases the marker is approximately twice the size of the supplied value.

[Default: 1]

xsN = <array-expr>       (String)
Array giving the X coordinate array for each line. In most cases, if a blank value is supplied but Y values are present then a suitable linear sequence, of the same length as the Y array, is assumed.

The value is an array-valued algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10. Some of the functions in the Arrays class may be useful here.

ysN = <array-expr>       (String)
Array giving the Y coordinate array for each line. In most cases, if a blank value is supplied but X values are present then a suitable linear sequence, of the same length as the X array, is assumed.

The value is an array-valued algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10. Some of the functions in the Arrays class may be useful here.

8.3.17 handles

Draws a symbol representing the position of an X/Y array plot. Although this may not do a good job of showing the position for a whole X/Y array, which is line-like rather than point-like, it provides a visible reference position for the plotted row.

This plot type is therefore mostly useful in interactive environments like TOPCAT, where the plotted marker can be used for activating or identifying the corresponding table row.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=handles placementN=index|ymax|ymin|xmax|xmin|xymean fractionN=<0..1>
                  sizeN=<pixels> shapeN=filled_circle|open_circle|...
                  shadingN=auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>
                  xsN=<array-expr> ysN=<array-expr> inN=<table>
                  ifmtN=<in-format> istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2plane in=LRS_NPW_V010_20071101.cdf ys=add(RX1,20*$index)
                     shading=aux auxmap=sron aux=$index
                     icmd='head 8' auxvisible=false legend=false
                     layer0=lines opaque0=2
                     layer1=handles placement1=index fraction1=0.85

fractionN = <0..1>       (Double)
Provides a numeric value in the range 0..1 that may influence where the handle is placed. Currently, this is only relevant for placement=index, where it indicates how far through the array the reference (X,Y) position should be taken (0.0 means the first element, 1.0 means the last). For other values of placement it is ignored.

[Default: 0.5]

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

placementN = index|ymax|ymin|xmax|xmin|xymean       (XYArrayPlacement)
Determines where the handle will be positioned in relation to the X/Y array values.

The available options are:

[Default: index]

shadingN = auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>       (ShapeMode)
Determines how plotted objects in layer N are coloured. This may be influenced by how many objects are plotted over each other as well as the values of other parameters. Available options (Section 8.4) are: Each of these options comes with its own set of parameters to specify the details of how colouring is done.

[Default: auto]

shapeN = filled_circle|open_circle|...       (MarkerShape)
Sets the shape of the marker that is drawn to identify the handle position.

The available options are:

[Default: fat_square]

sizeN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Sets the size of the marker that is drawn to identify the handle position. The unit is pixels, in most cases the marker is approximately twice the size of the supplied value.

[Default: 4]

xsN = <array-expr>       (String)
Array giving the X coordinate array for each line. In most cases, if a blank value is supplied but Y values are present then a suitable linear sequence, of the same length as the Y array, is assumed.

The value is an array-valued algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10. Some of the functions in the Arrays class may be useful here.

ysN = <array-expr>       (String)
Array giving the Y coordinate array for each line. In most cases, if a blank value is supplied but X values are present then a suitable linear sequence, of the same length as the X array, is assumed.

The value is an array-valued algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10. Some of the functions in the Arrays class may be useful here.

8.3.18 yerrors

Plots N error bars in the Y direction for each input row, with the X, Y and error bar extents each supplied by N-element array values.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=yerrors errorbarN=none|lines|capped_lines|caps|arrows
                  shadingN=auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>
                  xsN=<array-expr> ysN=<array-expr> yerrhisN=<array-expr>
                  yerrlosN=<array-expr> inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format>
                  istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2plane in=LRS_NPW_V010_20071101.cdf
                     shading=aux aux=epoch
                     xs=divide(2.998e8,param$Frequency) ys=multiply(add(RX1,RX2),0.5)
                     layer_l=lines thick_l=2
                     layer_e=yerrors yerrhis_e=arrayFunc("abs(x)",subtract(RX1,RX2)) errorbar_e=capped_lines
                     auxmap=paired auxvisible=false
                     xmin=116 xmax=161 ymin=-184 ymax=-148 xpix=660 ypix=300 icmd='every 1000'
                     xlabel=lambda ylabel=Intensity

errorbarN = none|lines|capped_lines|caps|arrows       (MultiPointShape)
How errorbars are represented.

The available options are:

[Default: lines]

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

shadingN = auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>       (ShapeMode)
Determines how plotted objects in layer N are coloured. This may be influenced by how many objects are plotted over each other as well as the values of other parameters. Available options (Section 8.4) are: Each of these options comes with its own set of parameters to specify the details of how colouring is done.

[Default: auto]

thickN = <int-value>       (Integer)
Controls the line thickness used when drawing shapes. Zero, the default value, means a 1-pixel-wide line is used. Larger values make drawn lines thicker, but note changing this value will not affect all shapes, for instance filled rectangles contain no line drawings.

[Default: 0]

xsN = <array-expr>       (String)
Array giving the X coordinate array for each line. In most cases, if a blank value is supplied but Y values are present then a suitable linear sequence, of the same length as the Y array, is assumed.

The value is an array-valued algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10. Some of the functions in the Arrays class may be useful here.

yerrhisN = <array-expr>       (String)
Array of errors in the Y coordinates in the positive direction. If no corresponding negative value is supplied, then this value is also used in the negative direction, i.e. in that case errors are assumed to be symmetric. Error exents must be positive; negative array elements are ignored.

The value is an array-valued algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10. Some of the functions in the Arrays class may be useful here.

yerrlosN = <array-expr>       (String)
Array of errors in the Y coordinates in the negative direction. If left blank, it is assumed to take the same value as in the positive direction. Error extents must be positive; negative array elements are ignored.

The value is an array-valued algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10. Some of the functions in the Arrays class may be useful here.

ysN = <array-expr>       (String)
Array giving the Y coordinate array for each line. In most cases, if a blank value is supplied but X values are present then a suitable linear sequence, of the same length as the X array, is assumed.

The value is an array-valued algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10. Some of the functions in the Arrays class may be useful here.

8.3.19 xyerrors

Plots N error bars in the X and Y directions for each input row, with the X, Y and error bar extents each supplied by N-element array values.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=xyerrors errorbarN=none|lines|capped_lines|... thickN=<int-value>
                   shadingN=auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>
                   xsN=<array-expr> ysN=<array-expr> xerrhisN=<array-expr>
                   xerrlosN=<array-expr> yerrhisN=<array-expr>
                   yerrlosN=<array-expr> inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format>
                   istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2plane in=LRS_NPW_V010_20071101.cdf ys=RX1
                     shading=aux aux=epoch
                     layer_l=lines opaque_l=1
                     layer_xy=xyerrors opaque_xy=3.3 errorbar_xy=crosshair_ellipse
                     xerrhis_xy=constant(512,0.5) yerrhis_xy=arrayFunc("abs(x)",subtract(RX1,RX2))
                     xmin=125 xmax=144 ymin=-184 ymax=-145 xpix=660 icmd='every 1000'
                     auxmap=viridis auxvisible=false

errorbarN = none|lines|capped_lines|...       (MultiPointShape)
How errorbars are represented.

The available options are:

[Default: lines]

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

shadingN = auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>       (ShapeMode)
Determines how plotted objects in layer N are coloured. This may be influenced by how many objects are plotted over each other as well as the values of other parameters. Available options (Section 8.4) are: Each of these options comes with its own set of parameters to specify the details of how colouring is done.

[Default: auto]

thickN = <int-value>       (Integer)
Controls the line thickness used when drawing shapes. Zero, the default value, means a 1-pixel-wide line is used. Larger values make drawn lines thicker, but note changing this value will not affect all shapes, for instance filled rectangles contain no line drawings.

[Default: 0]

xerrhisN = <array-expr>       (String)
Array of errors in the X coordinates in the positive direction. If no corresponding negative value is supplied, then this value is also used in the negative direction, i.e. in that case errors are assumed to be symmetric. Error exents must be positive; negative array elements are ignored.

The value is an array-valued algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10. Some of the functions in the Arrays class may be useful here.

xerrlosN = <array-expr>       (String)
Array of errors in the X coordinates in the negative direction. If left blank, it is assumed to take the same value as in the positive direction. Error extents must be positive; negative array elements are ignored.

The value is an array-valued algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10. Some of the functions in the Arrays class may be useful here.

xsN = <array-expr>       (String)
Array giving the X coordinate array for each line. In most cases, if a blank value is supplied but Y values are present then a suitable linear sequence, of the same length as the Y array, is assumed.

The value is an array-valued algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10. Some of the functions in the Arrays class may be useful here.

yerrhisN = <array-expr>       (String)
Array of errors in the Y coordinates in the positive direction. If no corresponding negative value is supplied, then this value is also used in the negative direction, i.e. in that case errors are assumed to be symmetric. Error exents must be positive; negative array elements are ignored.

The value is an array-valued algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10. Some of the functions in the Arrays class may be useful here.

yerrlosN = <array-expr>       (String)
Array of errors in the Y coordinates in the negative direction. If left blank, it is assumed to take the same value as in the positive direction. Error extents must be positive; negative array elements are ignored.

The value is an array-valued algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10. Some of the functions in the Arrays class may be useful here.

ysN = <array-expr>       (String)
Array giving the Y coordinate array for each line. In most cases, if a blank value is supplied but X values are present then a suitable linear sequence, of the same length as the X array, is assumed.

The value is an array-valued algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10. Some of the functions in the Arrays class may be useful here.

8.3.20 statline

Plots a single line based on a combination (typically the mean) of input array-valued coordinates. The input X and Y coordinates must be fixed-length arrays of length N; a line with N points is plotted, each point representing the mean (or median, minimum, maximum, ...) of all the input array elements at the corresponding position.

Note that because the X and Y arrays must be of a fixed size for all rows, and because combination is performed in both X and Y directions, this is typically only suitable for plotting combined spectra if they all share a common horizontal axis, e.g. are all sampled into the same wavelength bins. To visually combine spectra with non-uniform sampling, the arrayquantile plotter may be more useful.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=statline xcombineN=mean|median|min|max|q.01|...
                   colorN=<rrggbb>|red|blue|... thickN=<pixels>
                   antialiasN=true|false xsN=<array-expr> ysN=<array-expr>
                   inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format> istreamN=true|false

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2plane in=LRS_NPW_V010_20071101.cdf xs=multiply(param$frequency,1e-6) ys=RX2
                     xlabel=f/MHz ylabel=RX2/dB xmin=0.7 xmax=2.0 icmd='select rx2[71]<-170' xpix=700
                     layer1=lines color1=cyan
                     layer2=statline color2=red thick2=3

antialiasN = true|false       (Boolean)
If true, plotted lines are drawn with antialising. Antialised lines look smoother, but may take perceptibly longer to draw. Only has any effect for bitmapped output formats.

[Default: false]

colorN = <rrggbb>|red|blue|...       (Color)
The color of plotted data, given by name or as a hexadecimal RGB value.

The standard plotting colour names are red, blue, green, grey, magenta, cyan, orange, pink, yellow, black, light_grey, white. However, many other common colour names (too many to list here) are also understood. The list currently contains those colour names understood by most web browsers, from AliceBlue to YellowGreen, listed e.g. in the Extended color keywords section of the CSS3 standard.

Alternatively, a six-digit hexadecimal number RRGGBB may be supplied, optionally prefixed by "#" or "0x", giving red, green and blue intensities, e.g. "ff00ff", "#ff00ff" or "0xff00ff" for magenta.

[Default: red]

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

thickN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Thickness of plotted line in pixels.

[Default: 3]

xcombineN = mean|median|min|max|q.01|...       (Combiner)
Defines how corresponding array elements on the X axis are combined together to produce the plotted value.

The available options are:

[Default: mean]

xsN = <array-expr>       (String)
Array giving the X coordinate array for each line. In most cases, if a blank value is supplied but Y values are present then a suitable linear sequence, of the same length as the Y array, is assumed.

The value is an array-valued algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10. Some of the functions in the Arrays class may be useful here.

ycombineN = mean|median|min|max|q.01|...       (Combiner)
Defines how corresponding array elements on the Y axis are combined together to produce the plotted value.

The available options are:

[Default: mean]

ysN = <array-expr>       (String)
Array giving the Y coordinate array for each line. In most cases, if a blank value is supplied but X values are present then a suitable linear sequence, of the same length as the X array, is assumed.

The value is an array-valued algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10. Some of the functions in the Arrays class may be useful here.

8.3.21 statmark

Plots a set of markers based on a combination (typically the mean) of input array-valued coordinates. The input X and Y coordinates must be fixed-length arrays of length N; N markers are plotted, each one representing the mean (or median, minimum, maximum, ...) of all the input array elements at the corresponding position.

Note that because the X and Y arrays must be of a fixed size for all rows, and because combination is performed in both X and Y directions, this is typically only suitable for plotting combined spectra if they all share a common horizontal axis, e.g. are all sampled into the same wavelength bins. To visually combine spectra with non-uniform sampling, the arrayquantile plotter may be more useful.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=statmark xcombineN=mean|median|min|max|q.01|...
                   shapeN=filled_circle|open_circle|... sizeN=<pixels>
                   xsN=<array-expr> ysN=<array-expr> inN=<table>
                   ifmtN=<in-format> istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2plane in=LRS_NPW_V010_20071101.cdf ys=RX1
                     xmin=115 xmax=145 ymin=-183 ymax=-149 xpix=700 xcrowd=0.8
                     layer-d=lines color-d=wheat
                     layer-m=statline ycombine-m=median color-m=LimeGreen thick-m=3
                     color-q=DodgerBlue size-q=4
                     layer-q1=statmark ycombine-q1=Q1 shape-q1=filled_triangle_up
                     layer-q3=statmark ycombine-q3=Q3 shape-q3=filled_triangle_down
                     leglabel-m=Median leglabel-q1='First Quartile' leglabel-q3='Third Quartile'
                     legseq=-q3,-m,-q1 legpos=0.98,0.93

colorN = <rrggbb>|red|blue|...       (Color)
The color of plotted data, given by name or as a hexadecimal RGB value.

The standard plotting colour names are red, blue, green, grey, magenta, cyan, orange, pink, yellow, black, light_grey, white. However, many other common colour names (too many to list here) are also understood. The list currently contains those colour names understood by most web browsers, from AliceBlue to YellowGreen, listed e.g. in the Extended color keywords section of the CSS3 standard.

Alternatively, a six-digit hexadecimal number RRGGBB may be supplied, optionally prefixed by "#" or "0x", giving red, green and blue intensities, e.g. "ff00ff", "#ff00ff" or "0xff00ff" for magenta.

[Default: red]

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

shapeN = filled_circle|open_circle|...       (MarkerShape)
Sets the shape of markers that are plotted at each position of the scatter plot.

The available options are:

[Default: filled_circle]

sizeN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Size of the markers. The unit is pixels, in most cases the marker is approximately twice the size of the supplied value.

[Default: 4]

xcombineN = mean|median|min|max|q.01|...       (Combiner)
Defines how corresponding array elements on the X axis are combined together to produce the plotted value.

The available options are:

[Default: mean]

xsN = <array-expr>       (String)
Array giving the X coordinate array for each line. In most cases, if a blank value is supplied but Y values are present then a suitable linear sequence, of the same length as the Y array, is assumed.

The value is an array-valued algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10. Some of the functions in the Arrays class may be useful here.

ycombineN = mean|median|min|max|q.01|...       (Combiner)
Defines how corresponding array elements on the Y axis are combined together to produce the plotted value.

The available options are:

[Default: mean]

ysN = <array-expr>       (String)
Array giving the Y coordinate array for each line. In most cases, if a blank value is supplied but X values are present then a suitable linear sequence, of the same length as the X array, is assumed.

The value is an array-valued algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10. Some of the functions in the Arrays class may be useful here.

8.3.22 arrayquantile

Displays a quantile or quantile range for a set of plotted X/Y array pairs. If a table contains one spectrum per row in array-valued wavelength and flux columns, this plotter can be used to display a median of all the spectra, or a range between two quantiles. Smoothing options are available to even out noise arising from the pixel binning.

For each row, the xs and ys arrays must be the same length as each other, but this plot type does not require all the arrays to be sampled into the same bins.

The algorithm calculates quantiles for all the X,Y points plotted in each column of pixels. This means that more densely sampled spectra have more influence on the output than sparser ones.

Note: in the current implementation, depending on the details of the configuration and the data, there may be some distortions or missing graphics near the edges of the plot. This may be improved in future releases, depending on feedback.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=arrayquantile colorN=<rrggbb>|red|blue|... transparencyN=0..1
                        quantilesN=<low-frac>[,<high-frac>] thickN=<pixels>
                        joinN=none|polygon|lines horizontalN=true|false
                        xsN=<array-expr> ysN=<array-expr> inN=<table>
                        ifmtN=<in-format> istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2plane in=xq100sub.fits xs=subWave ys=multiply(subFlux,1./mean(subFlux))
                     xlabel=Wavelength/nm ylabel='Normalised Flux'
                     x2func=SPEED_OF_LIGHT*1E9*1E-12/x x2label=Frequency/THz
                     layer1=lines shading1=density densemap1=greyscale
                     denseclip1=0.2,1 densefunc1=linear leglabel1=Spectra
                     layer_q13=ArrayQuantile color_q13=DodgerBlue transparency_q13=0.5
                     quantiles_q13=0.25,0.75 leglabel_q13='Quartile Range'
                     layer_med=ArrayQuantile color_med=blue join_med=lines leglabel_med=Median
                     legend=true legpos=0.95,0.95
                     xpix=600 ypix=380
                     xmin=1348 xmax=1358 ymin=-0.2 ymax=2.2

colorN = <rrggbb>|red|blue|...       (Color)
The color of plotted data, given by name or as a hexadecimal RGB value.

The standard plotting colour names are red, blue, green, grey, magenta, cyan, orange, pink, yellow, black, light_grey, white. However, many other common colour names (too many to list here) are also understood. The list currently contains those colour names understood by most web browsers, from AliceBlue to YellowGreen, listed e.g. in the Extended color keywords section of the CSS3 standard.

Alternatively, a six-digit hexadecimal number RRGGBB may be supplied, optionally prefixed by "#" or "0x", giving red, green and blue intensities, e.g. "ff00ff", "#ff00ff" or "0xff00ff" for magenta.

[Default: red]

horizontalN = true|false       (Boolean)
Determines whether the trace bins are horizontal or vertical. If true, y quantiles are calculated for each pixel column, and if false, x quantiles are calculated for each pixel row.

[Default: true]

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

joinN = none|polygon|lines       (QJoin)
Defines the graphical style for connecting distinct quantile values. If smoothed samples are packed more closely than the pixel grid the option chosen here doesn't make much difference, but if there are gaps in the data along the sampled axis, it's useful to have a guide to the eye to join one quantile determination to the next.

The available options are:

[Default: polygon]

kernelN = square|linear|epanechnikov|cos|cos2|gauss3|gauss6       (Kernel1dShape)
The functional form of the smoothing kernel. The functions listed refer to the unscaled shape; all kernels are normalised to give a total area of unity.

The available options are:

[Default: epanechnikov]

quantilesN = <low-frac>[,<high-frac>]       (Subrange)
Defines the quantile or quantile range of values that should be marked in each pixel column (or row). The value may be a single number in the range 0..1 indicating the quantile which should be marked. Alternatively, it may be a pair of numbers, each in the range 0..1, separated by commas (<lo>,<hi>) indicating two quantile lines bounding an area to be filled. A pair of equal values "a,a" is equivalent to the single value "a". The default is 0.5, which means to mark the median value in each column, and could equivalently be specified 0.5,0.5.

[Default: 0.5]

smoothN = +<width>|-<count>       (BinSizer)
Configures the smoothing width. This is the characteristic width of the kernel function to be convolved with the density in one dimension to smooth the quantile function.

If the supplied value is a positive number it is interpreted as a fixed width in the data coordinates of the X axis (if the X axis is logarithmic, the value is a fixed factor). If it is a negative number, then it will be interpreted as the approximate number of smooothing widths that fit in the width of the visible plot (i.e. plot width / smoothing width). If the value is zero, no smoothing is applied.

When setting this value graphically, you can use either the slider to adjust the bin count or the numeric entry field to fix the bin width.

[Default: 0]

thickN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Sets the minimum extent of the markers that are plotted in each pixel column (or row) to indicate the designated value range. If the range is zero sized (quantiles specifies a single value rather than a pair) this will give the actual thickness of the plotted line. If the range is non-zero however, the line may be thicker than this in places according to the quantile positions.

[Default: 3]

transparencyN = 0..1       (Double)
Transparency with which components are plotted, in the range 0 (opaque) to 1 (invisible). The value is 1-alpha.

[Default: 0]

xsN = <array-expr>       (String)
Array giving the X coordinate array for each line. In most cases, if a blank value is supplied but Y values are present then a suitable linear sequence, of the same length as the Y array, is assumed.

The value is an array-valued algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10. Some of the functions in the Arrays class may be useful here.

ysN = <array-expr>       (String)
Array giving the Y coordinate array for each line. In most cases, if a blank value is supplied but X values are present then a suitable linear sequence, of the same length as the X array, is assumed.

The value is an array-valued algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10. Some of the functions in the Arrays class may be useful here.

8.3.23 line

Plots a point-to-point line joining up the positions of data points. There are additional options to pre-sort the points according to their order on the X or Y axis (using the sortaxis value), and to vary the colour of the line along its length (using the aux value).

The options for controlling the Aux colour map are controlled at the level of the plot itself, rather than by per-layer configuration.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=line colorN=<rrggbb>|red|blue|... thickN=<pixels>
               dashN=dot|dash|...|<a,b,...> sortaxisN=[X|Y]
               antialiasN=true|false auxnullcolorN=<rrggbb>|red|blue|...
               <pos-coord-paramsN> auxN=<num-expr> inN=<table>
               ifmtN=<in-format> istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.

Positional Coordinate Parameters:
The positional coordinates <pos-coord-paramsN> give a position for each row of the input table. Their form depends on the plot geometry, i.e. which plotting command is used. For a plane plot (plot2plane) the parameters would be xN and yN. The coordinate parameter values are in all cases strings interpreted as numeric expressions based on column names. These can be column names, fixed values or algebraic expressions as described in Section 10.


   stilts plot2time in=ACE_data.vot t=epoch
                    layer1=line y1=Br zone1=A
                    layer2=line y2=Bt zone2=B
                    layer3=line y3=Bn zone3=C

antialiasN = true|false       (Boolean)
If true, plotted lines are drawn with antialising. Antialised lines look smoother, but may take perceptibly longer to draw. Only has any effect for bitmapped output formats.

[Default: false]

auxN = <num-expr>       (String)
If supplied, this controls the colouring of the line along its length according to the value of this coordinate.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

auxnullcolorN = <rrggbb>|red|blue|...       (Color)
The color of points with a null value of the Aux coordinate, given by name or as a hexadecimal RGB value.

The standard plotting colour names are red, blue, green, grey, magenta, cyan, orange, pink, yellow, black, light_grey, white. However, many other common colour names (too many to list here) are also understood. The list currently contains those colour names understood by most web browsers, from AliceBlue to YellowGreen, listed e.g. in the Extended color keywords section of the CSS3 standard.

Alternatively, a six-digit hexadecimal number RRGGBB may be supplied, optionally prefixed by "#" or "0x", giving red, green and blue intensities, e.g. "ff00ff", "#ff00ff" or "0xff00ff" for magenta.

If the value is null, then points with a null Aux value will not be plotted at all.

[Default: grey]

colorN = <rrggbb>|red|blue|...       (Color)
The color of plotted data, given by name or as a hexadecimal RGB value.

The standard plotting colour names are red, blue, green, grey, magenta, cyan, orange, pink, yellow, black, light_grey, white. However, many other common colour names (too many to list here) are also understood. The list currently contains those colour names understood by most web browsers, from AliceBlue to YellowGreen, listed e.g. in the Extended color keywords section of the CSS3 standard.

Alternatively, a six-digit hexadecimal number RRGGBB may be supplied, optionally prefixed by "#" or "0x", giving red, green and blue intensities, e.g. "ff00ff", "#ff00ff" or "0xff00ff" for magenta.

[Default: red]

dashN = dot|dash|...|<a,b,...>       (float[])
Determines the dash pattern of the line drawn. If null (the default), the line is solid.

Possible values for dashed lines are dot, dash, longdash, dotdash. You can alternatively supply a comma-separated list of on/off length values such as "4,2,8,2".

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

sortaxisN = [X|Y]       (AxisOpt)
May be set to "X" or "Y" to ensure that the points are plotted in ascending order of the corresponding coordinate. This will ensure that the plotted line resembles a function of the corresponding coordinate rather than a scribble. The default (null) value causes the points to be joined in the sequence in which they appear in the table. If the points already appear in the table sorted according to the corresponding coordinate, this option has no visible effect, though it may slow things down.

[Default: None]

thickN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Thickness of plotted line in pixels.

[Default: 1]

8.3.24 linearfit

Plots a line of best fit for the data points.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=linearfit colorN=<rrggbb>|red|blue|... thickN=<pixels>
                    dashN=dot|dash|...|<a,b,...> antialiasN=true|false
                    <pos-coord-paramsN> weightN=<num-expr> inN=<table>
                    ifmtN=<in-format> istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.

Positional Coordinate Parameters:
The positional coordinates <pos-coord-paramsN> give a position for each row of the input table. Their form depends on the plot geometry, i.e. which plotting command is used. For a plane plot (plot2plane) the parameters would be xN and yN. The coordinate parameter values are in all cases strings interpreted as numeric expressions based on column names. These can be column names, fixed values or algebraic expressions as described in Section 10.


   stilts plot2plane in=6dfgs_mini.xml x=RMAG y=BMAG layer1=mark layer2=linearfit

antialiasN = true|false       (Boolean)
If true, plotted lines are drawn with antialising. Antialised lines look smoother, but may take perceptibly longer to draw. Only has any effect for bitmapped output formats.

[Default: false]

colorN = <rrggbb>|red|blue|...       (Color)
The color of plotted data, given by name or as a hexadecimal RGB value.

The standard plotting colour names are red, blue, green, grey, magenta, cyan, orange, pink, yellow, black, light_grey, white. However, many other common colour names (too many to list here) are also understood. The list currently contains those colour names understood by most web browsers, from AliceBlue to YellowGreen, listed e.g. in the Extended color keywords section of the CSS3 standard.

Alternatively, a six-digit hexadecimal number RRGGBB may be supplied, optionally prefixed by "#" or "0x", giving red, green and blue intensities, e.g. "ff00ff", "#ff00ff" or "0xff00ff" for magenta.

[Default: red]

dashN = dot|dash|...|<a,b,...>       (float[])
Determines the dash pattern of the line drawn. If null (the default), the line is solid.

Possible values for dashed lines are dot, dash, longdash, dotdash. You can alternatively supply a comma-separated list of on/off length values such as "4,2,8,2".

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

thickN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Thickness of plotted line in pixels.

[Default: 1]

weightN = <num-expr>       (String)
The weight associated with each data point for fitting purposes. This is used for calculating the coefficients of the line of best fit, and the correlation coefficient. If no coordinate is supplied, all points are assumed to have equal weight (1). Otherwise, any point with a null weight value is assigned a weight of zero, i.e. ignored.

Given certain assumptions about independence of samples, a suitable value for the weight may be 1/(err*err), if err is the measurement error for each Y value.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

8.3.25 label

Draws a text label at each position. You can select the font, where the labels appear in relation to the point positions, and how crowded the points have to get before they are suppressed.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=label texttypeN=plain|antialias|latex fontsizeN=<int-value>
                colorN=<rrggbb>|red|blue|... xoffN=<pixels> yoffN=<pixels>
                spacingN=<pixels> crowdlimitN=<n> <pos-coord-paramsN>
                labelN=<txt-expr> inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format>
                istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.

Positional Coordinate Parameters:
The positional coordinates <pos-coord-paramsN> give a position for each row of the input table. Their form depends on the plot geometry, i.e. which plotting command is used. For a plane plot (plot2plane) the parameters would be xN and yN. The coordinate parameter values are in all cases strings interpreted as numeric expressions based on column names. These can be column names, fixed values or algebraic expressions as described in Section 10.


   stilts plot2sky in=messier.xml lon=RA lat=DEC
                   layer1=mark size1=3
                   layer2=label label2=NAME color2=black

anchorN = west|east|north|south|center       (Anchor)
Determines where the text appears in relation to the plotted points. Values are points of the compass.

The available options are:

[Default: west]

colorN = <rrggbb>|red|blue|...       (Color)
The color of plotted data, given by name or as a hexadecimal RGB value.

The standard plotting colour names are red, blue, green, grey, magenta, cyan, orange, pink, yellow, black, light_grey, white. However, many other common colour names (too many to list here) are also understood. The list currently contains those colour names understood by most web browsers, from AliceBlue to YellowGreen, listed e.g. in the Extended color keywords section of the CSS3 standard.

Alternatively, a six-digit hexadecimal number RRGGBB may be supplied, optionally prefixed by "#" or "0x", giving red, green and blue intensities, e.g. "ff00ff", "#ff00ff" or "0xff00ff" for magenta.

[Default: red]

crowdlimitN = <n>       (Integer)
Sets the maximum number of labels in a label group. This many labels can appear closely spaced without being affected by the label spacing parameter.

It is useful for instance if you are looking at pairs of points, which will always be close together; if you set this value to 2, an isolated pair of labels can be seen, but if it's 1 then they will only be plotted when they are distant from each other, which may only happen at very high magnifications.

[Default: 2]

fontsizeN = <int-value>       (Integer)
Size of the text font in points.

[Default: 12]

fontstyleN = standard|serif|mono       (FontType)
Font style for text.

The available options are:

[Default: standard]

fontweightN = plain|bold|italic|bold_italic       (FontWeight)
Font weight for text.

The available options are:

[Default: plain]

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

labelN = <txt-expr>       (String)
Column or expression giving the text of the label to be written near the position being labelled. Label values may be of any type (string or numeric)

The value is a string algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

spacingN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Determines the closest that labels can be spaced. If a group of labels is closer to another group than the value of this parameter, they will not be drawn, to avoid the display becoming too cluttered. The effect is that you can see individual labels when you zoom in, but not when there are many labelled points plotted close together on the screen. Set the value higher for less cluttered labelling.

[Default: 12]

texttypeN = plain|antialias|latex       (TextSyntax)
Determines how to turn label text into characters on the plot. Plain and Antialias both take the text at face value, but Antialias smooths the characters. LaTeX interprets the text as LaTeX source code and typesets it accordingly.

When not using LaTeX, antialiased text usually looks nicer, but can be perceptibly slower to plot. At time of writing, on MacOS antialiased text seems to be required to stop the writing coming out upside-down for non-horizontal text (MacOS java bug).

[Default: plain]

xoffN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Allows fine adjustment of label positioning in the X direction. The value is a positive or negative pixel offset applied to the position of each plotted label.

[Default: 0]

yoffN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Allows fine adjustment of label positioning in the Y direction. The value is a positive or negative pixel offset applied to the position of each plotted label.

[Default: 0]

8.3.26 arealabel

Draws a text label near the center of each area.You can select the font, where the labels appear in relation to the point positions, and how crowded the points have to get before they are suppressed.

This is just like a normal Label plot, but the positions are taken from an Area coordinate rather than normal positional coordinates.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=arealabel texttypeN=plain|antialias|latex fontsizeN=<int-value>
                    colorN=<rrggbb>|red|blue|... xoffN=<pixels> yoffN=<pixels>
                    spacingN=<pixels> crowdlimitN=<n> areaN=<area-expr>
                    labelN=<txt-expr> inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format>
                    istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2sky reflectlon=false sex=false
                   clon=18 clat=0 radius=36 xpix=550 ypix=600
                   area=shape areatype=STC-S
                   layer_1=area polymode_1=fill
                   shading_1=aux aux_1=index opaque_1=2 layer_2=area polymode_2=outline
                   shading_2=flat color_2=grey
                   auxmap=paired auxvisible=false
                   layer_3=arealabel label_3=name anchor_3=center color_3=black

anchorN = west|east|north|south|center       (Anchor)
Determines where the text appears in relation to the plotted points. Values are points of the compass.

The available options are:

[Default: west]

areaN = <area-expr>       (String)
Expression giving the geometry of a 2D region on the plot. It may be a string- or array-valued expression, and its interpretation depends on the value of the corresponding areatype parameter.

The value is a Area value algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

Selects the form in which the Area value for parameter areaN is supplied. Options are: If left blank, a guess will be taken depending on the data type of the value supplied for the areaN value.
colorN = <rrggbb>|red|blue|...       (Color)
The color of plotted data, given by name or as a hexadecimal RGB value.

The standard plotting colour names are red, blue, green, grey, magenta, cyan, orange, pink, yellow, black, light_grey, white. However, many other common colour names (too many to list here) are also understood. The list currently contains those colour names understood by most web browsers, from AliceBlue to YellowGreen, listed e.g. in the Extended color keywords section of the CSS3 standard.

Alternatively, a six-digit hexadecimal number RRGGBB may be supplied, optionally prefixed by "#" or "0x", giving red, green and blue intensities, e.g. "ff00ff", "#ff00ff" or "0xff00ff" for magenta.

[Default: red]

crowdlimitN = <n>       (Integer)
Sets the maximum number of labels in a label group. This many labels can appear closely spaced without being affected by the label spacing parameter.

It is useful for instance if you are looking at pairs of points, which will always be close together; if you set this value to 2, an isolated pair of labels can be seen, but if it's 1 then they will only be plotted when they are distant from each other, which may only happen at very high magnifications.

[Default: 2]

fontsizeN = <int-value>       (Integer)
Size of the text font in points.

[Default: 12]

fontstyleN = standard|serif|mono       (FontType)
Font style for text.

The available options are:

[Default: standard]

fontweightN = plain|bold|italic|bold_italic       (FontWeight)
Font weight for text.

The available options are:

[Default: plain]

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

labelN = <txt-expr>       (String)
Column or expression giving the text of the label to be written near the position being labelled. Label values may be of any type (string or numeric)

The value is a string algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

spacingN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Determines the closest that labels can be spaced. If a group of labels is closer to another group than the value of this parameter, they will not be drawn, to avoid the display becoming too cluttered. The effect is that you can see individual labels when you zoom in, but not when there are many labelled points plotted close together on the screen. Set the value higher for less cluttered labelling.

[Default: 12]

texttypeN = plain|antialias|latex       (TextSyntax)
Determines how to turn label text into characters on the plot. Plain and Antialias both take the text at face value, but Antialias smooths the characters. LaTeX interprets the text as LaTeX source code and typesets it accordingly.

When not using LaTeX, antialiased text usually looks nicer, but can be perceptibly slower to plot. At time of writing, on MacOS antialiased text seems to be required to stop the writing coming out upside-down for non-horizontal text (MacOS java bug).

[Default: plain]

xoffN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Allows fine adjustment of label positioning in the X direction. The value is a positive or negative pixel offset applied to the position of each plotted label.

[Default: 0]

yoffN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Allows fine adjustment of label positioning in the Y direction. The value is a positive or negative pixel offset applied to the position of each plotted label.

[Default: 0]

8.3.27 contour

Plots position density contours. This provides another way (alongside the auto, density and weighted shading modes) to visualise the characteristics of overdense regions in a crowded plot. It's not very useful if you just have a few points.

A weighting may optionally be applied to the quantity being contoured. To do this, provide a non-blank value for the weight coordinate, and use the combine parameter to define how the weights are combined (sum, mean, etc).

The contours are currently drawn as pixels rather than lines so they don't look very beautiful in exported vector output formats (PDF, PostScript). This may be improved in the future.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=contour colorN=<rrggbb>|red|blue|...
                  nlevelN=<int-value> smoothN=<pixels> thickN=<pixels>
                  scalingN=linear|log|equal zeroN=<number> <pos-coord-paramsN>
                  weightN=<num-expr> inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format>
                  istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.

Positional Coordinate Parameters:
The positional coordinates <pos-coord-paramsN> give a position for each row of the input table. Their form depends on the plot geometry, i.e. which plotting command is used. For a plane plot (plot2plane) the parameters would be xN and yN. The coordinate parameter values are in all cases strings interpreted as numeric expressions based on column names. These can be column names, fixed values or algebraic expressions as described in Section 10.


   stilts plot2plane in=tgas_source.fits x=phot_g_mean_mag y=phot_g_mean_flux_error
                     ylog=true xmax=14 ymin=10
                     layer1=mark shading1=density densemap1=greyscale
                     layer2=contour scaling2=log nlevel=6

colorN = <rrggbb>|red|blue|...       (Color)
The color of plotted data, given by name or as a hexadecimal RGB value.

The standard plotting colour names are red, blue, green, grey, magenta, cyan, orange, pink, yellow, black, light_grey, white. However, many other common colour names (too many to list here) are also understood. The list currently contains those colour names understood by most web browsers, from AliceBlue to YellowGreen, listed e.g. in the Extended color keywords section of the CSS3 standard.

Alternatively, a six-digit hexadecimal number RRGGBB may be supplied, optionally prefixed by "#" or "0x", giving red, green and blue intensities, e.g. "ff00ff", "#ff00ff" or "0xff00ff" for magenta.

[Default: red]

combineN = sum|mean|median|stdev|min|max|count       (Combiner)
Defines the way that the weight values are combined when generating the value grid for which the contours will be plotted. If a weighting is supplied, the most useful values are mean which traces the mean values of a quantity and sum which traces the weighted sum. Other values such as median are of dubious validity because of the way that the smoothing is done.

This value is ignored if the weighting coordinate weight is not set.

The available options are:

[Default: sum]

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

nlevelN = <int-value>       (Integer)
Number of countour lines drawn. In fact, this is an upper limit; if there is not enough variation in the plot's density, then fewer contour lines will be drawn.

[Default: 5]

scalingN = linear|log|equal       (LevelMode)
How the smoothed density is treated before contour levels are determined.

The available options are:

[Default: linear]

smoothN = <pixels>       (Integer)
The linear size of the smoothing kernel applied to the density before performing the contour determination. If set too low the contours will be too crinkly, and if too high they will lose definition. Smoothing currently uses an approximately Gaussian kernel for extensive combination modes (count, sum) or a circular top hat for intensive modes (weighted mean).

[Default: 5]

thickN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Thickness of plotted line in pixels.

[Default: 1]

weightN = <num-expr>       (String)
Weighting of data points. If supplied, each point contributes a value to the histogram equal to the data value multiplied by this coordinate. If not supplied, the effect is the same as supplying a fixed value of one.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

zeroN = <number>       (Double)
Determines the level at which the first contour (and hence all the others, which are separated from it by a fixed amount) are drawn.

[Default: 1]

8.3.28 grid

Plots 2-d data aggregated into rectangular cells. You can optionally use a weighting for the points, and you can configure how the values are combined to produce the output pixel values (colours). You can use this plotter in various ways, including as a 2-d histogram or weighted density map, or to plot gridded data.

The X and Y dimensions of the grid cells (or equivalently histogram bins) can be configured either in terms of the data coordinates or relative to the plot dimensions.

The way that data values are mapped to colours is usually controlled by options at the level of the plot itself, rather than by per-layer configuration.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=grid xbinsizeN=+<extent>|-<count> ybinsizeN=+<extent>|-<count>
               combineN=sum|sum-per-unit|count|... transparencyN=0..1
               xphaseN=<number> yphaseN=<number> <pos-coord-paramsN>
               weightN=<num-expr> inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format>
               istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.

Positional Coordinate Parameters:
The positional coordinates <pos-coord-paramsN> give a position for each row of the input table. Their form depends on the plot geometry, i.e. which plotting command is used. For a plane plot (plot2plane) the parameters would be xN and yN. The coordinate parameter values are in all cases strings interpreted as numeric expressions based on column names. These can be column names, fixed values or algebraic expressions as described in Section 10.


   stilts plot2plane layer1=grid in1=gk_hess.fits x1=g_min_ks y1=g_mag_abs
                     weight1=n combine1=sum xbinsize1=0.2 ybinsize1=0.2 xphase1=0.5 yphase1=0.5
                     yflip=true auxfunc=log auxmap=viridis

combineN = sum|sum-per-unit|count|...       (Combiner)
Defines how values contributing to the same grid cell are combined together to produce the value assigned to that cell, and hence its colour. The combined values are the weights, but if the weight coordinate is left blank, a weighting of unity is assumed.

The available options are:

[Default: mean]

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

transparencyN = 0..1       (Double)
Transparency with which components are plotted, in the range 0 (opaque) to 1 (invisible). The value is 1-alpha.

[Default: 0]

weightN = <num-expr>       (String)
Weighting of data points. If supplied, each point contributes a value to the histogram equal to the data value multiplied by this coordinate. If not supplied, the effect is the same as supplying a fixed value of one.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

xbinsizeN = +<extent>|-<count>       (BinSizer)
Configures the extent of the density grid bins on the X axis.

If the supplied value is a positive number it is interpreted as a fixed size in data coordinates (if the X axis is logarithmic, the value is a fixed factor). If it is a negative number, then it will be interpreted as the approximate number of bins to display across the plot in the X direction (though an attempt is made to use only round numbers for bin sizes).

When setting this value graphically, you can use either the slider to adjust the bin count or the numeric entry field to fix the bin size.

[Default: -30]

xphaseN = <number>       (Double)
Controls where the zero point on the X axis is set. For instance if your bin size is 1, this value controls whether bin boundaries are at 0, 1, 2, .. or 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, ... etc.

A value of 0 (or any integer) will result in a bin boundary at X=0 (linear X axis) or X=1 (logarithmic X axis). A fractional value will give a bin boundary at that value multiplied by the bin width.

[Default: 0]

ybinsizeN = +<extent>|-<count>       (BinSizer)
Configures the extent of the density grid bins on the Y axis.

If the supplied value is a positive number it is interpreted as a fixed size in data coordinates (if the Y axis is logarithmic, the value is a fixed factor). If it is a negative number, then it will be interpreted as the approximate number of bins to display across the plot in the Y direction (though an attempt is made to use only round numbers for bin sizes).

When setting this value graphically, you can use either the slider to adjust the bin count or the numeric entry field to fix the bin size.

[Default: -30]

yphaseN = <number>       (Double)
Controls where the zero point on the Y axis is set. For instance if your bin size is 1, this value controls whether bin boundaries are at 0, 1, 2, .. or 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, ... etc.

A value of 0 (or any integer) will result in a bin boundary at X=0 (linear X axis) or X=1 (logarithmic X axis). A fractional value will give a bin boundary at that value multiplied by the bin width.

[Default: 0]

8.3.29 fill

If a two-dimensional dataset represents a single-valued function, this plotter will fill the area underneath the function's curve with a solid colour. Parts of the surface which would only be partially covered (because of rapid function variation within the width of a single pixel) are represented using appropriate alpha-blending. The filled area may alternatively be that above the curve or to its left or right.

One example of its use is to reconstruct the appearance of a histogram plot from a set of histogram bins. For X,Y data which is not single-valued, the result may not be very useful.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=fill colorN=<rrggbb>|red|blue|... transparencyN=0..1
               horizontalN=true|false positiveN=true|false <pos-coord-paramsN>
               inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format> istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.

Positional Coordinate Parameters:
The positional coordinates <pos-coord-paramsN> give a position for each row of the input table. Their form depends on the plot geometry, i.e. which plotting command is used. For a plane plot (plot2plane) the parameters would be xN and yN. The coordinate parameter values are in all cases strings interpreted as numeric expressions based on column names. These can be column names, fixed values or algebraic expressions as described in Section 10.


   stilts plot2time layer1=fill in1=iers.fits t1=decYear y1=lodErr ylog=true
                    texttype=latex fontsize=16

colorN = <rrggbb>|red|blue|...       (Color)
The color of plotted data, given by name or as a hexadecimal RGB value.

The standard plotting colour names are red, blue, green, grey, magenta, cyan, orange, pink, yellow, black, light_grey, white. However, many other common colour names (too many to list here) are also understood. The list currently contains those colour names understood by most web browsers, from AliceBlue to YellowGreen, listed e.g. in the Extended color keywords section of the CSS3 standard.

Alternatively, a six-digit hexadecimal number RRGGBB may be supplied, optionally prefixed by "#" or "0x", giving red, green and blue intensities, e.g. "ff00ff", "#ff00ff" or "0xff00ff" for magenta.

[Default: red]

horizontalN = true|false       (Boolean)
Determines whether the filling is vertical (suitable for functions of the horizontal variable), or horizontal (suitable for functions of the vertical variable). If false, the fill is vertical (to the X axis), and if true, the fill is horizontal (to the Y axis).

[Default: false]

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

positiveN = true|false       (Boolean)
Determines the directional sense of the filling. If false, the fill is between the data points and negative infinity along the relevant axis (e.g. down from the data points to the bottom of the plot). If true, the fill is in the other direction.

[Default: false]

transparencyN = 0..1       (Double)
Transparency with which components are plotted, in the range 0 (opaque) to 1 (invisible). The value is 1-alpha.

[Default: 0]

8.3.30 quantile

Plots a line through a given quantile of the values binned within each pixel column (or row) of a plot. The line is optionally smoothed using a configurable kernel and width, to even out noise arising from the pixel binning. Instead of a simple line through a given quantile, it is also possible to fill the region between two quantiles.

One way to use this is to draw a line estimating a function y=f(x) (or x=g(y)) sampled by a noisy set of data points in two dimensions.

Note: in the current implementation, depending on the details of the configuration and the data, there may be some distortions or missing graphics near the edges of the plot. This may be improved in future releases, depending on feedback.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=quantile colorN=<rrggbb>|red|blue|... transparencyN=0..1
                   quantilesN=<low-frac>[,<high-frac>] thickN=<pixels>
                   joinN=none|polygon|lines horizontalN=true|false
                   <pos-coord-paramsN> inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format>
                   istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.

Positional Coordinate Parameters:
The positional coordinates <pos-coord-paramsN> give a position for each row of the input table. Their form depends on the plot geometry, i.e. which plotting command is used. For a plane plot (plot2plane) the parameters would be xN and yN. The coordinate parameter values are in all cases strings interpreted as numeric expressions based on column names. These can be column names, fixed values or algebraic expressions as described in Section 10.


   stilts plot2plane in=tgas_source.fits x=phot_g_mean_mag y=phot_g_mean_flux_error
                     ylog=true xmax=15 ymin=10
                     layer.d=mark color.d=99ff99
                     layer.q4=quantile quantiles.q4=0.25,0.75 color.q4=magenta transparency.q4=0.35
                     layer.q2=quantile quantiles.q2=0.5 color.q2=SkyBlue thick.q2=4
                     leglabel.q4=Quartiles leglabel.q2=Median legseq=.q4,.q2 legpos=0.95,0.95

colorN = <rrggbb>|red|blue|...       (Color)
The color of plotted data, given by name or as a hexadecimal RGB value.

The standard plotting colour names are red, blue, green, grey, magenta, cyan, orange, pink, yellow, black, light_grey, white. However, many other common colour names (too many to list here) are also understood. The list currently contains those colour names understood by most web browsers, from AliceBlue to YellowGreen, listed e.g. in the Extended color keywords section of the CSS3 standard.

Alternatively, a six-digit hexadecimal number RRGGBB may be supplied, optionally prefixed by "#" or "0x", giving red, green and blue intensities, e.g. "ff00ff", "#ff00ff" or "0xff00ff" for magenta.

[Default: red]

horizontalN = true|false       (Boolean)
Determines whether the trace bins are horizontal or vertical. If true, y quantiles are calculated for each pixel column, and if false, x quantiles are calculated for each pixel row.

[Default: true]

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

joinN = none|polygon|lines       (QJoin)
Defines the graphical style for connecting distinct quantile values. If smoothed samples are packed more closely than the pixel grid the option chosen here doesn't make much difference, but if there are gaps in the data along the sampled axis, it's useful to have a guide to the eye to join one quantile determination to the next.

The available options are:

[Default: none]

kernelN = square|linear|epanechnikov|cos|cos2|gauss3|gauss6       (Kernel1dShape)
The functional form of the smoothing kernel. The functions listed refer to the unscaled shape; all kernels are normalised to give a total area of unity.

The available options are:

[Default: epanechnikov]

quantilesN = <low-frac>[,<high-frac>]       (Subrange)
Defines the quantile or quantile range of values that should be marked in each pixel column (or row). The value may be a single number in the range 0..1 indicating the quantile which should be marked. Alternatively, it may be a pair of numbers, each in the range 0..1, separated by commas (<lo>,<hi>) indicating two quantile lines bounding an area to be filled. A pair of equal values "a,a" is equivalent to the single value "a". The default is 0.5, which means to mark the median value in each column, and could equivalently be specified 0.5,0.5.

[Default: 0.5]

smoothN = +<width>|-<count>       (BinSizer)
Configures the smoothing width. This is the characteristic width of the kernel function to be convolved with the density in one dimension to smooth the quantile function.

If the supplied value is a positive number it is interpreted as a fixed width in the data coordinates of the X axis (if the X axis is logarithmic, the value is a fixed factor). If it is a negative number, then it will be interpreted as the approximate number of smooothing widths that fit in the width of the visible plot (i.e. plot width / smoothing width). If the value is zero, no smoothing is applied.

When setting this value graphically, you can use either the slider to adjust the bin count or the numeric entry field to fix the bin width.

[Default: 0]

thickN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Sets the minimum extent of the markers that are plotted in each pixel column (or row) to indicate the designated value range. If the range is zero sized (quantiles specifies a single value rather than a pair) this will give the actual thickness of the plotted line. If the range is non-zero however, the line may be thicker than this in places according to the quantile positions.

[Default: 3]

transparencyN = 0..1       (Double)
Transparency with which components are plotted, in the range 0 (opaque) to 1 (invisible). The value is 1-alpha.

[Default: 0]

8.3.31 histogram

Plots a histogram.

Bin heights may optionally be weighted by the values of some additional coordinate, supplied using the weight parameter. In this case you can choose how these weights are combined in each bin using the combine parameter.

Various options are provided for configuring how the bar heights are calculated, but note that not all combinations of the available parameters will necessarily lead to meaningful visualisations.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=histogram colorN=<rrggbb>|red|blue|... transparencyN=0..1
                    binsizeN=+<width>|-<count> phaseN=<number>
                    combineN=sum|sum-per-unit|count|... sidewaysN=true|false
                    thickN=<pixels> dashN=dot|dash|...|<a,b,...> xN=<num-expr>
                    weightN=<num-expr> inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format>
                    istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2plane layer1=histogram in1=rrlyrae.fits x1=p1

barformN = open|filled|semi_filled|steps|semi_steps|spikes       (Form)
How histogram bars are represented. Note that options using transparent colours may not render very faithfully to some vector formats like PDF and EPS.

The available options are:

[Default: semi_filled]

binsizeN = +<width>|-<count>       (BinSizer)
Configures the width of histogram bins. If the supplied string is a positive number, it is interpreted as a fixed width in the data coordinates of the X axis (if the X axis is logarithmic, the value is a fixed factor). If it is a negative number, then it will be interpreted as the approximate number of bins to display across the width of the plot (though an attempt is made to use only round numbers for bin widths).

When setting this value graphically, you can use either the slider to adjust the bin count or the numeric entry field to fix the bin width.

[Default: -30]

colorN = <rrggbb>|red|blue|...       (Color)
The color of plotted data, given by name or as a hexadecimal RGB value.

The standard plotting colour names are red, blue, green, grey, magenta, cyan, orange, pink, yellow, black, light_grey, white. However, many other common colour names (too many to list here) are also understood. The list currently contains those colour names understood by most web browsers, from AliceBlue to YellowGreen, listed e.g. in the Extended color keywords section of the CSS3 standard.

Alternatively, a six-digit hexadecimal number RRGGBB may be supplied, optionally prefixed by "#" or "0x", giving red, green and blue intensities, e.g. "ff00ff", "#ff00ff" or "0xff00ff" for magenta.

[Default: red]

combineN = sum|sum-per-unit|count|...       (Combiner)
Defines how values contributing to the same bin are combined together to produce the value assigned to that bin, and hence its height. The combined values are those given by the weight coordinate, but if no weight is supplied, a weighting of unity is assumed.

The available options are:

[Default: sum]

cumulativeN = none|forward|reverse       (Cumulation)
If set to forward/reverse the histogram bars plotted are calculated cumulatively; each bin includes the counts from all previous bins working up/down the independent axis.

Note that setting cumulative plotting may not make much sense with some other parameter values, for instance averaging aggregation modes.

For reasons of backward compatibility, the values true and false may be used as aliases for forward and none.

The available options are:

[Default: none]

dashN = dot|dash|...|<a,b,...>       (float[])
Determines the dash pattern of the line drawn. If null (the default), the line is solid.

Possible values for dashed lines are dot, dash, longdash, dotdash. You can alternatively supply a comma-separated list of on/off length values such as "4,2,8,2".

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

normaliseN = none|area|unit|maximum|height       (Normalisation)
Defines how, if at all, the bars of histogram-like plots are normalised or otherwise scaled vertically.

Note that some of the normalisation options may not make much sense with some other parameter values, for instance averaging aggregation modes.

The available options are:

[Default: none]

phaseN = <number>       (Double)
Controls where the horizontal zero point for binning is set. For instance if your bin size is 1, this value controls whether bin boundaries are at 0, 1, 2, .. or 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, ... etc.

A value of 0 (or any integer) will result in a bin boundary at X=0 (linear X axis) or X=1 (logarithmic X axis). A fractional value will give a bin boundary at that value multiplied by the bin width.

[Default: 0]

sidewaysN = true|false       (Boolean)
When set to the default value of false, the quantity being accumulated is on the the horizontal axis and the frequency is represented vertically as usual. If set true the quantity accumulated is on the vertical axis, and the frequency is represented horizontally, so that the chart is displayed reflected in the X=Y line.

[Default: false]

thickN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Thickness of plotted line in pixels.

[Default: 2]

transparencyN = 0..1       (Double)
Transparency with which components are plotted, in the range 0 (opaque) to 1 (invisible). The value is 1-alpha.

[Default: 0]

weightN = <num-expr>       (String)
Weighting of data points. If supplied, each point contributes a value to the histogram equal to the data value multiplied by this coordinate. If not supplied, the effect is the same as supplying a fixed value of one.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

xN = <num-expr>       (String)
Horizontal coordinate.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

8.3.32 kde

Plots a Discrete Kernel Density Estimate giving a smoothed frequency of data values along the horizontal axis, using a fixed-width smoothing kernel. This is a generalisation of a histogram in which the bins are always 1 pixel wide, and a smoothing kernel is applied to each bin. The width and shape of the kernel may be varied.

This is suitable for cases where the division into discrete bins done by a normal histogram is unnecessary or troublesome.

Note this is not a true Kernel Density Estimate, since, for performance reasons, the smoothing is applied to the (pixel-width) bins rather than to each data sample. The deviation from a true KDE caused by this quantisation will be at the pixel level, hence in most cases not visually apparent.

A weighting may be applied to the calculated levels by supplying the weight coordinate. In this case you can choose how these weights are aggregated in each pixel bin using the combine parameter. The result is something like a smoothed version of the corresponding weighted histogram. Note that some combinations of the available parameters (e.g. a normalised cumulative median-aggregated KDE) may not make much visual sense.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=kde colorN=<rrggbb>|red|blue|... transparencyN=0..1
              sidewaysN=true|false smoothN=+<width>|-<count>
              normaliseN=none|area|unit|maximum|height fillN=solid|line|semi
              thickN=<pixels> xN=<num-expr> weightN=<num-expr> inN=<table>
              ifmtN=<in-format> istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2plane ymin=0 layer1=kde in1=rrlyrae.fits x1=p1

colorN = <rrggbb>|red|blue|...       (Color)
The color of plotted data, given by name or as a hexadecimal RGB value.

The standard plotting colour names are red, blue, green, grey, magenta, cyan, orange, pink, yellow, black, light_grey, white. However, many other common colour names (too many to list here) are also understood. The list currently contains those colour names understood by most web browsers, from AliceBlue to YellowGreen, listed e.g. in the Extended color keywords section of the CSS3 standard.

Alternatively, a six-digit hexadecimal number RRGGBB may be supplied, optionally prefixed by "#" or "0x", giving red, green and blue intensities, e.g. "ff00ff", "#ff00ff" or "0xff00ff" for magenta.

[Default: red]

combineN = sum|sum-per-unit|count|...       (Combiner)
Defines how values contributing to the same bin are combined together to produce the value assigned to that bin, and hence its height. The bins in this case are 1-pixel wide, so lack much physical significance. This means that while some combination modes, such as sum-per-unit and mean make sense, others such as sum do not.

The combined values are those given by the weight coordinate, but if no weight is supplied, a weighting of unity is assumed.

The available options are:

[Default: sum-per-unit]

cumulativeN = none|forward|reverse       (Cumulation)
If set to forward/reverse the histogram bars plotted are calculated cumulatively; each bin includes the counts from all previous bins working up/down the independent axis.

Note that setting cumulative plotting may not make much sense with some other parameter values, for instance averaging aggregation modes.

For reasons of backward compatibility, the values true and false may be used as aliases for forward and none.

The available options are:

[Default: none]

fillN = solid|line|semi       (FillMode)
How the density function is represented.

The available options are:

[Default: semi]

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

kernelN = square|linear|epanechnikov|cos|cos2|gauss3|gauss6       (Kernel1dShape)
The functional form of the smoothing kernel. The functions listed refer to the unscaled shape; all kernels are normalised to give a total area of unity.

The available options are:

[Default: epanechnikov]

normaliseN = none|area|unit|maximum|height       (Normalisation)
Defines how, if at all, the bars of histogram-like plots are normalised or otherwise scaled vertically.

Note that some of the normalisation options may not make much sense with some other parameter values, for instance averaging aggregation modes.

The available options are:

[Default: none]

sidewaysN = true|false       (Boolean)
When set to the default value of false, the quantity being accumulated is on the the horizontal axis and the frequency is represented vertically as usual. If set true the quantity accumulated is on the vertical axis, and the frequency is represented horizontally, so that the chart is displayed reflected in the X=Y line.

[Default: false]

smoothN = +<width>|-<count>       (BinSizer)
Configures the smoothing width for kernel density estimation. This is the characteristic width of the kernel function to be convolved with the density to produce the visible plot.

If the supplied value is a positive number it is interpreted as a fixed width in the data coordinates of the X axis (if the X axis is logarithmic, the value is a fixed factor). If it is a negative number, then it will be interpreted as the approximate number of smooothing widths that fit in the width of the visible plot (i.e. plot width / smoothing width). If the value is zero, no smoothing is applied.

When setting this value graphically, you can use either the slider to adjust the bin count or the numeric entry field to fix the bin width.

[Default: -100]

thickN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Thickness of plotted line in pixels.

[Default: 2]

transparencyN = 0..1       (Double)
Transparency with which components are plotted, in the range 0 (opaque) to 1 (invisible). The value is 1-alpha.

[Default: 0]

weightN = <num-expr>       (String)
Weighting of data points. If supplied, each point contributes a value to the histogram equal to the data value multiplied by this coordinate. If not supplied, the effect is the same as supplying a fixed value of one.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

xN = <num-expr>       (String)
Horizontal coordinate.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

8.3.33 knn

Plots a Discrete Kernel Density Estimate giving a smoothed frequency of data values along the horizontal axis, using an adaptive (K-Nearest-Neighbours) smoothing kernel. This is a generalisation of a histogram in which the bins are always 1 pixel wide, and a smoothing kernel is applied to each bin. The width and shape of the kernel may be varied.

The K-Nearest-Neighbour figure gives the number of points in each direction to determine the width of the smoothing kernel for smoothing each bin. Upper and lower limits for the kernel width are also supplied; if the upper and lower limits are equal, this is equivalent to a fixed-width kernel.

Note this is not a true Kernel Density Estimate, since, for performance reasons, the smoothing is applied to the (pixel-width) bins rather than to each data sample. The deviation from a true KDE caused by this quantisation will be at the pixel level, hence in most cases not visually apparent.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=knn colorN=<rrggbb>|red|blue|... transparencyN=0..1
              sidewaysN=true|false knnN=<number> symmetricN=true|false
              minsmoothN=+<width>|-<count> maxsmoothN=+<width>|-<count>
              normaliseN=none|area|unit|maximum|height fillN=solid|line|semi
              thickN=<pixels> xN=<num-expr> weightN=<num-expr> inN=<table>
              ifmtN=<in-format> istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2plane layer1=knn in1=rrlyrae.fits x1=p1

colorN = <rrggbb>|red|blue|...       (Color)
The color of plotted data, given by name or as a hexadecimal RGB value.

The standard plotting colour names are red, blue, green, grey, magenta, cyan, orange, pink, yellow, black, light_grey, white. However, many other common colour names (too many to list here) are also understood. The list currently contains those colour names understood by most web browsers, from AliceBlue to YellowGreen, listed e.g. in the Extended color keywords section of the CSS3 standard.

Alternatively, a six-digit hexadecimal number RRGGBB may be supplied, optionally prefixed by "#" or "0x", giving red, green and blue intensities, e.g. "ff00ff", "#ff00ff" or "0xff00ff" for magenta.

[Default: red]

cumulativeN = none|forward|reverse       (Cumulation)
If set to forward/reverse the histogram bars plotted are calculated cumulatively; each bin includes the counts from all previous bins working up/down the independent axis.

Note that setting cumulative plotting may not make much sense with some other parameter values, for instance averaging aggregation modes.

For reasons of backward compatibility, the values true and false may be used as aliases for forward and none.

The available options are:

[Default: none]

fillN = solid|line|semi       (FillMode)
How the density function is represented.

The available options are:

[Default: semi]

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

kernelN = square|linear|epanechnikov|cos|cos2|gauss3|gauss6       (Kernel1dShape)
The functional form of the smoothing kernel. The functions listed refer to the unscaled shape; all kernels are normalised to give a total area of unity.

The available options are:

[Default: epanechnikov]

knnN = <number>       (Double)
Sets the number of nearest neighbours to count away from a sample point to determine the width of the smoothing kernel at that point. For the symmetric case this is the number of nearest neighbours summed over both directions, and for the asymmetric case it is the number in a single direction.

The threshold is actually the weighted total of samples; for unweighted (weight=1) bins that is equivalent to the number of samples.

[Default: 100]

maxsmoothN = +<width>|-<count>       (BinSizer)
Fixes the maximum size of the smoothing kernel. This functions as an upper limit on the distance that is otherwise determined by searching for the K nearest neighbours at each sample point.

If the supplied value is a positive number it is interpreted as a fixed width in the data coordinates of the X axis (if the X axis is logarithmic, the value is a fixed factor). If it is a negative number, then it will be interpreted as the approximate number of smooothing widths that fit in the width of the visible plot (i.e. plot width / smoothing width). If the value is zero, no smoothing is applied.

When setting this value graphically, you can use either the slider to adjust the bin count or the numeric entry field to fix the bin width.

[Default: -100]

minsmoothN = +<width>|-<count>       (BinSizer)
Fixes the minimum size of the smoothing kernel. This functions as a lower limit on the distance that is otherwise determined by searching for the K nearest neighbours at each sample point.

If the supplied value is a positive number it is interpreted as a fixed width in the data coordinates of the X axis (if the X axis is logarithmic, the value is a fixed factor). If it is a negative number, then it will be interpreted as the approximate number of smooothing widths that fit in the width of the visible plot (i.e. plot width / smoothing width). If the value is zero, no smoothing is applied.

When setting this value graphically, you can use either the slider to adjust the bin count or the numeric entry field to fix the bin width.

[Default: 0]

normaliseN = none|area|unit|maximum|height       (Normalisation)
Defines how, if at all, the bars of histogram-like plots are normalised or otherwise scaled vertically.

Note that some of the normalisation options may not make much sense with some other parameter values, for instance averaging aggregation modes.

The available options are:

[Default: none]

sidewaysN = true|false       (Boolean)
When set to the default value of false, the quantity being accumulated is on the the horizontal axis and the frequency is represented vertically as usual. If set true the quantity accumulated is on the vertical axis, and the frequency is represented horizontally, so that the chart is displayed reflected in the X=Y line.

[Default: false]

symmetricN = true|false       (Boolean)
If true, the nearest neigbour search is carried out in both directions, and the kernel is symmetric. If false, the nearest neigbour search is carried out separately in the positive and negative directions, and the kernel width is accordingly different in the positive and negative directions.

[Default: true]

thickN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Thickness of plotted line in pixels.

[Default: 2]

transparencyN = 0..1       (Double)
Transparency with which components are plotted, in the range 0 (opaque) to 1 (invisible). The value is 1-alpha.

[Default: 0]

weightN = <num-expr>       (String)
Weighting of data points. If supplied, each point contributes a value to the histogram equal to the data value multiplied by this coordinate. If not supplied, the effect is the same as supplying a fixed value of one.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

xN = <num-expr>       (String)
Horizontal coordinate.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

8.3.34 densogram

Represents smoothed density of data values along the horizontal axis using a colourmap. This is like a Kernel Density Estimate (smoothed histogram with bins 1 pixel wide), but instead of representing the data extent vertically as bars or a line, values are represented by a fixed-size pixel-width column of a colour from a colour map. A smoothing kernel, whose width and shape may be varied, is applied to each data point.

A weighting may be applied to the calculated levels by supplying the weight coordinate. In this case you can choose how these weights are aggregated in each pixel bin using the combine parameter. The result is something like a smoothed version of the corresponding weighted histogram. Note that some combinations of the available parameters (e.g. a normalised cumulative median-aggregated KDE) may not make much visual sense.

This is a rather unconventional way to represent density data, and this plotting mode is probably not very useful. But hey, nobody's forcing you to use it.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=densogram colorN=<rrggbb>|red|blue|... smoothN=+<width>|-<count>
                    denseclipN=<lo>,<hi> denseflipN=true|false
                    densequantN=<number> densesubN=<lo>,<hi>
                    cumulativeN=none|forward|reverse sizeN=<pixels>
                    posN=<fraction> xN=<num-expr> weightN=<num-expr>
                    inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format> istreamN=true|false

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2plane in=tgas_source.fits x=hypot(pmra_error,pmdec_error)
                     xlog=true normalise=maximum
                     color=grey layer1=histogram layer2=kde
                     layer3=densogram densemap3=skyblue-yellow-hotpink densefunc3=log
                     size3=50 pos3=0.5

colorN = <rrggbb>|red|blue|...       (Color)
The color of plotted data, given by name or as a hexadecimal RGB value.

The standard plotting colour names are red, blue, green, grey, magenta, cyan, orange, pink, yellow, black, light_grey, white. However, many other common colour names (too many to list here) are also understood. The list currently contains those colour names understood by most web browsers, from AliceBlue to YellowGreen, listed e.g. in the Extended color keywords section of the CSS3 standard.

Alternatively, a six-digit hexadecimal number RRGGBB may be supplied, optionally prefixed by "#" or "0x", giving red, green and blue intensities, e.g. "ff00ff", "#ff00ff" or "0xff00ff" for magenta.

[Default: red]

cumulativeN = none|forward|reverse       (Cumulation)
If set to forward/reverse the histogram bars plotted are calculated cumulatively; each bin includes the counts from all previous bins working up/down the independent axis.

Note that setting cumulative plotting may not make much sense with some other parameter values, for instance averaging aggregation modes.

For reasons of backward compatibility, the values true and false may be used as aliases for forward and none.

The available options are:

[Default: none]

denseclipN = <lo>,<hi>       (Subrange)
Defines a subrange of the colour ramp to be used for Density shading. The value is specified as a (low,high) comma-separated pair of two numbers between 0 and 1.

If the full range 0,1 is used, the whole range of colours specified by the selected shader will be used. But if for instance a value of 0,0.5 is given, only those colours at the left hand end of the ramp will be seen.

If the null (default) value is chosen, a default clip will be used. This generally covers most or all of the range 0-1 but for colour maps which fade to white, a small proportion of the lower end may be excluded, to ensure that all the colours are visually distinguishable from a white background. This default is usually a good idea if the colour map is being used with something like a scatter plot, where markers are plotted against a white background. However, for something like a density map when the whole plotting area is tiled with colours from the map, it may be better to supply the whole range 0,1 explicitly.

denseflipN = true|false       (Boolean)
If true, the colour map on the Density axis will be reversed.

[Default: false]

densefuncN = log|linear|histogram|histolog|sqrt|square|acos|cos       (Scaling)
Defines the way that values in the Density range are mapped to the selected colour ramp.

The available options are:

For all these options, the full range of data values is used, and displayed on the colour bar if applicable (though it can be restricted using the densesub option) The Linear, Log, Square and Sqrt options just apply the named function to the full data range. The histogram options on the other hand use a scaling function that corresponds to the actual distribution of the data, so that there are about the same number of points (or pixels, or whatever is being scaled) of each colour. The histogram options are somewhat more expensive, but can be a good choice if you are exploring data whose distribution is unknown or not well-behaved over its min-max range. The Histogram and HistoLog options both assign the colours in the same way, but they display the colour ramp with linear or logarithmic annotation respectively; the HistoLog option also ignores non-positive values.

[Default: linear]

densemapN = <map-name>|<color>-<color>[-<color>...]       (Shader)
Color map used for Density axis shading.

A mixed bag of colour ramps are available as listed in Section 8.7: inferno, magma, plasma, viridis, cividis, cubehelix, sron, rainbow, rainbow2, rainbow3, pastel, cosmic, ember, gothic, rainforest, voltage, bubblegum, gem, chroma, sunset, neon, tropical, accent, gnuplot, gnuplot2, specxby, set1, paired, hotcold, guppy, iceburn, redshift, pride, rdbu, piyg, brbg, cyan-magenta, red-blue, brg, heat, cold, light, greyscale, colour, standard, bugn, bupu, orrd, pubu, purd, painbow, huecl, infinity, hue, intensity, rgb_red, rgb_green, rgb_blue, hsv_h, hsv_s, hsv_v, yuv_y, yuv_u, yuv_v, scale_hsv_s, scale_hsv_v, scale_yuv_y, mask, blacker, whiter, transparency. Note: many of these, including rainbow-like ones, are frowned upon by the visualisation community.

You can also construct your own custom colour map by giving a sequence of colour names separated by minus sign ("-") characters. In this case the ramp is a linear interpolation between each pair of colours named, using the same syntax as when specifying a colour value. So for instance "yellow-hotpink-#0000ff" would shade from yellow via hot pink to blue.

[Default: inferno]

densequantN = <number>       (Double)
Allows the colour map used for the Density axis to be quantised. If an integer value N is chosen then the colour map will be viewed as N discrete evenly-spaced levels, so that only N different colours will appear in the plot. This can be used to generate a contour-like effect, and may make it easier to trace the boundaries of regions of interest by eye.

If left blank, the colour map is nominally continuous (though in practice it may be quantised to a medium-sized number like 256).

densesubN = <lo>,<hi>       (Subrange)
Defines a normalised adjustment to the data range of the Density axis. The value may be specified as a comma-separated pair of two numbers, giving the lower and upper bounds of the range of of interest respectively. This sub-range is applied to the data range that would otherwise be used, either automatically calculated or explicitly supplied; zero corresponds to the lower bound and one to the upper.

The default value "0,1" therefore has no effect. The range could be restricted to its lower half with the value 0,0.5.

[Default: 0,1]

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

kernelN = square|linear|epanechnikov|cos|cos2|gauss3|gauss6       (Kernel1dShape)
The functional form of the smoothing kernel. The functions listed refer to the unscaled shape; all kernels are normalised to give a total area of unity.

The available options are:

[Default: epanechnikov]

posN = <fraction>       (Double)
Determines where on the plot region the density bar appears. The value should be in the range 0..1; zero corresponds to the bottom of the plot and one to the top.

[Default: 0.05]

sidewaysN = true|false       (Boolean)
When set to the default value of false, the quantity being accumulated is on the the horizontal axis and the frequency is represented vertically as usual. If set true the quantity accumulated is on the vertical axis, and the frequency is represented horizontally, so that the chart is displayed reflected in the X=Y line.

[Default: false]

sizeN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Height of the density bar in pixels.

[Default: 12]

smoothN = +<width>|-<count>       (BinSizer)
Configures the smoothing width for kernel density estimation. This is the characteristic width of the kernel function to be convolved with the density to produce the visible plot.

If the supplied value is a positive number it is interpreted as a fixed width in the data coordinates of the X axis (if the X axis is logarithmic, the value is a fixed factor). If it is a negative number, then it will be interpreted as the approximate number of smooothing widths that fit in the width of the visible plot (i.e. plot width / smoothing width). If the value is zero, no smoothing is applied.

When setting this value graphically, you can use either the slider to adjust the bin count or the numeric entry field to fix the bin width.

[Default: -100]

weightN = <num-expr>       (String)
Weighting of data points. If supplied, each point contributes a value to the histogram equal to the data value multiplied by this coordinate. If not supplied, the effect is the same as supplying a fixed value of one.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

xN = <num-expr>       (String)
Horizontal coordinate.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

8.3.35 gaussian

Plots a best fit Gaussian to the histogram of a sample of data. In fact, all this plotter does is to calculate the mean and standard deviation of the sample, and plot the corresponding Gaussian curve. The mean and standard deviation values are reported by the plot.

The normalise config option, perhaps in conjunction with binsize, can be used to scale the height of the plotted curve in data units. In this case, binsize just describes the bar width of a notional histogram whose outline the plotted Gaussian should try to fit, and is only relevant for some of the normalisation options.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=gaussian colorN=<rrggbb>|red|blue|... showmeanN=true|false
                   sidewaysN=true|false thickN=<pixels>
                   dashN=dot|dash|...|<a,b,...> antialiasN=true|false
                   binsizeN=+<width>|-<count> xN=<num-expr> weightN=<num-expr>
                   inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format> istreamN=true|false

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2plane in=mgc_ok.fits x=mgc_dc_sb
                     layer1=histogram color1=green
                     layer2=gaussian color2=grey thick2=3
                     ymax=1200 shadow=false

antialiasN = true|false       (Boolean)
If true, plotted lines are drawn with antialising. Antialised lines look smoother, but may take perceptibly longer to draw. Only has any effect for bitmapped output formats.

[Default: false]

binsizeN = +<width>|-<count>       (BinSizer)
Configures the width of histogram bins. If the supplied string is a positive number, it is interpreted as a fixed width in the data coordinates of the X axis (if the X axis is logarithmic, the value is a fixed factor). If it is a negative number, then it will be interpreted as the approximate number of bins to display across the width of the plot (though an attempt is made to use only round numbers for bin widths).

When setting this value graphically, you can use either the slider to adjust the bin count or the numeric entry field to fix the bin width.

[Default: -30]

colorN = <rrggbb>|red|blue|...       (Color)
The color of plotted data, given by name or as a hexadecimal RGB value.

The standard plotting colour names are red, blue, green, grey, magenta, cyan, orange, pink, yellow, black, light_grey, white. However, many other common colour names (too many to list here) are also understood. The list currently contains those colour names understood by most web browsers, from AliceBlue to YellowGreen, listed e.g. in the Extended color keywords section of the CSS3 standard.

Alternatively, a six-digit hexadecimal number RRGGBB may be supplied, optionally prefixed by "#" or "0x", giving red, green and blue intensities, e.g. "ff00ff", "#ff00ff" or "0xff00ff" for magenta.

[Default: red]

dashN = dot|dash|...|<a,b,...>       (float[])
Determines the dash pattern of the line drawn. If null (the default), the line is solid.

Possible values for dashed lines are dot, dash, longdash, dotdash. You can alternatively supply a comma-separated list of on/off length values such as "4,2,8,2".

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

normaliseN = none|area|unit|maximum|height       (Normalisation)
Defines how, if at all, the bars of histogram-like plots are normalised or otherwise scaled vertically.

Note that some of the normalisation options may not make much sense with some other parameter values, for instance averaging aggregation modes.

The available options are:

[Default: none]

showmeanN = true|false       (Boolean)
If true, a line is drawn at the position of the calculated mean.

[Default: true]

sidewaysN = true|false       (Boolean)
When set to the default value of false, the quantity being accumulated is on the the horizontal axis and the frequency is represented vertically as usual. If set true the quantity accumulated is on the vertical axis, and the frequency is represented horizontally, so that the chart is displayed reflected in the X=Y line.

[Default: false]

thickN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Thickness of plotted line in pixels.

[Default: 1]

weightN = <num-expr>       (String)
Weighting of data points. If supplied, each point contributes a value to the histogram equal to the data value multiplied by this coordinate. If not supplied, the effect is the same as supplying a fixed value of one.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

xN = <num-expr>       (String)
Horizontal coordinate.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

8.3.36 function

Plots an analytic function. This layer is currently only available for the Plane plots (including histogram).

Usage Overview:

   layerN=function axisN=Horizontal|Vertical xnameN=<name> fexprN=<expr>
                   colorN=<rrggbb>|red|blue|... thickN=<pixels>
                   dashN=dot|dash|...|<a,b,...> antialiasN=true|false

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2plane layer1=function fexpr1=sin(x)/x thick1=3
                     xmin=0 xmax=30 ymin=-0.25 ymax=0.25

antialiasN = true|false       (Boolean)
If true, plotted lines are drawn with antialising. Antialised lines look smoother, but may take perceptibly longer to draw. Only has any effect for bitmapped output formats.

[Default: false]

axisN = Horizontal|Vertical       (FuncAxis)
Which axis the independent variable varies along. Options are currently Horizontal and Vertical.

[Default: Horizontal]

colorN = <rrggbb>|red|blue|...       (Color)
The color of plotted data, given by name or as a hexadecimal RGB value.

The standard plotting colour names are red, blue, green, grey, magenta, cyan, orange, pink, yellow, black, light_grey, white. However, many other common colour names (too many to list here) are also understood. The list currently contains those colour names understood by most web browsers, from AliceBlue to YellowGreen, listed e.g. in the Extended color keywords section of the CSS3 standard.

Alternatively, a six-digit hexadecimal number RRGGBB may be supplied, optionally prefixed by "#" or "0x", giving red, green and blue intensities, e.g. "ff00ff", "#ff00ff" or "0xff00ff" for magenta.

[Default: red]

dashN = dot|dash|...|<a,b,...>       (float[])
Determines the dash pattern of the line drawn. If null (the default), the line is solid.

Possible values for dashed lines are dot, dash, longdash, dotdash. You can alternatively supply a comma-separated list of on/off length values such as "4,2,8,2".

fexprN = <expr>       (String)
An expression using TOPCAT's expression language in terms of the independent variable to define the function. This expression must be standalone - it cannot reference any tables.
thickN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Thickness of plotted line in pixels.

[Default: 1]

xnameN = <name>       (String)
Name of the independent variable for use in the function expression. This is typically x for a horizontal independent variable and y for a vertical independent variable, but any string that is a legal expression language identifier (starts with a letter, continues with letters, numbers, underscores) can be used.

[Default: x]

8.3.37 skyvector

Plots directed lines from the data position given delta values for the coordinates The plotted markers are typically little arrows, but there are other options.

The dimensions of the plotted vectors are given by the dlon and dlat coordinates. The units of these values are specified using the unit option. If only the relative rather than the absolute sizes are required on the plot, or if the units are not known, the special value unit=scaled may be used; this applies a non-physical scaling factor to make the vectors appear at some reasonable size in the plot. When unit=scaled vectors will keep approximately the same screen size during zoom operations; when one of the angular units is chosen, they will keep the same size in data coordinates.

Additionally, the scale option may be used to scale all the plotted vectors by a given factor to make them all larger or smaller.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=skyvector arrowN=small_arrow|medium_arrow|... thickN=<int-value>
                    shadingN=auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>
                    lonN=<deg-expr> latN=<deg-expr> dlonN=<num-expr>
                    dlatN=<num-expr> inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format>
                    istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2sky in=tgas_source.fits lon=ra lat=dec
                   dlon2=pmra dlat2=pmdec unit2=scaled scale2=6 arrow2=medium_arrow
                   clon=56.75 clat=24.10 radius=1.5

arrowN = small_arrow|medium_arrow|...       (MultiPointShape)
How arrows are represented.

The available options are:

[Default: small_arrow]

dlatN = <num-expr>       (String)
Change in the latitude coordinate represented by the plotted vector. The units of this angular extent are determined by the unit option.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

dlonN = <num-expr>       (String)
Change in the longitude coordinate represented by the plotted vector. The supplied value is considered to be premultiplied by cos(Latitude). The units of this angular extent are determined by the unit option.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

latN = <deg-expr>       (String)
Latitude in decimal degrees.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

lonN = <deg-expr>       (String)
Longitude in decimal degrees.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

scaleN = <number>       (Double)
Scales the size of variable-sized markers like vectors and ellipses. The default value is 1, smaller or larger values multiply the visible sizes accordingly.

The main purpose of this option is to tweak the visible sizes of the plotted markers for better visibility. The unit option should be used to account for the units in which the angular extent coordinates are supplied. If the markers are supposed to be plotted with their absolute angular extents visible, this option should be set to its default value of 1.

[Default: 1]

shadingN = auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>       (ShapeMode)
Determines how plotted objects in layer N are coloured. This may be influenced by how many objects are plotted over each other as well as the values of other parameters. Available options (Section 8.4) are: Each of these options comes with its own set of parameters to specify the details of how colouring is done.

[Default: auto]

thickN = <int-value>       (Integer)
Controls the line thickness used when drawing shapes. Zero, the default value, means a 1-pixel-wide line is used. Larger values make drawn lines thicker, but note changing this value will not affect all shapes, for instance filled rectangles contain no line drawings.

[Default: 0]

unitN = scaled|radian|degree|minute|arcsec|mas|uas       (AngleUnit)
Defines the units in which the angular extents are specified. Options are degrees, arcseconds etc. If the special value scaled is given then a non-physical scaling is applied to the input values to make the the largest markers appear at a reasonable size (a few tens of pixels) in the plot.

Note that the actual plotted size of the markers can also be scaled using the scale option; these two work together to determine the actual plotted sizes.

The available options are:

[Default: degree]

8.3.38 skyellipse

Plots an ellipse (or rectangle, triangle, or other similar figure) defined by two principal radii and an optional angle of rotation, the so-called position angle. This angle, if specified, is in degrees and gives the angle from the North pole towards the direction of increasing longitude on the longitude axis.

The dimensions of the plotted ellipses are given by the ra and rb coordinates. The units of these values are specified using the unit option. If only the relative rather than the absolute sizes are required on the plot, or if the units are not known, the special value unit=scaled may be used; this applies a non-physical scaling factor to make the ellipses appear at some reasonable size in the plot. When unit=scaled ellipses will keep approximately the same screen size during zoom operations; when one of the angular units is chosen, they will keep the same size in data coordinates.

Additionally, the scale option may be used to scale all the plotted ellipses by a given factor to make them all larger or smaller.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=skyellipse ellipseN=ellipse|crosshair_ellipse|... thickN=<int-value>
                     shadingN=auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>
                     lonN=<deg-expr> latN=<deg-expr> raN=<num-expr>
                     rbN=<num-expr> posangN=<deg-expr> inN=<table>
                     ifmtN=<in-format> istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2sky in=mgc_ok.fits
                   lon=mgc_alpha_j2000 lat=mgc_delta_j2000
                   ra=bulge_re rb=bulge_re*bulge_e unit=arcsec posang=bulge_pa
                   scale=10 color=#cc00ff
                   layer1=skyellipse ellipse1=filled_ellipse shading1=transparent opaque1=4
                   layer2=skyellipse ellipse2=crosshair_ellipse
                   clon=180.1 clat=0 radius=0.25

ellipseN = ellipse|crosshair_ellipse|...       (MultiPointShape)
How ellipses are represented.

The available options are:

[Default: ellipse]

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

latN = <deg-expr>       (String)
Latitude in decimal degrees.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

lonN = <deg-expr>       (String)
Longitude in decimal degrees.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

posangN = <deg-expr>       (String)
Orientation of the ellipse. The value is the angle in degrees from the North pole to the primary axis of the ellipse in the direction of increasing longitude.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

raN = <num-expr>       (String)
Ellipse first principal radius. The units of this angular extent are determined by the unit option.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

rbN = <num-expr>       (String)
Ellipse second principal radius. The units of this angular extent are determined by the unit option. If this value is blank, the two radii will be assumed equal, i.e. the ellipses will be circles.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

scaleN = <number>       (Double)
Scales the size of variable-sized markers like vectors and ellipses. The default value is 1, smaller or larger values multiply the visible sizes accordingly.

The main purpose of this option is to tweak the visible sizes of the plotted markers for better visibility. The unit option should be used to account for the units in which the angular extent coordinates are supplied. If the markers are supposed to be plotted with their absolute angular extents visible, this option should be set to its default value of 1.

[Default: 1]

shadingN = auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>       (ShapeMode)
Determines how plotted objects in layer N are coloured. This may be influenced by how many objects are plotted over each other as well as the values of other parameters. Available options (Section 8.4) are: Each of these options comes with its own set of parameters to specify the details of how colouring is done.

[Default: auto]

thickN = <int-value>       (Integer)
Controls the line thickness used when drawing shapes. Zero, the default value, means a 1-pixel-wide line is used. Larger values make drawn lines thicker, but note changing this value will not affect all shapes, for instance filled rectangles contain no line drawings.

[Default: 0]

unitN = scaled|radian|degree|minute|arcsec|mas|uas       (AngleUnit)
Defines the units in which the angular extents are specified. Options are degrees, arcseconds etc. If the special value scaled is given then a non-physical scaling is applied to the input values to make the the largest markers appear at a reasonable size (a few tens of pixels) in the plot.

Note that the actual plotted size of the markers can also be scaled using the scale option; these two work together to determine the actual plotted sizes.

The available options are:

[Default: degree]

8.3.39 skycorr

Plots an error ellipse (or rectangle or other similar figure) on the sky defined by errors in the longitude and latitude directions, and a correlation between the two errors.

The error in longitude is considered to be premultiplied by the cosine of the latitude, i.e. both errors correspond to angular distances along a great circle.

The supplied correlation is a dimensionless value in the range -1..+1 and is equal to the covariance divided by the product of the lon and lat errors. The covariance matrix is thus:

    [  lonerr*lonerr       lonerr*laterr*corr  ]
    [  lonerr*laterr*corr  laterr*laterr       ]

The dimensions of the plotted ellipses are given by the lonerr and laterr coordinates. The units of these values are specified using the unit option. If only the relative rather than the absolute sizes are required on the plot, or if the units are not known, the special value unit=scaled may be used; this applies a non-physical scaling factor to make the ellipses appear at some reasonable size in the plot. When unit=scaled ellipses will keep approximately the same screen size during zoom operations; when one of the angular units is chosen, they will keep the same size in data coordinates.

Additionally, the scale option may be used to scale all the plotted ellipses by a given factor to make them all larger or smaller.

This plot type is suitable for use with the ra_error, dec_error and ra_dec_corr columns in the Gaia source catalogue. Note that Gaia positional errors are generally quoted in milli-arcseconds, so you should set unit=mas. Note also that in most plots Gaia positional errors are much too small to see!

Usage Overview:

   layerN=skycorr ellipseN=ellipse|crosshair_ellipse|... thickN=<int-value>
                  shadingN=auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>
                  lonN=<deg-expr> latN=<deg-expr> lonerrN=<num-expr>
                  laterrN=<num-expr> corrN=<num-expr> inN=<table>
                  ifmtN=<in-format> istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2sky in=tgas_source.fits
                   lon=ra lat=dec
                   icmd='select ra>245.1&&ra<245.9&&dec>-17.8&&dec<-17.2'
                   unit=mas scale=2e5
                   ra2=ra_error rb2=dec_error posang2=90
                   color2=orange shading2=transparent
                   layer2a=skyellipse ellipse2a=filled_rectangle opaque2a=6
                   layer2b=skyellipse ellipse2b=crosshair_rectangle opaque2b=2
                   lonerr3=ra_error laterr3=dec_error corr3=ra_dec_corr

corrN = <num-expr>       (String)
Correlation between the errors in longitude and latitude. This is a dimensionless quantity in the range -1..+1, and is equivalent to the covariance divided by the product of the Longitude and Latitude error values themselves. It corresponds to the ra_dec_corr value supplied in the Gaia source catalogue.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

ellipseN = ellipse|crosshair_ellipse|...       (MultiPointShape)
How ellipses are represented.

The available options are:

[Default: ellipse]

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

latN = <deg-expr>       (String)
Latitude in decimal degrees.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

laterrN = <num-expr>       (String)
Error in the latitude coordinate. The units of this angular extent are determined by the unit option.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

lonN = <deg-expr>       (String)
Longitude in decimal degrees.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

lonerrN = <num-expr>       (String)
Error in the longitude coordinate. The supplied value is considered to be premultiplied by cos(Latitude). The units of this angular extent are determined by the unit option.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

scaleN = <number>       (Double)
Scales the size of variable-sized markers like vectors and ellipses. The default value is 1, smaller or larger values multiply the visible sizes accordingly.

The main purpose of this option is to tweak the visible sizes of the plotted markers for better visibility. The unit option should be used to account for the units in which the angular extent coordinates are supplied. If the markers are supposed to be plotted with their absolute angular extents visible, this option should be set to its default value of 1.

[Default: 1]

shadingN = auto|flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>       (ShapeMode)
Determines how plotted objects in layer N are coloured. This may be influenced by how many objects are plotted over each other as well as the values of other parameters. Available options (Section 8.4) are: Each of these options comes with its own set of parameters to specify the details of how colouring is done.

[Default: auto]

thickN = <int-value>       (Integer)
Controls the line thickness used when drawing shapes. Zero, the default value, means a 1-pixel-wide line is used. Larger values make drawn lines thicker, but note changing this value will not affect all shapes, for instance filled rectangles contain no line drawings.

[Default: 0]

unitN = scaled|radian|degree|minute|arcsec|mas|uas       (AngleUnit)
Defines the units in which the angular extents are specified. Options are degrees, arcseconds etc. If the special value scaled is given then a non-physical scaling is applied to the input values to make the the largest markers appear at a reasonable size (a few tens of pixels) in the plot.

Note that the actual plotted size of the markers can also be scaled using the scale option; these two work together to determine the actual plotted sizes.

The available options are:

[Default: degree]

8.3.40 skydensity

Plots a density map on the sky. The grid on which the values are drawn uses the HEALPix tesselation, with a configurable resolution. You can optionally use a weighting for the points, and you can configure how the points are combined to produce the output pixel values.

The way that data values are mapped to colours is usually controlled by options at the level of the plot itself, rather than by per-layer configuration.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=skydensity levelN=<-rel-level|+abs-level>
                     transparencyN=0..1 lonN=<deg-expr> latN=<deg-expr>
                     weightN=<num-expr> inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format>
                     istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2sky in=tgas_source.fits lon=l lat=b
                   layer1=skydensity weight1=parallax combine1=mean level1=4
                   projection=aitoff auxmap=PuRd auxfunc=histogram
                   xpix=540 ypix=250

combineN = sum|sum-per-unit|count|...       (Combiner)
Defines how values contributing to the same density map bin are combined together to produce the value assigned to that bin, and hence its colour. The combined values are the weights, but if the weight is left blank, a weighting of unity is assumed.

For density-like values (count-per-unit, sum-per-unit) the scaling is additionally influenced by the perunit parameter.

The available options are:

[Default: sum-per-unit]

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

latN = <deg-expr>       (String)
Latitude in decimal degrees.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

levelN = <-rel-level|+abs-level>       (Integer)
Determines the HEALPix level of pixels which are averaged over to calculate density.

If the supplied value is a non-negative integer, it gives the absolute level to use; at level 0 there are 12 pixels on the sky, and the count multiplies by 4 for each increment.

If the value is negative, it represents a relative level; it is approximately the (negative) number of screen pixels along one side of a HEALPix sky pixel. In this case the actual HEALPix level will depend on the current zoom.

[Default: -3]

lonN = <deg-expr>       (String)
Longitude in decimal degrees.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

perunitN = steradian|degree2|arcmin2|arcsec2|mas2|uas2       (SolidAngleUnit)
Defines the unit of sky area used for scaling density-like combinations (e.g. combine=count-per-unit or sum-per-unit). If the Combination mode is calculating values per unit area, this configures the area scale in question. For non-density-like combination modes (e.g. combine=sum or mean) it has no effect.

The available options are:

[Default: degree2]

transparencyN = 0..1       (Double)
Transparency with which components are plotted, in the range 0 (opaque) to 1 (invisible). The value is 1-alpha.

[Default: 0]

weightN = <num-expr>       (String)
Weighting of data points. If supplied, each point contributes a value to the histogram equal to the data value multiplied by this coordinate. If not supplied, the effect is the same as supplying a fixed value of one.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

8.3.41 healpix

Plots a table representing HEALPix pixels on the sky. Each row represents a single HEALPix tile, and a value from that row is used to colour the corresponding region of the sky plot.

The way that data values are mapped to colours is usually controlled by options at the level of the plot itself, rather than by per-layer configuration.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=healpix datalevelN=<int-value> datasysN=<value> degradeN=<int-value>
                  transparencyN=0..1 healpixN=<num-expr> valueN=<num-expr>
                  inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format> istreamN=true|false

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2sky layer1=healpix in1=simbad-hpx8.fits healpix1=HPX8 value1=NBREF
                   datalevel1=8 degrade1=2 combine=sum-per-unit perunit=arcmin2
                   projection=aitoff datasys1=equatorial viewsys=galactic labelpos=none gridcolor=beige
                   auxfunc=log auxmap=cold auxflip=true auxclip=0,1
                   xpix=600 ypix=280

combineN = sum|sum-per-unit|count|...       (Combiner)
Defines how values degraded to a lower HEALPix level are combined together to produce the value assigned to the larger tile, and hence its colour. This is mostly useful in the case that degrade>0.

For density-like values (count-per-unit, sum-per-unit) the scaling is additionally influenced by the perunit parameter.

The available options are:

[Default: mean]

datalevelN = <int-value>       (Integer)
HEALPix level of the (implicit or explicit) tile indices. Legal values are between 0 (12 pixels) and 29 (3458764513820540928 pixels). If a negative value is supplied (the default), then an attempt is made to determine the correct level from the data.

[Default: -1]

datasysN = <value>       (SkySys)
The sky coordinate system to which the HEALPix grid used by the input pixel file refers.

[Default: equatorial]

degradeN = <int-value>       (Integer)
Allows the HEALPix grid to be drawn at a less detailed level than the level at which the input data are supplied. A value of zero (the default) means that the HEALPix tiles are painted with the same resolution as the input data, but a higher value will degrade resolution of the plot tiles; each plotted tile will correspond to 4^degrade input tiles. The way that values are combined within each painted tile is controlled by the combine value.

[Default: 0]

healpixN = <num-expr>       (String)
HEALPix index indicating the sky position of the tile whose value is plotted. If not supplied, the assumption is that the supplied table contains one row for each HEALPix tile at a given level, in ascending order.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

perunitN = steradian|degree2|arcmin2|arcsec2|mas2|uas2       (SolidAngleUnit)
Defines the unit of sky area used for scaling density-like combinations (e.g. combine=count-per-unit or sum-per-unit). If the Combination mode is calculating values per unit area, this configures the area scale in question. For non-density-like combination modes (e.g. combine=sum or mean) it has no effect.

The available options are:

[Default: degree2]

transparencyN = 0..1       (Double)
Transparency with which components are plotted, in the range 0 (opaque) to 1 (invisible). The value is 1-alpha.

[Default: 0]

valueN = <num-expr>       (String)
Value of HEALPix tile, determining the colour which will be plotted.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

8.3.42 skygrid

Plots an additional axis grid on the celestial sphere. This can be overlaid on the default sky axis grid so that axes for multiple sky coordinate systems are simultaneously visible. The plots are done relative to the View sky system (viewsys parameter) defined for the plot as a whole.

Note that some of the configuration items for this plotter, such as grid line antialiasing and the decimal/sexagesimal flag, are inherited from the values set for the main sky plot grid.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=skygrid gridsysN=equatorial|galactic|supergalactic|ecliptic
                  gridcolorN=<rrggbb>|red|blue|... transparencyN=0..1
                  labelposN=Internal|None loncrowdN=<number> latcrowdN=<number>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2sky xpix=500 ypix=250 projection=aitoff
                   viewsys=equatorial labelpos=none sex=false
                   layer1=skygrid gridsys1=ecliptic gridcolor1=HotPink transparency1=0.7 labelpos1=internal

gridcolorN = <rrggbb>|red|blue|...       (Color)
The color of the plot grid, given by name or as a hexadecimal RGB value.

The standard plotting colour names are red, blue, green, grey, magenta, cyan, orange, pink, yellow, black, light_grey, white. However, many other common colour names (too many to list here) are also understood. The list currently contains those colour names understood by most web browsers, from AliceBlue to YellowGreen, listed e.g. in the Extended color keywords section of the CSS3 standard.

Alternatively, a six-digit hexadecimal number RRGGBB may be supplied, optionally prefixed by "#" or "0x", giving red, green and blue intensities, e.g. "ff00ff", "#ff00ff" or "0xff00ff" for magenta.

[Default: grey]

gridsysN = equatorial|galactic|supergalactic|ecliptic       (SkySys)
The sky coordinate system used for the additional grid axes. This is used in conjunction with the viewsys parameter defined for the plot as a whole to determine what grid lines to plot.

The available options are:

[Default: equatorial]

labelposN = Internal|None       (SkyAxisLabeller)
Controls how and whether the numeric annotations of the lon/lat axes are displayed.

The available options are:

[Default: Internal]

latcrowdN = <number>       (Double)
Determines how closely sky latitude grid lines (parallels) are spaced. The default value is 1, meaning normal crowding. Larger values result in more grid lines, and smaller values in fewer grid lines.

[Default: 1]

loncrowdN = <number>       (Double)
Determines how closely sky longitude grid lines (meridians) are spaced. The default value is 1, meaning normal crowding. Larger values result in more grid lines, and smaller values in fewer grid lines.

[Default: 1]

transparencyN = 0..1       (Double)
Transparency with which components are plotted, in the range 0 (opaque) to 1 (invisible). The value is 1-alpha.

[Default: 0]

8.3.43 xyzvector

Plots directed lines from the data position given delta values for the coordinates. The plotted markers are typically little arrows, but there are other options.

In some cases the supplied data values give the actual extents in data coordinates for the plotted vectors but sometimes the data is on a different scale or in different units to the positional coordinates. As a convenience for this case, the plotter can optionally scale the magnitudes of all the vectors to make them a reasonable size on the plot, so by default the largest ones are a few tens of pixels long. This auto-scaling is turned off by default, but it can be activated with the autoscale option. Whether autoscaling is on or off, the scale option can be used to apply a fixed scaling factor.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=xyzvector arrowN=small_arrow|medium_arrow|... thickN=<int-value>
                    scaleN=<factor> autoscaleN=true|false
                    shadingN=flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>
                    xN=<num-expr> yN=<num-expr> zN=<num-expr>
                    xdeltaN=<num-expr> ydeltaN=<num-expr> zdeltaN=<num-expr>
                    inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format> istreamN=true|false

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2cube in=gavo_g2.fits
                    x=x y=y z=z xdelta=velX ydelta=velY zdelta=velZ autoscale=true
                    color=BlueViolet scale=1.5
                    layer1=xyzvector shading1=transparent opaque1=5 arrow1=medium_filled_dart
                    layer2=xyzvector shading2=flat arrow2=medium_open_dart
                    xmin=6 xmax=7.5 ymin=12.5 ymax=13.5 zmin=19 zmax=21.5

arrowN = small_arrow|medium_arrow|...       (MultiPointShape)
How arrows are represented.

The available options are:

[Default: small_arrow]

autoscaleN = true|false       (Boolean)
Determines whether the default size of variable-sized markers like vectors and ellipses are automatically scaled to have a sensible size. If true, then the sizes of all the plotted markers are examined, and some dynamically calculated factor is applied to them all to make them a sensible size (by default, the largest ones will be a few tens of pixels). If false, the sizes will be the actual input values interpreted in data coordinates.

If auto-scaling is on, then markers will keep approximately the same screen size during zoom operations; if it's off, they will keep the same size in data coordinates.

Marker size is also affected by the scale parameter.

[Default: false]

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

scaleN = <factor>       (Double)
Affects the size of variable-sized markers like vectors and ellipses. The default value is 1, smaller or larger values multiply the visible sizes accordingly.

[Default: 1]

shadingN = flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>       (ShapeMode)
Determines how plotted objects in layer N are coloured. This may be influenced by how many objects are plotted over each other as well as the values of other parameters. Available options (Section 8.4) are: Each of these options comes with its own set of parameters to specify the details of how colouring is done.

[Default: flat]

thickN = <int-value>       (Integer)
Controls the line thickness used when drawing shapes. Zero, the default value, means a 1-pixel-wide line is used. Larger values make drawn lines thicker, but note changing this value will not affect all shapes, for instance filled rectangles contain no line drawings.

[Default: 0]

xN = <num-expr>       (String)
X coordinate.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

xdeltaN = <num-expr>       (String)
Vector component in the X direction.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

yN = <num-expr>       (String)
Y coordinate.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

ydeltaN = <num-expr>       (String)
Vector component in the Y direction.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

zN = <num-expr>       (String)
Z coordinate.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

zdeltaN = <num-expr>       (String)
Vector component in the Z direction.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

8.3.44 xyzerror

Plots symmetric or asymmetric error bars in some or all of the plot dimensions. The shape of the error "bars" is quite configurable, including (for 2-d and 3-d errors) ellipses, rectangles etc aligned with the axes.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=xyzerror errorbarN=none|lines|capped_lines|... thickN=<int-value>
                   shadingN=flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>
                   xN=<num-expr> yN=<num-expr> zN=<num-expr> xerrhiN=<num-expr>
                   xerrloN=<num-expr> yerrhiN=<num-expr> yerrloN=<num-expr>
                   zerrhiN=<num-expr> zerrloN=<num-expr> inN=<table>
                   ifmtN=<in-format> istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2cube in=dr5qso.fits icmd='select morphology==1'
                    x=psfmag_g xerrhi=psfmagerr_g
                    y=psfmag_r yerrhi=psfmagerr_r
                    z=psfmag_u zerrhi=psfmagerr_u
                    layer2=xyzerror errorbar2=cuboid
                    shading=transparent opaque=3
                    xmin=17.5 xmax=18 ymin=17.3 ymax=17.7 zmin=17.4 zmax=18.2

errorbarN = none|lines|capped_lines|...       (MultiPointShape)
How errorbars are represented.

The available options are:

[Default: lines]

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

shadingN = flat|translucent|transparent|density|aux|weighted <shade-paramsN>       (ShapeMode)
Determines how plotted objects in layer N are coloured. This may be influenced by how many objects are plotted over each other as well as the values of other parameters. Available options (Section 8.4) are: Each of these options comes with its own set of parameters to specify the details of how colouring is done.

[Default: flat]

thickN = <int-value>       (Integer)
Controls the line thickness used when drawing shapes. Zero, the default value, means a 1-pixel-wide line is used. Larger values make drawn lines thicker, but note changing this value will not affect all shapes, for instance filled rectangles contain no line drawings.

[Default: 0]

xN = <num-expr>       (String)
X coordinate.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

xerrhiN = <num-expr>       (String)
Error in the X coordinate in the positive direction. If no corresponding negative error value is supplied, then this value is also used in the negative direction, i.e. in that case errors are assumed to be symmetric.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

xerrloN = <num-expr>       (String)
Error in the X coordinate in the negative direction. If left blank, it is assumed to take the same value as the positive error.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

yN = <num-expr>       (String)
Y coordinate.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

yerrhiN = <num-expr>       (String)
Error in the Y coordinate in the positive direction. If no corresponding negative error value is supplied, then this value is also used in the negative direction, i.e. in that case errors are assumed to be symmetric.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

yerrloN = <num-expr>       (String)
Error in the Y coordinate in the negative direction. If left blank, it is assumed to take the same value as the positive error.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

zN = <num-expr>       (String)
Z coordinate.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

zerrhiN = <num-expr>       (String)
Error in the Z coordinate in the positive direction. If no corresponding negative error value is supplied, then this value is also used in the negative direction, i.e. in that case errors are assumed to be symmetric.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

zerrloN = <num-expr>       (String)
Error in the Z coordinate in the negative direction. If left blank, it is assumed to take the same value as the positive error.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

8.3.45 line3d

Plots a point-to-point line joining up the positions of data points in three dimensions. There are additional options to pre-sort the points by a given quantity before drawing the lines (using the sort value), and to vary the colour of the line along its length (using the aux value). The options for controlling the Aux colour map are controlled at the level of the plot itself, rather than by per-layer configuration.

Note that the line positioning in 3d and the line segment aux colouring is somewhat approximate. In most cases it is good enough for visual inspection, but pixel-level examination may reveal discrepancies.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=line3d colorN=<rrggbb>|red|blue|... thickN=<pixels>
                 <pos-coord-paramsN> auxN=<num-expr> sortN=<num-expr>
                 inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format> istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.

Positional Coordinate Parameters:
The positional coordinates <pos-coord-paramsN> give a position for each row of the input table. Their form depends on the plot geometry, i.e. which plotting command is used. For a plane plot (plot2plane) the parameters would be xN and yN. The coordinate parameter values are in all cases strings interpreted as numeric expressions based on column names. These can be column names, fixed values or algebraic expressions as described in Section 10.


   stilts plot2cube in=iers.fits x=x y=y z=LOD
                    layer1=line3d icmd1='select decYear>1963&&decYear<1964.5' thick1=3 aux1=LOD
                    layer2=mark shading2=translucent color2=cccc00 translevel2=0.35
                    auxmap=cyan-magenta auxvisible=false legend=false
                    phi=-150 theta=25 psi=180 xpix=400 ypix=400

auxN = <num-expr>       (String)
If supplied, this adjusts the colouring of the line along its length according to the value of this coordinate.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

colorN = <rrggbb>|red|blue|...       (Color)
The color of plotted data, given by name or as a hexadecimal RGB value.

The standard plotting colour names are red, blue, green, grey, magenta, cyan, orange, pink, yellow, black, light_grey, white. However, many other common colour names (too many to list here) are also understood. The list currently contains those colour names understood by most web browsers, from AliceBlue to YellowGreen, listed e.g. in the Extended color keywords section of the CSS3 standard.

Alternatively, a six-digit hexadecimal number RRGGBB may be supplied, optionally prefixed by "#" or "0x", giving red, green and blue intensities, e.g. "ff00ff", "#ff00ff" or "0xff00ff" for magenta.

[Default: red]

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

sortN = <num-expr>       (String)
If supplied, this gives a value to define in what order points are joined together. If no value is given, the natural order is used, i.e. the sequence of rows in the table.

Note that if the required order is in fact the natural order of the table, it is better to leave this value blank, since sorting is a potentially expensive step.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

thickN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Thickness of plotted line in pixels.

[Default: 1]

8.3.46 spheregrid

Plots a spherical grid around the origin of a 3-d plot. The radius of the sphere can be configured explicitly, otherwise a suitable default value (that should make at least some of the grid visible) will be chosen.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=spheregrid radiusN=<number> gridcolorN=<rrggbb>|red|blue|...
                     thickN=<pixels> nlonN=<int-value> nlatN=<int-value>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2sphere legend=false xpix=350 ypix=350
                      layer1=mark in1=tgas_source.fits lon1=ra lat1=dec r1=1
                      shading1=transparent opaque1=850 color1=orange
                      layer2=spheregrid gridcolor2=green thick2=2

gridcolorN = <rrggbb>|red|blue|...       (Color)
The color of the spherical grid, given by name or as a hexadecimal RGB value.

The standard plotting colour names are red, blue, green, grey, magenta, cyan, orange, pink, yellow, black, light_grey, white. However, many other common colour names (too many to list here) are also understood. The list currently contains those colour names understood by most web browsers, from AliceBlue to YellowGreen, listed e.g. in the Extended color keywords section of the CSS3 standard.

Alternatively, a six-digit hexadecimal number RRGGBB may be supplied, optionally prefixed by "#" or "0x", giving red, green and blue intensities, e.g. "ff00ff", "#ff00ff" or "0xff00ff" for magenta.

[Default: grey]

nlatN = <int-value>       (Integer)
Number of latitude lines to plot both above and below the equator in the spherical grid. A value of zero plots just the equator, and negative values plot no parallels at all.

[Default: 2]

nlonN = <int-value>       (Integer)
Number of longitude great circles to plot in the spherical grid. Since each great circle joins the poles in two hemispheres, this value is half the number of meridians to be drawn.

[Default: 3]

radiusN = <number>       (Double)
Defines the radius of the spherical grid that is drawn around the origin. Positive values give the radius in data units, negative values provide a multiplier for the default radius which is chosen on the basis of the currently visible volume.

[Default: -1]

thickN = <pixels>       (Integer)
Thickness of plotted line in pixels.

[Default: 1]

8.3.47 yerror

Plots symmetric or asymmetric error bars in the Y direction.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=yerror errorbarN=none|lines|capped_lines|caps|arrows
                 thickN=<int-value> shadingN=flat <shade-paramsN>
                 tN=<time-expr> ttypeN=DecYear|MJD|JD|Unix|Iso8601
                 yN=<num-expr> yerrhiN=<num-expr> yerrloN=<num-expr>
                 inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format> istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2time in=ACE_data.vot t=epoch y=Bmag
                    layer1=yerror yerrhi1=sigma_B errorbar1=capped_lines
                    layer2=mark shape2=open_circle size2=3
                    layer3=line color3=a0a0a0
                    tmin=2001-08-17T07 tmax=2001-08-17T10 ypix=250

errorbarN = none|lines|capped_lines|caps|arrows       (MultiPointShape)
How errorbars are represented.

The available options are:

[Default: lines]

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

shadingN = flat <shade-paramsN>       (ShapeMode)
Determines how plotted objects in layer N are coloured. This may be influenced by how many objects are plotted over each other as well as the values of other parameters. Available options (Section 8.4) are: Each of these options comes with its own set of parameters to specify the details of how colouring is done.

[Default: flat]

tN = <time-expr>       (String)
Time coordinate.

The value is a Time value algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

thickN = <int-value>       (Integer)
Controls the line thickness used when drawing shapes. Zero, the default value, means a 1-pixel-wide line is used. Larger values make drawn lines thicker, but note changing this value will not affect all shapes, for instance filled rectangles contain no line drawings.

[Default: 0]

ttypeN = DecYear|MJD|JD|Unix|Iso8601       (TimeMapper)
Selects the form in which the Time value for parameter tN is supplied. Options are: If left blank, a guess will be taken depending on the data type of the value supplied for the tN value.
yN = <num-expr>       (String)
Vertical coordinate.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

yerrhiN = <num-expr>       (String)
Error in the Y coordinate in the positive direction. If no corresponding negative error value is supplied, then this value is also used in the negative direction, i.e. in that case errors are assumed to be symmetric.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

yerrloN = <num-expr>       (String)
Error in the Y coordinate in the negative direction. If left blank, it is assumed to take the same value as the positive error.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

8.3.48 spectrogram

Plots spectrograms. A spectrogram is a sequence of spectra plotted as vertical 1-d images, each one plotted at a different horizontal coordinate.

This specialised layer is only available for time plots.

The way that data values are mapped to colours is usually controlled by options at the level of the plot itself, rather than by per-layer configuration.

Usage Overview:

   layerN=spectrogram scalespecN=true|false tN=<time-expr>
                      ttypeN=DecYear|MJD|JD|Unix|Iso8601 spectrumN=<array-expr>
                      twidthN=<num-expr> inN=<table> ifmtN=<in-format>
                      istreamN=true|false icmdN=<cmds>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2time layer1=spectrogram in1=LRS_NPW_V010_20071101.cdf t1=epoch spectrum1=RX2
                    t2func=mjd t2label=MJD
                    auxfunc=linear auxmap=plasma auxclip=0,1
                    xpix=600 ypix=320
                    tmin=2007-11-01T00 tmax=2007-11-01T12
                    ylog=true ylabel=Frequency/Hz ymin=8e4 ymax=2e7

icmdN = <cmds>       (ProcessingStep[])
Specifies processing to be performed on the layer N input table as specified by parameter inN. The value of this parameter is one or more of the filter commands described in Section 6.1. If more than one is given, they must be separated by semicolon characters (";"). This parameter can be repeated multiple times on the same command line to build up a list of processing steps. The sequence of commands given in this way defines the processing pipeline which is performed on the table.

Commands may alternatively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored. A backslash character '\' at the end of a line joins it with the following line.

ifmtN = <in-format>       (String)
Specifies the format of the input table as specified by parameter inN. The known formats are listed in Section 5.1.1. This flag can be used if you know what format your table is in. If it has the special value (auto) (the default), then an attempt will be made to detect the format of the table automatically. This cannot always be done correctly however, in which case the program will exit with an error explaining which formats were attempted. This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: (auto)]

inN = <table>       (StarTable)
The location of the input table. This may take one of the following forms: In any case, compressed data in one of the supported compression formats (gzip, Unix compress or bzip2) will be decompressed transparently.
istreamN = true|false       (Boolean)
If set true, the input table specified by the inN parameter will be read as a stream. It is necessary to give the ifmtN parameter in this case. Depending on the required operations and processing mode, this may cause the read to fail (sometimes it is necessary to read the table more than once). It is not normally necessary to set this flag; in most cases the data will be streamed automatically if that is the best thing to do. However it can sometimes result in less resource usage when processing large files in certain formats (such as VOTable). This parameter is ignored for scheme-specified tables.

[Default: false]

scalespecN = true|false       (Boolean)
If true, an attempt will be made to plot the spectra on a vertical axis that represents their physical values. This is only possible if the column or table metadata contains a suitable array that gives bin extents or central wavelengths or similar. An ad hoc search is made of column and table metadata to find an array that looks like it is intended for this purpose.

If this flag is set false, or if no suitable array can be found, the vertical axis just represents channel indices and so is labelled from 0 to the number of channels per spectrum.

This configuration item is somewhat experimental; the details of how the spectral axis is configured may change in future releases.

[Default: true]

spectrumN = <array-expr>       (String)
Provides an array of spectral samples at each data point. The value must be a numeric array (e.g. the value of an array-valued column).

The value is an array-valued algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10. Some of the functions in the Arrays class may be useful here.

tN = <time-expr>       (String)
Time coordinate.

The value is a Time value algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

ttypeN = DecYear|MJD|JD|Unix|Iso8601       (TimeMapper)
Selects the form in which the Time value for parameter tN is supplied. Options are: If left blank, a guess will be taken depending on the data type of the value supplied for the tN value.
twidthN = <num-expr>       (String)
Range on the Time axis over which the spectrum is plotted. If no value is supplied, an attempt will be made to determine it automatically by looking at the spacing of the Time coordinates plotted in the spectrogram.

The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

8.4 Shading Modes

Some plot layer types have an associated shading parameter which determines how plotted markers are coloured. This is independent of the marker shapes (which may be points, vectors, ellipses, ...) but may be affected by how many markers are plotted on top of each other, additional input table values, selected colour maps etc. For the simplest shading types (e.g. flat) it's just a case of choosing a colour, but the more complex ones have several associated parameters.

The various shading types and their usages are described in the following subsections.

8.4.1 auto

Paints isolated points in their selected colour but where multiple points in the same layer overlap it adjusts the clour by darkening it. This means that for isolated points (most or all points in a non-crowded plot, or outliers in a crowded plot) it behaves just like flat mode, but it's easy to see where overdense regions lie.

This is like density mode, but with no user-configurable options.


   shadingN=auto colorN=<rrggbb>|red|blue|...

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2plane layer1=mark in1=dr5qso.fits
                     x1=psfmag_g-psfmag_r y1=psfmag_u-psfmag_g size1=2
                     xmin=-0.5 xmax=2.5 ymin=-1 ymax=6

Associated parameters are as follows:

colorN = <rrggbb>|red|blue|...       (Color)
The color of plotted data, given by name or as a hexadecimal RGB value.

The standard plotting colour names are red, blue, green, grey, magenta, cyan, orange, pink, yellow, black, light_grey, white. However, many other common colour names (too many to list here) are also understood. The list currently contains those colour names understood by most web browsers, from AliceBlue to YellowGreen, listed e.g. in the Extended color keywords section of the CSS3 standard.

Alternatively, a six-digit hexadecimal number RRGGBB may be supplied, optionally prefixed by "#" or "0x", giving red, green and blue intensities, e.g. "ff00ff", "#ff00ff" or "0xff00ff" for magenta.

[Default: red]

8.4.2 flat

Paints markers in a single fixed colour.


   shadingN=flat colorN=<rrggbb>|red|blue|...

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2plane layer1=mark in1=dr5qso.fits
                     x1=psfmag_g-psfmag_r y1=psfmag_u-psfmag_g size1=2
                     xmin=-0.5 xmax=2.5 ymin=-1 ymax=6

Associated parameters are as follows:

colorN = <rrggbb>|red|blue|...       (Color)
The color of plotted data, given by name or as a hexadecimal RGB value.

The standard plotting colour names are red, blue, green, grey, magenta, cyan, orange, pink, yellow, black, light_grey, white. However, many other common colour names (too many to list here) are also understood. The list currently contains those colour names understood by most web browsers, from AliceBlue to YellowGreen, listed e.g. in the Extended color keywords section of the CSS3 standard.

Alternatively, a six-digit hexadecimal number RRGGBB may be supplied, optionally prefixed by "#" or "0x", giving red, green and blue intensities, e.g. "ff00ff", "#ff00ff" or "0xff00ff" for magenta.

[Default: red]

8.4.3 translucent

Paints markers in a transparent version of their selected colour. The degree of transparency is determined by how many points are plotted on top of each other and by the transparency level. Unlike transparent mode, the transparency varies according to the average point density in the plot, so leaving the setting the same as you zoom in and out usually has a sensible effect.


   shadingN=translucent colorN=<rrggbb>|red|blue|... translevelN=<number>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2plane layer1=mark in1=dr5qso.fits
                     x1=psfmag_g-psfmag_r y1=psfmag_u-psfmag_g size1=2
                     xmin=-0.5 xmax=2.5 ymin=-1 ymax=6

Associated parameters are as follows:

colorN = <rrggbb>|red|blue|...       (Color)
The color of plotted data, given by name or as a hexadecimal RGB value.

The standard plotting colour names are red, blue, green, grey, magenta, cyan, orange, pink, yellow, black, light_grey, white. However, many other common colour names (too many to list here) are also understood. The list currently contains those colour names understood by most web browsers, from AliceBlue to YellowGreen, listed e.g. in the Extended color keywords section of the CSS3 standard.

Alternatively, a six-digit hexadecimal number RRGGBB may be supplied, optionally prefixed by "#" or "0x", giving red, green and blue intensities, e.g. "ff00ff", "#ff00ff" or "0xff00ff" for magenta.

[Default: red]

translevelN = <number>       (Double)
Sets the level of automatically controlled transparency. The higher this value the more transparent points are. Exactly how transparent points are depends on how many are currently being plotted on top of each other and the value of this parameter. The idea is that you can set it to some fixed value, and then get something which looks similarly transparent while you zoom in and out.

[Default: 0.1]

8.4.4 transparent

Paints markers in a transparent version of their selected colour. The degree of transparency is determined by how many points are plotted on top of each other and by the opaque limit. The opaque limit fixes how many points must be plotted on top of each other to completely obscure the background. This is set to a fixed value, so a transparent level that works well for a crowded region (or low magnification) may not work so well for a sparse region (or when zoomed in).


   shadingN=transparent colorN=<rrggbb>|red|blue|... opaqueN=<number>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2plane layer1=mark in1=dr5qso.fits
                     x1=psfmag_g-psfmag_r y1=psfmag_u-psfmag_g size1=2
                     xmin=-0.5 xmax=2.5 ymin=-1 ymax=6

Associated parameters are as follows:

colorN = <rrggbb>|red|blue|...       (Color)
The color of plotted data, given by name or as a hexadecimal RGB value.

The standard plotting colour names are red, blue, green, grey, magenta, cyan, orange, pink, yellow, black, light_grey, white. However, many other common colour names (too many to list here) are also understood. The list currently contains those colour names understood by most web browsers, from AliceBlue to YellowGreen, listed e.g. in the Extended color keywords section of the CSS3 standard.

Alternatively, a six-digit hexadecimal number RRGGBB may be supplied, optionally prefixed by "#" or "0x", giving red, green and blue intensities, e.g. "ff00ff", "#ff00ff" or "0xff00ff" for magenta.

[Default: red]

opaqueN = <number>       (Double)
The opacity of plotted points. The value is the number of points which have to be overplotted before the background is fully obscured.

[Default: 4]

8.4.5 density

Paints markers using a configurable colour map to indicate how many points are plotted over each other. Specifically, it colours each pixel according to how many times that pixel has has been covered by one of the markers plotted by the layer in question. To put it another way, it generates a false-colour density map with pixel granularity using a smoothing kernel of the form of the markers plotted by the layer. The upshot is that you can see the plot density of points or other markers plotted.

This is like auto mode, but with more user-configurable options.


   shadingN=density colorN=<rrggbb>|red|blue|...
                    denseclipN=<lo>,<hi> denseflipN=true|false
                    densequantN=<number> densesubN=<lo>,<hi>

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2plane layer1=mark in1=dr5qso.fits
                     shading1=density densemap1=viridis
                     x1=psfmag_g-psfmag_r y1=psfmag_u-psfmag_g size1=2
                     xmin=-0.5 xmax=2.5 ymin=-1 ymax=6

Associated parameters are as follows:

colorN = <rrggbb>|red|blue|...       (Color)
The color of plotted data, given by name or as a hexadecimal RGB value.

The standard plotting colour names are red, blue, green, grey, magenta, cyan, orange, pink, yellow, black, light_grey, white. However, many other common colour names (too many to list here) are also understood. The list currently contains those colour names understood by most web browsers, from AliceBlue to YellowGreen, listed e.g. in the Extended color keywords section of the CSS3 standard.

Alternatively, a six-digit hexadecimal number RRGGBB may be supplied, optionally prefixed by "#" or "0x", giving red, green and blue intensities, e.g. "ff00ff", "#ff00ff" or "0xff00ff" for magenta.

[Default: red]

denseclipN = <lo>,<hi>       (Subrange)
Defines a subrange of the colour ramp to be used for Density shading. The value is specified as a (low,high) comma-separated pair of two numbers between 0 and 1.

If the full range 0,1 is used, the whole range of colours specified by the selected shader will be used. But if for instance a value of 0,0.5 is given, only those colours at the left hand end of the ramp will be seen.

If the null (default) value is chosen, a default clip will be used. This generally covers most or all of the range 0-1 but for colour maps which fade to white, a small proportion of the lower end may be excluded, to ensure that all the colours are visually distinguishable from a white background. This default is usually a good idea if the colour map is being used with something like a scatter plot, where markers are plotted against a white background. However, for something like a density map when the whole plotting area is tiled with colours from the map, it may be better to supply the whole range 0,1 explicitly.

denseflipN = true|false       (Boolean)
If true, the colour map on the Density axis will be reversed.

[Default: false]

densefuncN = log|linear|histogram|histolog|sqrt|square|acos|cos       (Scaling)
Defines the way that values in the Density range are mapped to the selected colour ramp.

The available options are:

For all these options, the full range of data values is used, and displayed on the colour bar if applicable (though it can be restricted using the densesub option) The Linear, Log, Square and Sqrt options just apply the named function to the full data range. The histogram options on the other hand use a scaling function that corresponds to the actual distribution of the data, so that there are about the same number of points (or pixels, or whatever is being scaled) of each colour. The histogram options are somewhat more expensive, but can be a good choice if you are exploring data whose distribution is unknown or not well-behaved over its min-max range. The Histogram and HistoLog options both assign the colours in the same way, but they display the colour ramp with linear or logarithmic annotation respectively; the HistoLog option also ignores non-positive values.

[Default: log]

densemapN = <map-name>|<color>-<color>[-<color>...]       (Shader)
Color map used for Density axis shading.

A mixed bag of colour ramps are available as listed in Section 8.7: blacker, whiter, inferno, magma, plasma, viridis, cividis, cubehelix, sron, rainbow, rainbow2, rainbow3, pastel, cosmic, ember, gothic, rainforest, voltage, bubblegum, gem, chroma, sunset, neon, tropical, accent, gnuplot, gnuplot2, specxby, set1, paired, hotcold, guppy, iceburn, redshift, pride, rdbu, piyg, brbg, cyan-magenta, red-blue, brg, heat, cold, light, greyscale, colour, standard, bugn, bupu, orrd, pubu, purd, painbow, huecl, infinity, hue, intensity, rgb_red, rgb_green, rgb_blue, hsv_h, hsv_s, hsv_v, yuv_y, yuv_u, yuv_v, scale_hsv_s, scale_hsv_v, scale_yuv_y. Note: many of these, including rainbow-like ones, are frowned upon by the visualisation community.

You can also construct your own custom colour map by giving a sequence of colour names separated by minus sign ("-") characters. In this case the ramp is a linear interpolation between each pair of colours named, using the same syntax as when specifying a colour value. So for instance "yellow-hotpink-#0000ff" would shade from yellow via hot pink to blue.

[Default: blacker]

densequantN = <number>       (Double)
Allows the colour map used for the Density axis to be quantised. If an integer value N is chosen then the colour map will be viewed as N discrete evenly-spaced levels, so that only N different colours will appear in the plot. This can be used to generate a contour-like effect, and may make it easier to trace the boundaries of regions of interest by eye.

If left blank, the colour map is nominally continuous (though in practice it may be quantised to a medium-sized number like 256).

densesubN = <lo>,<hi>       (Subrange)
Defines a normalised adjustment to the data range of the Density axis. The value may be specified as a comma-separated pair of two numbers, giving the lower and upper bounds of the range of of interest respectively. This sub-range is applied to the data range that would otherwise be used, either automatically calculated or explicitly supplied; zero corresponds to the lower bound and one to the upper.

The default value "0,1" therefore has no effect. The range could be restricted to its lower half with the value 0,0.5.

[Default: 0,1]

8.4.6 aux

Paints markers in a colour determined by the value of an additional data coordinate. The marker colours then represent an additional dimension of the plot. You can also adjust the transparency of the colours used. The way that data values are mapped to colours is usually controlled by options at the level of the plot itself, rather than by per-layer configuration.


   shadingN=aux auxN=<num-expr> auxnullcolorN=<rrggbb>|red|blue|...

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2plane layer1=mark in1=dr5qso.fits
                     shading1=aux aux1=z auxmap=plasma
                     x1=psfmag_g-psfmag_r y1=psfmag_u-psfmag_g size1=2
                     xmin=-0.5 xmax=2.5 ymin=-1 ymax=6

Associated parameters are as follows:

auxN = <num-expr>       (String)
Colour coordinate for Aux shading.

This parameter gives a column name, fixed value, or algebraic expression for the aux coordinate for layer N. The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

auxnullcolorN = <rrggbb>|red|blue|...       (Color)
The color of points with a null value of the Aux coordinate, given by name or as a hexadecimal RGB value.

The standard plotting colour names are red, blue, green, grey, magenta, cyan, orange, pink, yellow, black, light_grey, white. However, many other common colour names (too many to list here) are also understood. The list currently contains those colour names understood by most web browsers, from AliceBlue to YellowGreen, listed e.g. in the Extended color keywords section of the CSS3 standard.

Alternatively, a six-digit hexadecimal number RRGGBB may be supplied, optionally prefixed by "#" or "0x", giving red, green and blue intensities, e.g. "ff00ff", "#ff00ff" or "0xff00ff" for magenta.

If the value is null, then points with a null Aux value will not be plotted at all.

[Default: grey]

opaqueN = <number>       (Double)
The opacity of points plotted in the Aux colour. The value is the number of points which have to be overplotted before the background is fully obscured.

[Default: 1]

8.4.7 weighted

Paints markers like the Density mode, but with optional weighting by an additional coordinate. You can configure how the weighted coordinates are combined to give the final weighted result. The way that data values are mapped to colours is usually controlled by options at the level of the plot itself, rather than by per-layer configuration.


   shadingN=weighted weightN=<num-expr> colorN=<rrggbb>|red|blue|...

All the parameters listed here affect only the relevant layer, identified by the suffix N.


   stilts plot2plane layer1=mark in1=dr5qso.fits
                     shading1=weighted weight1=z auxmap=plasma
                     x1=psfmag_g-psfmag_r y1=psfmag_u-psfmag_g size1=2
                     xmin=-0.5 xmax=2.5 ymin=-1 ymax=6

Associated parameters are as follows:

colorN = <rrggbb>|red|blue|...       (Color)
The color of plotted data, given by name or as a hexadecimal RGB value.

The standard plotting colour names are red, blue, green, grey, magenta, cyan, orange, pink, yellow, black, light_grey, white. However, many other common colour names (too many to list here) are also understood. The list currently contains those colour names understood by most web browsers, from AliceBlue to YellowGreen, listed e.g. in the Extended color keywords section of the CSS3 standard.

Alternatively, a six-digit hexadecimal number RRGGBB may be supplied, optionally prefixed by "#" or "0x", giving red, green and blue intensities, e.g. "ff00ff", "#ff00ff" or "0xff00ff" for magenta.

[Default: red]

combineN = sum|count|mean|median|...       (Combiner)
Defines how values contributing to the same pixel are combined together to produce the value assigned to that pixel (and hence its colour).

When a weight is in use, mean or sum are typically sensible choices. If there is no weight (a pure density map) then count is usually better, but in that case it may make more sense (it is more efficient) to use one of the other shading modes instead.

The available options are:

[Default: mean]

weightN = <num-expr>       (String)
Weight coordinate for weighted density shading.

This parameter gives a column name, fixed value, or algebraic expression for the weight coordinate for layer N. The value is a numeric algebraic expression based on column names as described in Section 10.

8.5 Output Modes

The plots generated by the plotting commands can be used in various different ways. One thing you might want to do is to write the output to a file in a given graphics format (out); another is to preview it directly on the screen (swing). By default one or other of these will happen depending on whether you specify an output file. However there are other possibilities; these are listed in the following subsections.

Except for display to the screen, these modes should work happily on a headless machine (one with no graphics display, as may be the case for a web server). When running headless, you may find it necessary to set the java system property "java.awt.headless" to true - see Section 3.3.

The default output mode is auto, which means that output is to a file if an output file is specified, or to the screen if it is not. So in most cases you don't need to specify the omode parameter explicitly.

8.5.1 swing



Plot will be displayed in a window on the screen. This plot is "live"; it can be resized and (except for old-style plots) navigated around with mouse actions in the same way as plots in TOPCAT.

8.5.2 out


omode=out out=<out-file> ofmt=png|png-transp|gif|jpeg|pdf|svg|eps|eps-gzip

Plot will be written to a file given by out using the graphics format given by ofmt.

8.5.3 cgi


omode=cgi ofmt=png|png-transp|gif|jpeg|pdf|svg|eps|eps-gzip

Plot will be written in a way suitable for CGI use direct from a web server. The output is in the graphics format given by ofmt, preceded by a suitable "Content-type" declaration.

8.5.4 discard



Plot is drawn, but discarded. There is no output.

8.5.5 auto


omode=auto [out=<out-file>]

Behaves as swing or out mode depending on presence of out parameter

8.6 Export Formats

Several of the plot output modes write the plot in some graphics format or other. When selecting an output format it is important to understand the distinction between bitmapped and vector formats; basically bitmapped formats represent the image as a grid of finite-sized pixels while vector formats notionally draw smooth lines. Bitmapped formats are fine for a computer screen, but for high quality paper printouts you will want a vector format. You can convert from vector to bitmapped but not (usefully) in the other direction. There are a couple of subtleties to this distinction specific to STILTS graphical output as discussed below.

The following formats are the available values for the ofmt parameter of the various plot commands:

PNG format. This is a flexible bitmapped format providing transparency and an unlimited number of colours with good lossless compression. It is widely supported by non-ancient browsers and other image viewers, and is generally recommended for bitmapped output.
GIF format. This is a bitmapped format providing transparency and lossless compression. The number of colours is limited to 255 however, so if you are using auxiliary axes (colour variation to represent higher dimensionality) or other plot features which use a wide range of colours you may see image degradation. It has long been widely supported by browsers and other image viewers.
JPEG format. This is a bitmapped format with lossy compression intended primarily for photographs. Transparency is not supported, and although there is no limit on the maximum number of colours, its lossiness means that plots generated using it generally look a bit smudged.
Portable Document Format. This is the format which can be read by Adobe's Acrobat Reader. It is a widely portable vector format, and is suitable for printing at high resolution, either standalone or imported into some other presentation format. However, there are a couple of caveats when it comes to using it with STILTS plots.
  1. If used to plot a very large number of points, the output PDF file can get quite large, though it's much better than for eps output (see below).
  2. For certain colour shading options (auto, density, and in some circumstances transparency), the body of the plot will be drawn as a bitmap rather than vector graphics. This is sometimes a blessing in disguise since with very large numbers of points a vector PDF file could get unmanageably large in any case. In this case the interior of the plot will be pixellated. The axes and annotations outside of the plot will still be drawn in vector format however.
Scalable Vector Graphics. This is an XML-based vector graphics format developed for display in web pages, and defined by the W3C. This exporter can generate OutOfMemoryErrors if asked to generate a large output file.
Encapsulated Postscript. This is a vector format which is suitable for printing at high resolution either standalone or imported into some other presentation format (you may need to convert it via PDF depending on the intended destination). However, there are a couple of caveats when it comes to using it with STILTS plots.
  1. Unfortunately the postscript driver used by STILTS is not very efficient and can result in large, sometimes very large, postscript output files. This is likely to be a problem for plots with a large number of non-transparent points. For this reason eps-gzip or pdf may be a better choice.
  2. Postscript has no support for partial transparency, so if plots are drawn with partially transparent points (common for very large data sets) the only way they can be rendered is by drawing the body of the plot as a bitmap rather than as vector graphics. This is sometimes a blessing in disguise since with very large numbers of points a vector postscript file would likely be unmanageably large in any case. So if there is any transparency in the plot, the interior of the plot will be pixellated. The axes and annotations outside of the plot will still be drawn in vector format however.
Just like the eps format above except that the output is automatically compressed using the GZIP format as it is written. Postscript compresses well (typically a factor of 5-10).

8.7 Colour Maps

A number of colour maps are available, and used for instance with the shading modes density, aux and weighted. Not all colour maps are suitable/available in all contexts, and in some cases the maps are by default clipped at one end to avoid for instance white-on-white plotting, but the lists below give an overview of which named colourmaps can be used. Note that custom colourmaps can also be used by supplying a specification like "red-yellow-blue".

The absolute colour maps are listed below: these do not depend on the underlying colour of the plotted symbols, so are suitable when only one dataset is being plotted.

Absolute colour maps

Absolute colour maps

The non-absolute colour maps are listed below: these modify an underlying colour, so are suitable for applying to several different datasets with different underlying colours. The representation here shows how they affect several different colours; for each row of pixels the unmodified (value=0) colour is at the left of the image and the most modified (value=1) is at the right.

Non-absolute colour maps

Non-absolute colour maps

These colour maps have been derived from several sources, including SkyCat/GAIA, MatPlotLib 1.5, Gnuplot, Daniel Michalik, Paul Tol, CMasher, Color Brewer, HCL Wizard, Dave Green, xkcd, and maybe some others I forgot.

9 Old-Style Plotting

This section describes deprecated commands. For recommended plotting commands, see Section 8.

From version 2.0 (October 2008), STILTS incorporated three table plotting commands:

These provided command-line access to some, though not all, of the plotting capabilities offered by TOPCAT.

Since version 3.0 (October 2014), these commands are deprecated in favour of the more powerful ones described in Section 8. The rest of this section describes some aspects of the deprecated commands for the benefit of legacy code. The output modes and formats are the same in old- and new-style plots, and are discussed in Section 8.5 and Section 8.6. The handling of parameters and suffixes for these commands is not quite the same as for new-style plots, and is documented in the next subsection.

As a simple example, if a file "cat.fits" contains the columns RMAG and BMAG for red and blue magnitudes, you can draw a two-dimensional colour-magnitude scatter plot with the command:

   stilts plot2d in=cat.fits xdata=BMAG-RMAG ydata=BMAG
Since an output file is not specified, the plot is shown on the screen for convenience. To send the output to a PNG file, do instead:
   stilts plot2d in=cat.fits xdata=BMAG-RMAG ydata=BMAG out=plot.png ofmt=png
in some cases (including the above), the ofmt parameter is not required since STILTS may be able to guess the format from the output file name. Various other options for output and graphics formats are described in Section 8.5 and Section 8.6

Some of the parameters use suffixes to define data sets and therefore behave a bit differently from the parameters elsewhere in STILTS - a discussion of these is given in the following subsection. Some other plotting-specific topics are also discussed below.

9.1 Parameter Suffixes

This section describes deprecated commands. For recommended plotting commands, see Section 8.

Some of the parameters for the plotting tasks behave a little bit differently to other parameters in STILTS, in order to accommodate related sets of values. If you look at the usage of one of the plotting commands, for instance in Appendix B.16.1, you will see that a number of the parameters have the suffixes "N" or "NS". These suffixes can be substituted with any convenient string to identify parameters which relate to the same input datasets or subsets. Specifically:

Suffix "N":
Denotes an input dataset. At least the inN parameter must be given to identify the source of the data; any other parameters with the same value of the N suffix relate to that dataset. A dataset here refers to a particular set of plot data from a table; in most cases each input table corresponds to a different dataset, though two datasets may correspond to different sets of columns from the same table.
Suffix "NS":
Denotes a particular subset of the rows in dataset N. At least the subsetNS parameter must be given to identify the expression by which the subset is defined; any other parameters with the same value of the NS suffix relate to that subset.

Some examples will help to illustrate. The following will generate a Cartesian plot of catalogue position from a single dataset:

   stilts plot2d in=gals.fits xdata=RA ydata=DEC
In this case the N suffix is present on each of the parameters in, xdata and ydata, but is equal to the empty string, hence invisible. This is perfectly legal, and convenient when only a single table is in use. If we wish to overplot two datasets however, the dataset suffixes (or one of them at least) have to be made explicit so that different ones can be used, for instance:
   stilts plot2d in1=gals.fits  xdata1=RA      ydata1=DEC
                 in2=stars.fits xdata2=RAJ2000 ydata2=DEJ2000
The suffix values "1" and "2" are quite arbitrary and can be chosen as convenient, so the following would do exactly the same as the previous example:
   stilts plot2d in_GAL=gals.fits   xdata_GAL=RA       ydata_GAL=DEC
                 in_STAR=stars.fits xdata_STAR=RAJ2000 ydata_STAR=DEJ2000
The other parameters which have the N suffix apply only to the matching dataset, so for instance the following:
   stilts plot2d in1=gals.fits  xdata1=RA      ydata1=DEC     txtlabel1=NGC_ID
                 in2=stars.fits xdata2=RAJ2000 ydata2=DEJ2000
would draw text labels adjacent to the points from only the gals.fits file giving the contents of its NGC_ID column.

The NS suffix identifies distinct row subsets within the same or different datasets. A subset is defined by supplying a boolean inclusion expression (each row is included only if the expression evaluates true for that row) as the value of a subsetNS parameter. If, as in all the examples we have seen so far, no subsetNS parameter is supplied for a given dataset, then it is treated as a special case, as if a single subset with a name equal to the empty string (S="") containing all rows has been specified. So our earlier simple example:

   stilts plot2d in=gals.fits xdata=RA ydata=DEC
is equivalent to
   stilts plot2d in=gals.fits xdata=RA ydata=DEC subset=true
If we wish to split the plotted points into two sets based on their R-B colours, we can write something like:
   stilts plot2d in=gals.fits xdata=RA ydata=DEC
                 subsetX='RMAG-BMAG>0' subsetY='RMAG-BMAG<=0'
This will generate a plot with two subsets shown using different colours and/or plotting symbols. These colours and symbols are selected automatically. More control over the appearance can be exercised by setting values for some of the other parameters with NS suffixes, for instance
   stilts plot2d in=gals.fits xdata=RA ydata=DEC
                              subset_A='RMAG-BMAG>0'  colour_A=blue
                              subset_B='RMAG-BMAG<=0' colour_B=red
Again, the suffix strings can be chosen to have any value as convenient.

The dataset- and subset-specific parameters must be put together if there are multiple datasets with multiple subsets to plot simultaneously, for instance:

   stilts plot2d in_1=gals.fits  xdata_1=RA ydata_1=DEC
                                 subset_1_A='RMAG-BMAG>0'  colour_1_A=blue
                                 subset_1_B='RMAG-BMAG<=0' colour_1_B=red
                 in_2=stars.fits xdata_2=RAJ2000 ydata_2=DEJ2000

Finally, it's not quite true that the suffixes chosen have no effect on the plot; they may influence the order in which sets are plotted. Markers drawn for sets plotted earlier may be obscured by the markers drawn for sets plotted later, so this can affect the appearance of the plot. If you want to control this, use the sequence parameter. For instance, to ensure that star data appears on top of galaxy data in the plot, do the following:

   stilts plot2d in_GAL=gals.fits   xdata_GAL=RA       ydata_GAL=DEC
                 in_STAR=stars.fits xdata_STAR=RAJ2000 ydata_STAR=DEJ2000

More examples can be found in the Examples subsections of the individual plotting command descriptions in Appendix B.

10 Algebraic Expression Syntax

Many of the STILTS commands allow you to use algebraic expressions based on table columns when doing things like making row selections, defining new columns, selecting values to plot or match, and so on. In these cases you are defining an expression which has a value in each row as a function of the values in the existing columns in that row. This is a powerful feature which permits you to manipulate and select table data in very flexible ways. The syntax for entering these expressions is explained in this section.

What you write are actually expressions in the Java language, which are compiled into Java bytecode before evaluation. However, this does not mean that you need to be a Java programmer to write them. The syntax is pretty similar to C, but even if you've never programmed in C most simple things, and many complicated ones, are quite intutitive.

The following explanation gives some guidance and examples for writing these expressions. Unfortunately a complete tutorial on writing Java expressions is beyond the scope of this document, but it should provide enough information for even a novice to write useful expressions.

The expressions that you can write are basically any function of all the column values which apply to a given row; the function result can then be used where STILTS needs a per-row value, for instance to define a new column. If the built-in operators and functions are not sufficient, or it's unwieldy to express your function in one line of code, it is possible to add new functions by writing your own classes - see Section 10.9.3.

Note that since these algebraic expressions often contain spaces, you may need to enclose them in single or double quotes so that they don't get confused with other parts of the command string.

Note: if Java is running in an environment with certain security restrictions (a security manager which does not permit creation of custom class loaders) then algebraic expressions won't work at all. It's not particularly likely that security restrictions will be in place if you are running from the command line though.

10.1 Referencing Column Values

To create a useful expression which can be evaluated for each row in a table, you will have to refer to cells in different columns of that row. You can do this in several ways:

By Name
The Name of the column may be used if it is unique (no other column in the table has the same name) and if it has a suitable form. This means that it must have the form of a Java variable - basically starting with a letter and continuing with letters, numbers, underscores and currency symbols. In particular it cannot contain spaces, commas, parentheses etc.

As a special case, if an expression contains just a single column name, rather than some more complicated expression, then any column name may be used, even one containing non-alphanumeric characters.

Column names are treated case-insensitively.

By $ID
The "$ID" identifier of the column may always be used to refer to it; this is a useful fallback if the column name isn't suitable for some reason (for instance it contains spaces or is not unique). This is just a "$" sign followed by the column index - the first column is $1.
By ucd$ specifier
If the column has a Unified Content Descriptor (this will usually only be the case for VOTable or possibly FITS format tables) you can refer to it using an identifier of the form "ucd$<ucd-spec>". Depending on the version of UCD scheme used, UCDs can contain various punctuation marks such as underscores, semicolons and dots; for the purpose of this syntax these should all be represented as underscores ("_"). So to identify a column which has the UCD "phot.mag;em.opt.R", you should use the identifier "ucd$phot_mag_em_opt_r". Matching is not case-sensitive. Futhermore, a trailing underscore acts as a wildcard, so that the above column could also be referenced using the identifier "ucd$phot_mag_". If multiple columns have UCDs which match the given identifer, the first one will be used.

Note that the same syntax can be used for referencing table parameters (see the next section); columns take preference so if a column and a parameter both match the requested UCD, the column value will be used.

By utype$ specifier
If the column has a Utype (this will usually only be the case for VOTable or possibly FITS format tables) you can refer to it using an identifier of the form "utype$<utype-spec>". Utypes can contain various punctuation marks such as colons and dots; for the purpose of this syntax these should all be represented as underscores ("_"). So to identify a column which has the Utype "ssa:Access.Format", you should use the identifier "utype$ssa_Access_Format". Matching is not case-sensitive. If multiple columns have Utypes which match the given identifier, the first one will be used.

Note that the same syntax can be used for referencing table parameters (see the next section); columns take preference so if a column and a parameter both match the requested Utype, the column value will be used.

Using value*() functions
You can use the special functions valueDouble, valueInt, valueLong, valueString and valueObject to obtain the typed value of a column with a given name. The argument of the function is a string giving the exact (case-sensitive) column name, for instance valueDouble("b_E(BP-RP)") will yield the value of the column named "b_E(BP-RP)" as a double-precision floating point value. These functions are not the generally recommended way to get column values, since they are slower and provide less type-checking than the other options listed above, and can occasionally lead to some other esoteric problems. However, if you need to refer by name to strangely-named columns they are sometimes a convenient option.
With the Object$ prefix
If a column is referenced with the prefix "Object$" before its identifier (e.g. "Object$BMAG" for a column named BMAG) the result will be the column value as a java Object. Without that prefix, numeric columns are evaluated as java primitives. In most cases, you don't want to do this, since it means that you can't use the value in arithmetic expressions. However, if you need the value to be passed to a (possibly user-defined) method, and you need that method to be invoked even when the value is null, you have to do it like this. Null-valued primitives otherwise cause expression evaluation to abort.

The value of the variables so referenced will be a primitive (boolean, byte, short, char, int, long, float, double) if the column contains one of the corresponding types. Otherwise it will be an Object of the type held by the column, for instance a String. In practice this means: you can write the name of a column, and it will evaluate to the numeric (or string) value that that column contains in each row. You can then use this in normal algebraic expressions such as "B_MAG-U_MAG" as you'd expect.

10.2 Referencing Parameter Values

Some tables have constant values associated with them; these may represent such things as the epoch at which observations were taken, the name of the catalogue, an angular resolution associated with all observations, or any number of other things. Such constants are known as table parameters (not to be confused with parameters passed to STILTS commands) and can be thought of as extra columns which have the same value for every row. The values of such parameters can be referenced in STILTS algebraic expressions as follows:

If the parameter name has a suitable form (starting with a letter and continuing with letters or numbers) it can be referenced by prefixing that name with the string param$.
If the parameter has a Unified Content Descriptor it can be referenced by prefixing the UCD specifier with the string ucd$. Any punctuation marks in the UCD should be replaced by underscores, and a trailing underscore is interpreted as a wildcard. See Section 10.1 for more discussion.
If the parameter has a Utype, it can be referenced by prefixing the Utype specifier with the string utype$. Any punctuation marks in the Utype should be replaced by underscores. See Section 10.1 for more discussion.
Note that if a parameter has a name in an unsuitable form (e.g. containing spaces) and has no UCD then it cannot be referenced in an expression. One possible workaround for that is to use the fixcolnames filter.

10.3 Special Tokens

There are a few pseudo-variables which have special functions in the expression language. The following specials are column-like, in that they have a different value for each row:

$index or $0
The value of this is the current row number (the first row is 1). Note that this value is a long (8-byte integer); when using it in certain expressions you may find it necessary to convert it to an int (4-byte integer) using the toInteger() function. The deprecated alias "INDEX" may also be used.
$random (Deprecated)
Evaluates to a double-precision random number 0<=x<1. NOTE: this token is deprecated since it can behave unpredictably (the same cell does not always yield the same result). Use instead the random() function in class Maths.

The following specials are parameter-like, in that their value is not sensitive to the row:

The number of columns in the table.
The number of rows in the table. Note in some cases this is not known (e.g. if the table is being streamed), in which case the value of this variable is null. Note also that this value is a long (8-byte integer); when using it in certain expressions you may find it necessary to convert it to an int (4-byte integer) using the toInteger() function.

10.4 Null Values

When no special steps are taken, if a null value (blank cell) is encountered in evaluating an expression (usually because one of the columns it relies on has a null value in the row in question) then the result of the expression is also null.

It is possible to exercise more control than this, but it requires a little bit of care, because the expressions work in terms of primitive values (numeric or boolean ones) which don't in general have a defined null value. The name "null" in expressions gives you the java null reference, but this cannot be matched against a primitive value or used as the return value of a primitive expression.

For most purposes, the following two tips should enable you to work with null values:

Testing for null
To test whether a column contains a null value, prepend the string "NULL_" (use upper case) to the column name or $ID. This will yield a boolean value which is true if the column contains a blank or a floating point NaN (not-a-number) value, and false otherwise. Note that if combined with other boolean expressions, this null test should come first, i.e. write "NULL_i || i==999" rather than "i==999 || NULL_i", though this is only essential for integer or boolean variables.
Returning null
To return a null value from a numeric expression, use the name "NULL" (upper case). To return a null value from a non-numeric expression (e.g. a String column) use the name "null" (lower case).

Null values are often used in conjunction with the conditional operator, "? :"; the expression

   test ? tval : fval
returns the value tval if the boolean expression test evaluates true, or fval if test evaluates false. So for instance the following expression:
   Vmag == -99 ? NULL : Vmag
can be used to define a new column which has the same value as the Vmag column for most values, but if Vmag has the "magic" value -99 the new column will contain a blank. The opposite trick (substituting a blank value with a magic one) can be done like this:
   NULL_Vmag ? -99 : Vmag
Some more examples are given in Section 10.8.

Note that for floating point data, STILTS treats null and NaN (Not-a-Number) values somewhat interchangeably. Blank values arising either from an input file format that can represent missing values, or from processing that fails to provide a definite value, are in most cases represented internally as null for integer-type values and NaN for floating point values. However in general users should not rely on distinguishing between null and NaN.

10.5 Operators

The operators are pretty much the same as in the C language. The common ones are:

+ (add)
- (subtract)
* (multiply)
/ (divide)
% (modulus)
! (not)
&& (and)
|| (or)
^ (exclusive-or)
== (numeric identity)
!= (numeric non-identity)
< (less than)
> (greater than)
<= (less than or equal)
>= (greater than or equal)
& (and)
| (or)
^ (exclusive-or)
<< (left shift)
>> (right shift)
>>> (logical right shift)
Numeric Typecasts
(byte) (numeric -> signed byte)
(short) (numeric -> 2-byte integer)
(int) (numeric -> 4-byte integer)
(long) (numeric -> 8-byte integer)
(float) (numeric -> 4-type floating point)
(double) (numeric -> 8-byte floating point)
Note you may find the Maths conversion functions more convenient for numeric conversions than these.
+ (string concatenation)
[] (array dereferencing - first element is zero)
?: (conditional switch)
instanceof (class membership)

10.6 Strings and Quoting

Sometimes in an algebraic expression you will want to use a literal string value, for instance if you want to test a string-valued column for equality with some fixed string. Literal strings must always be delimited by double quote characters ("). This can be problematic, since (single or double) quote characters are interpreted within STILTS parameter values as grouping text that may contain spaces into a single token. And, depending how you are invoking STILTS, the shell may do a similar thing: interpret (single or double) quote characters on the command line as grouping text that may contain spaces or shell magic characters into a single string (such as a parameter value assignment) to pass to STILTS. To complicate matters further, literals of the char type (single characters) in the expression language are delimited using single-quote characters ('), though it's not very often necessary to deal with char values in STILTS. And in a few cases specific parameters might have their own requirements for quotes (like the adql parameter of tapquery; in ADQL string literals need single quotes and double quotes delimit identifiers).

To summarise the common uses of quotes that you might have to make:

The last one only applies if you are running STILTS via a Unix-like shell; similar considerations will apply from different OSs like MS Windows, but if you are running JyStilts or using the expression language directly e.g. from a GUI application like TOPCAT, this one doesn't apply.

Unfortunately, all this can lead to a kind of quoting hell when trying to write STILTS commands, especially if they have to contain String literals, for which the author apologises :-(. Working round these requirements can be quite messy, but here are some tips:

Armed with this information it is usually possible to phrase a STILTS command on the command line that does what you want. In cases where that seems to be untrue or too painful, there are a couple of ways to avoid use of the shell, removing one layer of quote (mis)interpretation:

The comments above concerning the Unix shell are in principle dependent on which shell is in use, but they should apply to sh, bash and csh on any common Unix-like OS including MacOS. Something similar probably applies to other OSes like MS Windows, but the details may be different.

10.7 Functions

Many functions are available for use within your expressions, covering standard mathematical and trigonometric functions, arithmetic utility functions, type conversions, and some more specialised astronomical ones. You can use them in just the way you'd expect, by using the function name (unlike column names, this is case-sensitive) followed by comma-separated arguments in brackets, so

will give you the larger of the values in the columns IMAG and JMAG, and so on.

The functions available for use by default are listed by class in the following subsections with their arguments and short descriptions. The funcs command provides another way to browse these function descriptions online.

10.7.1 Arithmetic

Standard arithmetic functions including things like rounding, sign manipulation, and maximum/minimum functions. Phase folding operations, and a convenient form of the modulus operation on which they are based, are also provided.

roundUp( x )
Rounds a value up to an integer value. Formally, returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity) integer value that is not less than the argument.

roundDown( x )
Rounds a value down to an integer value. Formally, returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) integer value that is not greater than the argument.

round( x )
Rounds a value to the nearest integer. Formally, returns the integer that is closest in value to the argument. If two integers are equally close, the result is the even one.

roundDecimal( x, dp )
Rounds a value to a given number of decimal places. The result is a float (32-bit floating point value), so this is only suitable for relatively low-precision values. It's intended for truncating the number of apparent significant figures represented by a value which you know has been obtained by combining other values of limited precision. For more control, see the functions in the Formats class.

abs( x )
Returns the absolute value of an integer value. If the argument is not negative, the argument is returned. If the argument is negative, the negation of the argument is returned.

abs( x )
Returns the absolute value of a floating point value. If the argument is not negative, the argument is returned. If the argument is negative, the negation of the argument is returned.

max( a, b )
Returns the greater of two integer values. If the arguments have the same value, the result is that same value.

Multiple-argument maximum functions are also provided in the Arrays and Lists packages.

maxNaN( a, b )
Returns the greater of two floating point values. If the arguments have the same value, the result is that same value. If either value is blank, then the result is blank.

maxReal( a, b )
Returns the greater of two floating point values, ignoring blanks. If the arguments have the same value, the result is that same value. If one argument is blank, the result is the other one. If both arguments are blank, the result is blank.

Multiple-argument maximum functions are also provided in the Arrays and Lists packages.

min( a, b )
Returns the smaller of two integer values. If the arguments have the same value, the result is that same value.

Multiple-argument minimum functions are also provided in the Arrays and Lists packages.

minNaN( a, b )
Returns the smaller of two floating point values. If the arguments have the same value, the result is that same value. If either value is blank, then the result is blank.

minReal( a, b )
Returns the smaller of two floating point values, ignoring blanks. If the arguments have the same value, the result is that same value. If one argument is blank, the result is the other one. If both arguments are blank, the result is blank.

Multiple-argument minimum functions are also provided in the Arrays and Lists packages.

mod( a, b )
Returns the non-negative remainder of a/b. This is a modulo operation, but differs from the expression a%b in that the answer is always >=0 (as long as b is not zero).

phase( t, period )
Returns the phase of a value within a period.

For positive period, the returned value is in the range [0,1).

phase( t, period, t0 )
Returns the phase of an offset value within a period. The reference value t0 corresponds to phase zero.

For positive period, the returned value is in the range [0,1).

phase( t, period, t0, phase0 )
Returns the offset phase of an offset value within a period. The reference value t0 corresponds to integer phase value, and the phase offset phase0 determines the starting value for the phase range.

For positive period, the returned value is in the range [phase0,phase0+1).

10.7.2 Arrays

Functions which operate on array-valued cells. The array parameters of these functions can only be used on values which are already arrays (usually, numeric arrays). In most cases that means on values in table columns which are declared as array-valued. FITS and VOTable tables can have columns which contain array values, but other formats such as CSV cannot.

If you want to calculate aggregating functions like sum, min, max etc on multiple values which are not part of an array, it's easier to use the functions from the Lists class.

Note that none of these functions will calculate statistical functions over a whole column of a table.

The functions fall into a number of categories:

sum( array )
Returns the sum of all the non-blank elements in the array. If array is not a numeric array, null is returned.

mean( array )
Returns the mean of all the non-blank elements in the array. If array is not a numeric array, null is returned.

variance( array )
Returns the population variance of all the non-blank elements in the array. If array is not a numeric array, null is returned.

stdev( array )
Returns the population standard deviation of all the non-blank elements in the array. If array is not a numeric array, null is returned.

minimum( array )
Returns the smallest of the non-blank elements in the array. If array is not a numeric array, null is returned.

maximum( array )
Returns the largest of the non-blank elements in the array. If array is not a numeric array, null is returned.

median( array )
Returns the median of the non-blank elements in the array. If array is not a numeric array, null is returned.

quantile( array, quant )
Returns a quantile value of the non-blank elements in the array. Which quantile is determined by the quant value; values of 0, 0.5 and 1 give the minimum, median and maximum respectively. A value of 0.99 would give the 99th percentile.

size( array )
Returns the number of elements in the array. If array is not an array, zero is returned.

count( array )
Returns the number of non-blank elements in the array. If array is not an array, zero is returned.

countTrue( array )
Returns the number of true elements in an array of boolean values.

join( array, joiner )
Returns a string composed of concatenating all the elements of an array, separated by a joiner string. If array is not an array, null is returned.

dotProduct( array1, array2 )
Returns the dot (scalar) product of two numeric arrays. If either argument is not an array, or if the arrays are not of the same length, a blank value is returned.

add( arrayOrScalar1, arrayOrScalar2 )
Returns the element-by-element result of adding either two numeric arrays of the same length, or an array and a scalar considered as if an array of the right length.

If the arguments are not as expected (e.g. arrays of different lengths, both scalars, not numeric) then null is returned.

subtract( arrayOrScalar1, arrayOrScalar2 )
Returns the element-by-element result of subtracting either two numeric arrays of the same length, or an array and a scalar considered as if an array of the right length.

If the arguments are not as expected (e.g. arrays of different lengths, both scalars, not numeric) then null is returned.

multiply( arrayOrScalar1, arrayOrScalar2 )
Returns the element-by-element result of multiplying either two numeric arrays of the same length, or an array and a scalar considered as if an array of the right length.

If the arguments are not as expected (e.g. arrays of different lengths, both scalars, not numeric) then null is returned.

divide( arrayOrScalar1, arrayOrScalar2 )
Returns the element-by-element result of dividing either two numeric arrays of the same length, or an array and a scalar considered as if an array of the right length.

If the arguments are not as expected (e.g. arrays of different lengths, both scalars, not numeric) then null is returned.

reciprocal( array )
Returns the result of taking the reciprocal of every element of a numeric array. If the supplied array argument is not a numeric array, null is returned.

condition( flagArray, trueValue, falseValue )
Maps a boolean array to a numeric array by using supplied numeric values to represent true and false values from the input array.

This has the same effect as applying the expression outArray[i] = flagArray[i] ? trueValue : falseValue.

constant( n, value )
Returns a fixed-size array filled with a given constant value.

Note: This documents the double-precision version of the routine. Corresponding routines exist for other data types (float, long, int, short, byte).

slice( array, i0, i1 )
Returns a sub-sequence of values from a given array.

The semantics are like python array slicing, though both limits have to be specified: the output array contains the sequence of elements in the input array from i0 (inclusive) to i1 (exclusive). If a negative value is given in either case, it is added to the length of the input array, so that -1 indicates the last element of the input array. The indices are capped at 0 and the input array length respectively, so a large positive value may be used to indicate the end of the array. If the end index is less than or equal to the start index, a zero-length array is returned.

Note: This documents the double-precision version of the routine. Corresponding routines exist for other data types (float, long, int, short, byte, String, Object).

pick( array, indices, ... )
Returns a selection of elements from a given array.

The output array consists of one element selected from the input array for each of the supplied index values. If a negative value is supplied for an index value, it is added to the input array length, so that -1 indicates the last element of the input array. If the input array is null, null is returned. If any of the index values is out of the range of the extent of the input array, an error results.

Note: This documents the double-precision version of the routine. Corresponding routines exist for other data types (float, long, int, short, byte, String, Object).

arrayFunc( expr, inArray )
Returns a floating-point array resulting from applying a given function expression element-by-element to an input array. The output array is the same length as the input array.

The supplied expression can use the variable "x" to refer to the corresponding element of the input array, and "i" to refer to its (zero-based) index. The various functions and operators from the expression language can all be used, but it is currently not possible to reference other table column values.

If there is an error in the expression, a blank value (not an array) will be returned.

intArrayFunc( expr, inArray )
Returns an integer array resulting from applying a given function expression element-by-element to an input array. The output array is the same length as the input array.

The supplied expression can use the variable "x" to refer to the corresponding element of the input array, and "i" to refer to its (zero-based) index. The various functions and operators from the expression language can all be used, but it is currently not possible to reference other table column values.

If there is an error in the expression, a blank value (not an array) will be returned.

indexOf( array, item )
Returns the position in a supplied array at which a given item appears. The result is zero-based, so if the supplied item is the first entry in the array, the return value will be zero.

If the item does not appear in the array, -1 is returned. If it appears multiple times, the index of its first appearance is returned.

If indexOf(array, item)==n, then array[n] is equal to item.

Note: This documents the Object version of the routine. Corresponding routines exist for other data types (double, float, long, int, short).

sequence( n )
Returns an integer array of a given length with the values 0, 1, 2, ....

See also the loop functions, which provide similar functionality.

sequence( n, start, step )
Returns a floating point array of a given length with values starting at a given value and increasing with a given increment.

See also the loop functions, which provide similar functionality.

loop( start, end )
Returns an integer array like the values taken in a for-loop with given start and end elements and a step of 1. The notional loop corresponds to:
    for (int x = start; x < end; x++)

If you want a floating point array, or one with a non-unit step, you can use the three-parameter version of the loop function. See also the sequence functions.

loop( start, end, step )
Returns a floating point array like the values taken in a for-loop with given start, end, and step arguments. For a positive step, the notional loop corresponds to:
    for (double x = start; x < end; x += step)

Note that numerical precision issues may result in the output array differing from its expected length by 1 (it is generally risky to rely on exact comparison of floating point values). If you want to be sure of the number of elements you can use the sequence function instead.

array( values, ... )
Returns a floating point numeric array built from the given arguments.

intArray( values, ... )
Returns an integer numeric array built from the given arguments.

stringArray( values, ... )
Returns a String array built from the given arguments.

10.7.3 Bits

Bit manipulation functions.

Note that for bitwise AND, OR, XOR of integer values etc you can use the java bitwise operators "&", "|", "^".

hasBit( value, bitIndex )
Determines whether a given integer has a certain bit set to 1.

bitCount( i )
Returns the number of set bits in the 64-bit two's complement representation of the integer argument.

toBinary( value )
Converts the integer argument to a binary string consisting only of 1s and 0s.

fromBinary( binVal )
Converts a string representing a binary number to its integer value.

10.7.4 Conversions

Functions for converting between strings and numeric values.

toString( fpVal )
Turns a numeric value into a string.

toString( intVal )
Turns an integer numeric value into a string.

toString( charVal )
Turns a single character value into a string.

toString( byteVal )
Turns a byte value into a string.

toString( booleanVal )
Turns a boolean value into a string.

toString( objVal )
Turns any object value into a string. As applied to existing string values this isn't really useful, but it means that you can apply toString to any object value without knowing its type and get a useful return from it.

parseByte( str )
Attempts to interpret a string as a byte (8-bit signed integer) value. If the input string can't be interpreted in this way, a blank value will result.

parseShort( str )
Attempts to interpret a string as a short (16-bit signed integer) value. If the input string can't be interpreted in this way, a blank value will result.

parseInt( str )
Attempts to interpret a string as an int (32-bit signed integer) value. If the input string can't be interpreted in this way, a blank value will result.

parseLong( str )
Attempts to interpret a string as a long (64-bit signed integer) value. If the input string can't be interpreted in this way, a blank value will result.

parseFloat( str )
Attempts to interpret a string as a float (32-bit floating point) value. If the input string can't be interpreted in this way, a blank value will result.

parseDouble( str )
Attempts to interpret a string as a double (64-bit signed integer) value. If the input string can't be interpreted in this way, a blank value will result.

parseBigInteger( str )
Attempts to interpret a string as a "BigInteger" value. This can be used for working with string representations of integers that can't be stored as an unsigned 64-bit value.

The result is a BigInteger object, which can't be used in normal numeric expressions, but has a number of methods defined on it for comparison, arithmetic, bit manipulation etc. See the java.math.BigInteger javadocs for details.

parseBigDecimal( str )
Attempts to interpret a string as a "BigDecimal" value. This can be used for working with string representations of non-integer values that require more precision or range than is possible in a 64-bit IEEE-754 double precision variable.

The result is a BigDecimal object, which can't be used in normal numeric expressions, but has a number of methods defined on it for comparison, arithmetic, bit manipulation etc. See the java.math.BigDecimal javadocs for details.

parseInts( str )
Attempts to interpret a string as an array of integer values. An ad-hoc algorithm is used that tries to extract a list of integers from a string; a comma- or space-separated list of integer values will work, and other formats may or may not.

The details of this function's behaviour may change in future releases.

parseDoubles( str )
Attempts to interpret a string as an array of floating point values. An ad-hoc algorithm is used that tries to extract a list of numeric values from a string; a comma- or space-separated list of floating point values will work, and other formats may or may not.

This function can be used as a hacky way to extract the numeric values from an STC-S (for instance ObsCore/EPNcore s_region) string.

The details of this function's behaviour may change in future releases.

toByte( value )
Attempts to convert the numeric argument to a byte (8-bit signed integer) result. If it is out of range, a blank value will result.

toShort( value )
Attempts to convert the numeric argument to a short (16-bit signed integer) result. If it is out of range, a blank value will result.

toInteger( value )
Attempts to convert the numeric argument to an int (32-bit signed integer) result. If it is out of range, a blank value will result.

toLong( value )
Attempts to convert the numeric argument to a long (64-bit signed integer) result. If it is out of range, a blank value will result.

toFloat( value )
Attempts to convert the numeric argument to a float (32-bit floating point) result. If it is out of range, a blank value will result.

toDouble( value )
Converts the numeric argument to a double (64-bit signed integer) result.

toHex( value )
Converts the integer argument to hexadecimal form.

fromHex( hexVal )
Converts a string representing a hexadecimal number to its integer value.

10.7.5 CoordsDegrees

Functions for angle transformations and manipulations, with angles generally in degrees. In particular, methods for translating between degrees and HH:MM:SS.S or DDD:MM:SS.S type sexagesimal representations are provided.

degreesToDms( deg )
Converts an angle in degrees to a formatted degrees:minutes:seconds string. No fractional part of the seconds field is given.

degreesToDms( deg, secFig )
Converts an angle in degrees to a formatted degrees:minutes:seconds string with a given number of decimal places in the seconds field.

degreesToHms( deg )
Converts an angle in degrees to a formatted hours:minutes:seconds string. No fractional part of the seconds field is given.

degreesToHms( deg, secFig )
Converts an angle in degrees to a formatted hours:minutes:seconds string with a given number of decimal places in the seconds field.

dmsToDegrees( dms )
Converts a formatted degrees:minutes:seconds string to an angle in degrees. Delimiters may be colon, space, characters dm[s], or some others. Additional spaces and leading +/- are permitted. The :seconds part is optional.

hmsToDegrees( hms )
Converts a formatted hours:minutes:seconds string to an angle in degrees. Delimiters may be colon, space, characters hm[s], or some others. Additional spaces and leading +/- are permitted. The :seconds part is optional.

dmsToDegrees( deg, min, sec )
Converts degrees, minutes, seconds to an angle in degrees.

In conversions of this type, one has to be careful to get the sign right in converting angles which are between 0 and -1 degrees. This routine uses the sign bit of the deg argument, taking care to distinguish between +0 and -0 (their internal representations are different for floating point values). It is illegal for the min or sec arguments to be negative.

hmsToDegrees( hour, min, sec )
Converts hours, minutes, seconds to an angle in degrees.

In conversions of this type, one has to be careful to get the sign right in converting angles which are between 0 and -1 hours. This routine uses the sign bit of the hour argument, taking care to distinguish between +0 and -0 (their internal representations are different for floating point values).

skyDistanceDegrees( ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2 )
Calculates the separation (distance around a great circle) of two points on the sky in degrees.

posAngDegrees( ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2 )
Calculates the position angle between two points on the sky in degrees. The result is in the range +/-180. If point 2 is due east of point 1, the result is +90. Zero is returned if the points are coincident.

polarDistanceDegrees( ra1, dec1, radius1, ra2, dec2, radius2 )
Calculates the distance in three dimensional space between two points specified in spherical polar coordinates.

10.7.6 CoordsRadians

Functions for angle transformations and manipulations, based on radians rather than degrees. In particular, methods for translating between radians and HH:MM:SS.S or DDD:MM:SS.S type sexagesimal representations are provided.

radiansToDms( rad )
Converts an angle in radians to a formatted degrees:minutes:seconds string. No fractional part of the seconds field is given.

radiansToDms( rad, secFig )
Converts an angle in radians to a formatted degrees:minutes:seconds string with a given number of decimal places in the seconds field.

radiansToHms( rad )
Converts an angle in radians to a formatted hours:minutes:seconds string. No fractional part of the seconds field is given.

radiansToHms( rad, secFig )
Converts an angle in radians to a formatted hours:minutes:seconds string with a given number of decimal places in the seconds field.

dmsToRadians( dms )
Converts a formatted degrees:minutes:seconds string to an angle in radians. Delimiters may be colon, space, characters dm[s], or some others. Additional spaces and leading +/- are permitted. The :seconds part is optional.

hmsToRadians( hms )
Converts a formatted hours:minutes:seconds string to an angle in radians. Delimiters may be colon, space, characters hm[s], or some others. Additional spaces and leading +/- are permitted. The :seconds part is optional.

dmsToRadians( deg, min, sec )
Converts degrees, minutes, seconds to an angle in radians.

In conversions of this type, one has to be careful to get the sign right in converting angles which are between 0 and -1 degrees. This routine uses the sign bit of the deg argument, taking care to distinguish between +0 and -0 (their internal representations are different for floating point values). It is illegal for the min or sec arguments to be negative.

hmsToRadians( hour, min, sec )
Converts hours, minutes, seconds to an angle in radians.

In conversions of this type, one has to be careful to get the sign right in converting angles which are between 0 and -1 hours. This routine uses the sign bit of the hour argument, taking care to distinguish between +0 and -0 (their internal representations are different for floating point values).

skyDistanceRadians( ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2 )
Calculates the separation (distance around a great circle) of two points on the sky in radians.

posAngRadians( ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2 )
Calculates the position angle between two points on the sky in radians. The result is in the range +/-pi. If point 2 is due east of point 1, the result is +pi/2. Zero is returned if the points are coincident.

polarDistanceRadians( ra1, dec1, radius1, ra2, dec2, radius2 )
Calculates the distance in three dimensional space between two points specified in spherical polar coordinates.

hoursToRadians( hours )
Converts hours to radians.

degreesToRadians( deg )
Converts degrees to radians.

radiansToDegrees( rad )
Converts radians to degrees.

raFK4toFK5radians( raFK4, decFK4 )
Converts a B1950.0 FK4 position to J2000.0 FK5 at an epoch of B1950.0 yielding Right Ascension. This assumes zero proper motion in the FK5 frame.

decFK4toFK5radians( raFK4, decFK4 )
Converts a B1950.0 FK4 position to J2000.0 FK5 at an epoch of B1950.0 yielding Declination This assumes zero proper motion in the FK5 frame.

raFK5toFK4radians( raFK5, decFK5 )
Converts a J2000.0 FK5 position to B1950.0 FK4 at an epoch of B1950.0 yielding Declination. This assumes zero proper motion, parallax and radial velocity in the FK5 frame.

decFK5toFK4radians( raFK5, decFK5 )
Converts a J2000.0 FK5 position to B1950.0 FK4 at an epoch of B1950.0 yielding Declination. This assumes zero proper motion, parallax and radial velocity in the F