See: Description
Interface | Description |
SceneMetric |
A metric interface for comparing the similarity of
two different interpretations of a scene.
Transducer |
An interface for cut/copy operations that perform recognition on
the cut/copied strokes and returns a different DataFlavor than
Class | Description |
ApproximateStrokeFilter |
An object which filters a pen stroke using "approximation by line
segments" technique, (Hanaki, Temma, Yoshida, "An On-line Character
Recognition Aimed at a Substitution for a Billing Machine
Keyboard", Pattern Recognition, Vol.8, pp63-71, 1976).
AveragingStrokeFilter |
Smooth a stroke by averaging a point with its neighboring points.
BulletedData |
Native class that defines a collection of TextLine's.
BulletedItem |
Native class that defines a collection of TextLine's.
BulletedItems |
Native class that defines a collection of TextLine's.
BulletedLine |
Native class that defines a collection of TextLine's.
BulletedList |
Native class that defines a collection of TextLine's.
CachingStrokeRecognizer |
A proxy recognizer implementation that caches the result
of the target recognizer.
CompositeTransducer |
A composite class that can be used to multiplex between different
DashedPathData |
A typed data that holds a recognized dashed path
which consists of a Polyline2D path, an average
dash length, and an average gap length.
DashedPathRecognizer |
This recognizer recognizes dashed paths from sessions of
individual strokes.
DehookingStrokeFilter |
Eliminate the serifs at the ends of a stroke.
HMMTrainer |
Read a training file and train an HMM for
scribble recognitoin.
ImageTransducer |
Draw the ink into a bitmap image for cut-and-paste.
InterpolateStrokeFilter |
For every 2 consecutive points in a stroke, fill in with evenly
spaced points until the distance in between any 2 consecutive
points no longer exceeds the threshold distance.
LineRecognizer |
This recognizer recognizes lines from strokes.
LLRSceneMetric |
A scene metric that calculates the accuracy based on the
accuracy of the terminal assignments, where a terminal
is the direct parent of the stroke in the highest confidence
scene interpretation.
LLRSceneRecognizer |
A scene recognizer that groups the highest-confidence LLR results
into a single tree with 100% confidence.
ModedIncrRecognizer |
An abstract class for "moded" incremental recognizers that examines
the first part of a gesture to see if it matches its starting
signal and thereafter responds to events in a moded interaction.
NormalizeLengthStrokeFilter |
Interpolate a timed stroke so that it contains
a specified number of points.
NormalizeTimeStrokeFilter |
Interpolate a timed stroke so that its points are
spaced evenly over time.
PanRecognizer |
A recognizer that recognizes "pan" gestures ("P") and
then pans left if the events are "left", etc.
PanRecognizer.PanData |
A classification type for paning.
PanZoomController |
A controller that combines conventional click- and drag-selection
on a pane with gesture-based panning and zooming.
PanZoomInterpreter | |
RemoveDupPtsStrokeFilter |
Remove all duplicate adjacent points from a
timed stroke.
RetypingRecognizer |
SceneTranslator |
A utility program for translating old scene database
files into new scene database files.
SceneTranslator.OldSceneParser |
OldSceneParser parses an XML file representing a single
interpretation of a scene into a Scene data structure.
SceneTranslator.OldSceneWriter |
SceneWriter writes a single interpretation of a scene to an output
ScribbleRecognizer |
A recognizer that recognizes scribble shapes: /\/\/\/\
SketchTransducer |
Write a sketch model into an XML string.
StrokeFilter |
An object which filters a pen stroke in order to reduce the
complexity in the raw data points.
TableTransducer |
Recognize the ink as a table and make the recognition
available as HTML.
TextAnnotations |
An abstract typed data that holds a recognized text string and
annotations about the geometry of the text including the character
height and width.
TextBlock |
Native class that defines a collection of TextLine's.
TextData |
A typed data that holds a recognized text string.
TextLine |
Native class that defines a line of text.
TrainingToMatlab |
A utility class for converting training files to
text files that can be read into Matlab matrices
ZoomRecognizer |
A recognizer that recognizes "zoom" gestures ("Z") and
then zooms in if the the events are "down" and out if the
events are "up".
ZoomRecognizer.ZoomData |
A classification type for zooming.
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