- ABORT - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.cone.ConeErrorPolicy
An error during a cone search results in a failure of the task.
- AbortException - Exception in uk.ac.starlink.task
Exception generated when the user signals an intention to abort a task.
- AbortException() - Constructor for exception uk.ac.starlink.task.AbortException
- AbortException(String) - Constructor for exception uk.ac.starlink.task.AbortException
- AbortException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception uk.ac.starlink.task.AbortException
- AbortException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception uk.ac.starlink.task.AbortException
- AbortTupleSequence - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data
Wrapping TupleSequence that tries to give up when a condition
becomes true.
- AbortTupleSequence(TupleSequence, BooleanSupplier) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data.AbortTupleSequence
Constructor with checking period of 1 (every element).
- AbortTupleSequence(TupleSequence, BooleanSupplier, int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data.AbortTupleSequence
Constructor with specified checking period.
- abs(int) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.Arithmetic
Returns the absolute value of an integer value.
- abs(double) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.Arithmetic
Returns the absolute value of a floating point value.
- AbstractAdqlExample - Class in uk.ac.starlink.vo
Represents a type of example ADQL query.
- AbstractAdqlExample(String, String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.vo.AbstractAdqlExample
- AbstractAdqlExample.Breaker - Class in uk.ac.starlink.vo
Interface for configurable line breaking.
- AbstractAdqlExample.TableWithCols - Class in uk.ac.starlink.vo
Encapsulates metadata for a table and a selection of colum names from it.
- AbstractApplication - Class in diva.gui
An abstract implementation of the Application interface.
- AbstractApplication(AppContext) - Constructor for class diva.gui.AbstractApplication
Create an abstract application that resides
in the given context (e.g.
- AbstractArrayDataIO - Class in uk.ac.starlink.oldfits
Abstract implementation of an implementation of a
-compatible FITS I/O handler.
- AbstractArrayDataIO() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.oldfits.AbstractArrayDataIO
- AbstractCartesianMatchEngine - Class in uk.ac.starlink.table.join
Abstract superclass for match engines working in a Cartesian space.
- AbstractCartesianMatchEngine(int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.table.join.AbstractCartesianMatchEngine
- AbstractChoiceParameter<T,C> - Class in uk.ac.starlink.task
Abstract superclass for parameters that permit choices from a given
list of typed options.
- AbstractChoiceParameter(String, Class<T>, Class<C>, C[]) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.task.AbstractChoiceParameter
- AbstractClassifier - Class in diva.sketch.classification
Given a training set containing multiple classes, for each class,
an AbstractClassifier would compute the mu and sigma of each
feature of that class.
- AbstractClassifier() - Constructor for class diva.sketch.classification.AbstractClassifier
Construct an abstract classifier and instantiate its weight
array for features.
- AbstractConnector - Class in diva.canvas.connector
An abstract implementation of Connector.
- AbstractConnector(Site, Site) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnector
Create a new connector between the given sites.
- AbstractConnectorTarget - Class in diva.canvas.connector
An abstract implementation of the ConnectorTarget interface.
- AbstractConnectorTarget() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnectorTarget
- AbstractDataSpec - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data
Abstract superclass for DataSpec implementations.
- AbstractDataSpec() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data.AbstractDataSpec
- AbstractDocument - Class in diva.gui
An abstract implementation of the Document interface.
- AbstractDocument(Application) - Constructor for class diva.gui.AbstractDocument
Construct a document that is owned by the given application
- AbstractFigure - Class in diva.canvas
AbstractFigure is an abstract superclass implementing
the Figure interface.
- AbstractFigure() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.AbstractFigure
- AbstractFigureContainer - Class in diva.canvas
AbstractFigureContainer is an abstract class that roots the tree
of figure-containing classes.
- AbstractFigureContainer() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.AbstractFigureContainer
- AbstractFitsTableWriter - Class in uk.ac.starlink.fits
Abstract table writer superclass designed for writing FITS tables.
- AbstractFitsTableWriter(String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.fits.AbstractFitsTableWriter
- AbstractGlobalLayout - Class in diva.graph.layout
An abstract implementation of the GlobalLayout interface.
- AbstractGlobalLayout(LayoutTarget) - Constructor for class diva.graph.layout.AbstractGlobalLayout
Create a new global layout that uses the given layout target.
- AbstractGraphController - Class in diva.graph
An abstract implementation of the GraphController interface.
- AbstractGraphController() - Constructor for class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Construct a graph controller without a parent
- AbstractGraphModel - Class in diva.graph
An abstract implementation of the GraphModel interface that provides
the basic event notification system
- AbstractGraphModel() - Constructor for class diva.graph.AbstractGraphModel
- AbstractHdxFacade - Class in uk.ac.starlink.hdx
Skeletal implementation of the
- AbstractHdxFacade() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.hdx.AbstractHdxFacade
- AbstractInputTableParameter<T> - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task
Parameter used to select a table for input.
- AbstractInputTableParameter(String, Class<T>) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task.AbstractInputTableParameter
- AbstractInteractor - Class in diva.canvas.interactor
An abstract class that implements Interactor.
- AbstractInteractor() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.AbstractInteractor
- AbstractInterpolator - Class in uk.ac.starlink.diva.interp
- AbstractInterpolator() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.diva.interp.AbstractInterpolator
Create an instance with no coordinates.
- AbstractInterpolator(double[], double[]) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.diva.interp.AbstractInterpolator
Create an instance with the given coordinates.
- AbstractItemAccumulator - Class in uk.ac.starlink.feather
Partial ItemAccumulator implementation that handles
generic aspects including writing the optional validity mask.
- AbstractItemAccumulator(StoragePolicy, boolean) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.feather.AbstractItemAccumulator
- AbstractKernelDensityPlotter - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
Abstract superclass for a plotter that plots something that looks like
a kernel density estimate.
- AbstractKernelDensityPlotter(FloatingCoord, boolean, PerUnitConfigKey<Unit>, String, Icon) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.AbstractKernelDensityPlotter
- AbstractKernelDensityPlotter.KDenseStyle - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
Style subclass for kernel density plots.
- AbstractKernelDensityPlotter.KernelFigure - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
Encapsulates the details of smoothing kernel construction.
- AbstractPaintedGraphic - Class in diva.compat.canvas
An abstract implementation of the PaintedGraphic interface.
- AbstractPaintedGraphic() - Constructor for class diva.compat.canvas.AbstractPaintedGraphic
- AbstractPaintedGraphic - Class in diva.util.java2d
- AbstractPaintedGraphic() - Constructor for class diva.util.java2d.AbstractPaintedGraphic
- AbstractPlot2Task - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.task
Abstract superclass for tasks performing plot2 plots using STILTS.
- AbstractPlot2Task(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.task.AbstractPlot2Task
Constructor with explicit animation capability.
- AbstractPlotControlsModel - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui
This abstract class provides a default implementation for a
- AbstractPlotControlsModel() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AbstractPlotControlsModel
- AbstractPlotLayer - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
Partial PlotLayer implementation.
- AbstractPlotLayer(Plotter<?>, DataGeom, DataSpec, Style, LayerOpt) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.AbstractPlotLayer
- AbstractPlotter<S extends Style> - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
Skeleton implementation of Plotter.
- AbstractPlotter(String, Icon, CoordGroup, boolean) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.AbstractPlotter
Constructs a plotter with a given coordinate group and indication
of reporting status.
- AbstractPlotter(String, Icon) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.AbstractPlotter
Constructs a plotter with no data coordinates or reports.
- AbstractPlotter(String, Icon, int, Coord[]) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.AbstractPlotter
Constructs a plotter with specified data positions and additional
coordinates, no report keys.
- AbstractRegistryClient<R> - Class in uk.ac.starlink.registry
Can submit ADQL queries to a registry and return the result as a
list of resources.
- AbstractRegistryClient(SoapClient) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.registry.AbstractRegistryClient
Constructs a AbstractRegistryClient given a SOAP client.
- AbstractRule - Class in diva.sketch.parser2d
A parse rule implementation that matches the RHS
of a production and generates the LHS.
- AbstractRule(String, String, String) - Constructor for class diva.sketch.parser2d.AbstractRule
A utility constructor which simply takes strings
with single words separated by whitespace, separates
these strings into arrays, and calls the standard
array constructor.
- AbstractRule(Type, String[], Type[]) - Constructor for class diva.sketch.parser2d.AbstractRule
Construct a new basic rule with the given LHS and RHS
- AbstractSite - Class in diva.canvas
An abstract implementation of Site.
- AbstractSite() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.AbstractSite
- AbstractSkyMatchEngine - Class in uk.ac.starlink.table.join
Abstract superclass for MatchEngines which work on the celestial sphere.
- AbstractSkyMatchEngine(SkyPixellator, double) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.table.join.AbstractSkyMatchEngine
- AbstractStarTable - Class in uk.ac.starlink.table
Abstract base class providing an implementation of the generic and
straightforward parts of the StarTable
- AbstractStarTable() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.table.AbstractStarTable
- AbstractStoragePolicy - Class in diva.gui
It is nice if storage policies suggest good pathnames.
- AbstractStoragePolicy() - Constructor for class diva.gui.AbstractStoragePolicy
- AbstractTableLoadDialog - Class in uk.ac.starlink.table.gui
Partial implementation of TableLoadDialog interface.
- AbstractTableLoadDialog(String, String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.table.gui.AbstractTableLoadDialog
- AbstractTextTableWriter - Class in uk.ac.starlink.table.formats
A StarTableWriter
which outputs text to
a human-readable text file.
- AbstractTextTableWriter(String[], boolean) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.table.formats.AbstractTextTableWriter
- AbstractView - Class in diva.gui
An abstract implementation of the View interface that consists of
mostly empty methods to be filled in by concrete subclasses.
- AbstractView(Document) - Constructor for class diva.gui.AbstractView
Construct a view of the given document.
- AbstractWideFits - Class in uk.ac.starlink.fits
Implementations of the WideFits interface.
- AbstractWideFits(int, int, CardFactory, String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.fits.AbstractWideFits
- AbstractXmlBuilder - Class in diva.compat.xml
An abstract implementation of the XmlBuilder interface that gets
and sets a delegate, leaves the build method abstract, and doesn't
support the generate method.
- AbstractXmlBuilder() - Constructor for class diva.compat.xml.AbstractXmlBuilder
- AbstractXmlBuilder - Class in diva.util.xml
An abstract implementation of the XmlBuilder interface that gets
and sets a delegate, leaves the build method abstract, and doesn't
support the generate method.
- AbstractXmlBuilder() - Constructor for class diva.util.xml.AbstractXmlBuilder
- abToJansky(double) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.Fluxes
Converts AB magnitude to flux in Jansky.
- ACCEL_GRAV - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.util.PhysicalConstants
Standard acceleration of gravity on Earth m.s^-2
- ACCELERATOR_KEY - Static variable in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
JDK1.2 doesn't have this string defined in javax.swing.Action.
- accept(MouseEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.MouseFilter
Test whether the given MouseEvent passes the filter.
- accept(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.AbstractInteractor
Test if the interactor accepts the given event.
- accept(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CompositeInteractor
Accept an event if any attached interactor will accept it.
- accept(LayerEvent) - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.Interactor
Test is the interactor is prepared to accept this event.
- accept(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionInteractor
Accept an event if it will be accepted by the selection
- accept(Object) - Method in class diva.compat.util.AndFilter
- accept(Object) - Method in class diva.compat.util.NotFilter
- accept(Object) - Method in class diva.compat.util.OrFilter
- accept(File) - Method in class diva.gui.ExtensionFileFilter
Return true if this file should be shown in the directory pane,
false if it shouldn't.
- accept(Object) - Method in interface diva.util.Filter
Test if an object passes the filter, returning true
if it does and false if it does not.
- accept(Object) - Method in class diva.util.FilteredArrayIterator
Test if the object is acceptable for return by the iterator.
- accept(MultiJoinType[], boolean[]) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.join.MultiJoinType
Determines acceptability of a sequence of items based on a sequence
of acceptability criteria.
- accept(double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter.GKArray
Adds a value to the sketch.
- accept(double, long) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter.GKArray
Adds a value to the sketch as many times as specified by count
- accept(File) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.BasicFileFilter
Return true if this file should be shown in the directory pane,
false if it shouldn't.
- accept(File, String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.BasicFileFilter
- accept(T) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.util.IOConsumer
Performs an operation on the given value.
- ACCEPT_ENCODING - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.util.ContentCoding
Name of HTTP request header to request coded response ("Accept-Encoding").
- AcceptAction(String, Icon) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.ProxySetupFrame.AcceptAction
- AcceptAction(String, Icon) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.SelectCharacters.AcceptAction
- acceptButton - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.ProxySetupFrame
- acceptCell(Object) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.table.storage.ColumnStore
Writes a datum to this store.
- acceptCell(Object) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.storage.IndexedStreamColumnStore
- acceptCell(Object) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.storage.StreamColumnStore
- acceptDatum(double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter.GKQuantiler
- acceptDatum(double) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter.Quantiler
Accepts a value to accumulate for quantile calculations.
- acceptDatum(double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter.SortQuantiler
- acceptDatum(Object, long) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter.UnivariateStats
Submits a single value to the statistics accumulator.
- acceptDatum(Object) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.mode.ColStats
Data are submitted to this statistics accumulator using this method.
- accepted - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.BasicFontChooser
Whether selected font is accepted.
- accepted() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.BasicFontChooser
Return the exit status of the dialog.
- acceptHead(Connector, Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnectorTarget
Return true if the given connector can be connected to the given
- acceptHead(Connector, Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.ArcTutorial.SelfPTarget
Return true.
- acceptHead(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.BasicModularGraphModel.BasicEdgeModel
Return true if the head of the given edge can be attached to the
given node.
- acceptHead(Node) - Method in interface diva.graph.modular.Edge
Return whether or not the given node is a valid
head of this edge.
- acceptHead(Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.modular.MutableEdgeModel
Return whether or not the given node is a valid
head of this edge.
- acceptHead(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.MutableModularGraphModel
Return true if the head of the given edge can be attached to the
given node.
- acceptHead(Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.MutableGraphModel
Return true if the head of the given edge can be attached to the
given node.
- acceptHead(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.schematic.SchematicGraphModel
Return true if the head of the given edge can be attached to the
given node.
- acceptHead(Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graphx.EdgeAdapter
Return whether or not the given node is a valid
head of this edge.
- acceptHead(Connector, Figure) - Method in class diva.graphx.EdgeController.EdgeTarget
- acceptHead(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graphx.GraphModel
Return true if the head of the given edge can be attached to the
given node.
- acceptHead(BasicNode) - Method in class diva.graphx.toolbox.BasicEdge
Return true
- acceptHead(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graphx.toolbox.BasicEdgeAdapter
Return true if the head of the given edge can be attached to the
given node.
- acceptMetadata(StarTable) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.gui.ProgressBarTableSink
- acceptMetadata(StarTable) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.OnceRowPipe
- acceptMetadata(StarTable) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.storage.ByteStoreRowStore
- acceptMetadata(StarTable) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.storage.DiscardRowStore
- acceptMetadata(StarTable) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.storage.ListRowStore
- acceptMetadata(StarTable) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.storage.SidewaysRowStore
- acceptMetadata(StarTable) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.StreamTableSink
- acceptMetadata(StarTable) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.table.TableSink
Takes delivery of a row-less StarTable
object which defines
the metadata of the table to be transmitted.
- acceptMetadata(StarTable) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.calc.CacheRowPipe
- acceptMetadata(StarTable) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.cone.LimitRowSink
- acceptMetadata(StarTable) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint.FitsHandler
- acceptResourceIdList(String[], String) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.vo.DalLoader
Takes a list of resource ID values and may load them or a subset
into this object's dialogue as appropriate.
- acceptResourceIdList(String[], String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.RegistryServiceTableLoadDialog
Takes a list of resource ID values and may load them or a subset
into this object's dialogue as appropriate.
- acceptResourceIdList(String[], String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.TapTableLoadDialog
- acceptRow(Object[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.gui.ProgressBarTableSink
- acceptRow(Object[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.OnceRowPipe
- acceptRow(Object[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.storage.ByteStoreRowStore
- acceptRow(Object[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.storage.DiscardRowStore
- acceptRow(Object[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.storage.ListRowStore
Accepts a row.
- acceptRow(Object[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.storage.SidewaysRowStore
- acceptRow(Object[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.StreamTableSink
- acceptRow(Object[]) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.table.TableSink
Takes delivery of one row of data.
- acceptRow(Object[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.calc.CacheRowPipe
- acceptRow(Object[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.cone.LimitRowSink
- acceptRow(Object[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint.FitsHandler
- acceptSkyPosition(double, double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.SkyDalTableLoadDialog
Takes a sky position and may update this component's sky entry
fields with the supplied values.
- acceptTail(Connector, Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.AbstractConnectorTarget
Return true if the given connector can be connected to the given
- acceptTail(Connector, Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.ArcTutorial.SelfPTarget
Return true.
- acceptTail(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.BasicModularGraphModel.BasicEdgeModel
Return true if the tail of the given edge can be attached to the
given node.
- acceptTail(Node) - Method in interface diva.graph.modular.Edge
Return whether or not the given node is a valid
tail of this edge.
- acceptTail(Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.modular.MutableEdgeModel
Return whether or not the given node is a valid
tail of this edge.
- acceptTail(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.MutableModularGraphModel
Return true if the tail of the given edge can be attached to the
given node.
- acceptTail(Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.MutableGraphModel
Return true if the tail of the given edge can be attached to the
given node.
- acceptTail(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.schematic.SchematicGraphModel
Return true if the tail of the given edge can be attached to the
given node.
- acceptTail(Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graphx.EdgeAdapter
Return whether or not the given node is a valid
tail of this edge.
- acceptTail(Connector, Figure) - Method in class diva.graphx.EdgeController.EdgeTarget
- acceptTail(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graphx.GraphModel
Return true if the tail of the given edge can be attached to the
given node.
- acceptTail(BasicNode) - Method in class diva.graphx.toolbox.BasicEdge
Return true
- acceptTail(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graphx.toolbox.BasicEdgeAdapter
Return true if the tail of the given edge can be attached to the
given node.
- acceptValue() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.SelectStringDialog
Accept the value.
- AccessImpl - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.array
Interface for the implementation of read/write access to the pixels
of an array.
- AccessMode - Class in uk.ac.starlink.array
Access mode identifier.
- AccessRowSequence - Class in uk.ac.starlink.table
RowSequence implementation based on a RowAccess.
- AccessRowSequence(RowAccess, long) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.table.AccessRowSequence
- ACCESSURL_PARAM - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.auth.IvoaAuthScheme
Parameter name for the SSO login URL ("access_url").
- accumulate(E, A) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.table.join.CollectionRunner.ElementCollector
Consumes an element, accumulating it into the supplied accumulator.
- accumulate(RowSplittable, A) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.RowCollector
- accumulate(S, A) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.util.SplitCollector
Consumes the content of a splittable, collecting results
into the supplied accumulator.
- accumulateRows(RowSplittable, A) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.RowCollector
Processes rows as required.
- acos(double) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.Maths
Arc cosine of an angle.
- ACOS - Static variable in interface uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.Scaling
Arccos scaling; sigmoid vertical at each end.
- acosDeg(double) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.TrigDegrees
Arc cosine.
- acosh(double) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.Maths
Inverse hyperbolic cosine.
- acquireAuthStatus(ResultHandler<AuthStatus>, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.TapServiceKit
Asynchronously attempts to contact the authcheck endpoint of the
TAP service to determine authentication information.
- acquireBlock(int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.fits.BlockInput
Obtains a buffer corresponding to a named block of the stream.
- acquireBlock(int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.fits.MultiByteBufferInput
- acquireCapability(ResultHandler<TapCapability>) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.TapServiceKit
Asynchronously acquires TAP capability information.
- acquireExamples(ResultHandler<List<Tree<DaliExample>>>) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.TapServiceKit
Asynchronously acquires a list of service-specific query examples,
if available.
- acquireResource(ResultHandler<Map<String, String>>) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.TapServiceKit
Asynchronously acquires information about the registry resource
corresponding to this service.
- acquireRoles(ResultHandler<RegRole[]>) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.TapServiceKit
Asynchronously acquires information from the RegTAP rr.res_role table
corresponding to this service.
- acquireSchemas(ResultHandler<SchemaMeta[]>) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.TapServiceKit
Asynchronously acquires TAP database schema list.
- acquireValue(Parameter<?>) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.task.Environment
Obtains a legal value for a given parameter from the environment and
sets the parameter's value accordingly.
- acquireValue(Parameter<?>) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.task.LineEnvironment
- acquireValue(Parameter<?>) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.task.TerminalEnvironment
Sets the value of a parameter.
- acquireValue(Parameter<?>) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.server.PlotServletEnvironment
- acquireValue(Parameter<?>) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.server.ServletEnvironment
- acquireValue(Parameter<?>) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task.AddEnvironment
- acquireValue(Parameter<?>) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task.MapEnvironment
- ACR_FILE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.astrogrid.AcrConnection
Location in the user's home directory of the ACR rendezvous file.
- AcrConnection - Class in uk.ac.starlink.astrogrid
Connection to an ACR server.
- AcrConnection(AcrConnector) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.astrogrid.AcrConnection
- AcrConnector - Class in uk.ac.starlink.astrogrid
Connector which connects to MySpace using the ACR
(Astronomy/Astrogrid Client Runtime) server written by Noel Winstanley.
- AcrConnector() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.astrogrid.AcrConnector
- AcrDataSource - Class in uk.ac.starlink.astrogrid
DataSource implementation which reads from MySpace using ACR.
- AcrDataSource(AcrConnection, String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.astrogrid.AcrDataSource
- ACTION - Static variable in class diva.sketch.toolbox.ModedIncrRecognizer
The recognizer has recognized the gesture as the signal and is
processing incoming events as an indicators to perform the specified
- actionBar - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.PlotConfigurator
Action buttons container.
- actionBar - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.StoreControlFrame
Action buttons container.
- ActionInteractor - Class in diva.canvas.interactor
An interactor that fires an Action when a mouse pressed event occurs.
- ActionInteractor() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.ActionInteractor
Create a new interactor that will throw a NullPointerException
when a mouse button is pressed.
- ActionInteractor(Action) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.ActionInteractor
Create a new interactor that will activate the given action.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.DeletionListener
Delete any nodes or edges from the graph that are currently
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class diva.graph.tutorial.EditorTutorial.LayoutActionListener
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class diva.graphx.toolbox.DeletionListener
Delete any nodes or edges from the graph that are currently
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class diva.sketch.CheckSelectionAction
Treat the current stroke as a 'check' selection.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class diva.sketch.DeletionAction
Treat the current stroke as a lasso selection if it is
mostly closed.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class diva.sketch.LassoSelectionAction
Treat the current stroke as a lasso selection if it is
mostly closed.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.PlotConfigurator.CloseAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.PlotConfigurator.DrawAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.PlotConfigurator.ResetAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.PlotConfigurator.StoreAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.coco.CocoPanel
The main event processing.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.connect.ConnectorAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.DrawActions.CompositeAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.DrawActions.CurveAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.DrawActions.DrawingModeAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.DrawActions.FillAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.DrawActions.FontAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.DrawActions.LineWidthAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.DrawActions.OutlineAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.rv.RVPanel
The main event processing method
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.ProxySetupFrame.AcceptAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.ProxySetupFrame.CancelAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.SelectCharacters.AcceptAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.SelectCharacters.CancelAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.StoreControlFrame.AddAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.StoreControlFrame.CloseAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.StoreControlFrame.DeleteAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.StoreControlFrame.RestoreAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.StoreControlFrame.UpdateAction
- actions() - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractApplication
Get an iterator over the names of the actions that are
contained by this application.
- actions() - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Get an iterator over the names of the actions that are
contained by this application.
- activate() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.DrawFigureStore
Make the store control UI active
- activate() - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.diva.FigureStore
Activate the interface so that the user can either choose to
save the currently displayed figures, or restore a previously
saved set of figures.
- ACTIVATION - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.build.Heading
Heading for category of functions available only for activation.
- ADAPTIVE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.table.StoragePolicy
Storage policy which will store small amounts of data in an array
in memory, and larger amounts in a scratch disk file.
- AdaptiveBinList - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
BinList implementation that starts off using a hash-based implementation,
but switches to an array-based implementation if the hash gets full
enough to make it worth while.
- AdaptiveBinList(int, Combiner, int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.AdaptiveBinList
- AdaptiveByteStore - Class in uk.ac.starlink.table.storage
ByteStore which adopts a hybrid approach between use of memory
and use of disk.
- AdaptiveByteStore(int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.table.storage.AdaptiveByteStore
Constructs a new store with a given maximum memory limit.
- AdaptiveByteStore() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.table.storage.AdaptiveByteStore
Constructs a new store with a default memory limit.
- add(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.BasicZList
Add a figure to the container.
- add(int, Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.BasicZList
Insert a figure at the given position.
- add(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Add a child figure to this composite.
- add(int, Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.CompositeFigure
Insert a figure at the given position.
- add(LayerListener, LayerListener) - Static method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEventMulticaster
Adds layer-listener-a with layer-listener-b and
returns the resulting multicast listener.
- add(LayerMotionListener, LayerMotionListener) - Static method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEventMulticaster
Adds layer-motion-listener-a with layer-motion-listener-b and
returns the resulting multicast listener.
- add(Figure) - Method in interface diva.canvas.FigureContainer
Add a figure to this container.
- add(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureDecorator
Add a figure.
- add(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Add a figure to the layer.
- add(int, Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.FigureLayer
Insert a figure into the layer at the given position.
- add(Shape) - Method in class diva.canvas.OverlayLayer
Add a new shape to the list of shapes in this layer
- add(PaintedObject) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.PaintedFigure
Add a new painted object to the objects displayed
by this figure.
- add(Shape) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.VectorFigure
Add a new painted shape to the list of drawn objects.
- add(Figure) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.VectorFigure
Add a new figure to the list of drawn objects
- add(Composite) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.VectorFigure
Add a new compositioning operator to the list of drawn objects.
- add(Paint) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.VectorFigure
Add a new paint to the list of drawn objects.
- add(Stroke) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.VectorFigure
Add a new stroke to the list of drawn objects.
- add(Figure) - Method in interface diva.canvas.ZList
Add a figure to the list.
- add(int, Figure) - Method in interface diva.canvas.ZList
Insert a figure at the given position.
- add(PaintedObject) - Method in class diva.compat.canvas.PaintedFigure
Add a new painted object to the objects displayed
by this figure.
- add(PaintedObject) - Method in class diva.compat.canvas.PaintedList
Add a new element to the list.
- add(TraceModel.Element) - Method in class diva.compat.trace.TraceModel.Trace
Append an element to the trace.
- add(GraphListener) - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.GraphEventMulticaster
Add the given listener to the list of listeners.
- add(GraphListener) - Method in class diva.graphx.event.GraphEventMulticaster
Add the given listener to the list of listeners.
- add(Action, String) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JContextMenu
Add an action to this menu and return the menu item created.
- add(Action, String, String, boolean) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JContextMenu
Add an action to the given menu and return the menu item created.
- add(PaintedObject) - Method in class diva.util.java2d.PaintedList
Add a new element to the list.
- add(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class diva.util.PropertyChangeMulticaster
Add the given listener to the list of listeners.
- add(Object) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.Cursor
Add an unkeyed element to the collection.
- add(Object, Object) - Method in interface nom.tam.util.Cursor
Add a keyed element to the collection.
- add(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList
Add an element to the end of the list.
- add(Object, Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList
Add a keyed element to the end of the list.
- add(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList.HashedListIterator
Add an entry at the current location.
- add(Object, Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList.HashedListIterator
Add a keyed entry at the current location.
- add(Font) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.grf.DefaultGrfFontManager
Add a font, returns its index.
- add(AbstractPlotControlsModel) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.PlotConfiguration
Add an AbstractPlotControlsModel to the list.
- add(String, double[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.SlaMap
Add a celestial coordinate conversion to an SlaMap.
- add(double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.dpac.epoch.GVector3d
Adds a scalar r
to all coordinates of the vector, i.e.,
this = this + (r, r, r)
- add(GVector3d) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.dpac.epoch.GVector3d
Adds another vector v
to this one, i.e.
- add(GVector3d, GVector3d) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.dpac.epoch.GVector3d
Adds two vectors and return the result a new one.
- add(Object, Object) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.Arrays
Returns the element-by-element result of adding
either two numeric arrays of the same length,
or an array and a scalar considered as if an array of the right length.
- add(Ranger) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.BasicRanger
- add(Object) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data.CachedColumn
Adds an entry to this vector data container.
- add(Ranger) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.HistoRanger
- add(BinBag) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.BinBag
Adds the contents of another compatible BinBag to this one.
- add(Binner) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.Binner
Adds the contents of another binner to this one.
- add(Combiner.Container) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.Combiner.Container
Combines the content of a given container with this one.
- add(Ranger) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.Ranger
Merges the contents of the supplied ranger into this one.
- add(Surround) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.Surround
Adds another surround to this one.
- add(Surround.Block) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.Surround.Block
Creates a block which is represents the sum of this and another.
- add(Aggregator.Accumulator) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task.Aggregator.Accumulator
Combines the content of another compatible accumulator with
the content of this one.
- add(byte) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.ByteList
Appends a value to the end of this list.
- add(double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.DoubleList
Appends a value to the end of this list.
- add(float) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.FloatList
Appends a value to the end of this list.
- add(String, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.GridBagLayouter
Add a JLabel using the current scheme.
- add(String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.GridBagLayouter
Add a JLabel using the current scheme.
- add(Component, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.GridBagLayouter
Add a control using the current scheme.
- add(Component, GridBagConstraints) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.GridBagLayouter
Add a control using given GridBagContraints.
- add(AbstractButton, T) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.ValueButtonGroup
Adds a button and associates a value with it.
- add(int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.IntList
Appends a value to the end of this list.
- add(long) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.LongList
Appends a value to the end of this list.
- add(short) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.ShortList
Appends a value to the end of this list.
- addAction(Action) - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractApplication
Add an action to the table of actions.
- addAction(Action) - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Add an action to the table of actions.
- addAction(Action) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.viewers.StyledTextArea
- AddAction(String, Icon) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.StoreControlFrame.AddAction
- addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JPseudoFrame
Add an action listener
- addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.ErrorModeSelection
Adds a listener which will be notified if the selected mode changes.
- addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config.ConversionSpecifier
- addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config.Specifier
Adds a listener which will be informed when the user interacts with
the graphical component to cause a (potential) change in the value.
- addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config.SpecifierPanel
- addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.ChangingComboBoxModel
Adds a listener which is notified whenever the selection changes.
- addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.Downloader
Adds a listener that will be notified if the data acquisition status
- addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.ExampleSelectField
Adds an action listener.
- addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.SelectTextField
Registers a listener who wants to be informed about changes to
the character string.
- addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.RegistryPanel
Adds a listener to be notified when one of the resources has been
selected (currently, double-click or hit Enter).
- addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.SkyPositionEntry
Adds an action listener to the entry fields of this component.
- addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.TapServiceFinderPanel
Adds a listener that is notified if a selection is made.
- addAll(SceneDeltaSet) - Method in class diva.sketch.recognition.SceneDeltaSet
Add all of the deltas from the given
delta set to this delta set in sorted order
from highest to lowest confidence.
- addAll(Collection) - Method in class nom.tam.util.HashedList
Add another collection to this one list.
- addAll(ByteList) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.ByteList
Appends all the elements of a second list to this list.
- addAll(byte[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.ByteList
Appends all the elements of a primitive array to this list.
- addAll(DoubleList) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.DoubleList
Appends all the elements of a second list to this list.
- addAll(double[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.DoubleList
Appends all the elements of a primitive array to this list.
- addAll(FloatList) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.FloatList
Appends all the elements of a second list to this list.
- addAll(float[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.FloatList
Appends all the elements of a primitive array to this list.
- addAll(IntList) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.IntList
Appends all the elements of a second list to this list.
- addAll(int[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.IntList
Appends all the elements of a primitive array to this list.
- addAll(LongList) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.LongList
Appends all the elements of a second list to this list.
- addAll(long[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.LongList
Appends all the elements of a primitive array to this list.
- addAll(ShortList) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.ShortList
Appends all the elements of a second list to this list.
- addAll(short[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.ShortList
Appends all the elements of a primitive array to this list.
- addAllowedType(String, String) - Method in class diva.sketch.toolbox.RetypingRecognizer
Add a type that is allowed through by this filter
- addAllowedType(String) - Method in class diva.sketch.toolbox.RetypingRecognizer
Add a type that is allowed through by this filter
- addAndListener(ActionListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.AndButton
Add a listener for changes to the toggle state of this button.
- addArgument(String, long) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.CgiQuery
Adds an integer argument to this query.
- addArgument(String, double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.CgiQuery
Adds a floating point argument to this query.
- addArgument(String, float) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.CgiQuery
Adds a single-precision floating point argument to this query.
- addArgument(String, String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.CgiQuery
Adds a string argument to this query.
- addArgument(String, String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.DalQuery
Adds an argument to the query.
- addAxes() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.PlotConfigurator
- addAxisLabels() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.PlotConfigurator
- addAxisSOAPServices(String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.soap.AppHttpSOAPServer
Add the Axis SOAP services (this is loaded when parsing the "jetty.xml"
- addBin(int, ArrayBinList) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.ArrayBinList
Accumulates the contents of a numbered bin from another BinList into
the corresponding bin of this BinList.
- addBins(ArrayBinList) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.ArrayBinList
Accumulates all the data from another BinList into this one.
- addBins(BinList) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.HashBinList
Accumulates all the data from another BinList into this one.
- addBorder() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.PlotConfigurator
- addBranch(Branch) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.connect.BranchComboBox
Adds a new normal branch to the model.
- addBuilderDecls(Reader) - Method in class diva.compat.xml.CompositeBuilder
Add all of the builder declarations in the given
XML document to the builder map.
- addBuilderDecls(Reader) - Method in class diva.util.xml.CompositeBuilder
Add all of the builder declarations in the given
XML document to the builder map.
- addCaretListener(CaretListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.SkyPositionEntry
Adds a caret listener to the entry fields of this component.
- addCaretListener(CaretListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.TapQueryPanel
Adds a listener for changes to the text in the displayed ADQL
text entry panel.
- addCDATASection(Element, String) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.PrimitiveXMLEncodeDecode
Create a new CDATA section with the given content and add it as
a child of a given element.
- addChain(NodeChain) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.tree.select.NodeRootModel
Adds a new node chain to this model.
- addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AbstractPlotControlsModel
Registers a listener who wants to be informed about changes.
- addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.LineControls
Registers a listener who wants to be informed about changes.
- addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.DrawActions
Register to receive change events from this object whenever the
drawing settings are changed.
- addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.ChangingComboBoxModel
Adds a listener which is notified whenever the selection changes.
- addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.ValueButtonGroup
Adds a listener which will be notified whenever this group's selected
value changes.
- addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.PrimitiveXMLEncodeDecode
Registers a listener who wants to be informed about changes.
- addChildBefore(Element, Element, Element) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.hdx.AbstractHdxFacade
Adds a new child to an element.
- addChildBefore(Element, Element, Element) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.hdx.HdxFacade
Adds a new child to an element.
- addChildElement(Element, String, String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AbstractPlotControlsModel
Add an element with String value as a child of another element.
- addChildElement(Element, String, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AbstractPlotControlsModel
Add an element with boolean value as a child of another element.
- addChildElement(Element, String, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AbstractPlotControlsModel
Add an element with integer value as a child of another element.
- addChildElement(Element, String, double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AbstractPlotControlsModel
Add an element with double value as a child of another element.
- addChildElement(Element, String, Color) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AbstractPlotControlsModel
Add an element with Color value as a child of another element.
- addChildElement(Element, String, Font) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AbstractPlotControlsModel
Add an element with Font value as a child of another element.
- addChildElement(Element, String, Font) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.AWTXMLEncodeDecode
Add an element with a Font value as a child of another element.
- addChildElement(Element, String, Color) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.AWTXMLEncodeDecode
Add an element with a Color value as a child of another element.
- addChildElement(Element, String, AlphaComposite) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.AWTXMLEncodeDecode
Add an element with an AlphaComposite value as a child of
another element.
- addChildElement(Element, String) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.PrimitiveXMLEncodeDecode
Create a child element with no content and add it to the given
- addChildElement(Element, String, String) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.PrimitiveXMLEncodeDecode
Add an element with String value as a child of another element.
- addChildElement(Element, String, boolean) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.PrimitiveXMLEncodeDecode
Add an element with boolean value as a child of another element.
- addChildElement(Element, String, int) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.PrimitiveXMLEncodeDecode
Add an element with integer value as a child of another element.
- addChildElement(Element, String, double) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.PrimitiveXMLEncodeDecode
Add an element with double value as a child of another element.
- addClass(String, ArrayList) - Method in class diva.sketch.classification.CrossValidation.CVData
Add examples of the specified type.
- addClickListener(Interactor) - Method in class diva.sketch.MultiStateInterpreter
Add a listener of clicks.
- addColor(Color) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.DrawActions
Add a new color.
- addColumn(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
Add a row to the table.
- addColumn(Object, int) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
This version of addColumn allows the user to override
the default length associated with each column type.
- addColumn(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTableHDU
Add a column
- addColumn(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Add a column to the end of a table.
- addColumn(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTableHDU
Add a column without any associated header information.
- addColumn(Object) - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.TableData
- addColumn(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
- addColumn(Object, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Add a column
- addColumn(ColumnData) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.ColumnStarTable
Appends a new column to the end of this model.
- addColumn(TableColumn) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.MetaColumnModel
When a column is added to this TableColumnModel, add it to the
listModel and set it visible in the visibleModel
- AddColumnFilter - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter
Table filter for adding a single synthetic column.
- AddColumnFilter() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter.AddColumnFilter
- AddColumnsTable - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter
Wrapper table which adds another table to it by placing all the
columns of the added table together with the existing columns.
- AddColumnsTable(StarTable, ColumnSupplement, int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter.AddColumnsTable
Constructs a table in which the added columns are placed at a
given position.
- AddColumnsTable(StarTable, ColumnSupplement) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter.AddColumnsTable
Constructs a table in which the added columns come after all the
columns of the base table.
- addComponent(Component) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.viewers.StyledTextArea
- addComposite(TypedData, double, SceneElement[], String[]) - Method in class diva.sketch.recognition.BasicScene
Add a new composite element to the database and return
- addComposite(TypedData, double, SceneElement[], String[]) - Method in interface diva.sketch.recognition.Scene
Add a new composite element to the database and return
- addConnection(ConnectorAction) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.connect.BranchComboBox
Adds a new branch to the model which represents a
- addConnection(ConnectorAction) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.connect.FilestoreChooser
Adds a new branch representing a connection to a remote service to
this chooser.
- addConnectorListener(ConnectorListener) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorInteractor
Add a connector listener.
- addConnectorListener(ConnectorListener) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator
Add a connector listener to the interactor that
is attached to grab-handles.
- addConstraint(RelationConstraint) - Method in class diva.sketch.parser2d.AndConstraint
Add another child constraint to the test.
- addConstraint(RelationConstraint) - Method in class diva.sketch.parser2d.OrConstraint
Add another child constraint to the test.
- addContentPane(String, JComponent) - Method in class diva.gui.DesktopContext
Add a content pane to this frame.
- addContentPane(String, JComponent) - Method in interface diva.gui.MDIContext
Add a new content pane to this frame.
- addControl(JComponent) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.TapQueryPanel
Adds a given control to the line of buttons displayed at the top
of this panel.
- addControls(PlotControls, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.PlotConfigurator
Add a "page" of controls to the tabbed pane.
- addCustomExamples(String, AdqlExample[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.TapQueryPanel
Adds a submenu to the examples menu giving a list of custom ADQL
example queries.
- addDataItem(Object) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.feather.AbstractItemAccumulator
Adds the given item to the list to be output.
- addDataSource(DataSource, String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.tree.BasicTransferable
Adds streamed data.
- addDecorator(Class, FigureDecorator) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.TypedDecorator
Add a decorator which is duplicated when an object of the given
class is passed to the newInstance() method.
- addDefaultBranches() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.connect.FilestoreChooser
Populate this browser with a default set of branches.
- addDefaultControls() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.PlotConfigurator
Add the default list of controls currently provided by the
- addDefaultRoots() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.tree.select.NodeRootComboBox
Adds root nodes to the selector representing all the known
- addDelta(SceneDelta) - Method in class diva.sketch.recognition.SceneDeltaSet
Add a scene delta to this set in sorted
order of confidence from highest to lowest.
- addDocument(Document) - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractApplication
Add a document to the list of documents currently known by
this application.
- addDocument(Document) - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Add a document to the application and notify document
- addDocument(Document) - Method in class diva.whiteboard.Whiteboard
- addDocumentListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractApplication
Add a document listener to this application.
- addDocumentListener(ListDataListener) - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Add a document listener to this application.
- addDrawFigure(DrawFigure) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.DrawActions
Add a DrawFigure created to the managed list.
- addDropKey(String, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.schematic.GraphDropTarget
Add a key to the drop target so that
when they key is dropped the figure will
be cloned and placed as a node in the
- addEdge(Object, Object, int, double, double) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Add an edge to this graph editor and render it
from the given tail node to an autonomous site at the
given location.
- addEdge(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Add an edge to this graph between the given tail and head
- addEdge(Object, Object, int, double, double) - Method in class diva.graph.BasicEdgeController
Add an edge to this graph editor and render it
from the given tail node to an autonomous site at the
given location.
- addEdge(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.BasicEdgeController
Add an edge to this graph between the given tail and head
- addEdge(Object, Object, int, double, double) - Method in interface diva.graph.EdgeController
Add an edge to this graph editor and render it from the given
tail node to an autonomous site at the given location.
- addEdge(Object, Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.EdgeController
Add an edge to this graph between the given tail and head
- addEdge(Object, Object, int, double, double) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Add an edge to this graph editor and render it
from the given tail node to an autonomous site at the
given location.
- addEdge(Object, Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Add an edge to this graph between the given tail and head
- addEdge(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graphx.EdgeController
Add an edge that to the graph, and draw it on the canvas.
- addEdge(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graphx.EdgeController
Add an edge to the model and render it on the canvas.
- addEdge(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graphx.GraphController
Add an edge to the model and render it on the canvas.
- addEdge(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graphx.GraphController
Add an edge to the model and render it on the canvas.
- addEdge(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graphx.GraphModel
Add a edge to the graph.
- addEdge(LWEdge) - Method in class diva.pod.lwgraph.LightweightGraph
Add an edge object to the graph.
- addEdge(LWEdge) - Method in class diva.pod.lwgraph.LightweightNetwork
Add an edge to the graph.
- addElement(XmlElement) - Method in class diva.compat.xml.XmlElement
Add a child element to this element.
- addElement(XmlElement) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlElement
Add a child element to this element.
- addElement(String, String, String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.XmlWriter
Writes a whole element with given attribute list and content.
- addEntity(String, String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.Formatter
Adds an internal entity declaration to this formatter.
- addEntry(String, String, JComponent) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JTreePane
Adds a component represented by a title button with no icon.
- addEntry(String, String, Icon, JComponent) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JTreePane
Adds a component represented by a title and/or icon, either
of which can be null.
- addEntry(String, String, Icon, JComponent, String) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JTreePane
Adds a component and tooltip represented by a title and/or icon,
either of which can be null.
- addEntry(int, String, Object) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.MetamapGroup
Adds an entry to one of the metadata sets.
- addEntryListener(ActionListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.KeywordServiceQueryFactory
- addEntryListener(ActionListener) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.vo.RegistryQueryFactory
Adds a listener which will be notified when the user has entered
a query.
- AddEnvironment - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task
Environment implementation which wraps a base environment instance and
adds some extra entries as specified by a given map.
- AddEnvironment(Environment, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task.AddEnvironment
- addError(Throwable) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.QueueTableSequence
Adds a load error to the queue.
- Addet(AngleDR, double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.pal.Pal
Add the e-terms (elliptic component of annual aberration) to a
pre IAU 1976 mean place to conform to the old catalogue convention.
- addExample(String, FeatureSet) - Method in class diva.sketch.classification.CrossValidation.CVData
Add an example of the specified type
- addExample(String, FeatureSet, int) - Method in class diva.sketch.classification.TrainingSet
Add a example to this training set for the given type
(either positive or negative, denoted by the "which" argument).
- addExample(FeatureSet) - Method in class diva.sketch.classification.WeightSet
Add an example to this classifier.
- addExample(String, TimedStroke[], boolean) - Method in class diva.sketch.recognition.MSTrainingModel
Add an example to this training model for the given type
(either positive or negative, denoted by the "which" argument).
- addExample(String, TimedStroke, boolean) - Method in class diva.sketch.recognition.SSTrainingModel
Add an example to this training model for the given type
(either positive or negative, denoted by the "which" argument).
- addExtension(String) - Method in class diva.gui.ExtensionFileFilter
Adds a filetype "dot" extension to filter against.
- addExtension(String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.BasicFileFilter
Adds a filetype "dot" extension to filter against.
- addExternalRectangle(Rectangle, Rectangle) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.Surround
Extends this surround by a given rectangle assumed to be attached
to one of the edges of a supplied inner rectangle.
- addExtraControls(PlotControls, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.PlotConfigurator
Add a set of extra controls to the tabbed pane.
- addField(DoubleValueField) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.SkyPositionEntry
Adds a field to the list of ones controlled by this component.
- addField(DoubleValueField, JComponent) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.ValueFieldPanel
Adds a field to this panel with optional trailing component.
- addFigure(Figure) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.DrawGraphicsPane
Add an existing Figure.
- addFigureDraggerListener(FigureListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.DrawGraphicsPane
Add a FigureListener to the DragRegion used for interacting
with figures.
- addFigureListener(FigureListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.DrawActions
Register to receive figure change events from this object whenever
a figure has been created.
- addFlattenedColumn(Object, int[]) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Add a column where the data is already flattened.
- addFont(Font) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.grf.DefaultGrf
Add a new font.
- addFont(Font) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.DrawActions
Add a new font.
- addFonts() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.FontControls
Add all the available fonts.
- addFonts() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.BasicFontChooser
Add all the available fonts.
- addFrame(int, Mapping, Frame) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.FrameSet
Add a Frame to a FrameSet to define a new coordinate system.
- addGrabHandle(GrabHandle) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.Manipulator
Add a grab-handle to this manipulator's collection of grab-handles.
- addGraphListener(GraphListener) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphModel
Add a graph listener to the model.
- addGraphListener(GraphListener) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphModel
Add a graph listener to the model.
- addGraphListener(GraphListener) - Method in class diva.graphx.GraphModel
Add a graph listener to the model.
- addGraphViewListener(GraphViewListener) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
- addGraphViewListener(GraphViewListener) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
- addGraphViewListener(GraphViewListener) - Method in class diva.graphx.GraphController
- addGrid() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.PlotConfigurator
- addHDU(BasicHDU) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Fits
Add an HDU to the Fits object.
- addHoldListener(Interactor) - Method in class diva.sketch.MultiStateInterpreter
Add a listener of hold invokations.
- addHotKey(JComponent, Action) - Static method in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
Add a quick keystroke on the given pane for the given action.
- addHotKey(JComponent, Action, KeyStroke) - Static method in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
Add a quick keystroke on the given pane for the given action.
- addHtmlField(String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.MetaPanel
Adds a field for displaying a text item formatted as HTML text.
- addIcon(Icon, String) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JPalette
Add an icon to the palette, that is associated with the
- addIcon(Icon) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.viewers.StyledTextArea
- addInteractor(Interactor) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.EventLayer
Add an interactor to this interactor.
- addInteractor(Interactor) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.CompositeInteractor
Add an interactor to this interactor.
- addInternal(EventListener, EventListener) - Static method in class diva.canvas.event.LayerEventMulticaster
Returns the resulting multicast listener from adding listener-a
and listener-b together.
- addItem(JComponent, JComponent) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.tree.InfoPanel
Adds a new label, value pair to the panel.
- addItem(Object) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.feather.AbstractItemAccumulator
- addItem(Object) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.feather.ItemAccumulator
Receive the next value in the column.
- addItem(T) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.CountMap
Counts an item.
- Additive(Scene, TypedData, double, SceneElement[], String[]) - Constructor for class diva.sketch.recognition.SceneDelta.Additive
Construct a new scene delta on the given database,
consisting of the given root that was added to the
database, as well as the
- Additive(Scene, TypedData, double, SceneElement[]) - Constructor for class diva.sketch.recognition.SceneDelta.Additive
Construct a new scene delta on the given database,
consisting of the given root that was added to the
database, as well as the
- addJob(UwsJob, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.UwsJobListPanel
Adds a new job to the list.
- addJobWatcher(UwsJob.JobWatcher) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.UwsJob
Adds a callback which will be invoked whenever this job's phase
is found to have changed.
- addKeyedItem(String, String) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.DetailViewer
Adds a key-value paired information item for string data.
- addKeyedItem(String, Object) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.DetailViewer
Adds a key-value paired information item for Object data.
- addKeyedItem(String, double) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.DetailViewer
Adds a key-value paired information item for double data.
- addKeyedItem(String, float) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.DetailViewer
Adds a key-value paired information item for float data.
- addKeyedItem(String, long) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.DetailViewer
Adds a key-value paired information item for long data.
- addKeyedItem(String, int) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.DetailViewer
Adds a key-value paired information item for int data.
- addKeyedItem(String, boolean) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.DetailViewer
Adds a key-value paired information item for boolean data.
- addKeyedItem(String, String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.viewers.StyledTextArea
- addKeyedItem(String, Object) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.viewers.StyledTextArea
- addKeyedItem(String, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.viewers.StyledTextArea
- addKeyedItem(String, long) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.viewers.StyledTextArea
- addKeyedItem(String, double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.viewers.StyledTextArea
- addKeyedItem(String, float) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.viewers.StyledTextArea
- addKeyedItem(String, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.viewers.StyledTextArea
- addLayer(CanvasLayer) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicCanvasPane
Add the given layer to the list of layers.
- addLayer(int, CanvasLayer) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicCanvasPane
Insert the given layer into the list of layers at the
given index.
- addLayerListener(LayerListener) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.EventLayer
Add the given layer listener to this dispatcher.
- addLayerListener(LayerListener) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.DragInteractor
Add the given layer listener to this interactor.
- addLayerMotionListener(LayerMotionListener) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorManipulator
Add the given layer motion listener to this interactor.
- addLayerMotionListener(LayerMotionListener) - Method in class diva.canvas.event.EventLayer
Add the given layer motion listener to this dispatcher.
- addLayout(String, GlobalLayout, JPanel) - Method in class diva.graph.tutorial.EditorTutorial.LayoutWidget
Add a layout to the widget, with the given name, layout
engine and widget for configuration of the layout.
- addLine(HeaderCard) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Add a card image to the header.
- addLine(String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Add a card image to the header.
- addLine(String, String, Component) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.gui.LabelledComponentStack
Adds a (name,component) pair with an optional padding string
and default xfill.
- addLine(String, String, Component, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.gui.LabelledComponentStack
Adds a (name,component) pair with an optional padding string and
explicit xfill.
- addLine(String, Component) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.gui.LabelledComponentStack
Adds a (name,component) pair.
- addLine(String, String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.gui.LabelledComponentStack
Adds a (name,value) pair.
- addLineField(String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.MetaPanel
Adds a field for displaying a single-line item.
- addLink(RowLink) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.table.join.LinkSet
Adds a new link to this set.
- addListener(FontChangedListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.FontControls
Registers a listener who wants to be informed about font
- addListener(FigureListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.DragRegion
Registers a listener for to be informed when figure changes
- addListener(FigureListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.DrawBasicFigure
Registers a listener for to be informed when figure changes
- addListener(FigureListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.DrawCompositeFigure
Registers a listener for to be informed when figure changes
- addListener(FigureListener) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.diva.DrawFigure
Registers a listener for to be informed when figure changes
- addListener(FigureListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.DrawLabelFigure
Registers a listener for to be informed when figure changes
- addListener(FigureListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.DrawPathFigure
Registers a listener for to be informed when figure changes
- addListener(SelectCharactersListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.SelectCharacters
Registers a listener who wants to be informed about the final
character string (when the window exits).
- addListeners(Component) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.NavigationListener
Convenience method to install this listener on a graphical component.
- addListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.gui.ViewHugeSelectionModel
- addListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.CheckBoxMenu
- addLocalObject(Object, Class, String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.tree.BasicTransferable
Adds an object which can be transferred within a single JVM.
- addMap(Map<K, V>) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.MapGroup
Adds a new Map to the end of this group.
- addMenuItem(JMenu, Action, int, String) - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractApplication
- addMenuItem(JMenu, String, Action, int, String, boolean) - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractApplication
- addMenuItem(JMenu, Action) - Static method in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
Add an action to a menu and return the menu item created.
- addMenuItem(JMenu, Action, int, String) - Static method in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
Add an action to a menu and return the menu item created.
- addMenuItem(JMenu, String, Action, int, String, boolean) - Static method in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
Add an action to a menu and return the menu item created.
- addMenuItem(String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.CheckBoxMenu
Adds an item to the menu.
- addMoreTraces() - Method in class diva.compat.trace.TraceTutorial
Add some more traces to the model and view
- addMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.diva.Draw
Adds the specified mouse listener to receive mouse events from
this component.
- addMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListener) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.diva.Draw
Adds the specified mouse motion listener to receive mouse
motion events from this component.
- addMultiLineField(String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.MetaPanel
Adds a field for displaying a text item with potentially multiple lines.
- addNegativeExample(String, FeatureSet) - Method in class diva.sketch.classification.TrainingSet
Add a negative example to this training set for the given type.
- addNegativeExample(String, TimedStroke[]) - Method in class diva.sketch.recognition.MSTrainingModel
Add a negative example to this training model for the given type.
- addNegativeExample(String, TimedStroke) - Method in class diva.sketch.recognition.SSTrainingModel
Add a negative example to this training model for the given type.
- addNode(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Add the node to this graph editor and place it whereever convenient.
- addNode(Object, double, double) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Add the node to this graph editor and render it
at the given location.
- addNode(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Add the node to this graph editor, inside the given parent node
at whatever position is convenient
- addNode(Object, Object, double, double) - Method in class diva.graph.AbstractGraphController
Add the node to this graph editor, inside the given parent node
and render it at the given location relative to its parent.
- addNode(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.BasicNodeController
Given a node, add it to this graph editor and perform a layout
on the new node.
- addNode(Object, double, double) - Method in class diva.graph.BasicNodeController
Add the node to this graph editor and render it
at the given location.
- addNode(Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.BasicNodeController
Add the node to this graph editor, inside the given parent node
and place it where convenient
- addNode(Object, Object, double, double) - Method in class diva.graph.BasicNodeController
Add the node to this graph editor, inside the given parent node
and render it at the given location relative to its parent.
- addNode(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Add the node to this graph editor and place it whereever convenient.
- addNode(Object, double, double) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Add the node to this graph editor and render it
at the given location.
- addNode(Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Add the node to this graph editor, inside the given parent node
at whatever position is convenient
- addNode(Object, Object, double, double) - Method in interface diva.graph.GraphController
Add the node to this graph editor, inside the given parent node
and render it at the given location relative to its parent.
- addNode(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.modular.MutableModularGraphModel
Add a node to the given graph and notify listeners with a
- addNode(Object, Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.MutableGraphModel
Add a node to the given graph and notify listeners with a
NODE_ADDED event whose source is the given source object.
- addNode(Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.NodeController
Given a node, add it to this graph editor and perform a layout
on the new node.
- addNode(Object, double, double) - Method in interface diva.graph.NodeController
Add the node to this graph editor and render it
at the given location.
- addNode(Object, Object) - Method in interface diva.graph.NodeController
Add the node to this graph editor, inside the given parent node
and place it where convenient
- addNode(Object, Object, double, double) - Method in interface diva.graph.NodeController
Add the node to this graph editor, inside the given parent node
and render it at the given location relative to its parent.
- addNode(Object, double, double) - Method in class diva.graphx.GraphController
Add the node to this graph editor and render it
at the given location.
- addNode(Object, Object, double, double) - Method in class diva.graphx.GraphController
Add the node to this graph editor, inside the given parent node
and render it at the given location relative to its parent.
- addNode(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class diva.graphx.GraphModel
Add a node to the graph.
- addNode(Object, Object, double, double) - Method in class diva.graphx.NodeController
Add the given node to this graph editor, inside the given parent node
and render it at the given location relative to its parent.
- addNode(LWNode) - Method in class diva.pod.lwgraph.LightweightGraph
Add a node object to the graph
- addNumberLabels() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.PlotConfigurator
- addOption(C, String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.task.AbstractChoiceParameter
Adds an option value to this parameter with a given name.
- addOption(C) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.task.AbstractChoiceParameter
Adds an option value to this parameter.
- addOption(T) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config.ChoiceConfigKey
Adds an option to the permitted list.
- addOption(String, T) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plottask.NamedObjectParameter
Adds an option with an associated name.
- addOptionsXml() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config.OptionConfigKey
- addPadding(int) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsUtil
Total size of blocked FITS element
- addPage(Page) - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageModel
Add a page to the document and notify page listeners.
- addPageListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageModel
Add a page listener to this document.
- addPane(String, Component) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.DetailViewer
Adds a component for optional display within this viewer.
- addPane(String, ComponentMaker) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.DetailViewer
Adds a deferred-construction component for optional display within
this viewer.
- addPixel(int, long) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.join.BitsetMask
- addPixel(int, long) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.table.join.HealpixMask
Adds the area corresponding to a HEALPix pixel to this mask.
- addPixel(int, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.Drawing
Adds a single pixel to the list of pixels which have been plotted.
- addPixel(int, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.PixelDrawing
Adds a single pixel to the list of pixels which have been plotted
if it is within this drawing's bounds.
- addPixels(Pixellator) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.Drawing
Adds all the pixels from the given Pixellator to this drawing.
- addPixelUnchecked(int, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.PixelDrawing
Adds a single pixel to the list of pixels which have been plotted
without bounds checking.
- addPlotListener(PlotListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.TablePlot
Adds a listener which will be notified when this plot has been painted.
- addPoint(double, double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.XYStats
Submits a data point for calculations.
- addPoint(double[], Color) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.LineTracer3D
Submits a point for drawing.
- addPointer(Object) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
- addPointSelectionListener(PointSelectionListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.task.PlotDisplay
Adds a listener which will be notified when the user clicks on
the plot region to select a point.
- addPort(LWNode, LWPort) - Method in class diva.pod.lwgraph.LightweightNetwork
Add a port to the graph, and give it the given node as its parent
- addPorts(CompositeFigure) - Method in class diva.canvas.tutorial.CompositeFigureTutorial
Utility function to add the "ports" to the composite figure.
- addPositiveExample(String, FeatureSet) - Method in class diva.sketch.classification.TrainingSet
Add a positive example to this training set for the given type.
- addPositiveExample(String, TimedStroke[]) - Method in class diva.sketch.recognition.MSTrainingModel
Add a positive example to this training model for the given type.
- addPositiveExample(String, TimedStroke) - Method in class diva.sketch.recognition.SSTrainingModel
Add a positive example to this training model for the given type.
- addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractApplication
Add a property change listener to this application.
- addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractDocument
Add a property change listener to this document.
- addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Add a property change listener to this application.
- addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface diva.gui.Document
Add a property change listener to this document.
- addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.gui.ViewHugeTableModel
Adds a listener that will be notified about ViewBase changes.
- addQuantiler(Quantiler) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter.GKQuantiler
- addQuantiler(Quantiler) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter.Quantiler
Merges the state of another compatible accumulator into this one;
the effect is as if all the
calls that were
made on
had been made on this one.
- addQuantiler(Quantiler) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter.SortQuantiler
- addRecognition(Recognition) - Method in class diva.sketch.recognition.RecognitionSet
Add a recognition to the set by inserting it in descending
order of confidence value.
- addResource(R) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.registry.ResourceSink
Accept a newly discovered resource.
- addRow(Object[]) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
Add a row to the FITS table.
- addRow(Object[]) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Add a row at the end of the table.
- addRow(Object[]) - Method in interface nom.tam.fits.TableData
- addRow(Object[]) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.TableHDU
- addRow(Object[]) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Add a row to the table.
- addRow(Object[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.RowListStarTable
Adds a new row to the end of the table.
- addRunningQuery(UwsJob) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.TapTableLoadDialog
Adds a running TAP query to the list of queries this dialogue
is currently aware of.
- addSample(int, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.paper.Compositor.Buffer
Adds an RGBA sample to one pixel, using separate float scalars.
- addSample(int, int, float) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.paper.Compositor.Buffer
Adds an RGBA sample to one pixel, using an RGB integer and
separate float value.
- addSample(int, int) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.paper.Compositor.Buffer
Adds an RGBA sample to one pixel, using an RGBA integer.
- addScalingPane(String, ComponentMaker) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.DetailViewer
Adds a new deferred-construction component which will
draw itself at a size appropriate to the size of its container.
- addScheme(TableScheme) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.StarTableFactory
Safely adds a table scheme for use by this factory.
- addSegment(int) - Method in class diva.canvas.connector.ManhattanRouter
Add a new segment to the route.
- addSelection(Object) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicSelectionModel
Add an object to the selection.
- addSelection(Object) - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionModel
Add an object to the selection.
- addSelectionInteractor(SelectionInteractor) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionDragger
Add a selection interactor to the list of valid interactor.
- addSelectionInterval(int, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.gui.ViewHugeSelectionModel
- addSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicSelectionModel
Add a selection listener to this model.
- addSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionModel
Add a selection listener to this model.
- addSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.DrawGraphicsPane
Add a listener for any SelectionEvents.
- addSelections(Object[]) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicSelectionModel
Add an array of objects to the selection and
highlight the selected objects.
- addSelections(Object[]) - Method in interface diva.canvas.interactor.SelectionModel
Add an array of objects to the selection.
- addSeparator() - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.DetailViewer
Adds a visible separator to the display.
- addSeparator() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.viewers.StyledTextArea
- addSerializableObject(Serializable, Class, String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.tree.BasicTransferable
Adds a
object which can be serialized
and thus passed outside of this JVM.
- addShade(String, Component) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JShadePane
Adds a component represented by a title button with no icon.
- addShade(String, Icon, Component) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JShadePane
Adds a component represented by a title and/or icon, either
of which can be null.
- addShade(String, Icon, Component, String) - Method in class diva.gui.toolbox.JShadePane
Adds a component and tooltip represented by a title and/or icon,
either of which can be null.
- addSketchListener(SketchListener) - Method in class diva.sketch.SketchModel
Add the given SketchListener to the set of listeners.
- AddSkyCoordsFilter - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter
Filter used for converting sky coordinates from one system to another.
- AddSkyCoordsFilter() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter.AddSkyCoordsFilter
- addSOAPService(URL) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.soap.AppHttpSOAPServer
Add new services to the SOAP server.
- addSpace() - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.DetailViewer
Adds a small amount of space to the overview display.
- addSpace() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.viewers.StyledTextArea
- addStandardSchemes(StarTableFactory) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.Stilts
Adds the table schemes specific to STILTS to the given table factory.
- addStateListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class diva.whiteboard.WhiteboardState
- addStaticClass(Class<?>, DefaultMutableTreeNode) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.gui.MethodBrowser
Adds a new class to the tree containing available static methods.
- addStaticClasses(Class<?>[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.gui.MethodBrowser
Adds the static members of a set of classes to the tree root for display.
- addStaticType(String) - Static method in class diva.sketch.recognition.Type
Add a static type to the Type system.
- addStats(UnivariateStats) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter.UnivariateStats
Adds the accumulated content of a second UnivariateStats object
to this one.
- addStats(ColStats) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.mode.ColStats
Adds the accumulated content of a second ColStats object to this one.
- addString(String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.tree.BasicTransferable
Adds a plain text string.
- addStringValue(Header, String, String, String) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.oldfits.FitsConstants
Attempts to add a string-valued card to the header.
- addStroke(TimedStroke) - Method in class diva.sketch.recognition.BasicScene
Add a new stroke element to the database.
- addStroke(TimedStroke) - Method in interface diva.sketch.recognition.Scene
Add a new stroke element to the database.
- AddStrokeEdit(SketchModel, Symbol, MultipageModel) - Constructor for class diva.whiteboard.WhiteboardEdits.AddStrokeEdit
- addStrokeListener(Interactor) - Method in class diva.sketch.MultiStateInterpreter
Add a stroke listener that gets mouse-down, mouse-moved, and
mouse-released events for drawing strokes.
- addSubHead(String) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.DetailViewer
Adds a subheading to the display.
- addSubHead(String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.viewers.StyledTextArea
- addSymbol(Symbol) - Method in class diva.sketch.SketchModel
Add the given symbol to the model.
- addSymbol(int, Symbol) - Method in class diva.sketch.SketchModel
Insert a symbol into the model at the given position (Z order).
- addTable(StarTable) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.QueueTableSequence
Adds a table to the queue.
- addTableModelListener(TableModelListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.gui.ViewHugeTableModel
- addTerminal(Terminal, int, double) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.IconFigure
Add the given terminal, on the given side and with the given
offset, to the icon.
- addText() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.PlotConfigurator
- addText(String) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.DetailViewer
Adds unformatted text to the display.
- addText(String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.viewers.StyledTextArea
- addTextLine(String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.MetaPanel
Adds a heading with no associated field.
- addTicks() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.PlotConfigurator
- addTitle() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.PlotConfigurator
- addTitle(String) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.DetailViewer
Adds a top-level title to the display.
- addTitle(String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.viewers.StyledTextArea
- addToolBarButton(JToolBar, Action, String, Icon) - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractApplication
- addToolBarButton(JToolBar, Action, String, Icon, boolean) - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractApplication
- addToolBarButton(JToolBar, Action) - Static method in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
Add the action to the given toolbar.
- addToolBarButton(JToolBar, Action, String, Icon) - Static method in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
Add an action to the toolbar.
- addToolBarButton(JToolBar, Action, String, Icon, boolean) - Static method in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
Add an action to the toolbar.
- addToolBarButton(JToolBar, Action, String, String) - Static method in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
Add an action to the toolbar.
- addToolBarButton(JToolBar, Action, String, Icon, String) - Static method in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
Add an action to the toolbar.
- addToolBarButton(JToolBar, Action, String, Icon, String, boolean) - Static method in class diva.gui.GUIUtilities
Add an action to the toolbar.
- addTrace(Object, TraceModel.Trace) - Method in class diva.compat.trace.TraceModel
Add a new trace
- addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.tree.DataNodeTreeModel
- addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.FeatureTreeModel
- addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.MaskTreeModel
- addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.TapMetaTreeModel
- addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.TapServiceTreeModel
- addTrimmedValue(Header, String, String, String) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.oldfits.FitsConstants
Adds a string-valued card to the header.
- addTypedRenderer(Class, NodeRenderer) - Method in class diva.graph.toolbox.TypedNodeRenderer
Add a renderer which is invoked when the rendered node's
semantic object is an instance of the given class.
- addURL(URL) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.tree.BasicTransferable
Adds a URL.
- addUrlField(String, Consumer<URL>) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.MetaPanel
Adds a field intended to contain a clickable URL.
- addValue(String, boolean, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
Add information to the header
- addValue(String, int, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
- addValue(String, double, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
- addValue(String, String, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
- addValue(String, boolean, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Add or replace a key with the given boolean value and comment.
- addValue(String, double, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Add or replace a key with the given double value and comment.
- addValue(String, String, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Add or replace a key with the given string value and comment.
- addValue(String, long, String) - Method in class nom.tam.fits.Header
Add or replace a key with the given long value and comment.
- addValue(T, RecordConsumer) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.parquet.Encoder
Passes a supplied non-null value representing a cell
of this encoder's column to a record consumer.
- addVertex(float, float, long) - Method in class diva.sketch.recognition.TimedStroke
Add a pair of x, y coordinates in the stroke path and the
corresponding timestamp.
- addVertex(double, double, Color) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.LineTracer
Adds a point to the sequence to be plotted.
- addView(View) - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractApplication
Add a view to the list of views currently known by
this application.
- addView(View) - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Add a view to the application and notify view
- addView(View) - Method in class diva.gui.MDIApplication
- addView(View) - Method in class diva.gui.MultiWindowApplication
- addViewListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class diva.gui.AbstractApplication
Add a view listener to this application.
- addViewListener(ListDataListener) - Method in interface diva.gui.Application
Add a view listener to this application.
- addViewListener(ViewListener) - Method in class diva.gui.DesktopContext
Add a view listener to this frame.
- addViewListener(ViewListener) - Method in interface diva.gui.MDIContext
Add a view listener to this frame.
- addVOComponentViews(DetailViewer, VOElement) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.VOComponentDataNode
- addZoomDraggerListener(FigureListener) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.DrawGraphicsPane
Add a FigureListener to the DragRegion used for non-figure
selection work.
- AdhocCode - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.taplint
ReportCode implementation which can be created at runtime.
- AdhocCode(ReportType, String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.taplint.AdhocCode
- adj(double[]) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.Matrices
Calculates the adjoint of a matrix.
- ADJACENT - Static variable in class diva.sketch.parser2d.RelationUtilities
Positional constraint: is B adjacent to A?
- adjustAspects(A[], int) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.Ganger
Adjusts plot surface aspects as required to ensure that plot data
regions in a ganged set of zones are consistent.
- adjustAspects(PlaneAspect[], int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.geom.MatrixGanger
- adjustAspects(A[], int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.geom.StackGanger
- adjustAuxRange(Surface, DataSpec, DataStore, Object[], Ranger) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.AuxReader
May use the supplied data specification to update (usually extend)
the given range.
- adjustAuxRange(Surface, DataSpec, DataStore, Object[], Ranger) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.FloatingCoordAuxReader
- adjustFromData(Style, int, DataBounds) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plottask.PlotStateFactory
Updates a plotting style generated by this factory with information
generated from a first pass through the data.
- adjustGeom(DataGeom, DataSpec, ShapeStyle) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.AreaForm
- adjustGeom(DataGeom, DataSpec, ShapeStyle) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.CentralForm
- adjustGeom(DataGeom, DataSpec, ShapeStyle) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.ErrorArrayForm
- adjustGeom(DataGeom, DataSpec, ShapeStyle) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.HandleArrayForm
- adjustGeom(DataGeom) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.LabelPlotter
Provides a DataGeom to be used by the layer this form makes,
given a DataGeom that characterises the plotting environment.
- adjustGeom(DataGeom, DataSpec, ShapeStyle) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.LineArrayForm
- adjustGeom(DataGeom, DataSpec, ShapeStyle) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.MarkArrayForm
- adjustGeom(DataGeom, DataSpec, ShapeStyle) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.MarkForm
- adjustGeom(DataGeom, DataSpec, ShapeStyle) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.MultiPointForm
- adjustGeom(DataGeom, DataSpec, ShapeStyle) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.PairLinkForm
- adjustGeom(DataGeom, DataSpec, ShapeStyle) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.ShapeForm
Provides a DataGeom to be used by the layer this form makes,
given a DataGeom that characterises the plotting environment.
- adjustGeom(DataGeom, DataSpec, ShapeStyle) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.SizeForm
- adjustGeom(DataGeom, DataSpec, ShapeStyle) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.SizeXyForm
- adjustInfo(DefaultValueInfo) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.hapi.HapiType
Performs customisation appropriate to this type on a
metadata info object that will represent it.
- adjustProfiles(P[]) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.Ganger
Adjusts plot surface profiles as required for plots appearing
in multiple plots within a gang.
- adjustProfiles(PlaneSurfaceFactory.Profile[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.geom.MatrixGanger
- adjustProfiles(P[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.geom.StackGanger
- adjustProfiles(TimeSurfaceFactory.Profile[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.geom.TimeStackGanger
- adjustRgba(float[], float) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.Shader
Modifies the elements of an sRGB colour definition array in place
according to a supplied parameter.
- adoptNode(Node) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.hdx.HdxDocument
- adoptNode(Node) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.votable.dom.DelegatingDocument
- ADQL21_RESERVED - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.AdqlSyntax
Additional reserved words from ADQL 2.1 section 2.1.4.
- ADQL21MISC_FILTER - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.AdqlFeature
Includes feature types for Ivoids representing optional features.
- ADQL_ADDTAB - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.ResourceIcon
- ADQL_CLEAR - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.ResourceIcon
- ADQL_COPYTAB - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.ResourceIcon
- ADQL_ERROR - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.ResourceIcon
- ADQL_FIXUP - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.ResourceIcon
- ADQL_INFO - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.RegTapRegistryQuery
Description of metadata item describing query text.
- ADQL_INSERTCOLS - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.ResourceIcon
- ADQL_INSERTTABLE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.ResourceIcon
- ADQL_REDO - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.ResourceIcon
- ADQL_REMOVETAB - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.ResourceIcon
- ADQL_RESERVED - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.AdqlSyntax
ADQL reserved words additional to the SQL92 set,
taken from the ADQL standard.
- ADQL_TITLETAB - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.ResourceIcon
- ADQL_UNDO - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.ResourceIcon
- AdqlExample - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.vo
Represents a type of example ADQL query.
- AdqlFeature - Class in uk.ac.starlink.vo
Describes a documented language feature that can be used
in some variant of the ADQL language.
- AdqlFeature(String, String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.vo.AdqlFeature
- AdqlFeature.Arg - Class in uk.ac.starlink.vo
Represents a declared argument of a function.
- AdqlFeature.Function - Class in uk.ac.starlink.vo
AdqlFeature subclass which represents a function.
- AdqlFeature.Type - Enum in uk.ac.starlink.vo
Datatype of a function argument or return value.
- ADQLGEO_FEATURE_TYPE - Static variable in interface uk.ac.starlink.vo.TapCapability
Feature type key for ADQL geometrical functions.
- ADQLGEO_FILTER - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.AdqlFeature
Includes feature types for Ivoids representing Geometry functions.
- ADQLGEO_FORMS - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.taplint.ObsLocStage
Required ADQL Geometry functions (ObsLocTAP sec 3.3).
- ADQLGEO_TYPE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.taplint.ObsLocStage
Feature type for ADQL Geometry functions from TAPRegExt.
- adqlsSearch(String) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.registry.RegistryRequestFactory
Returns a SOAP request used for a registry Search query, given
an ADQL/S string.
- AdqlSyntax - Class in uk.ac.starlink.vo
SqlSyntax instance for the ADQL 2.* grammar.
- AdqlSyntax(AdqlVersion) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.vo.AdqlSyntax
Protected constructor to signal that static instances or
methods should usually be used to obtain an instance.
- AdqlValidator - Class in uk.ac.starlink.vo
Handles validation of ADQL queries.
- AdqlValidator.ValidatorTable - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.vo
Defines table metadata for tables known to the validator.
- AdqlVersion - Enum in uk.ac.starlink.vo
Version of the ADQL language.
- advance() - Method in class diva.util.FilteredArrayIterator
Advance the next index to the next non-null element.
- advance() - Method in class diva.util.NullArrayIterator
Advance the next index to the next non-null element.
- AG_REG - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.Ri1RegistryQuery
Endpoint for primary AstroGrid registry.
- AG_REG2 - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.Ri1RegistryQuery
Endpoint for secondary AstroGrid registry.
- AGENT_PROPNAME - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.UserAgentUtil
System property that can be used to manipulate the UserAgent header.
- AGGCOL_DELIM - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task.TableGroup
Delimiter character for aggcol parameter entries.
- aggregateRows(StarTable, String[], TableGroup.AggSpec[], RowRunner, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task.TableGroup
Does the aggregation work.
- Aggregator - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task
Defines an aggregation operation.
- Aggregator.Accumulator - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task
Can accumulate multiple data items of a consistent type and
yield an aggregate value corresponding to the set.
- Aggregator.Aggregation - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task
Object that can manage aggregation for a given type of input data.
- Aggregators - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task
Provides instances of the Aggregator interface.
- AggSpec(String, Aggregator, String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task.TableGroup.AggSpec
- AIP_REG - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.RegTapRegistryQuery
TAP base URL for GAVO registry hosted at AIP.
- AIT - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.geom.FixedSkyviewProjection
Aitoff projection, lon=0 at center.
- AIT0 - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.geom.FixedSkyviewProjection
Aitoff projection, lon=0 at edge.
- AKIMA - Static variable in interface uk.ac.starlink.diva.interp.InterpolatorFactory
Akima splines
- AkimaSplineInterp - Class in uk.ac.starlink.diva.interp
Interpolate a series of points using a scheme based Akima's splines.
- AkimaSplineInterp() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.diva.interp.AkimaSplineInterp
Create an instance with no coordinates.
- AkimaSplineInterp(double[], double[]) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.diva.interp.AkimaSplineInterp
Create an instance with the given coordinates.
- alignFill(byte[], int, int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ByteFormatter
Fill the buffer with blanks to align
a field.
- alignHeadersLeft(JTable) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.gui.StarJTable
Utility method that tries to arrange for the column headers to be
left-aligned rather than, as seems to be the default, center-aligned.
- All - Class in diva.canvas.test
All the tests in this directory.
- All(TestHarness) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.test.All
- All - Class in diva.graph.test
All the tests in this directory.
- All(TestHarness) - Constructor for class diva.graph.test.All
- All - Class in diva.pod.test
All the tests in this directory.
- All(TestHarness) - Constructor for class diva.pod.test.All
- All - Class in diva.sketch.test
All the tests in this directory.
- All(TestHarness) - Constructor for class diva.sketch.test.All
Use the given test harness to run the tests.
- All - Class in diva.util.test
All the tests in this directory.
- All(TestHarness) - Constructor for class diva.util.test.All
- ALL - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.hapi.ServerListing
Central list of production servers without ad-hoc metadata.
- ALL - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.geom.SideFlags
Instance for which all flags are true.
- ALL - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task.UserFindMode
All matches.
- ALL - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.SiaFormatOption
- ALL_ - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.hapi.ServerListing
Central list of production servers with ad-hoc metadata.
- ALL_HEADINGS - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.build.Heading
Array containing all known heading instances.
- ALL_SCHEMES - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.auth.AuthUtil
List of all known authentication schemes.
- ALL_VOTES - Static variable in class diva.sketch.recognition.VotingSceneRecognizer
A constant which says that votes are not filtered
by the "n-highest" rule.
- ALL_VOTES - Static variable in class diva.sketch.recognition.VotingStrokeRecognizer
A constant which says that votes are not filtered
by the "n-highest" rule.
- allAntialiased - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.GraphicsHints
Whether to antialias everything.
- allAntialiased - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.GraphicsHintsControls
Whether everything is to be antialiased.
- allBlank(ErrorMode[]) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.ErrorMode
Indicates whether an array of error modes represents drawing no
error information at all.
- allOrders() - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.array.Order
Returns a list of all the known ordering schemes.
- ALLOW_FCG_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.tfcat.Decoders
If set true, the "properties" member is permitted on FeatureCollection
and Geometry objects, in contravention of Section 7.1 of
the GeoJSON spec RFC7946.
- allowBinary2() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.votable.VOTableVersion
Indicates whether the BINARY2 serialization format is defined by
this version.
- allowCoosysRefposition() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.votable.VOTableVersion
Indicates whether the refposition attribute of the COOSYS element
is supported in this version.
- allowEmptyTd() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.votable.VOTableVersion
Indicates whether this version permits an empty TD element to represent
a null value for all data types.
- allowHierarch() - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.fits.CardFactory.Config
Determines whether the HIERARCH keyword convention is permitted.
- ALLOWORIGINS_PARAM - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.server.StiltsContext
Name of a servlet initialisation parameter giving allowed origins
for permissible Cross-Origin requests.
- allowsChildren() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.BranchDataNode
- allowsChildren() - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.DataNode
Indicates whether the node can in principle have child nodes.
- allowsChildren() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.DefaultDataNode
The DefaultDataNode
implementation of this method returns
- allowsChildren() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.DocumentDataNode
- allowsChildren() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.EmptyDataNode
- allowsChildren() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.FileDataNode
- allowsChildren() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.FITSDataNode
- allowsChildren() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.HDSDataNode
Indicates whether this node allows child nodes or not.
- allowsChildren() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.HDUDataNode
- allowsChildren() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.HDXDataNode
- allowsChildren() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.HistoryDataNode
- allowsChildren() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.HTMLDataNode
HTML type does not allow children.
- allowsChildren() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.ImageHDUDataNode
- allowsChildren() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.NDFDataNode
- allowsChildren() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.NdxDataNode
- allowsChildren() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.ResourceListDataNode
- allowsChildren() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.TableHDUDataNode
- allowsChildren() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.TarBranchDataNode
- allowsChildren() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.TarStreamDataNode
- allowsChildren() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.TfitsDataNode
- allowsChildren() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.TfitsHduDataNode
- allowsChildren() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.VOComponentDataNode
- allowsChildren() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.VOTableDataNode
- allowsChildren() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.VOTableTableDataNode
- allowsChildren() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.WCSDataNode
- allowsChildren() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.XMLDataNode
- allowsChildren() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.ZipArchiveDataNode
- allowsChildren() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.ZipBranchDataNode
- allowSignedByte() - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.fits.FitsTableSerializerConfig
Indicates how byte values will be written.
- allowSignedByte() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.fits.FitsTableWriter.PrimaryType
Indicates whether signed byte values will be permitted
in files with this PHDU type.
- allowTimesys() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.votable.VOTableVersion
Indicates whether the TIMESYS element is supported in this version.
- allowTrim() - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.fits.CardFactory.Config
Determines whether overlength string values will be trimmed
to fits card constraints.
- allowUnencodedChars(String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.CgiQuery
Provides a list of characters that will be passed as parameter or
value content through without percent-encoding.
- allowXtype() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.votable.VOTableVersion
Indicates whether the xtype attribute is permitted on FIELD elements
etc in this version.
- allowZeroLengthString() - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.fits.FitsTableSerializerConfig
Indicates whether columns with TFORMn=0A may be output.
- allTypes() - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.array.Type
Returns a list of all the known Types.
- AllWiseAsciiStarTable - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.example
StarTable implementation which can read data from the AllWise data
- AllWiseAsciiStarTable(DataSource, URL, long) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.example.AllWiseAsciiStarTable
- AllWiseTableBuilder - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.example
TableBuilder implementation for the ASCII files comprising the AllWise
data release.
- AllWiseTableBuilder() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.example.AllWiseTableBuilder
Default mode constructor.
- AllWiseTableBuilder(String, boolean) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.example.AllWiseTableBuilder
Configurable constructor.
- AllWiseTableBuilder.Count - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.example
Input handler which reads AllWise ASCII files and does count the
rows first.
- AllWiseTableBuilder.NoCount - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.example
Input handler which reads AllWise ASCII files and does not count
the rows first.
- alpha - Variable in class gaia.cu9.tools.parallax.datamodel.StarVariables
- ALPHA - Static variable in class gaia.cu9.tools.parallax.readers.StarVariablesCsvSchema
- alternateSelectionFilter - Static variable in class diva.canvas.event.MouseFilter
The alternate selection filter -- accepts button 1 with shift.
- ALWAYS - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.table.join.MultiJoinType
Any match containing table (even alone) is acceptable.
- Amp(AngleDR, double, double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.pal.Pal
Convert star RA,Dec from geocentric apparent to mean place.
- AMParams - Class in uk.ac.starlink.pal
Star-independent mean-to-apparent parameters
- Ampqk(AngleDR, AMParams) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.pal.Pal
Convert star RA,Dec from geocentric apparent to mean place.
- Ancestry - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint
Defines the family relationships of an ElementHandler.
- Anchor - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2
Positioning constraint for plotted text.
- Anchor() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.Anchor
- ANCHOR - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config.StyleKeys
Config key for text anchor positioning.
- Anchor - Class in uk.ac.starlink.xdoc.fig
Utility for positioning things in the graphics context.
- Anchor() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.xdoc.fig.Anchor
- Anchor.HorizontalAnchor - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2
Anchor for drawing horizontal text.
- AndButton - Class in uk.ac.starlink.vo
Button used for selecting between And and Or semantics for combining
search terms.
- AndButton(boolean) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.vo.AndButton
- AndConstraint - Class in diva.sketch.parser2d
A composite constraint that ANDs together the results of its
child constraint objects.
- AndConstraint() - Constructor for class diva.sketch.parser2d.AndConstraint
- AndFilter - Class in diva.compat.util
A composite filter which ANDs two filters together.
- AndFilter(Filter, Filter) - Constructor for class diva.compat.util.AndFilter
- ang2pix(int, double, double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.cone.CdsHealpix
- angle(SceneElement, int, SceneElement, int) - Static method in class diva.sketch.parser2d.AbstractRule
Return the angle between the constructor-specified
sites on r1 and r2, respectively.
- angle(double[], double[], double[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.Frame
Calculate the angle subtended by two points at a third point.
- angle - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.grf.DefaultGrfContainer
- ANGLE_KEY - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.HealpixPlotter
Config key for scaling angle unit.
- ANGLE_KEY - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.SkyDensityPlotter
Config key for solid angle units.
- AngleDR - Class in uk.ac.starlink.pal
Angle consisting of (α, δ) pairs in Radians
- AngleDR(double, double, double) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.pal.AngleDR
Angle consisting of (α, δ) pair and optional radial.
- AngleDR(double, double) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.pal.AngleDR
Angle consisting of (alpha, delta).
- AngleRelation - Class in diva.sketch.parser2d
Calculate the direction angle (between 0 and 2*PI) between
user-specified sites on a pair of rectangles.
- AngleRelation(int, int) - Constructor for class diva.sketch.parser2d.AngleRelation
The sites of interest on the first and second rectangles,
- AngleUnit - Enum in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
Defines units in which angular extents can be specified.
- AngleUnits - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.cone
Defines a unit of angle measurement.
- AngleUnits(String, double) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.cone.AngleUnits
- AngScale2 - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.geom
Find an appropriate delta to use for getting grid intervals.
- AngScale2() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.geom.AngScale2
- angularDiameterDistance(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.Distances
Angular diameter distance.
- AnisotropicCartesianMatchEngine - Class in uk.ac.starlink.table.join
Matcher which matches in an anisotropic N-dimensional Cartesian space.
- AnisotropicCartesianMatchEngine(double[]) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.table.join.AnisotropicCartesianMatchEngine
- annotateAxis(Graphics) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.AxisLabeller
Draw the axis labels on a given graphics context.
- annul() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstObject
Annul this object.
- ANTI_X - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.Orientation
Orientation suitable for labelling top-edge X axis.
- ANTI_Y - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.AxisLabeller
Tick style suitable for right-hand-side Y axis labels.
- ANTI_Y - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.Orientation
Orientation suitable for labelling right-hand Y axis.
- ANTIALIAS - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config.StyleKeys
Config key for line antialiasing.
- ANY - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.plastic.ValueType
No constraints - any object is permissible.
- AOParams - Class in uk.ac.starlink.pal
Star-independent apparent-to-observed Parameters
- AOParams() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.pal.AOParams
Initialise apparent-to-observed Parameters (with zero values)
- AOParams(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.pal.AOParams
Star-independent apparent-to-observed Parameters
- Aoppa(UTCdate, ObsPosition, Cartesian, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.pal.Pal
Precompute apparent to observed place parameters required by
Aopqk and Oapqk.
- Aoppat(double, AOParams) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.pal.Pal
Recompute the sidereal time in the apparent to observed place
star-independent parameter block.
- ApiPlanePlotter - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.example
PlanePlotter implementation that sets up a plot explicitly.
- ApiPlanePlotter() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.example.ApiPlanePlotter
- AppAxisServerFactory - Class in uk.ac.starlink.soap
Helper class for obtaining AxisServers.
- AppAxisServerFactory() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.soap.AppAxisServerFactory
- AppContext - Interface in diva.gui
A context for either an application or an applet
that wants to use the diva.gui infrastructure.
- AppContextDelegate - Class in diva.gui
This class provides basic support for an instance of AppContext which
delegates its operation to one of the basic AppContexts (usually an
AppContext or an ApplicationContext.) This is similar to an interface
adapter, except the default implementation of each method is to
call the identical method on the delegate context.
- AppContextDelegate(AppContext) - Constructor for class diva.gui.AppContextDelegate
Create a new app context that delegates to the given context.
- append(String) - Method in class diva.util.jester.demo.Foo
- APPEND - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.table.jdbc.WriteMode
WriteMode which appends to an existing table.
- append(Caption) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.Caption
Concatenates another caption following this one.
- appendChild(Node) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.votable.dom.DelegatingNode
- appendConstraint(PointConstraint) - Method in class diva.canvas.interactor.DragInteractor
Append a constraint to the list of constraints on
this interactor.
- appendData(String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.votable.dom.DelegatingCharacterData
- appendNode(DataNode, DataNode) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.tree.DataNodeTreeModel
Appends a new child node to the children of a node which
exists in this tree model.
- appendPCData(String) - Method in class diva.compat.xml.XmlElement
Add the String to the end of the current PCDATA for this element.
- appendPCData(String) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlElement
Add the String to the end of the current PCDATA for this element.
- appendShaderDescription() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config.ShaderConfigKey
Appends a list of the available shaders, as well as rules for
naming custom ones, to the end of the existing XML documentation
for this key.
- appendStroke(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.sketch.BasicInterpreter
Append the given new point/timestamp to the current
- appendStroke(double, double) - Method in class diva.sketch.SketchLayer
This completes a line segement with start point (_prevX,prevY)
and (x,y) and asks the shape to paint itself.
- appendStroke(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.sketch.toolbox.PanZoomInterpreter
Append the given new point/timestamp to the current
- appendStroke(LayerEvent) - Method in class diva.whiteboard.HighlightInterpreter
Append the given new point/timestamp to the current
- appendSuffix(String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task.Setting
Creates a new setting object which resembles this one,
but whose parameter name is modified by addition of a given
trailing string.
- appendValue(double, double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.interp.AbstractInterpolator
- appendValue(double, double) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.diva.interp.Interpolator
Append a new position to the existing coordinates.
- appendXmlDescription(String[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config.ConfigMeta
Convenience method to add additional lines to the existing XML
documentation string.
- AppEngineConfigurationFactory - Class in uk.ac.starlink.soap
This is a implementation of EngineConfigurationFactory for embedded
- AppEngineConfigurationFactory() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.soap.AppEngineConfigurationFactory
- AppFileProvider - Class in uk.ac.starlink.soap
A simple ConfigurationProvider that uses the Admin class to read
XML files for clients and servers, but does write them, so is
suitable for embedded applications.
- AppFileProvider(String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.soap.AppFileProvider
- AppFileProvider(String, String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.soap.AppFileProvider
- AppFileProvider(InputStream) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.soap.AppFileProvider
- AppHttpSOAPServer - Class in uk.ac.starlink.soap
A HTTP and SOAP server for embedding in applications.
- AppHttpSOAPServer(int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.soap.AppHttpSOAPServer
Constructor loads the default configuration and starts a HTTP/SOAP
server on a given port.
- Application - Interface in diva.gui
Application is an interface that captures the notion of a graphical
- APPLICATION_ID - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.cea.ImplementationCeaWriter
- ApplicationContext - Class in diva.gui
A context for an application in the diva.gui infrastructure.
- ApplicationContext() - Constructor for class diva.gui.ApplicationContext
Create a new ApplicationContext.
- ApplicationExceptionHandler - Class in diva.gui
This class makes it easy for an application to trap exceptions in AWT
event handlers.
- ApplicationExceptionHandler() - Constructor for class diva.gui.ApplicationExceptionHandler
- ApplicationItem - Class in uk.ac.starlink.plastic
Represents an application which has been registered with a PLASTIC hub.
- ApplicationItem(URI, String, List) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.plastic.ApplicationItem
- applicationName - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.PlotConfigurator
Application name for the store to use.
- applicationName - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.StoreConfiguration
Name of the application (used for name of config directory).
- ApplicationResources - Class in diva.gui
- ApplicationResources() - Constructor for class diva.gui.ApplicationResources
Create a new ApplicationResources object containing
the default Diva GUI resources.
- ApplicationResources(String, Class, ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class diva.gui.ApplicationResources
Create a new ApplicationResources object using the given basename,
with the given class as the loader for URL-based resources, and with the
given ResourceBundle as the one that gets overridden.
- ApplicationTutorial - Class in diva.gui.tutorial
A simple text editor.
- ApplicationTutorial(AppContext) - Constructor for class diva.gui.tutorial.ApplicationTutorial
- apply(JCanvas) - Method in class diva.canvas.DamageRegion
Tell the damage region to inflict itself on the given
- apply(TimedStroke) - Method in class diva.sketch.features.AreaRatioFE
Return the ratio of the convex hull area and the
bounding box area of the stroke.
- apply(TimedStroke) - Method in class diva.sketch.features.AspectRatioFE
Return the ratio of the width and height of the stroke's
bounding box.
- apply(TimedStroke) - Method in class diva.sketch.features.BBoxDiagonalAngleFE
Return the angle between the diagonal and the base of the
stroke's bounding box.
- apply(TimedStroke) - Method in class diva.sketch.features.BBoxDiagonalLengthFE
Return the length of the diagonal of the stroke's bounding box.
- apply(TimedStroke) - Method in class diva.sketch.features.CornerFE
Return the number of corners in the specified stroke.
- apply(TimedStroke) - Method in class diva.sketch.features.CosFirstLastPtsFE
Return the cosine of the angle between the first and last point
of the stroke.
- apply(TimedStroke) - Method in class diva.sketch.features.CosInitAngleFE
Return the cosine of the initial angle of the stroke.
- apply(TimedStroke) - Method in class diva.sketch.features.DistanceStartEndPtsFE
Return the distance between the first and the last point of the
- apply(TimedStroke) - Method in class diva.sketch.features.DurationFE
Return the duration of the specified stroke.
- apply(TimedStroke) - Method in interface diva.sketch.features.FeatureExtractor
Return the value of the feature extracted from the stroke.
- apply(TimedStroke) - Method in class diva.sketch.features.MaxSpeedFE
Return the maximum speed (squared) of the specified stroke.
- apply(TimedStroke) - Method in class diva.sketch.features.PathLengthFE
Return the path length of a stroke by enumerating over the
points in the stroke and summing up the distances between every
two consecutive points.
- apply(TimedStroke) - Method in class diva.sketch.features.PathRatioFE
Return the ratio between the stroke's convex hull path length
and the its path length.
- apply(TimedStroke) - Method in class diva.sketch.features.SineFirstLastPtsFE
Return the sine of the angle between the first and the last
points of the stroke.
- apply(TimedStroke) - Method in class diva.sketch.features.SineInitAngleFE
Return the sine of the initial angle of the stroke.
- apply(TimedStroke) - Static method in class diva.sketch.features.StrokeBBox
Compute the stroke's bounding box using the minimum and maximum
x, y values in the path.
- apply(TimedStroke) - Static method in class diva.sketch.features.StrokeHull
Generate a convex hull object for the specified stroke.
- apply(TimedStroke) - Method in class diva.sketch.features.SumOfAbsDeltaRatioFE
Return the ratio of the sum of the absolute values of the delta
y's and the sum of the absolute values of the delta x's.
- apply(TimedStroke) - Method in class diva.sketch.features.SumOfAbsoluteAnglesFE
Computes the sum of the absolute values of the angles along a
stroke path.
- apply(TimedStroke) - Method in class diva.sketch.features.SumOfAnglesFE
Compute the total angle traversed by the stroke.
- apply(TimedStroke) - Method in class diva.sketch.features.SumOfSquaredAnglesFE
Compute the sum of the squared angle values along the stroke
- apply(SceneElement, SceneElement) - Method in class diva.sketch.parser2d.AngleRelation
Return the angle between the constructor-specified
sites on e1 and e2, respectively.
- apply(SceneElement, SceneElement) - Method in class diva.sketch.parser2d.AreaRatioRelation
Calculate the ratio of the area of e1 over
the area of e2.
- apply(SceneElement, SceneElement) - Method in class diva.sketch.parser2d.DeltaXRelation
Return the distance between the constructor-specified sites on
r1 and r2, respectively.
- apply(SceneElement, SceneElement) - Method in class diva.sketch.parser2d.DeltaYRelation
Return the distance between the constructor-specified sites on
r1 and r2, respectively.
- apply(SceneElement, SceneElement) - Method in class diva.sketch.parser2d.DistanceRelation
Return the distance between the constructor-specified sites on
r1 and r2, respectively.
- apply(SceneElement, SceneElement) - Method in class diva.sketch.parser2d.HeightRatioRelation
Calculate the ratio of the height of the first element to the
height of the second.
- apply(SceneElement, SceneElement) - Method in class diva.sketch.parser2d.OverlapRelation
Return the ratio of the area of the intersection
of the given elements to the area of the first
- apply(SceneElement, SceneElement) - Method in interface diva.sketch.parser2d.Relation
Return the value of the relation extracted from the given
- apply(SceneElement, SceneElement) - Method in class diva.sketch.parser2d.WidthRatioRelation
Calculate the ratio of the width of the first element to the
width of the second.
- apply(TimedStroke) - Method in class diva.sketch.toolbox.ApproximateStrokeFilter
Reduce the number of points in the given pen stroke using the
"approximation by line segments" algorithm.
- apply(TimedStroke) - Method in class diva.sketch.toolbox.AveragingStrokeFilter
Smooth the given stroke by averaging each point with its
neighboring points.
- apply(TimedStroke) - Method in class diva.sketch.toolbox.DehookingStrokeFilter
- apply(TimedStroke) - Method in class diva.sketch.toolbox.InterpolateStrokeFilter
Interpolate the given stroke such that no 2 consecutive points
in the stroke has a distance greater than the specified
- apply(Scene, Scene) - Method in class diva.sketch.toolbox.LLRSceneMetric
Return a similarity metric based only on the LLR (terminal)
values of the test and reference databases:
- apply(TimedStroke) - Method in class diva.sketch.toolbox.NormalizeLengthStrokeFilter
Interpolate a timed stroke so that it contains a certain number
of points (specified through the constructor).
- apply(TimedStroke) - Method in class diva.sketch.toolbox.NormalizeTimeStrokeFilter
Interpolate a timed stroke so that it contains
a specified number of points.
- apply(TimedStroke) - Method in class diva.sketch.toolbox.RemoveDupPtsStrokeFilter
Remove all duplicate adjacent points from a
timed stroke.
- apply(Scene, Scene) - Method in interface diva.sketch.toolbox.SceneMetric
Return a similarity metric for the given tree (root1) relative
to a correct reference scene interpretation (root2).
- apply(TimedStroke) - Method in class diva.sketch.toolbox.StrokeFilter
Apply a filtering algorithm on the specified pen stroke and
return the filtered stroke.
- apply(I) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.jel.JELArrayFunction
- apply(T) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.util.IOFunction
Applies this function to the given argument.
- applyAsDouble(double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.jel.JELFunction
- applyAsDouble(double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.geom.TimeJELFunction
Function of time in seconds since the Unix epoch.
- applyExponentPattern(String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.ScientificFormat
- applyFills(A, S) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.hapi.HapiType
Replaces array elements matching a given fill value
in place with a suitable blank value representation.
- applyLayout(LevelLayout.LevelData, Object) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.LevelLayout
Place the nodes in the target environment according to their
levels and sorting order which are specified in levelData.
- applyLayout(LevelLayout.LevelData, Object, boolean) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.LevelLayout
Place the nodes in the target environment according to their
levels and sorting order which are specified in levelData.
- applyLocalizedPattern(String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.ScientificFormat
- applyMantissaPattern(String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.ScientificFormat
- applyPattern(String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.ScientificFormat
apply this pattern
- applyRenderingHints(Graphics2D) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.GraphicsHints
Apply the RenderingHints description for the current
configuration to a graphics object.
- applySetting(Object, BeanConfig.Setting) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.BeanConfig
Applies a given setting to an object.
- applyShader(Shader, Color, int) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.Shaders
Creates a shader by applying an existing shader to a given base colour.
- applySortIndex(double[], int[], boolean) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.geom.InterpolatedCurve2D
- approveSelection() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.BasicFileChooser
- approxEquals(double, double) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.PlotUtil
Indicates whether two floating point numbers are approximately equal
to each other.
- approximate(TimedStroke) - Static method in class diva.sketch.toolbox.ApproximateStrokeFilter
Reduce the number of points in the given pen stroke using the
"approximation by line segments" algorithm.
- approximate(TimedStroke, double) - Static method in class diva.sketch.toolbox.ApproximateStrokeFilter
Reduce the number of points in the given pen stroke using the
"approximation by line segments" algorithm.
- ApproximateStrokeFilter - Class in diva.sketch.toolbox
An object which filters a pen stroke using "approximation by line
segments" technique, (Hanaki, Temma, Yoshida, "An On-line Character
Recognition Aimed at a Substitution for a Billing Machine
Keyboard", Pattern Recognition, Vol.8, pp63-71, 1976).
- ApproximateStrokeFilter() - Constructor for class diva.sketch.toolbox.ApproximateStrokeFilter
Construct a ApproximateStrokeFilter with default threshold
distance of 2 units.
- ARC_MINUTE_RADIANS - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.CoordsRadians
The size of one arcminute in radians.
- ARC_SECOND_RADIANS - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.CoordsRadians
The size of one arcsecond in radians.
- ArcConnector - Class in diva.canvas.connector
A Connector that draws itself in an arc.
- ArcConnector(Site, Site) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.ArcConnector
Create a new arc connector between the given
- ArcInteractor - Class in diva.canvas.connector
An interactor for dragging either end of an arc connector and for
for altering the shape of the arc by dragging a midpoint grab handle.
- ArcInteractor(ArcManipulator) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.ArcInteractor
Create a new interactor to be used with the given manipulator.
- ArcManipulator - Class in diva.canvas.connector
A manipulator for arc connectors.
- ArcManipulator() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.ArcManipulator
Construct a new manipulator that uses rectangular grab-handles.
- ArcManipulator(GrabHandleFactory) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.ArcManipulator
Construct a new manipulator using the given grab-handle factory.
- ArcMidpointSite - Class in diva.canvas.connector
A site that is used for the purpose of manipulating the
midpoint of an arc connector.
- ArcMidpointSite(ArcConnector, int) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.ArcMidpointSite
Create a new site on the given arc connector with the given ID.
- ARCMIN2 - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.SolidAngleUnit
Square arcminute.
- ArcRenderer - Class in diva.graph.basic
An EdgeRenderer that draws arcs.
- ArcRenderer() - Constructor for class diva.graph.basic.ArcRenderer
- ARCSEC2 - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.SolidAngleUnit
Square arcsecond.
- ArcTutorial - Class in diva.canvas.tutorial
This tutorial shows how to use "arc" connectors.
- ArcTutorial() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.tutorial.ArcTutorial
Create a JCanvas and put it into a window.
- ArcTutorial.SelfPTarget - Class in diva.canvas.tutorial
SelfPTarget is used to find target sites.
- Area - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data
Coordinate value representing a two-dimensional shaped area.
- Area(Area.Type, double[]) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data.Area
- AREA - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.Normalisation
The total area of histogram bars is normalised to unity.
- Area.Type - Enum in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data
Available shape types.
- AREA_PLANE_INSTANCE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.LabelPlotter
Instance of this class for use with Plane geometry Area positions.
- AREA_SKY_INSTANCE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.LabelPlotter
Instance of this class for use with Sky geometry Area positions.
- AREA_SPHERE_INSTANCE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.LabelPlotter
Instance of this class for use with Sphere geometry Area positions.
- AreaCoord<DG extends DataGeom> - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data
Coord implementation for Area (shape) values.
- AreaDomain - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data
Domain representing two-dimensional regions on a common surface.
- AreaForm<DG extends DataGeom> - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
ShapeForm that can plot Area coordinates as shapes on a plane or sky plot.
- areaFunction(Class<?>) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data.AreaMapper
Returns a function that can map source objects of a given class
to corresponding Area instances.
- AreaMapper - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data
DomainMapper for AreaDomain.
- AreaMapper(String, String, Class<?>) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data.AreaMapper
- areaRatio(TimedStroke) - Static method in class diva.sketch.features.AreaRatioFE
Return the ratio of the convex hull area and the
bounding box area of the stroke.
- areaRatio(SceneElement, SceneElement) - Static method in class diva.sketch.parser2d.AbstractRule
Calculate the ratio of areas with the constructor-specified
rectangle as the numerator for the calculation.
- AreaRatioFE - Class in diva.sketch.features
AreaRatioFE calculates the ratio of the convex hull area and the
bounding box area of a stroke, (convex_hull/bbox).
- AreaRatioFE() - Constructor for class diva.sketch.features.AreaRatioFE
- AreaRatioRelation - Class in diva.sketch.parser2d
Calculate the ratio of areas of the input scene
- AreaRatioRelation() - Constructor for class diva.sketch.parser2d.AreaRatioRelation
- ArgException - Exception in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter
Checked exception thrown when arguments encountered on the command
line are illegal.
- ArgException(String) - Constructor for exception uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter.ArgException
- ArgException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter.ArgException
Constructs an exception with a given cause.
- ARI_REG - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.RegTapRegistryQuery
TAP base URL for GAVO registry hosted at ARI Heidelberg.
- Arithmetic - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func
Standard arithmetic functions including things like rounding,
sign manipulation, and maximum/minimum functions.
- array(double...) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.Arrays
Returns a floating point numeric array built from the given arguments.
- ARRAY - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.PolygonForms
Shape form for a polygon defined by an array coordinate.
- array() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.GenericNioBuffer
Returns the primitive array that backs this buffer
(optional operation).
- ARRAY_COORD - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.PolygonForms
Coordinate for array coordinate, used with ARRAY.
- ARRAY_ELEMENT_VARNAME - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.Arrays
Array element variable name in arrayFunc expressions.
- ARRAY_INDEX_VARNAME - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.Arrays
Array index variable name in arrayFunc expressions.
- ARRAY_NOBLANKS - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task.Aggregators
Aggregator that assembles an array of all non-blank inputs.
- ARRAY_SUFFIX - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.gui.DocNames
Character used in resource names to indicate an array dimension.
- ARRAY_WITHBLANKS - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task.Aggregators
Aggregator that assembles an array of all inputs.
- ArrayAccess - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.array
Provides methods to read and write pixels from an NDArray.
- ArrayArrayImpl - Class in uk.ac.starlink.array
ArrayImpl implementation which wraps a primitive numeric java array.
- ArrayArrayImpl(Object, OrderedNDShape, Number) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.array.ArrayArrayImpl
Constructs a new ArrayArrayImpl backed by a given java primitive
numeric array.
- ArrayBinList - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
Abstract subclass of BinList suitable for implementations based
on arrays.
- ArrayBinList(int, Combiner) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.ArrayBinList
- ArrayBrowser - Class in uk.ac.starlink.datanode.viewers
Displays an array of primitives in a JTable.
- ArrayBrowser(NDArray) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.viewers.ArrayBrowser
Constructs an ArrayBrowser from an NDArray.
- ArrayBrowser(ArrayStructure) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.viewers.ArrayBrowser
Constructs an ArrayBrowser from an ArrayStructure.
- ArrayBuilder - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.array
Interface for objects which can construct an NDArray from a URL.
- ArrayColumn - Class in uk.ac.starlink.table
A column which provides data storage in java arrays.
- arrayConcat(T[], T[]) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.PlotUtil
Concatenates two arrays to form a single one.
- ArrayDataInput - Interface in nom.tam.util
- ArrayDataOutput - Interface in nom.tam.util
- arrayDescription(Object) - Static method in class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
Generate a description of an array (presumed rectangular).
- ArrayDescription - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.array
Describes the basic characteristics of an N-dimensional array.
- arrayDims - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.array.DefaultArrayDescription
Array dimensions; equal to arrayShape.getDims()
- ArrayDomain() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data.FloatingArrayCoord.ArrayDomain
- arrayFunc(String, Object) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.Arrays
Returns a floating-point array resulting from applying a given
function expression element-by-element to an input array.
- ArrayFuncs - Class in nom.tam.util
This is a package of static functions which perform
computations on arrays.
- ArrayFuncs() - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.ArrayFuncs
- arrayHandler(Object) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.array.BadHandler
Returns an ArrayHandler
object for testing/setting
bad values
in a given primitive array according to the bad value handling
rules of this BadHandler
- arrayHandler - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.array.DefaultArrayDescription
The array bad value handler as returned by the getBadHandler method.
- ArrayImpl - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.array
Interface for implementation end of the NDArray
Bridge pattern.
- arrayIsRandom - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.array.DefaultArrayDescription
The array random access availability as returned by the isRandom method.
- arrayIsReadable - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.array.DefaultArrayDescription
The array readability as returned by the isReadable method.
- arrayIsWritable - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.array.DefaultArrayDescription
The array writability as returned by teh isWritable method.
- ArrayIterator - Class in diva.util
An iterator over a given array.
- ArrayIterator(Object[]) - Constructor for class diva.util.ArrayIterator
- ArrayJoin - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task
Task to add the contents of an external table for each row of
an input table as array-valued columns.
- ArrayJoin() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task.ArrayJoin
- arrayNdim - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.array.DefaultArrayDescription
Number of dimensions; equal to arrayShape.getNumDims()
- arrayNpix - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.array.DefaultArrayDescription
Number of pixels; equal to arrayShape.getNumPixels()
- arrayOffset() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.GenericNioBuffer
Returns the offset within this buffer's backing array of the first
element of the buffer (optional operation).
- arrayOrder - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.array.DefaultArrayDescription
Pixel ordering scheme; equal to arrayShape.getOrder()
- arrayOrigin - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.array.DefaultArrayDescription
Array origin; equal to arrayShape.getOrigin()
- ArrayPlotData - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot
PlotData implementation which stores its data in an array of
- ArrayPlotData(int, String[], Style[], int, int, boolean, PointData[]) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.ArrayPlotData
- ArrayPrimitiveStore - Class in uk.ac.starlink.table.storage
ValueStore implementation which stores primitive values in a normal
java array.
- ArrayPrimitiveStore(Class<?>, int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.table.storage.ArrayPrimitiveStore
Constructs a new store.
- ArrayReader - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter
Reads values from a typed numeric array.
- Arrays - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func
Functions which operate on array-valued cells.
- arrayShape - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.array.DefaultArrayDescription
The array shape as returned by the getShape method.
- ArrayShapePlotter - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
ShapePlotter subclass that plots multiple shapes for each row,
based on array-valued coordinates.
- ArrayShapePlotter(String, ShapeForm, ShapeMode) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.ArrayShapePlotter
- ArraysizeChecker - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint
Checks on arraysize attribute.
- ArraysizeChecker() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint.ArraysizeChecker
- ArrayStructure - Class in uk.ac.starlink.hds
Represents an array object within an HDS file, as understood by the
Starlink ARY library.
- ArrayStructure(HDSObject) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.hds.ArrayStructure
Creates an ArrayStructure from an existing HDS object.
- ArrayStructure(HDSObject, NDShape, HDSType) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.hds.ArrayStructure
Creates the components of a new SIMPLE array object in a suitable
- ArrayStructure(HDSObject, String, HDSType, NDShape) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.hds.ArrayStructure
Creates a new SIMPLE array object below the given parent HDS object.
- ArrayTableColumn<R,C> - Class in uk.ac.starlink.util.gui
Provides the specification for a table column.
- ArrayTableColumn(String, Class<C>) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.ArrayTableColumn
- ArrayTableModel<R> - Class in uk.ac.starlink.util.gui
TableModel which contains its data as an array of objects, one per row.
- ArrayTableModel(R[]) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.ArrayTableModel
- arrayTableSequence(StarTable[]) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.Tables
Convenience method to construct a TableSequence for a supplied array
of tables.
- ArrayTableSorter<R> - Class in uk.ac.starlink.util.gui
Handles GUI aspects of allowing the user to sort columns in a table
by clicking on the column header.
- ArrayTableSorter(ArrayTableModel<R>) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.ArrayTableSorter
- arrayType - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.array.DefaultArrayDescription
The array type as returned by the getType method.
- Arrow - Class in uk.ac.starlink.xdoc.fig
Draws arrows.
- Arrow() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.xdoc.fig.Arrow
- Arrow.FilledArrow - Class in uk.ac.starlink.xdoc.fig
Arrow instance with a filled triangular head.
- Arrowhead - Class in diva.canvas.connector
An arrowhead that is drawn on the end of a connector.
- Arrowhead() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.Arrowhead
Create a new arrowhead at (0,0).
- Arrowhead(double, double, double) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.Arrowhead
Create a new arrowhead at the given point and
with the given normal.
- ARXIV - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.calc.WebMapper
Mapper for an arXiv identifier.
- arxivUrl(String) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.URLs
Maps an arXiv identifier to the URL that will display its
arXiv web page.
- ARY0 - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.IconFactory
- ARY1 - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.IconFactory
- ARY2 - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.IconFactory
- ARY3 - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.IconFactory
- ARYDataNode - Class in uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes
A DataNode representing an
- ARYDataNode(HDSObject) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.ARYDataNode
Constructs an ARYDataNode from an HDSObject.
- ARYDataNode(ArrayStructure) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.ARYDataNode
Constructs and ARYDataNode from an ArrayStrucutre.
- ARYDataNode(String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.ARYDataNode
Constructs an ARYDataNode from an HDS path.
- asBranch() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.Tree
Returns this instance as a Branch if it's a branch,
or null if it's a leaf.
- asBranch() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.Tree.Branch
- asBranch() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.Tree.Leaf
- AsciiFileParser - Class in uk.ac.starlink.util
Generalised parser for data stored as a table in a plain text
- AsciiFileParser() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.AsciiFileParser
Create an instance.
- AsciiFileParser(boolean) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.AsciiFileParser
Create an instance.
- AsciiFileParser(File) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.AsciiFileParser
Create an instance and parse a given File.
- AsciiFileParser(File, boolean) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.AsciiFileParser
Create an instance and parse a given File.
- ASCIIMOC_MAPPER - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data.AreaDomain
Mapper for ASCII format MOCs.
- AsciiMocCoverage - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.cone
MOC coverage implementation which uses the ASCII serialization.
- AsciiMocCoverage(String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.cone.AsciiMocCoverage
- AsciiStarTable - Class in uk.ac.starlink.table.formats
Simple ASCII-format table.
- AsciiStarTable(DataSource) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.table.formats.AsciiStarTable
Constructor with default options.
- AsciiStarTable(DataSource, int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.table.formats.AsciiStarTable
Constructor with configuration option.
- AsciiTable - Class in nom.tam.fits
An ASCII table.
- AsciiTable(Header) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
Create an ASCII table given a header
- AsciiTable() - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTable
Create an empty ASCII table
- AsciiTableBuilder - Class in uk.ac.starlink.table.formats
A table builder which reads tables in simple ASCII format.
- AsciiTableBuilder() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.table.formats.AsciiTableBuilder
- AsciiTableHDU - Class in nom.tam.fits
FITS ASCII table header/data unit
- AsciiTableHDU(Header, Data) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.AsciiTableHDU
Create an ascii table header/data unit.
- AsciiTableStarTable - Class in uk.ac.starlink.fits
StarTable implementation for FITS (ASCII) TABLE extensions.
- AsciiTableStarTable(FitsHeader) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.fits.AsciiTableStarTable
- AsciiTableWriter - Class in uk.ac.starlink.table.formats
A StarTableWriter which outputs text to a simple format machine-readable
text file.
- AsciiTableWriter() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.table.formats.AsciiTableWriter
- asin(double) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.Maths
Arc sine of an angle.
- asinDeg(double) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.TrigDegrees
Arc sine.
- asinh(double) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.Maths
Inverse hyperbolic sine.
- asIOException(Throwable) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.gui.AbstractTableLoadDialog
Converts an exception to an IOException, probably by wrapping it
in one.
- asLeaf() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.Tree
Returns this instance as a Leaf if it's a leaf,
or null if it's a branch.
- asLeaf() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.Tree.Branch
- asLeaf() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.Tree.Leaf
- asNumericArray(String) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.fits.FitsUtil
Attempts to interpret a string as a formatted numeric array.
- aspectRatio(TimedStroke) - Static method in class diva.sketch.features.AspectRatioFE
Return the ratio of the width and height of the stroke's
bounding box.
- AspectRatioFE - Class in diva.sketch.features
AspectRatioFE calculates the ratio of the width and the height from
a stroke's bounding box, (width/height).
- AspectRatioFE() - Constructor for class diva.sketch.features.AspectRatioFE
- ASPECTS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.task.PlotDisplay
Name of property that changes when plot Aspects are reset.
- assertArrayEquals(String, Object, Object) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.TestCase
Asserts that two arrays have exactly the same contents.
- assertArrayEquals(Object, Object) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.TestCase
Asserts that two arrays have exactly the same contents.
- assertArrayEquals(String, Object, Object, double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.TestCase
Asserts that two numeric arrays have the same contents
within a given tolerance.
- assertArrayEquals(Object, Object, double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.TestCase
Asserts that two numeric arrays have the same contents
within a given tolerance.
- assertArrayNotEquals(String, Object, Object) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.TestCase
Asserts that two objects are not arrays with the same contents.
- assertArrayNotEquals(Object, Object) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.TestCase
Asserts that two objects are not arrays with the same contents.
- assertArrayNotEquals(String, Object, Object, double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.TestCase
Asserts that two objects are not numeric arrays having the same
contents within a given tolerance.
- assertArrayNotEquals(Object, Object, double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.TestCase
Asserts that two objects are not numeric arrays having the same
contents within a given tolerance.
- assertDOMEquals(URL, Node) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.TestCase
Asserts that a DOM is equivalent to the XML in a given URL.
- assertDOMEquals(URL, Node, String, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.TestCase
Asserts that a DOM is equivalent to the XML in a given URL.
- assertDOMEquals(String, Node) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.TestCase
Asserts that a DOM is equivalent to the DOM implied by the XML
in a given string.
- assertDOMEquals(String, Node, String, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.TestCase
Asserts that a DOM is equivalent to the DOM implied by the XML
in a given string.
- assertDOMEquals(InputStream, Node, String, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.TestCase
Asserts that a DOM is equivalent to the DOM read from a given stream.
- assertDOMEquals(Node, Node) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.TestCase
Asserts that two DOMs are equal.
- assertDOMEquals(Node, Node, String, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.TestCase
Asserts that two DOMs are equal.
- assertEquals(Object, Object, String) - Method in class diva.util.jester.TestCase
Assert the equality of two objects.
- assertEquals(String, float, float) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.TestCase
Asserts that two float
s are exactly equal.
- assertEquals(float, float) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.TestCase
Asserts that two float
s are exactly equal.
- assertEquals(String, double, double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.TestCase
Asserts that two double
s are exactly equal.
- assertEquals(double, double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.TestCase
Asserts that two double
s are exactly equal.
- AssertException - Exception in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter
IOException which results from the failure of a user-level assertion.
- AssertException(String) - Constructor for exception uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter.AssertException
Constructs an AssertException with a message.
- AssertException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter.AssertException
Constructs an AssertException with a message and a cause.
- assertExpr(boolean, String) - Method in class diva.util.jester.TestCase
Make an assertion, and fail the test if it isn't satisfied.
- AssertFilter - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter
Filter for making algebraic (JEL) assertions about table data contents.
- AssertFilter() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter.AssertFilter
- assertLongToInt(long) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.Tables
Casts a long to an int, with an assertion that no truncation occurs.
- assertSourceEquals(Source, Source, String, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.TestCase
Asserts that two XML
represent the same XML Infoset.
- assertValidXML(String, InputSource) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.TestCase
Asserts that the contents of a stream are valid XML.
- assertValidXML(InputSource) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.TestCase
Asserts that the contents of a stream are valid XML.
- ASSUMED - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.hapi.HapiVersion
Version suitable for use if no version information is available.
- AST__3DFSET - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "Supplied FrameSet does not contain any independent axes"
- AST__AIR - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type AIR.
- AST__AIT - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type AIT.
- AST__AND - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.CmpRegion
Constant indicating AND-type region combination.
- AST__ARC - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type ARC.
- AST__ATGER - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "attribute getting error"
- AST__ATSER - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "attribute setting error"
- AST__ATTIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "attribute value invalid"
- AST__AXIIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "axis index invalid"
- AST__AZP - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type AZP.
- AST__BAD - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstObject
Bad coordinate value.
- AST__BADAT - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "bad attribute name"
- AST__BADBX - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "zero-sized box given"
- AST__BADCI - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "bad coordinate index"
- AST__BADCOL - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "No such column exists in the table"
- AST__BADFLG - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "Incompatible flags for re-sampling or re-binning"
- AST__BADIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "bad input data"
- AST__BADKEY - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "Attempt made to add an entry to a locked KeyMap"
- AST__BADNI - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "bad number of input coordinates"
- AST__BADNO - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "bad number of output coordinates"
- AST__BADNULL - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "Bad null value for a FITS table column"
- AST__BADOC - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "Invalid parameters for offset sky coordinate system"
- AST__BADPW - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "PolyMap contains illegal power value"
- AST__BADSIZ - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "Invalid array size"
- AST__BADSM - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "ShiftMap contains no shift information"
- AST__BADSUB - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "Illegal syntax for string substitution template"
- AST__BADTAB - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "Error reading WCS from FITS binary table"
- AST__BADTYP - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "Bad data type"
- AST__BADTYPE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.KeyMap
Type constant represening no known type.
- AST__BADUN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "invalid units specification"
- AST__BADWM - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "WinMap contains no bounds information"
- AST__BASE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.FrameSet
Frame index of Base coordinate frame of FrameSet.
- AST__BDBRK - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "bad break index"
- AST__BDFMT - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "bad field specifier"
- AST__BDFTS - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "invalid FITS keyword value found"
- AST__BDOBJ - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "inappropriate Object supplied"
- AST__BDPAR - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "Bad value supplied for a public function parameter"
- AST__BIGKEY - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "Key string is too long"
- AST__BIGTAB - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "Table is too large"
- AST__BON - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type BON.
- AST__CAR - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type CAR.
- AST__CEA - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type CEA.
- AST__CLPAX - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "wrong number of clipping axes"
- AST__CNFLX - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "cannot conserve flux whilst resampling an array of data"
- AST__COD - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type COD.
- AST__COE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type COE.
- AST__COMIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "invalid comma in expression"
- AST__CONIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "invalid constant in expression"
- AST__COO - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type COO.
- AST__COP - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type COP.
- AST__CORNG - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "range of coordinates invalid"
- AST__CSC - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type CSC.
- AST__CURRENT - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.FrameSet
Frame index of Current coordinate frame of FrameSet.
- AST__CVBRK - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "too many breaks in a curve"
- AST__CYP - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type CYP.
- AST__DIMIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "array dimensions invalid"
- AST__DOUBLETYPE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.KeyMap
Type constant representing double type.
- AST__DTERR - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "date/time error"
- AST__DUVAR - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "duplicate variable name"
- AST__ENDIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "invalid use of astEnd"
- AST__EOCHN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "end of input Channel encountered"
- AST__EXPIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "attempt to export Object pointer from level zero"
- AST__FCRPT - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "corrupted FitsChan supplied"
- AST__FMTER - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "error while formatting coordinate value"
- AST__FRMIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "Frame index invalid"
- AST__FRSIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "FrameSet invalid"
- AST__FTCNV - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "cannot convert FITS data value type"
- AST__FUNDEF - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "FITS keyword had undefined value"
- AST__GBDIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "grid bounds invalid"
- AST__GLS - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type GLS.
- AST__GRFER - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "low level graphics error"
- AST__ILOST - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "FrameSet integrity lost"
- AST__INCTS - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "incompatible time scales"
- AST__INHAN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "invalid Handle"
- AST__INNCO - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "incompatible numbers of coordinates"
- AST__INNTF - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "invalid number of transformation functions"
- AST__INTER - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "internal programming error"
- AST__INTRD - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "incompatible transformation directions"
- AST__INTTYPE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.KeyMap
Type constant representing int type.
- AST__ISNAN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "A transformation generated one or more NaN values"
- AST__ITFER - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "error in IntraMap transformation function"
- AST__ITFNI - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "IntraMap transformation function name invalid"
- AST__KYCIR - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "circular dependency between KeyMaps"
- AST__LCKERR - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "Error locking or unlocking an AST Object"
- AST__LDERR - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "class loader error"
- AST__LEVMAR - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "Error in levmar Levenberg-Marquardt code"
- AST__LUTII - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "invalid lookup table increment"
- AST__LUTIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "invalid number of lookup table elements"
- AST__MBBNF - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "Mapping bounding box not found"
- AST__MEMIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "requested memory size invalid"
- AST__MER - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type MER.
- AST__MIOPA - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "missing or invalid operand in expression"
- AST__MIOPR - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "missing or invalid operator in expression"
- AST__MISVN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "missing variable name"
- AST__MLPAR - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "missing left parenthesis in expression"
- AST__MOL - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type MOL.
- AST__MPGER - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "error getting a named value from a KeyMap"
- AST__MPIND - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "invalid integer index supplied for a KeyMap entry"
- AST__MPKER - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "requested key not found in KeyMap"
- AST__MPPER - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "error putting a named value into a KeyMap"
- AST__MPVIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "invalid integer index supplied for a KeyMap vector element"
- AST__MRITF - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "multiple registration of IntraMap transformation function"
- AST__MRPAR - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "missing right parenthesis in expression"
- AST__MTR23 - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "not a 2d or 3d MatrixMap"
- AST__MTRAX - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "null rotation axis supplied"
- AST__MTRML - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "bad matrix shapes for multiplication"
- AST__MTRMT - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "null matrix supplied"
- AST__NAXIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "number of axes invalid"
- AST__NCHIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "number of characters invalid"
- AST__NCOIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "number of coordinates invalid"
- AST__NCP - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type NCP.
- AST__NCPIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "number of coordinates per point invalid"
- AST__NELIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "number of array elements invalid"
- AST__NGDIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "number of grid dimensions invalid"
- AST__NOCTS - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "number of output coordinates too small"
- AST__NODEF - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "transformation not defined"
- AST__NOFIT - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "Fit failed"
- AST__NOFRAME - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.FrameSet
Frame index which applies to no frame in the FrameSet.
- AST__NOFTS - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "required FITS keywords missing"
- AST__NOMEM - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "unable to allocate memory"
- AST__NONIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "no inside point found"
- AST__NOPTS - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "number of output points too small"
- AST__NORHS - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "missing right hand side in function"
- AST__NORSF - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "no rest frequency is defined"
- AST__NOSOR - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "no standard of rest is defined"
- AST__NOTAB - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "Cannot access FITS binary table"
- AST__NOVAL - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "attribute has no usable value"
- AST__NOWRT - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "attribute is read-only"
- AST__NPTIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "number of points invalid"
- AST__OBJECTTYPE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.KeyMap
Type constant representing AstObject type.
- AST__OBJIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "Object invalid"
- AST__OCLUK - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "Object class unknown"
- AST__OLDCOL - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "Column already exists with different properties"
- AST__OPRIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "operation specifier invalid"
- AST__OPT - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "invalid Plot option"
- AST__OR - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.CmpRegion
Constant indicating OR-type region combination.
- AST__PAR - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type PAR.
- AST__PATIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "positional accuracy tolerance invalid"
- AST__PCO - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type PCO.
- AST__PDSIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "points data structure invalid"
- AST__PLFMT - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "no numerical labels can be produced"
- AST__PRMIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "permutation invalid"
- AST__PTRIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "pointer invalid"
- AST__PTRNG - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "range of points invalid"
- AST__PXFRRM - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "Attempt to delete original Plot3D base Frame"
- AST__QSC - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type QSC.
- AST__RDERR - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "read error"
- AST__REGCN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "region cannot be re-centred"
- AST__REGIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "invalid or corrupted Region structure supplied"
- AST__REMIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "invalid attempt to remove last Frame"
- AST__SCSIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "sky coordinate system invalid"
- AST__SELIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "axis selection invalid"
- AST__SFL - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type SFL.
- AST__SIN - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type SIN.
- AST__SISIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "sub-pixel interpolation scheme invalid"
- AST__SLAIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "bad SLALIB transformation type"
- AST__SPCIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "invalid SpecMap"
- AST__SSPIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "scale size in pixels invalid"
- AST__STCIND - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "invalid AstroCoords index"
- AST__STCKEY - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "cannot use supplied AstroCoords info"
- AST__STG - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type STG.
- AST__STRINGTYPE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.KeyMap
Type constant representing String type.
- AST__SZP - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type SZP.
- AST__TAN - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type TAN.
- AST__TIMIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "invalid TimeMap"
- AST__TPN - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type TPN.
- AST__TRNND - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "coordinate transformation not defined"
- AST__TSC - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type TSC.
- AST__TUNAM - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "Unknown AST tuning parameter name supplied"
- AST__TUNULL - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstObject
No-change value for use with
- AST__UDVOF - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "undefined variable or function in expression"
- AST__UINER - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "error in user-supplied sub-pixel interpolation function"
- AST__UK1ER - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "error in user-supplied 1-d sub-pixel interpolation kernel"
- AST__UNFER - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "error while unformatting a coordinate value"
- AST__UNMQT - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "unmatched quotes"
- AST__URITF - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "unregistered IntraMap transformation function"
- AST__VARIN - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "variable name invalid"
- AST__VSMAL - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "valid area too small"
- AST__WCSAX - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "non-existent longitude or latitude axis"
- AST__WCSBAD - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type WCSBAD.
- AST__WCSNC - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "too few mapping coordinates"
- AST__WCSPA - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "invalid projection parameters"
- AST__WCSTY - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "unknown projection type"
- AST__WRERR - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "write error"
- AST__WRNFA - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "wrong number of function arguments in expression"
- AST__XMLCM - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "invalid XML comment text"
- AST__XMLIT - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "invalid XML content item index"
- AST__XMLNM - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "invalid XML name or prefix"
- AST__XMLNS - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.XmlChan
XML namespace for elements in AstObject serialization.
- AST__XMLPT - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "invalid XML processing instruction target text"
- AST__XMLWF - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "supplied XML document is not well formed"
- AST__XSOBJ - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "too many Objects in use at once"
- AST__ZEA - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type ZEA.
- AST__ZERAX - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "Range of log axis scale includes zero"
- AST__ZOOMI - Static variable in exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Status constant for error "zoom factor invalid"
- AST__ZPN - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.WcsMap
Indicates FITS-WCS mapping of type ZPN.
- AstAxes - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui
AstAxes is a model of the axes elements shown in an AST Plot.
- AstAxes() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AstAxes
Create a empty instance.
- astAxes - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.PlotConfiguration
AST model of the axes.
- AstAxisLabels - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui
AstAxisLabel is a model of the Axis label elements shown in say an AST
- AstAxisLabels() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AstAxisLabels
Create an empty instance.
- AstAxisLabels(String, String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AstAxisLabels
Create an instance with initial values.
- astAxisLabels - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AxisLabelControls
AstAxisLabel model for current state.
- astAxisLabels - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.PlotConfiguration
AST model of the axis labels.
- AstBorder - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui
AstBorder is a model of the Border element shown in say an AST Plot.
- AstBorder() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AstBorder
Create a empty instance.
- astBorder - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.BorderControls
AstBorder model for current state.
- astBorder - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.PlotConfiguration
AST model of the border.
- AstCellEditor - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui
Cell editor for table fields containing AstDouble objects.
- AstCellEditor() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AstCellEditor
Create an instance.
- astConfigObjects - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.PlotConfiguration
Array of AbstractPlotControlsModel objects that are genuine Ast
related parts (i.e.
- AstDouble - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui
AstDouble implements a double precision Number that represents a
value that should be formatted and unformatted using the
characteristics of an axis of an AST Frame.
- AstDouble(double, Frame, int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AstDouble
Construct an AstDouble.
- AstDouble(String, Frame, int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AstDouble
Construct an AstDouble from a formatted value.
- AstDoubleDocument - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui
AstDoubleDocument extends PlainDocument to so that any associated
components will only accept valid AstDouble formatted strings.
- AstDoubleDocument(PlotController, int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AstDoubleDocument
Constructor for the AstDoubleDocument object
- AstDoubleField - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui
AstDoubleField extends JTextField to enforce the entry of valid AST
coordinates (that is doubles or formatted strings).
- AstDoubleField(double, PlotController, int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AstDoubleField
Create an instance.
- AstException - Exception in uk.ac.starlink.ast
Thrown to indicate that there has been an AST error of some description.
- AstException(String) - Constructor for exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Construct an AstException.
- AstException(String, int) - Constructor for exception uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstException
Construct an AstException with a given status value.
- AstFigureProps - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui
Subclass of
that can convert a Figure between
coordinates systems using a
when restoring from
an XML serialization.
- AstFigureProps() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AstFigureProps
Create an instance ready to be configured using the decode method.
- AstFigureProps(FigureProps) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AstFigureProps
Create an instance which is a copy of an existing FigureProps.
- AstFigureStore - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui
A subclass of
that adds functionality to store and
restore the current AST context along with the properties of a set of
- AstFigureStore(AstPlotSource, String, String, String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AstFigureStore
- AstFITSShower - Class in uk.ac.starlink.datanode.viewers
Provides a JComponent showing giving the FITS representation of
an AST object.
- AstFITSShower(AstObject) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.viewers.AstFITSShower
Creates an AstTextShower.
- AstGrid - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui
AstGrid is a model of the Grid element shown in say an AST Plot.
- AstGrid() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AstGrid
Create a empty instance.
- astGrid - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.GridControls
AstGrid model for current state.
- astGrid - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.PlotConfiguration
AST model of the grid.
- AstNumberLabels - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui
AstNumberLabels is a model of the axis numeric label elements shown in say
an AST Plot.
- AstNumberLabels() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AstNumberLabels
Create an empty instance.
- astNumberLabels - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AxisNumLabControls
AstAxisLabel model for current state.
- astNumberLabels - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.PlotConfiguration
AST model of the number labels.
- AstObject - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ast
Java interface to the AST Object class
- base class for all AST Objects.
- AstObject() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstObject
Dummy constructor.
- AstPackage - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ast
Provides information about the status of the JNIAST package.
- AstPlotSource - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui
Interface defining access to a
held by some other
- AstroCoords - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ast
Represents an AstroCoords
element from the Space-Time
Coordinate (STC) metadata.
- AstroCoords() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstroCoords
- AstroCoords(String[]) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.AstroCoords
Constructor which allows specification of axis names.
- astromUVW(double[]) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.Gaia
Calculates Cartesian components of velocity from quantities available
in the Gaia source catalogue.
- astromUVW(double, double, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.Gaia
Calculates Cartesian components of velocity from the observed
position and proper motion, radial velocity and radial distance,
with optional light-time correction.
- astromXYZ(double, double, double) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.Gaia
Calculates Cartesian components of position from RA, Declination and
- AstStrings - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui
AstStrings is a model for all the general text elements shown in
an AST Plot (i.e.
- AstStrings() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AstStrings
Create a empty instance.
- astStrings - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.PlotConfiguration
AST model of the text strings.
- astStrings - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.StringsControls
AstStrings model for current state.
- AstStyleBox - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui
AstStyleBox extends a JComboBox by adding a default set of values
that correspond to the default AST line styles (plain, dashed, dot
- AstStyleBox() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AstStyleBox
The default constructor that adds the AST style controls.
- AstTextShower - Class in uk.ac.starlink.datanode.viewers
Provides a JComponent showing giving the textual representation of
an AST object.
- AstTextShower(AstObject) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.viewers.AstTextShower
Creates an AstTextShower.
- AstTicks - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui
AstTicks is a model of the tick mark elements shown in say an AST Plot.
- AstTicks() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AstTicks
Create a empty instance.
- astTicks - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.PlotConfiguration
AST model of the plot ticks.
- astTicks - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.TickControls
AstTicks model for current state.
- AstTitle - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui
AstTitle is a model of the Title element shown in say an AST Plot.
- AstTitle() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AstTitle
Create a empty instance.
- AstTitle(String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AstTitle
Create an instance with initial value.
- astTitle - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.PlotConfiguration
AST model of the title.
- astTitle - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.TitleControls
AstTitle model for current state.
- atan(double) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.Maths
Arc tangent of an angle.
- atan2(double, double) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.Maths
Converts rectangular coordinates (x
to polar (r
- atan2Deg(double, double) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.TrigDegrees
Converts rectangular coordinates (x
to polar (r
- atanDeg(double) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.TrigDegrees
Arc tangent.
- atanh(double) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.Maths
Inverse hyperbolic tangent.
- attemptDelete() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.UwsJob
Attempts to delete this query's UWS job.
- attemptGetResultTable(Reporter, TapQuery) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.taplint.TapRunner
Attempts to execute a TAP query and returns the result table,
or throws an exception if the query failed for some reason.
- attemptMakeByteStore() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.storage.ByteStoreStoragePolicy
Returns a ByteStore object to hold data.
- attemptReadData() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.Downloader
Performs the actual download.
- attemptReadMetadata(Object) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.gbin.GbinMetadataReader
Attempts to read a metadata object from a GbinReader object.
- attemptReadTable(InputStream, boolean, DataSource, WideFits, long[], StoragePolicy) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.fits.FitsTableBuilder
Reads the next header, and returns a StarTable based on it if it
represents a table.
- attemptSave(StarTable[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.gui.SaveWorker
This method should do the work of saving the given tables.
- attr(int, double, int) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.ast.Grf
Enquires or sets a graphics attribute value.
- attr(int, double, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.grf.DefaultGrf
Enquires or sets a graphics attribute value.
- Attractor(AttractorFamily, double[], double[]) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.scheme.AttractorFamily.Attractor
- ATTRACTOR_INFO - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.scheme.AttractorStarTable
- AttractorFamily - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.scheme
Defines an interface and some implementations for a family of
(potentially) strange attractors.
- AttractorFamily(String, int, int, double, double) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.scheme.AttractorFamily
- AttractorFamily.Attractor - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.scheme
Defines an unbounded sequence of points, that may represent an attractor.
- AttractorScheme - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.scheme
TableScheme that can produce tables representing a sequence of 2d or 3d
points in space corresponding to iterated sequence that follow
(strange) attractors.
- AttractorScheme() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.scheme.AttractorScheme
- AttractorStarTable - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.scheme
StarTable implementation based on an Attractor.
- AttractorStarTable(AttractorFamily.Attractor, long) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.scheme.AttractorStarTable
- attribute(String, String, boolean) - Method in class diva.compat.xml.XmlReader.Handler
Handle an attribute assignment that is part of an XML element.
- attribute(String, String, boolean) - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageParser
Handle an attribute value assignment.
- attribute(String, String, boolean) - Method in class diva.sketch.recognition.MSTrainingParser
Handle an attribute value assignment.
- attribute(String, String, boolean) - Method in class diva.sketch.recognition.SSTrainingParser
Handle an attribute value assignment.
- attribute(String, String, boolean) - Method in class diva.util.aelfred.HandlerBase
Handle an attribute assignment.
- attribute(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface diva.util.aelfred.XmlHandler
- attribute(String, String, boolean) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlReader.Handler
Handle an attribute assignment that is part of an XML element.
- attribute(int, double, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.grf.DefaultGrf
Enquire or set a graphics attribute value This function returns the
current value of a specified graphics attribute, and optionally
establishes a new value.
- ATTRIBUTE_CDATA - Static variable in class diva.util.aelfred.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute value is a string value.
- ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_FIXED - Static variable in class diva.util.aelfred.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute was declared #FIXED.
- ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_IMPLIED - Static variable in class diva.util.aelfred.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute was declared #IMPLIED.
- ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_REQUIRED - Static variable in class diva.util.aelfred.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute was declared #REQUIRED.
- ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_SPECIFIED - Static variable in class diva.util.aelfred.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute has a literal default value specified.
- ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_UNDECLARED - Static variable in class diva.util.aelfred.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute is not declared.
- ATTRIBUTE_ENTITIES - Static variable in class diva.util.aelfred.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute value is a list of entity names.
- ATTRIBUTE_ENTITY - Static variable in class diva.util.aelfred.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute value is the name of an entity.
- ATTRIBUTE_ENUMERATED - Static variable in class diva.util.aelfred.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute value is a token from an enumeration.
- ATTRIBUTE_ID - Static variable in class diva.util.aelfred.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute value is a unique identifier.
- ATTRIBUTE_IDREF - Static variable in class diva.util.aelfred.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute value is a reference to a unique identifier.
- ATTRIBUTE_IDREFS - Static variable in class diva.util.aelfred.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute value is a list of ID references.
- ATTRIBUTE_NMTOKEN - Static variable in class diva.util.aelfred.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute value is a name token.
- ATTRIBUTE_NMTOKENS - Static variable in class diva.util.aelfred.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute value is a list of name tokens.
- ATTRIBUTE_NOTATION - Static variable in class diva.util.aelfred.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute is the name of a notation.
- ATTRIBUTE_UNDECLARED - Static variable in class diva.util.aelfred.XmlParser
Constant: the attribute has not been declared for this element type.
- AttributeAdapter - Interface in diva.graphx
An adapter to allow the Diva graph interaction code to operate
on attributes of graph elements.
- AttributeChecker - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint
Defines how to perform checks on attributes.
- attributeNames() - Method in class diva.compat.xml.XmlElement
Return an enumeration over the names of the attributes
in this schematic.
- attributeNames(Object) - Method in interface diva.graphx.AttributeAdapter
Return an iterator over the names of the attributes that
this element knows about.
- attributeNames() - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlElement
Return an enumeration over the names of the attributes
in this schematic.
- AttributeProxy - Interface in diva.graphx
An attribute proxy is an object that is used to allow finer-grained
manipulation of attributes of graph elements.
- AU - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.util.PhysicalConstants
1 Astronomical unit - m
- AU_YRKMS - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.Gaia
This quantity is A_v, the Astronomical Unit expressed in km.yr/sec.
- AUKM - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.pal.Pal
Astronomical unit to kilometers
- AUSEC - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.pal.Pal
Light time for 1 AU (sec)
- AUTH_HEADER - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.auth.AuthUtil
RFC7235 Authorization header key "Authorization" (RFC 7235 sec 4.2).
- AUTH_NO - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.ResourceIcon
- AUTH_NONE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.ResourceIcon
- AUTH_REQNO - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.ResourceIcon
- AUTH_YES - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.ResourceIcon
- authcheck(URL, boolean, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.auth.AuthManager
Attempts to establish authentication for an authcheck-type URL.
- AuthConnection - Class in uk.ac.starlink.auth
Aggregates a URLConnection and the AuthContext used to make the connection.
- AuthConnection(URLConnection, AuthContext) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.auth.AuthConnection
- AuthContext - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.auth
An object which is capable of manipulating HTTP connections to
add required authentication information.
- authenticate() - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.table.jdbc.JDBCAuthenticator
Obtains username and password.
- authenticate() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.jdbc.SwingAuthenticator
This implementation of authenticate
takes care to execute
any GUI interactions on the AWT event dipatch thread, so it may
be called from any thread.
- authenticate() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.jdbc.TerminalAuthenticator
- authenticate() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.jdbc.TextModelsAuthenticator
- authFailureMessage(HttpURLConnection) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.auth.AuthUtil
Prepares a short user-readable message indicating the state of a
connection that failed because of auth issues.
- AUTHID_HEADER - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.auth.AuthUtil
Header giving user authenticated ID "X-VO-Authenticated" (SSO_next).
- AuthKey - Class in uk.ac.starlink.connect
Describes an item of authorization information required when connecting
to a remote service.
- AuthKey(String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.connect.AuthKey
Constructs a new key with a given name.
- AuthManager - Class in uk.ac.starlink.auth
Manages authentication.
- AuthManager(UserInterface, AuthScheme[], Redirector) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.auth.AuthManager
- AuthScheme - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.auth
Represents an RFC7235 authentication scheme.
- AuthStatus - Class in uk.ac.starlink.auth
Characterises the authentication associated with a connection.
- AuthStatus(AuthType) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.auth.AuthStatus
Constructs an AuthStatus with a given type but no actual authentication.
- AuthStatus(AuthType, boolean, String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.auth.AuthStatus
Constructs an AuthStatus with given characteristics.
- AuthTest - Class in uk.ac.starlink.auth
- AuthTest() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.auth.AuthTest
- AuthType - Enum in uk.ac.starlink.auth
Enumerates different types of authentication available for a connection.
- AuthUtil - Class in uk.ac.starlink.auth
Utilities used by authentication classes.
- AUTO - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.calc.WebMapper
Mapper that tries various strategies to turn a string into a URL.
- AUTO - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.ShapeMode
Auto density mode, no user settings.
- AUTO - Static variable in interface uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.Scaling
Asinh-based scaling with default parameters.
- AUTO - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.TapMetaPolicy
Tries its best to do something sensible.
- AUTO_HANDLER - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.table.StarTableFactory
Special handler identifier which signifies automatic format detection.
- AUTO_HANDLER - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.table.StarTableOutput
Special output handler name indicating automatic format selection.
- autoAnchor(Shape) - Method in class diva.canvas.toolbox.LabelFigure
Choose an anchor point so as not to intersect a given
- autoDrawOptionsMenu - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.PlotConfigurator
- AutonomousSite - Class in diva.canvas.connector
A site that is not attached to a figure.
- AutonomousSite(TransformContext, double, double) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.AutonomousSite
Create a new autonomous site in the given transform
context and at the given location within that context.
- AutonomousSite(CanvasPane, double, double) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.AutonomousSite
Create a new autonomous site in the transform
context of the given pane and at the given location within that pane.
- AutonomousSite(CanvasLayer, double, double) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.AutonomousSite
Create a new autonomous site in the transform
context of the given pane and at the given location within that layer.
- AutonomousSite(Figure, double, double) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.AutonomousSite
Create a new autonomous site in the transform context of
the given figure and at the given location within that figure.
- AUTOSCALE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config.StyleKeys
Config key for autoscale flag for markers in data space.
- AUTOSCALE_PIX - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config.StyleKeys
Config key for autoscale flag for markers in pixel space.
- AUTOSCALE_PIXELS - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.MultiPointForm
Size of longest/characteristic shape in pixels when autoscaled.
- autotest() - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsDate
- AutoTransparentStamper(Color, double) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.ShapeMode.AutoTransparentStamper
- AUX - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.ShapeMode
Aux variable colouring mode.
- AUX_CROWD - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config.StyleKeys
Config key for aux axis tick crowding.
- AUX_NULLCOLOR - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config.StyleKeys
Config key for aux null colour.
- AUX_OPAQUE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config.StyleKeys
Config key for the opacity limit of auxiliary shaded plots.
- AUX_RAMP - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config.StyleKeys
Config key set for global Aux axis colour ramp.
- AUX_VARIABLE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plottask.PlotStateFactory
Symbolic suffix representing an auxiliary axis in per-aux
parameter names.
- AuxClassLoader - Class in uk.ac.starlink.util
This class provides a ClassLoader which looks on a given class path.
- AuxClassLoader(String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.AuxClassLoader
Constructs a ClassLoader which will look on a given path.
- AuxColorKit - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
Encapsulates information about how to colour data points for
Aux-like shading.
- AuxLegend - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot
Displays a legend for an auxiliary (colour) axis.
- AuxLegend(boolean, int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.AuxLegend
- AuxLineStyle - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
LineStyle subclass that can vary the line's colour along its length.
- AuxLineStyle(Color, Stroke, boolean, Shader, Scaling, Subrange, Color) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.AuxLineStyle
- AuxReader - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2
Extracts range information from plot data.
- AuxScale - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2
Represents a ranged value that can differ according to the content
of a plot.
- AuxScale(String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.AuxScale
- AuxServiceFinder - Class in uk.ac.starlink.vo
TapServiceFinder implementation that uses the IVOA Registry
along with an "auxiliary" labelling of tableset resources.
- AuxServiceFinder() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.vo.AuxServiceFinder
Constructs a default instance.
- AuxServiceFinder(TapService, ContentCoding) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.vo.AuxServiceFinder
Constructs an instance with custom configuration.
- AVAILABILITY_URI - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.taplint.IvoaSchemaResolver
Namespace URI for VOSI availability schema.
- available() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.Base64InputStream
- available() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.DataBufferedInputStream
- available() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.UncompressInputStream
- averaging(TimedStroke) - Static method in class diva.sketch.toolbox.AveragingStrokeFilter
Smooth the given stroke by averaging each point with its
neighboring points.
- AveragingStrokeFilter - Class in diva.sketch.toolbox
Smooth a stroke by averaging a point with its neighboring points.
- AveragingStrokeFilter() - Constructor for class diva.sketch.toolbox.AveragingStrokeFilter
- awtToPdf(Font) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.ExternalFontMapper
- AWTXMLEncodeDecode - Class in uk.ac.starlink.util.gui
A static utility class for encoding and decoding some AWT
primitives to and from XML.
- axAngle(double[], double[], int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.Frame
Returns the angle from an axis, to a line through two points.
- axDistance(int, double, double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.Frame
Find the distance between two axis values.
- AxesControls - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui
AxesControls creates a "page" of widgets that are a view of an
AstAxes object.
- AxesControls(AbstractPlotControlsModel, PlotController) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AxesControls
Create an instance.
- Axis - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ast
Java interface to the AST Axis
- Axis() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.Axis
- axis - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AstDoubleField
The axis of the Plot that the coordinates relate to.
- Axis - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2
Does geometry and drawing for a straight line axis.
- Axis(int, int, double, double) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.Axis
- AxisAnnotation - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.geom
Defines text labelling to decorate a plot.
- AxisLabelControls - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui
AxisLabelControls creates a "page" of widgets that are a view of an
AstAxisLabel object.
- AxisLabelControls(AbstractPlotControlsModel) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AxisLabelControls
Create an instance.
- AxisLabeller - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot
Assigns and draws axis labels.
- AxisLabeller(String, double, double, int, boolean, boolean, FontMetrics, AxisLabeller.TickStyle, int, int, int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.AxisLabeller
Constructs a new labeller giving enough information to determine
where the tickmarks will appear.
- AxisLabeller.TickStyle - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot
Defines tick mark annotation styles.
- AXISLABELLER_KEY - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.geom.SkySurfaceFactory
Config key to control axis label positioning.
- AxisLabels - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot
Contains labels for an axis.
- AxisLabels(double[], String[]) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.AxisLabels
Sets up a new AxisLabels.
- AxisNumLabControls - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui
AxisNumLabControls.Java creates a "page" of widgets that are a view of an
AstAxisLabel object.
- AxisNumLabControls(AbstractPlotControlsModel) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AxisNumLabControls
Create an instance.
- AxisOpt - Enum in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
Represents one of the available plot axes.
- axisScale() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.grf.DefaultGrf
Get the axis scales.
- AxisTableDeserializer - Class in uk.ac.starlink.votable.soap
Custom deserializer for VOTables.
- AxisTableDeserializer(StoragePolicy) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.votable.soap.AxisTableDeserializer
- AxisTableDeserializerFactory - Class in uk.ac.starlink.votable.soap
Custom deserializer factory for streaming StarTables using AXIS.
- AxisTableDeserializerFactory() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.votable.soap.AxisTableDeserializerFactory
- AxisTableSerializer - Class in uk.ac.starlink.votable.soap
Custom serializer for StarTables.
- AxisTableSerializer() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.votable.soap.AxisTableSerializer
- AxisTableSerializerFactory - Class in uk.ac.starlink.votable.soap
Custom serializer factory for streaming StarTables using AXIS.
- AxisTableSerializerFactory() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.votable.soap.AxisTableSerializerFactory
- AXLABEL_COLOR - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config.StyleKeys
Config key for axis label colour.
- axOffset(int, double, double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.Frame
Add an increment onto a supplied axis value.
- B - Static variable in class gaia.cu9.tools.parallax.readers.StarVariablesCsvSchema
- backChar() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.pal.palString
Move the string pointer back one character
- BackgroundedCompositeFigure - Class in diva.canvas.toolbox
A composite figure which has a background shape and
appropriate event-handling capabilities, behaving in
a way similar to PaneWrapper.
- BackgroundedCompositeFigure() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.BackgroundedCompositeFigure
Construct a backgrounded composite figure with
no background and no children.
- BackgroundedCompositeFigure(Figure) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.BackgroundedCompositeFigure
Construct a backgrounded composite figure with the
given background and no children.
- BACKSLASH - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task.LineEnder
Backslash followed by carriage return (Un*x shells).
- BACKTICK - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task.LineEnder
Backtick followed by carriage return (Windows PowerShell).
- BAD - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.grf.DefaultGrf
Constant defining a BAD value (used to break polylines), this is the
same as AST__BAD by definition.
- BAD - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AstDouble
The AST bad value.
- BAD_BYTE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.parquet.InputColumns
- BAD_INT - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.parquet.InputColumns
- BAD_LONG - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.parquet.InputColumns
- BAD_SHORT - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.parquet.InputColumns
- BadChallengeException - Exception in uk.ac.starlink.auth
Exception indicating that an authentication challenge is badly formed,
for instance missing parameters required by the scheme to which it
is supposed to conform.
- BadChallengeException(String) - Constructor for exception uk.ac.starlink.auth.BadChallengeException
- BadChallengeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception uk.ac.starlink.auth.BadChallengeException
- BadHandler - Class in uk.ac.starlink.array
Handles bad pixel values.
- BadHandler(Type, Number) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.array.BadHandler
Constructor which may be used for subclassing.
- BadHandler.ArrayHandler - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.array
Class provided for testing and setting bad values in a given
primitive array.
- BadHeaderException - Exception in nom.tam.fits
This exception indicates that an error
was detected while parsing a FITS header record.
- BadHeaderException() - Constructor for exception nom.tam.fits.BadHeaderException
- BadHeaderException(String) - Constructor for exception nom.tam.fits.BadHeaderException
- BadValueFilter - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter
Filter for replacing magic values with blanks.
- BadValueFilter() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter.BadValueFilter
- BandDecoration - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.geom
Decoration subclass that also provides a target rectangle.
- BandDecoration(Icon, int, int, Rectangle) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.geom.BandDecoration
- Bar - Class in diva.util.jester.demo
Bar: an extended name path without bugs in i
- Bar() - Constructor for class diva.util.jester.demo.Bar
- BAR_FORM - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config.StyleKeys
Config key for histogram bar style.
- BarFactory() - Constructor for class diva.util.jester.demo.BarTest.BarFactory
- barIterator(double, double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.BinBag
Iterates over all the bins defined by this bin bag in a given
data interval.
- BarStyle - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot
Defines a style for plotting a bar in a histogram.
- BarStyle(Color, BarStyle.Form, BarStyle.Placement) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.BarStyle
- BarStyle.Form - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot
Describes the form of a bar style, that is what each bar looks like.
- BarStyle.Placement - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot
Describes bar placement, that is how multiple bars covering the same
data range are to be arranged.
- BarStyleFactory - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plottask
StyleFactory for BarStyle objects suitable for use with a histogram.
- BarStyleFactory(String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plottask.BarStyleFactory
- BarStyles - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot
Provides several factory methods for constructing StyleSets
which dispense
- BarStyles() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.BarStyles
- BarTest - Class in diva.util.jester.demo
A unit test suite for Bar.
- BarTest(TestHarness, BarTest.BarFactory) - Constructor for class diva.util.jester.demo.BarTest
- BarTest.BarFactory - Class in diva.util.jester.demo
- barycenter - Variable in class diva.graph.layout.LevelLayout.LevelInfo
- Base64InputStream - Class in uk.ac.starlink.util
Reads in base-64 encoded input and spits out the raw binary decoding.
- Base64InputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.Base64InputStream
- baseBlockSize - Static variable in interface uk.ac.starlink.util.bzip2.BZip2Constants
- BasePds4StarTable - Class in uk.ac.starlink.pds4
Concrete Pds4StarTable subclass for fixed-length-record
(binary and character) PDS tables.
- BasePds4StarTable(BaseTable, URI) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.pds4.BasePds4StarTable
- baseSeq - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.table.WrapperRowSequence
- BaseTable - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.pds4
Table subinterface for PDS4 Table_Base objects, representing
fixed-width-record-based tables.
- baseTable - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.table.WrapperStarTable
- BASEURL_SUBST - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.server.PlotServlet
Replacement token for server base URL.
- BASIC - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.fits.FitsTableWriter.PrimaryType
Basic Primary HDU, containing minimal headers and no data part.
- BASIC - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.PdfGraphicExporter
Exporter which uses the default font mapper.
- BASIC_AA - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.auth.IvoaLoginProtocol
Implementation for standard_id="ivo://ivoa.net/sso#BasicAA".
- BASIC_CACHE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.task.DataStoreParameter
Memory-cached storage: data is first read into arrays in memory.
- BASIC_PRIMARY_TYPE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.votable.UnifiedFitsTableWriter
Primary HDU type containing a minimal primary HDU.
- BasicApplication - Class in uk.ac.starlink.plastic
Basic implementation of the PlasticApplication interface.
- BasicApplication(String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.plastic.BasicApplication
- BasicAuthScheme - Class in uk.ac.starlink.auth
Implements HTTP Basic Authentication as defined in RFC7617.
- BasicCanvasPane - Class in diva.canvas.toolbox
A basic implementation of a canvas pane, provided for simple
- BasicCanvasPane() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicCanvasPane
Create a new canvas pane with a single figure layer
at index zero.
- BasicCanvasPane(CanvasLayer) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicCanvasPane
Create a new canvas pane with the given layer at index zero.
- BasicCapability - Class in uk.ac.starlink.registry
Describes a service capability interface belonging to a registry resource.
- BasicCapability() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.registry.BasicCapability
- BasicCaptioner - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2
Captioner implementation that uses Swing text drawing classes.
- BasicCaptioner() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.BasicCaptioner
Constructs a captioner that will use a default font.
- BasicCaptioner(Font, Boolean) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.BasicCaptioner
Constructs a captioner that uses a given font.
- BasicConstraint - Class in diva.sketch.parser2d
An object that returns whether a pair of rectangles satisfies
constraints on the values of a specified relation.
- BasicConstraint(Relation, double, double) - Constructor for class diva.sketch.parser2d.BasicConstraint
Create the constraints object with the given relations and
given min/max constraints.
- BasicController - Class in diva.canvas.toolbox
A basic controller implementation.
- BasicController(GraphicsPane) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicController
Create a new controller for the given pane
- BasicDropHandler - Class in uk.ac.starlink.datanode.tree
Custom DropTarget subclass.
- BasicDropHandler(JComponent) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.tree.BasicDropHandler
Constructs a new drop handler for use with a given component.
- BasicEdge - Class in diva.graphx.toolbox
A basic implementation of an edge.
- BasicEdge() - Constructor for class diva.graphx.toolbox.BasicEdge
Create a new edge with no tail or head
- BasicEdge(BasicNode, BasicNode) - Constructor for class diva.graphx.toolbox.BasicEdge
Create a new edge with the specified tail and head
- BasicEdgeAdapter - Class in diva.graphx.toolbox
A implementation of edge models for BasicEdges.
- BasicEdgeAdapter(BasicNode) - Constructor for class diva.graphx.toolbox.BasicEdgeAdapter
Create a new adapter.
- BasicEdgeController - Class in diva.graph
A basic implementation of EdgeController, which works with
graphs that have edges connecting simple nodes.
- BasicEdgeController(GraphController) - Constructor for class diva.graph.BasicEdgeController
Create a new edge controller with basic interaction.
- BasicEdgeController.EdgeDropper - Class in diva.graph
An inner class that handles interactive changes to connectivity.
- BasicEdgeModel() - Constructor for class diva.graph.modular.BasicModularGraphModel.BasicEdgeModel
- BasicEdgeRenderer - Class in diva.graph.basic
A basic implementation of the EdgeRenderer interface.
- BasicEdgeRenderer() - Constructor for class diva.graph.basic.BasicEdgeRenderer
- BasicEllipse - Class in diva.canvas.toolbox
A figure that displays as an ellipse.
- BasicEllipse(Ellipse2D) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicEllipse
Create a new ellipse with the given ellipse shape, a
unit-width continuous stroke and no paint pattern.
- BasicEllipse(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicEllipse
Create a new ellipse with the given origin and size, a
unit-width continuous stroke and no paint pattern.
- BasicEllipse(double, double, double, double, Paint) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicEllipse
Create a new ellipse with the given origin, size, and
fill paint.
- BasicEllipse(double, double, double, double, float) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicEllipse
Create a new ellipse with the given origin, size, and
outline width.
- BasicEllipse(double, double, double, double, Paint, float) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicEllipse
Create a new ellipse with the given origin, size, fill, and
outline width.
- BasicFigure - Class in diva.canvas.toolbox
A BasicFigure is one that contains a single instance of
- BasicFigure(Shape) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicFigure
Create a new figure with the given shape.
- BasicFigure(Shape, int) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicFigure
- BasicFigure(Shape, float) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicFigure
Create a new figure with the given shape and outline width.
- BasicFigure(Shape, Paint) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicFigure
Create a new figure with the given paint pattern.
- BasicFigure(Shape, Paint, float) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicFigure
Create a new figure with the given paint pattern and line width.
- BasicFileChooser - Class in uk.ac.starlink.util.gui
A JFileChooser that attempts to do something useful with windows
- BasicFileChooser() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.BasicFileChooser
Construct a default instance.
- BasicFileChooser(boolean) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.BasicFileChooser
Construct a instance with a choice of default directory.
- BasicFileChooser(String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.BasicFileChooser
Construct a instance with a choice of default directory.
- BasicFileFilter - Class in uk.ac.starlink.util.gui
A FileFilter for configuring a
to only show
files that have one of a set of file extensions.
- BasicFileFilter() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.BasicFileFilter
Creates a file filter.
- BasicFileFilter(String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.BasicFileFilter
Creates a file filter that accepts files with the given extension.
- BasicFileFilter(String, String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.BasicFileFilter
Creates a file filter that accepts the given file type.
- BasicFileFilter(String[]) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.BasicFileFilter
Creates a file filter from the given string array.
- BasicFileFilter(String[], String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.BasicFileFilter
Creates a file filter from the given string array and description.
- BasicFilter - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter
Basic implementation of ProcessingFilter methods.
- BasicFilter(String, String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter.BasicFilter
- BasicFontChooser - Class in uk.ac.starlink.util.gui
BasicFontChooser is a dialog for choosing one of the available
- BasicFontChooser() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.BasicFontChooser
Construct an instance with default configuration.
- BasicFontChooser(String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.BasicFontChooser
Construct an instance using the given window title.
- BasicFontChooser(Frame, String, boolean) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.BasicFontChooser
Construct an instance, setting the parent, window title and
whether the dialog is modal.
- BasicFrame - Class in diva.gui
BasicFrame is a very simple application context that is used
to display tutorial examples.
- BasicFrame(String) - Constructor for class diva.gui.BasicFrame
Create an instance of this Frame with the given title
and no main component.
- BasicFrame(String, boolean) - Constructor for class diva.gui.BasicFrame
Create an instance of this Frame with the given title
and no main component.
- BasicFrame(String, JComponent, boolean) - Constructor for class diva.gui.BasicFrame
- BasicFrame(String, JComponent) - Constructor for class diva.gui.BasicFrame
Create an instance of this Frame with the given title
and with the given main component.
- BasicGrabHandle - Class in diva.canvas.interactor
A basic rectangle grab-handle implementation.
- BasicGrabHandle(Site) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicGrabHandle
Construct a new grab handle attached to the given
- BasicGrabHandleFactory - Class in diva.canvas.interactor
A factory that creates basic grab-handles.
- BasicGrabHandleFactory() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicGrabHandleFactory
- BasicGraphController - Class in diva.graph.basic
A basic implementation of GraphController, which works with
simple graphs that have edges connecting simple nodes.
- BasicGraphController() - Constructor for class diva.graph.basic.BasicGraphController
Create a new basic controller with default node and edge controllers.
- BasicGraphController.NodeCreator - Class in diva.graph.basic
An inner class that places a node at the clicked-on point
on the screen, if control-clicked with mouse button 1.
- BasicGraphDemo - Class in diva.graph.basic
The graph demo demonstrates basic graph editing and layout
functionality, illustrates the key points of the graph
- BasicGraphDemo(AppContext) - Constructor for class diva.graph.basic.BasicGraphDemo
- BasicGraphModel - Class in diva.graph.basic
A basic implementation of a mutable graph model that stores its
graph structure as a collection of nodes and edges (as opposed to
an adjacency matrix).
- BasicGraphModel() - Constructor for class diva.graph.basic.BasicGraphModel
Construct an empty graph model.
- BasicGraphModel - Class in diva.graphx.toolbox
A basic implementation of a graph model that uses
BasicNodes and BasicEdges objects as its graph structure.
- BasicGraphModel() - Constructor for class diva.graphx.toolbox.BasicGraphModel
Construct an empty graph model.
- BasicGraphModelFactory() - Constructor for class diva.graph.test.BasicGraphModelTest.BasicGraphModelFactory
- BasicGraphModelTest - Class in diva.graph.test
A test suite for the BasicGraphModel class.
- BasicGraphModelTest(TestHarness, BasicGraphModelTest.GraphFactory) - Constructor for class diva.graph.test.BasicGraphModelTest
- BasicGraphModelTest.BasicGraphModelFactory - Class in diva.graph.test
The factory for the BasicGraphModel class
- BasicGraphModelTest.GraphFactory - Interface in diva.graph.test
The graph factory interface
- BasicHDU - Class in nom.tam.fits
This abstract class is the parent of all HDU types.
- BasicHDU() - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
- BasicHighlighter - Class in diva.canvas.toolbox
A decorator figure that displays a highlight behind the
- BasicHighlighter() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicHighlighter
Create a new highlighter with a default paint and "halo"
- BasicHighlighter(Paint, float) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicHighlighter
Create a new highlighter with the given paint and "halo"
- BasicHighlighter(Paint, float, Composite) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicHighlighter
Create a new highlighter with the given paint, "halo,"
and compositing operation.
- BasicInput - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.fits
Interface defining the basic data input operations required for
the FITS reading classes.
- BasicInputThreadLocal - Class in uk.ac.starlink.fits
ThreadLocal based on an InputFactory.
- BasicInputThreadLocal(InputFactory, boolean) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.fits.BasicInputThreadLocal
- BasicInterpolatorFactory - Class in uk.ac.starlink.diva.interp
This class creates and enumerates the types of
that are available.
- BasicInterpreter - Class in diva.sketch
A class that interprets changes to a stroke.
- BasicInterpreter(SketchController) - Constructor for class diva.sketch.BasicInterpreter
Create a BasicInterpreter which is used by the
specified controller to interpret sketch input.
- BasicLayoutTarget - Class in diva.graph.basic
The basic set of information necessary to layout a graph: a mapping
the graph data structure to aspects of its visual representation, a
viewport to layout in, and some manipulation routines including
pick, place, and route.
- BasicLayoutTarget(GraphController) - Constructor for class diva.graph.basic.BasicLayoutTarget
Construce a new layout target that operates
in the given pane.
- BasicLWEdge - Class in diva.pod.lwgraph
A basic implementation of the light-weight edge interface.
- BasicLWEdge() - Constructor for class diva.pod.lwgraph.BasicLWEdge
Create a new edge
- BasicLWNode - Class in diva.pod.lwgraph
A basic implementation of the light-weight node interface.
- BasicLWNode() - Constructor for class diva.pod.lwgraph.BasicLWNode
Create a new node
- BasicLWPort - Class in diva.pod.lwgraph
A basic implementation of the light-weight port interface.
- BasicLWPort() - Constructor for class diva.pod.lwgraph.BasicLWPort
Create a new port
- BasicModularGraphModel - Class in diva.graph.modular
A modular implementation of the graph model, whereby users with
heterogeneous graphs can implement the graph model interface by
implementing the simple interfaces of Graph, Node, CompositeNode,
and Edge.
- BasicModularGraphModel(Graph) - Constructor for class diva.graph.modular.BasicModularGraphModel
Construct an empty graph model whose
root is the given semantic object.
- BasicModularGraphModel.BasicEdgeModel - Class in diva.graph.modular
- BasicModularGraphModel.BasicNodeModel - Class in diva.graph.modular
- BasicNode - Class in diva.graphx.toolbox
A basic implementation of a node.
- BasicNode() - Constructor for class diva.graphx.toolbox.BasicNode
- BasicNodeAdapter - Class in diva.graphx.toolbox
A node adapter for BasicEdges.
- BasicNodeAdapter(BasicNode) - Constructor for class diva.graphx.toolbox.BasicNodeAdapter
Create a new adapter.
- BasicNodeController - Class in diva.graph
A basic node controller implementation, intended for use
as a controller for graphs containing only one node type.
- BasicNodeController(GraphController) - Constructor for class diva.graph.BasicNodeController
Create a new basic controller with default node and edge interactors.
- BasicNodeModel() - Constructor for class diva.graph.modular.BasicModularGraphModel.BasicNodeModel
- BasicNodeRenderer - Class in diva.graph.basic
A factory which creates and returns a NodeFigure given a node input
to render.
- BasicNodeRenderer(GraphController) - Constructor for class diva.graph.basic.BasicNodeRenderer
Create a renderer which renders nodes square and orange.
- BasicNodeRenderer(GraphController, Shape, Shape, Paint, Paint, double) - Constructor for class diva.graph.basic.BasicNodeRenderer
Create a renderer which renders nodes using the
given shape and fill paint.
- BasicPage - Class in diva.gui
A simple concrete implementation of the Page interface.
- BasicPage(MultipageModel) - Constructor for class diva.gui.BasicPage
Create a basic page owned by the given multipage.
- BasicPage(MultipageModel, String) - Constructor for class diva.gui.BasicPage
Create a basic page owned by the given multipage, and
with the given title.
- BasicPage(MultipageModel, String, Object) - Constructor for class diva.gui.BasicPage
Create a basic page owned by the given multipage, and
with the given title and model.
- BasicPlotGui<P,A,S extends Style> - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.example
This is a basic interactive GUI plotter.
- BasicPlotGui(PlotType<P, A>, Plotter<S>, StarTable) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.example.BasicPlotGui
- BasicPropertyContainer - Class in diva.util
An object that can be annotated with arbitrary
objects whose keys are strings.
- BasicPropertyContainer() - Constructor for class diva.util.BasicPropertyContainer
A property container with no defaults.
- BasicPropertyContainer(PropertyContainer) - Constructor for class diva.util.BasicPropertyContainer
A property container with no defaults.
- BasicRanger - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2
Ranger implementation that just keeps track of high and low values.
- BasicRanger(boolean) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.BasicRanger
- BasicRectangle - Class in diva.canvas.toolbox
A figure that displays as a rectangle.
- BasicRectangle(Rectangle2D) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicRectangle
Create a new rectangle with the given rectangle shape, a
unit-width continuous stroke and no paint pattern.
- BasicRectangle(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicRectangle
Create a new rectangle with the given origin and size, a
unit-width continuous stroke and no paint pattern.
- BasicRectangle(double, double, double, double, Paint) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicRectangle
Create a new rectangle with the given origin, size, and
fill paint.
- BasicRectangle(Rectangle2D, Paint) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicRectangle
Create a new rectangle with the given bounds and
fill paint.
- BasicRectangle(double, double, double, double, float) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicRectangle
Create a new rectangle with the given origin, size, and
outline width.
- BasicRectangle(double, double, double, double, Paint, float) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.toolbox.BasicRectangle
Create a new rectangle with the given origin, size, fill, and
outline width.
- BasicRectangleFactory1() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.test.ConcreteFigures.BasicRectangleFactory1
- BasicRectangleFactory2() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.test.ConcreteFigures.BasicRectangleFactory2
- BasicRegistryClient - Class in uk.ac.starlink.registry
RegistryClient concrete subclass which turns registry queries into
BasicResource elements.
- BasicRegistryClient(SoapClient) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.registry.BasicRegistryClient
- BasicReporter - Class in uk.ac.starlink.tfcat
Standard reporter implementation.
- BasicReporter(boolean) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.tfcat.BasicReporter
Constructs a BasicReporter with no UCD or VOUnit validation.
- BasicReporter(boolean, WordChecker, WordChecker) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.tfcat.BasicReporter
Constructs a BasicReporter with configurable UCD and VOUnit validation.
- BasicResource - Class in uk.ac.starlink.registry
Basic details of a registry resource record.
- BasicResource() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.registry.BasicResource
- BasicScene - Class in diva.sketch.recognition
A scene database that keeps track of multiple interpretations of a
set of strokes.
- BasicScene() - Constructor for class diva.sketch.recognition.BasicScene
- BasicSelectionModel - Class in diva.canvas.interactor
A basic implementation of the SelectionModel interface.
- BasicSelectionModel() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicSelectionModel
Construct an empty selection.
- BasicSelectionRenderer - Class in diva.canvas.interactor
A basic implementation of a selection renderer.
- BasicSelectionRenderer() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicSelectionRenderer
Create a new selection renderer with the default prototype
- BasicSelectionRenderer(FigureDecorator) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.BasicSelectionRenderer
Create a new renderer with the given prototype decorator.
- BasicStoragePolicy - Class in diva.gui
A StoragePolicy that doesn't really check for correct operation.
- BasicStoragePolicy() - Constructor for class diva.gui.BasicStoragePolicy
- BasicStrokeBuilder - Class in diva.sketch.rcl
Build a BasicStrokeRecognizer using the trainingFile
- BasicStrokeBuilder() - Constructor for class diva.sketch.rcl.BasicStrokeBuilder
- BasicStrokeRecognizer - Class in diva.sketch.recognition
BasicStrokeRecognizer performs recognition on completed strokes by
filtering them, extracting features from them (e.g.
- BasicStrokeRecognizer() - Constructor for class diva.sketch.recognition.BasicStrokeRecognizer
Construct a basic recognizer that performs recognition using a
WeightedEuclideanClassifier, the default features, and an
- BasicStrokeRecognizer(Classifier) - Constructor for class diva.sketch.recognition.BasicStrokeRecognizer
Construct a basic recognizer that performs recognition using
the given classifier, the default features, and an
- BasicStrokeRecognizer(Classifier, FeatureExtractor[], StrokeFilter) - Constructor for class diva.sketch.recognition.BasicStrokeRecognizer
Construct a classifying recognizer that classifies with the
given classifier, set of feature extractors, and filter.
- BasicStrokeRecognizer(Reader) - Constructor for class diva.sketch.recognition.BasicStrokeRecognizer
Construct a basic recognizer that trains on the gestures in the
training file.
- BasicStrokeRecognizer(Reader[]) - Constructor for class diva.sketch.recognition.BasicStrokeRecognizer
Construct a basic recognizer that trains on the gestures in the
training files.
- BasicTapRunner - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.taplint
Minimal synchronous implementation of TapRunner.
- BasicTapRunner() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.taplint.BasicTapRunner
- BasicTicker - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2
Partial Ticker implementation based on a rule defining a sequence of ticks.
- BasicTicker(boolean) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.BasicTicker
- BasicTicker.Rule - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2
Defines a specific rule for generating major and minor axis tick marks.
- BasicTraceRenderer - Class in diva.compat.trace
A basic implementation of trace rendering.
- BasicTraceRenderer() - Constructor for class diva.compat.trace.BasicTraceRenderer
- BasicTransferable - Class in uk.ac.starlink.datanode.tree
A basic implementation of the Transferable
interface used
to implement drag'n'drop operations.
- BasicTransferable() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.tree.BasicTransferable
- BasicWindow - Class in diva.compat.gui
- BasicWindow(String) - Constructor for class diva.compat.gui.BasicWindow
- BasicX509KeyManager - Class in uk.ac.starlink.auth.ssl
- BasicX509KeyManager(X509KeyManager, String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.auth.ssl.BasicX509KeyManager
- BasicX509TrustManager - Class in uk.ac.starlink.auth.ssl
- BasicX509TrustManager(X509TrustManager) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.auth.ssl.BasicX509TrustManager
- BasicXYShape - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
XYShape implementation that can produce shapes of variable line thickness.
- BasicXYShape(String, int, Glyph) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.BasicXYShape
- BasicZList - Class in diva.canvas
A basic implementation of the figure z-list, provided for
initial implementations of figure containers.
- BasicZList() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.BasicZList
- BayesClassifier - Class in diva.sketch.classification
A naive bayes classifier.
- BayesClassifier() - Constructor for class diva.sketch.classification.BayesClassifier
- bbox - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.grf.DefaultGrfContainer
- Bbox - Class in uk.ac.starlink.tfcat
Represents a TFCat bbox (bounding box) structure.
- Bbox(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.tfcat.Bbox
- BBOX - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.tfcat.Decoders
Decoder for a Bbox object.
- bboxDiagonalAngle(TimedStroke) - Static method in class diva.sketch.features.BBoxDiagonalAngleFE
Return the angle between the diagonal and the base of the
stroke's bounding box.
- BBoxDiagonalAngleFE - Class in diva.sketch.features
BBoxDiagonalAngleFE computes the angle between the diagonal and the
base of a stroke's bounding box.
- BBoxDiagonalAngleFE() - Constructor for class diva.sketch.features.BBoxDiagonalAngleFE
- bboxDiagonalLength(TimedStroke) - Static method in class diva.sketch.features.BBoxDiagonalLengthFE
Return the length of the diagonal of the stroke's bounding box.
- BBoxDiagonalLengthFE - Class in diva.sketch.features
BBoxDiagonalLengthFE computes the diagonal length of a stroke's
bounding box.
- BBoxDiagonalLengthFE() - Constructor for class diva.sketch.features.BBoxDiagonalLengthFE
- bboxNoCache(TimedStroke) - Static method in class diva.sketch.features.StrokeBBox
Return the bounding box, but do not cache the
results in the stroke's property table.
- Bdeg - Variable in class gaia.cu9.tools.parallax.datamodel.StarVariables
- BeanConfig - Class in uk.ac.starlink.util
Utility class for configuring dynamically loaded objects.
- BeanConfig(String, String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.BeanConfig
Constructs a BeanConfig with a basic object representation and
a string providing configuration information.
- BeanConfig.Setting - Class in uk.ac.starlink.util
Represents an object configuration operation.
- BeanStarTable - Class in uk.ac.starlink.table
StarTable which displays beans.
- BeanStarTable(Class<?>) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.table.BeanStarTable
Constructs a new table which will hold beans which are all instances
of a given class.
- BeanTableModel - Class in uk.ac.starlink.util.gui
TableModel which displays beans.
- BeanTableModel(Class<?>) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.BeanTableModel
Constructs a new table model for displaying beans of a given class.
- BearerIvoaAuthScheme - Class in uk.ac.starlink.auth
IvoaAuthScheme concrete subclass for working with bearer tokens.
- beep() - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.DefaultDataNode
It beeps.
- BENCH - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data.TupleRunner
Tries different implementations and logs timings to stdout.
- besselianToMjd(double) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.Times
Converts Besselian Epoch to Modified Julian Date.
- BEST - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task.UserFindMode
Best match only.
- BEST_REMOTE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task.UserFindMode
Best match in local table for each remote table row.
- BETA - Static variable in class gaia.cu9.tools.parallax.PDF.HaywoodSmithTransformation
- BG - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.xdoc.fig.Anchor
Background colour.
- Bi<A,B> - Class in uk.ac.starlink.util
Aggregates two typed objects of different types.
- Bi(A, B) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.Bi
- BIBCODE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.calc.WebMapper
Mapper for a Bibcode.
- BIBCODE_OLD - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.calc.WebMapper
Mapper for a Bibcode, using the Classic web pages (deprecated by ADS).
- bibcodeUrl(String) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.URLs
Maps a bibcode to the URL that will display the relevant entry in
- BINARY - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.votable.DataFormat
Raw binary format.
- BINARY2 - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.votable.DataFormat
Binary format with additional null flags.
- BinaryHandler - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint
Element handler for BINARY elements.
- BinaryHandler(boolean) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint.BinaryHandler
- binarySearch(double[], double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.interp.AbstractInterpolator
Return two indices of the values in an array that lie above and
below a given value.
- BinaryTable - Class in nom.tam.fits
This class defines the methods for accessing FITS binary table data.
- BinaryTable() - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Create a null binary table data segment.
- BinaryTable(Header) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Create a binary table from given header information.
- BinaryTable(Object[][]) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Create a binary table from existing data in row order.
- BinaryTable(Object[]) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Create a binary table from existing data in column order.
- BinaryTable(ColumnTable) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTable
Create a binary table from an existing ColumnTable
- BinaryTableHDU - Class in nom.tam.fits
FITS binary table header/data unit
- BinaryTableHDU(Header, Data) - Constructor for class nom.tam.fits.BinaryTableHDU
- BinBag - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
Data model for a one-dimensional histogram.
- BinBag(boolean, double, double, Combiner, double) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.BinBag
- BinBag.Bin - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
Describes the extent of a bin and the value it contains.
- bind(Object, Connector) - Method in class diva.graphx.EdgeController
Create or overwrite a binding from an edge to a connector.
- bind(Object, Figure) - Method in class diva.graphx.NodeController
Create or overwrite a binding from a node to a figure.
- BinGrid - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot
Stores a grid of bins which contain sums, which may be simple counts or
weighted sums.
- BinGrid(int, int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.BinGrid
Constructs a new grid.
- binIterator(Cumulation, Normalisation, Unit) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.BinBag
Returns a sorted iterator over all bins with non-zero values
in the range over which samples were presented.
- binIterator(Cumulation, Normalisation, Unit, double[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.BinBag
Returns a sorted iterator over all bins with non-zero values
in the range over which samples were presented, perhaps
extended over a given range.
- BinList - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
Represents a bounded list of bins.
- BinList.Result - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
Accessor for the results of accumulating values in a bit list.
- BinListCollector - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
Partial SplitCollector implementation for accumulating data in BinLists.
- BinListCollector(Combiner, long) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.BinListCollector
- BinMapper - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
Maps axis values to bin indices.
- BinMapper() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.BinMapper
- BinnedData - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot
Stores and dispenses binned data for a histogram.
- BinnedData.Bin - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot
Represents a single bin.
- Binner - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
Accumulates counts in an array of bins.
- Binner(int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.Binner
- BinPlan - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
Drawing plan object for counting the number of hits to each bin in
a grid.
- BinPlan(Binner, Gridder) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.BinPlan
- BinResultColumnData<T> - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
ColumnData implementation that presents the values from a
BinList.Result object, assuming bin index is the row number.
- BINS_KEY - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.AbstractKernelDensityPlotter
Report key for plotted bin height in data coordinates.
- BINS_KEY - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.HistogramPlotter
ReportKey for histogram bins.
- BinSizer - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
Determines 1-d histogram bin widths from data bounds.
- BinSizer() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.BinSizer
- BinSizer.BinSizerSpecifier - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
Specifier for BinSizer values.
- BINSIZER_KEY - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.HistogramPlotter
Config key for bin size configuration.
- BINSIZER_KEY - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.Stats1Plotter
Config key for equivalent histogram bar width.
- BINTABLE_KEY - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.HistogramPlotter
ReportKey for tabular result of plot.
- BintableColumnHeader - Class in uk.ac.starlink.fits
Understands how per-column metadata is stored in the headers
of a FITS BINTABLE extension.
- BintableColumnHeader(CardFactory) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.fits.BintableColumnHeader
- BintableStarTable - Class in uk.ac.starlink.fits
An implementation of the StarTable interface which uses a FITS BINTABLE
- BintableStarTable(FitsHeader, boolean, WideFits) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.fits.BintableStarTable
- BINWIDTH_KEY - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.HistogramPlotter
ReportKey for actual bin width.
- bitCount(long) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.Bits
Returns the number of set bits in the 64-bit two's complement
representation of the integer argument.
- BitFieldAdapter - Class in gov.nasa.pds.objectAccess.table
Implements a field adapter for binary bit fields.
- BitFieldAdapter(boolean) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.objectAccess.table.BitFieldAdapter
Creates a new bit field adapter with given signed-ness.
- BitmapSortPlotVolume - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot
PlotVolume implementation which accumulates all points to plot and then
draws them in a way suitable for a bitmap-type context.
- BitmapSortPlotVolume(Component, Graphics, MarkStyle[], double, int[], double, boolean, boolean, double, double, DataColorTweaker, BitmapSortPlotVolume.Workspace) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.BitmapSortPlotVolume
- BitmapSortPlotVolume.Workspace - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot
Opaque workspace object for use with BitmapSortPlotVolume instances.
- BITPIX_BYTE - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
- BITPIX_DOUBLE - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
- BITPIX_FLOAT - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
- BITPIX_INT - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
- BITPIX_LONG - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
- BITPIX_SHORT - Static variable in class nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU
- Bits - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func
Bit manipulation functions.
- BitsetMask - Class in uk.ac.starlink.table.join
HealpixMask implementation based on a BitSet representing all the
pixels at a given HEALPix order.
- BitsetMask() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.table.join.BitsetMask
Constructs a new empty mask with the default order.
- BitsetMask(int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.table.join.BitsetMask
Constructs a new empty mask with a given order.
- BitSetPixellator - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot
Pixellator built on a bit vector.
- BitSetPixellator(Rectangle, BitSet) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.BitSetPixellator
- BLACK_WHITE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.Shaders
Interpolates between black (0) and white (1).
- BlankColumn - Class in uk.ac.starlink.table
Represents a column with metadata but no data.
- BlankColumn(ColumnInfo) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.table.BlankColumn
Constructs a new column based on a given column metadata object.
- Blob - Class in diva.canvas.connector
An object that draws a blob of some kind on the end of
a connector.
- Blob() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.Blob
Create a new circle blob at (0,0).
- Blob(int) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.Blob
Create a new blob at (0,0) in the given style.
- Blob(double, double, double, int) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.Blob
Create a new blob at the given coordinates and in the given style.
- BLOB_CIRCLE - Static variable in class diva.canvas.connector.Blob
Specify a circle style
- BLOB_DIAMOND - Static variable in class diva.canvas.connector.Blob
Specify a diamond style
- Block() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.Surround.Block
Constructs an empty block.
- Block(Surround.Block) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.Surround.Block
Clone constructor.
- Block(int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.Surround.Block
Constructs a block with an extent but no over or under.
- Block(int, int, int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.Surround.Block
Constructs a block with all members supplied.
- BLOCK_LENG - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.fits.FitsUtil
FITS block length in bytes (@value).
- blockAve(int) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.Mapping.Interpolator
Returns a block averaging resampling interpolator.
- BlockInput - Class in uk.ac.starlink.fits
Partial random-access BasicInput implementation based on
a set of ByteBuffers.
- BlockInput(int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.fits.BlockInput
- BlockManager - Class in uk.ac.starlink.fits
Manages access to a region of a file in blocks using multiple
BufferManagers to cover it.
- BlockManager(FileChannel, long, long, String, Unmapper, int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.fits.BlockManager
- BlockMappedInput - Class in uk.ac.starlink.fits
Random-access BasicInput implementation that maps a given region of a file
as a number of byte buffers.
- BlockMappedInput(BlockManager) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.fits.BlockMappedInput
- BlockUploader - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.cone
Works with an UploadMatcher dividing the input table into chunks and
uploading them separately to produce an arbitrarily large result
while each upload/match operation is of a limited size.
- BlockUploader(UploadMatcher, int, long, String, JoinFixAction, JoinFixAction, ServiceFindMode, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.cone.BlockUploader
- BLUE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.DensityStyle
Blue colour channel.
- bmocSet(HealpixNestedBMOC) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.CdsHealpixUtil
Represents the tiles in a BMOC as a Set of Longs.
- bogusLayout(MutableGraphModel, AppContext) - Method in class diva.graph.tutorial.PrepopulatedTutorial
This is the first thing you'd probably think of, but this
happens to be bogus, because the layout
is applied to the nodes before the window is showing,
meaning that the nodes are layed out in a 0x0 frame,
and are all clustered in the upper-left corner.
- BOLTZMANN - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.util.PhysicalConstants
Boltzmann constant - J.K^-1
- BOOL - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.tfcat.Datatype
Boolean type.
- BOOLEAN - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.plastic.ValueType
Boolean type.
- BOOLEAN - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.table.storage.Codec
Codec for byte-serialized boolean values, null handled.
- BOOLEAN_INDEX - Static variable in interface nom.tam.util.PrimitiveInfo
- BooleanConfigKey - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config
Config key for boolean values.
- BooleanConfigKey(ConfigMeta, boolean) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config.BooleanConfigKey
Constructs a key with explicit default.
- BooleanConfigKey(ConfigMeta) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config.BooleanConfigKey
Constructs a key with a false default.
- BooleanCoord - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data
Coord implementation for single boolean values.
- BooleanCoord(InputMeta, boolean) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data.BooleanCoord
- booleanFromString(String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AbstractPlotControlsModel
Convert a String back to a boolean.
- booleanFromString(String) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.PrimitiveXMLEncodeDecode
Convert a String back to a boolean.
- BooleanParameter - Class in uk.ac.starlink.task
Parameter value representing a boolean value.
- BooleanParameter(String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.task.BooleanParameter
Constructs a new boolean parameter.
- BooleanStarColumnWriter - Class in uk.ac.starlink.feather
StarColumnWriter implementation for boolean values.
- BooleanStarColumnWriter(StarTable, int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.feather.BooleanStarColumnWriter
- booleanToString(boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AbstractPlotControlsModel
Convert a boolean to a String.
- booleanToString(boolean) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.PrimitiveXMLEncodeDecode
Convert a boolean to a String.
- booleanValue(Environment) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.task.BooleanParameter
Returns the value of this parameter as a boolean.
- BoostCompositor(float) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.paper.Compositor.BoostCompositor
- border() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.Plot
Draw a border around valid regions of a Plot.
- borderColour - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.ColourIcon
Border colour of the icon.
- BorderControls - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui
BorderControls creates a "page" of widgets that are a view of an
AstBorder object.
- BorderControls(AbstractPlotControlsModel) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.BorderControls
Create an instance.
- borderWidth - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.ColourIcon
Width of the coloured border.
- BORING_KEYS - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.fits.FitsHeader
Keywords which are never used as table parameters.
- BORING_KEYS - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.oldfits.HeaderCards
Keywords which are never used as table parameters.
- BOTH - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.ErrorMode
Both lower and upper bounds specified independently.
- BOTH_ENDS - Static variable in class diva.canvas.connector.ConnectorEvent
This event is concerns both ends of the connector.
- BOTH_EXTENT - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.ErrorMode
Extent describing errors symmetrically lower and higher than
the point value.
- BOTTOM - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AstAxisLabels
Description of the Field
- bottom - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.Surround
- bound(double, double[]) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.grf.DefaultGrf
Locate the indices of the two coordinates that lie closest to a
given coordinate.
- BoundedDragInteractor - Class in diva.canvas.interactor
An interactor that drags its target only within a given
rectangular region.
- BoundedDragInteractor(Rectangle2D) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundedDragInteractor
Create an instance that keeps figures inside the given regio
- boundingBox() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.Plot
Return a bounding box for previously drawn graphics.
- BOUNDS_KEY - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.server.PlotSession
- BoundsConstraint - Class in diva.canvas.interactor
Keep a point within a given rectangular bounds.
- BoundsConstraint(Rectangle2D) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsConstraint
Create a new BoundsConstraint with the given bounds.
- BoundsGeometry - Class in diva.canvas.interactor
BoundsGeometry is a class that provides support for manipulating
the bounds of a figure.
- BoundsGeometry(Figure, Rectangle2D) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsGeometry
Create a new geometry object on the given figure and with the
given initial bounds.
- BoundsGeometry.BoundsSite - Class in diva.canvas.interactor
BoundsSite is the local class that implements
editable sites of Rectangle objects.
- BoundsManipulator - Class in diva.canvas.interactor
A manipulator which attaches grab handles to the bounds
of the child figure.
- BoundsManipulator() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsManipulator
Construct a new manipulator that uses rectangular grab-handles.
- BoundsManipulator(GrabHandleFactory) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.interactor.BoundsManipulator
Construct a new manipulator using the given grab-handle factory.
- BoundsSite - Class in diva.canvas.connector
A site that locates itself on the bounds of a figure's shape.
- BoundsSite(Figure, int, int, double) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.BoundsSite
Create a new site on the given figure with the given ID
and at the location given by the side and the offset.
- boundsString(NDShape) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.NDArrayDataNode
- Box - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ast
Java interface to the AST Box class
- a box region with sides parallel to the axes of a Frame.
- Box(Frame, int, double[], double[], Region) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.Box
Create a Box.
- Branch - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.connect
Represents a directory-like node in a (possibly remote) filesystem.
- Branch(List<Tree<T>>, String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.vo.Tree.Branch
- BranchComboBox - Class in uk.ac.starlink.connect
JComboBox which allows selection of
- BranchComboBox() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.connect.BranchComboBox
- BranchDataNode - Class in uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes
DataNode implementation for a branch of a virtual filestore.
- BranchDataNode(Branch) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.BranchDataNode
- Breaker() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.vo.AbstractAdqlExample.Breaker
- BREWER_BRBG - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.Shaders
ColorBrewer diverging brown-blue-green shader.
- BREWER_BUGN - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.Shaders
ColorBrewer sequential blue-green shader.
- BREWER_BUPU - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.Shaders
ColorBrewer sequential blue-purple shader.
- BREWER_ORRD - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.Shaders
ColorBrewer sequential orange-red shader.
- BREWER_PIYG - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.Shaders
ColorBrewer diverging pink-green shader.
- BREWER_PUBU - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.Shaders
ColorBrewer sequential purple-blue shader.
- BREWER_PURD - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.Shaders
ColorBrewer sequential purple-red shader.
- BREWER_RDBU - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.Shaders
ColorBrewer diverging red-blue shader.
- BridgeNDArray - Class in uk.ac.starlink.array
Class providing an
implementation based on an
implementation of the
- BridgeNDArray(ArrayImpl, URL) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.array.BridgeNDArray
Constructs a BridgeNDArray from an ArrayImpl with a given URL.
- BridgeNDArray(ArrayImpl) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.array.BridgeNDArray
Constructs a non-persistent BridgeNDArray (one without a URL)
from an ArrayImpl.
- BridgeNDArray.BridgeNDArrayHdxFacade - Class in uk.ac.starlink.array
- BridgeNDArrayHdxFacade(HdxResourceType) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.array.BridgeNDArray.BridgeNDArrayHdxFacade
- BridgeNdx - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ndx
Default Ndx
- BridgeNdx(NdxImpl) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ndx.BridgeNdx
Constructs an
implementation from an
- BridgeNdx.BridgeNdxHdxFacade - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ndx
- BridgeNdxHdxFacade() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ndx.BridgeNdx.BridgeNdxHdxFacade
- broadcast(StarTable, URI, PlasticHubListener, URI, StoragePolicy, String, PrintStream) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.mode.PlasticMode
Broadcasts a table to PLASTIC listeners by sending it to the hub
as a VOTable.
- BubbleGraphController - Class in diva.graph.basic
A controller for bubble-and-arc graph editors.
- BubbleGraphController() - Constructor for class diva.graph.basic.BubbleGraphController
Create a new controller with default node and edge controllers.
- BubbleGraphDemo - Class in diva.graph.basic
Another graph demo.
- BubbleGraphDemo(AppContext) - Constructor for class diva.graph.basic.BubbleGraphDemo
- BubblePane - Class in diva.graph.basic
A pane containing a bubble-and-arc editor.
- BubblePane() - Constructor for class diva.graph.basic.BubblePane
Create a BubblePane
- BubbleRenderer - Class in diva.graph.basic
A factory which creates and returns a bubble given a node input
to render.
- BubbleRenderer() - Constructor for class diva.graph.basic.BubbleRenderer
Create a renderer which renders bubbles white
- BubbleRenderer(Paint, Paint, double) - Constructor for class diva.graph.basic.BubbleRenderer
Create a renderer which renders bubbles in the given fill paint,
outlie paint, and size.
- BufferedBase64OutputStream - Class in uk.ac.starlink.util
OutputStream that encodes to Base64 with buffering.
- BufferedBase64OutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.BufferedBase64OutputStream
Constructor with default characteristics.
- BufferedBase64OutputStream(OutputStream, int, byte[], int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.BufferedBase64OutputStream
Custom constructor.
- BufferedDataInputStream - Class in nom.tam.util
This class is intended for high performance I/O in scientific applications.
- BufferedDataInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.BufferedDataInputStream
Use the BufferedInputStream constructor
- BufferedDataInputStream(InputStream, int) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.BufferedDataInputStream
Use the BufferedInputStream constructor
- BufferedDataOutputStream - Class in nom.tam.util
This class is intended for high performance I/O in scientific applications.
- BufferedDataOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.BufferedDataOutputStream
Use the BufferedOutputStream constructor
- BufferedDataOutputStream(OutputStream, int) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.BufferedDataOutputStream
Use the BufferedOutputStream constructor
- BufferedFile - Class in nom.tam.util
- BufferedFile(String) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.BufferedFile
Create a read-only buffered file
- BufferedFile(String, String) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.BufferedFile
Create a buffered file with the given mode.
- BufferedFile(String, String, int) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.BufferedFile
Create a buffered file with the given mode and a specified
buffer size.
- BufferedRandomInput - Class in uk.ac.starlink.fits
BasicInput implementation based on a RandomAccessFile.
- BufferedRandomInput(RandomAccessFile, long) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.fits.BufferedRandomInput
Constructs a BufferedRandomInput with a default sized buffer.
- BufferedRandomInput(RandomAccessFile, long, int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.fits.BufferedRandomInput
Constructs a BufferedRandomInput with a buffer of specified size.
- BufferIterator - Class in uk.ac.starlink.array
Provides buffers for convenient stepping through an array.
- BufferIterator(long, Type, int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.array.BufferIterator
Create a new BufferIterator
with a given chunk size.
- BufferIterator(long) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.array.BufferIterator
Create a new BufferIterator
with a default chunk size.
- BufferManager - Class in uk.ac.starlink.fits
Manages access to a region of a file using monolithic byte buffers.
- BufferManager(FileChannel, long, int, String, Unmapper) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.fits.BufferManager
- build(XmlElement, String) - Method in class diva.compat.xml.AbstractXmlBuilder
Given an XmlElement, create and return an internal representtion
of it.
- build(XmlElement, String) - Method in class diva.compat.xml.CompositeBuilder
Build an object based on the XML element by looking up the
appropriate builder and calling that builder on the element.
- build(XmlElement, String) - Method in interface diva.compat.xml.XmlBuilder
Given an XmlElement, create and return an internal representtion
of it.
- build(XmlElement, String) - Method in class diva.sketch.rcl.BasicStrokeBuilder
Build a BasicStrokeRecognizer using the trainingFile
- build(XmlElement, String) - Method in class diva.sketch.rcl.ClassBuilder
Build an instance of the given type using Java reflection.
- build(XmlElement, String) - Method in class diva.sketch.rcl.SceneClassBuilder
Build a scene recognizer or a stroke recognizer given
a list of child recognizers, a map of string (key,
value) attribute pairs, and a string cnofiguration.
- build(XmlElement, String) - Method in class diva.sketch.rcl.StrokeSceneBuilder
Build a StrokeSceneRecognizer from XML.
- build(XmlElement, String) - Method in class diva.sketch.rcl.VotingSceneBuilder
Build a voting scene recognizer that votes among the children
of the given element.
- build(XmlElement, String) - Method in class diva.sketch.rcl.VotingStrokeBuilder
Build a voting stroke recognizer that votes among the given
list of children.
- build(XmlElement, String) - Method in class diva.sketch.recognition.SceneBuilder
"scene" => return a scene database
"compositeElement" => return a CompositeElement object
"strokeElement" => return a StrokeElement object
- build(XmlElement, String) - Method in class diva.sketch.recognition.SimpleData
Build a SimpleData from the given XmlElement
- build(XmlElement, String) - Method in class diva.sketch.toolbox.DashedPathData
- build(XmlElement, String) - Method in class diva.sketch.toolbox.PanRecognizer.PanData
- build(XmlElement, String) - Method in class diva.sketch.toolbox.TextAnnotations
- build(XmlElement, String) - Method in class diva.sketch.toolbox.TextData
- build(XmlElement, String) - Method in class diva.sketch.toolbox.ZoomRecognizer.ZoomData
- build(XmlElement, String) - Method in class diva.util.xml.AbstractXmlBuilder
Given an XmlElement, create and return an internal representtion
of it.
- build(XmlElement, String) - Method in class diva.util.xml.CompositeBuilder
Build an object based on the XML element by looking up the
appropriate builder and calling that builder on the element.
- build(XmlElement, String) - Method in interface diva.util.xml.XmlBuilder
Given an XmlElement, create and return an internal representtion
of it.
- buildChooser() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config.NamedColorChooserPanel
- buildChooser() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config.PaletteColorChooserPanel
- buildCompositeElement(XmlElement, String) - Method in class diva.sketch.recognition.SceneBuilder
Given a composite element represented by its parsed XML equivalent,
first build all of its children in the database, then build it
in the database.
- BUILDDESCRIP_INFO - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.gbin.GbinTableBuilder
ValueInfo for GBIN build description string.
- buildDescription(boolean) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.gbin.GbinMeta
Returns a description of the contents of the GBIN file.
- BUILDER_DECLS - Static variable in class diva.sketch.recognition.SceneBuilder
- BUILDER_DECLS_TAG - Static variable in class diva.compat.xml.CompositeBuilder
Indicates a group of builder declarations
- BUILDER_DECLS_TAG - Static variable in class diva.util.xml.CompositeBuilder
Indicates a group of builder declarations
- BUILDER_TAG - Static variable in class diva.compat.xml.CompositeBuilder
Indicates a builder for a recognizer
- BUILDER_TAG - Static variable in class diva.util.xml.CompositeBuilder
Indicates a builder for a recognizer
- buildNode(Object) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.factory.DataNodeBuilder
Builds a DataNode from a given object.
- buildNode(Object) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.factory.DocumentDataNodeBuilder
- buildNode(Object) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.factory.FileDataNodeBuilder
- buildNode(Object) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.factory.SimpleDataNodeBuilder
- buildNode(Object) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.factory.SourceDataNodeBuilder
- buildNode(Object) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.factory.StringDataNodeBuilder
- buildNode(Object) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.factory.VODataNodeBuilder
- buildNode(Object) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.factory.XMLDataNodeBuilder
- buildObject(long, List<String>) - Method in class gaia.cu9.tools.parallax.readers.CsvReader
- buildObject(long, List<String>) - Method in class gaia.cu9.tools.parallax.readers.StarVariablesCsvReader
- buildScene(XmlElement, String) - Method in class diva.sketch.recognition.SceneBuilder
- buildStrokeElement(XmlElement, String) - Method in class diva.sketch.recognition.SceneBuilder
Build the given elemnt into a stroke elem
- BulletedData - Class in diva.sketch.toolbox
Native class that defines a collection of TextLine's.
- BulletedData() - Constructor for class diva.sketch.toolbox.BulletedData
- BulletedData(double, double) - Constructor for class diva.sketch.toolbox.BulletedData
- BulletedItem - Class in diva.sketch.toolbox
Native class that defines a collection of TextLine's.
- BulletedItem() - Constructor for class diva.sketch.toolbox.BulletedItem
- BulletedItem(double, double) - Constructor for class diva.sketch.toolbox.BulletedItem
- BulletedItems - Class in diva.sketch.toolbox
Native class that defines a collection of TextLine's.
- BulletedItems() - Constructor for class diva.sketch.toolbox.BulletedItems
- BulletedItems(double, double) - Constructor for class diva.sketch.toolbox.BulletedItems
- BulletedLine - Class in diva.sketch.toolbox
Native class that defines a collection of TextLine's.
- BulletedLine(double, double) - Constructor for class diva.sketch.toolbox.BulletedLine
- BulletedList - Class in diva.sketch.toolbox
Native class that defines a collection of TextLine's.
- BulletedList(double, double) - Constructor for class diva.sketch.toolbox.BulletedList
- BUTTON_HEIGHT - Static variable in class diva.whiteboard.Whiteboard
The height of the image on a button in the toolbar.
- BUTTON_WIDTH - Static variable in class diva.whiteboard.Whiteboard
The width of the image on a button in the toolbar.
- BY_NAME - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.task.Parameter
Compares parameters alphabetically by parameter name.
- byIvoid(Ivoid) - Static method in enum uk.ac.starlink.vo.AdqlVersion
Returns the AdqlVersion instance corresponding to an IVOID.
- byNumber(String) - Static method in enum uk.ac.starlink.vo.AdqlVersion
Returns the AdqlVersion instance corresponding to a version number.
- BYTE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.array.Type
Object representing primitive data of byte
- BYTE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.table.storage.Codec
Codec for 8-bit byte, no null handling.
- BYTE_ARRAY - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.table.storage.Codec
Codec for variable-length array of 8-bit bytes.
- BYTE_INDEX - Static variable in interface nom.tam.util.PrimitiveInfo
- ByteArrayDataSource - Class in uk.ac.starlink.util
DataSource implementation that uses an internal byte buffer to store
the data.
- ByteArrayDataSource(String, byte[]) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.ByteArrayDataSource
- byteArrayToStrings(byte[], int) - Static method in class nom.tam.fits.FitsUtil
Convert bytes to Strings
- ByteBufferInput - Class in uk.ac.starlink.fits
Random-access BasicInput implementation based on a ByteBuffer.
- ByteBufferInput(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.fits.ByteBufferInput
- ByteFormatter - Class in nom.tam.util
This class provides mechanisms for
efficiently formatting numbers and Strings.
- ByteFormatter() - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.ByteFormatter
- ByteList - Class in uk.ac.starlink.util
Extendable array of bytes.
- ByteList() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.ByteList
Constructs a new list.
- ByteList(int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.ByteList
Constructs a new list with a given initial capacity.
- ByteList(byte[]) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.ByteList
Constructs a new list initialised to the contents of a given array.
- ByteParser - Class in nom.tam.util
This class provides routines
for efficient parsing of data stored in a byte array.
- ByteParser(byte[]) - Constructor for class nom.tam.util.ByteParser
Construct a parser.
- BYTES - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.TapLimit
Unit string used for a data limit of bytes ("byte").
- ByteStore - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.table
Defines a place where bytes can be written to and then read from.
- ByteStoreAccess - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.table.storage
Interface for random access reading for data that has been written
into a byte store.
- ByteStoreColumnFactory - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data
ColumnFactory that stores column data in ByteStores.
- ByteStoreColumnFactory(StoragePolicy) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data.ByteStoreColumnFactory
Constructs a ByteStoreColumnFactory based on a StoragePolicy.
- ByteStoreColumnFactory(Supplier<ByteStore>) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data.ByteStoreColumnFactory
Constructs a ByteStoreColumnFactory based on a ByteStore supplier.
- ByteStoreRowStore - Class in uk.ac.starlink.table.storage
RowStore based on a ByteStore.
- ByteStoreRowStore(ByteStore) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.table.storage.ByteStoreRowStore
- ByteStoreStoragePolicy - Class in uk.ac.starlink.table.storage
Abstract StoragePolicy implementation based on a ByteStore.
- ByteStoreStoragePolicy() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.table.storage.ByteStoreStoragePolicy
- byteToFloat(int) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.paper.Compositor
Maps an integer in the range 0-255 to a float in the range 0-1.
- byteValue() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AstDouble
- BZIP2 - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.util.Compression
A Compression object representing BZip2 compression.
- BZip2Constants - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.util.bzip2
Base class for both the compress and decompress classes.
- c - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.interp.AbstractInterpolator
Some coefficients, if any associated with the fit.
- C - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.pal.Pal
Speed of light (AU per day)
- C - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.Anchor
Center - reference point is the center of the text.
- C_KMS - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.func.Gaia
The speed of light in km/s (exact).
- CACHE_DIRNAME - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data.DiskCache
- CACHE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.astrogrid.AcrConnector
Boolean-valued property which determines whether MySpace directories
are to be cached.
- CachedColumn - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data
Defines storage for a vector of data.
- CachedColumnFactory - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data
Defines a capability for storing vectors of typed data.
- CachedDataStoreFactory - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data
DataStoreFactory implementation that reads columns and caches them
for later use.
- CachedDataStoreFactory(CachedColumnFactory, TupleRunner) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data.CachedDataStoreFactory
Constructs a default instance.
- CachedDataStoreFactory(CachedColumnFactory, TupleRunner, RowRunner) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data.CachedDataStoreFactory
Constructs an instance with control over read paralellism.
- CACHEDIR_PARAM - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.server.StiltsContext
Name of a Servlet initialisation parameter giving the directory
to use for persistent data cache files used during plotting.
- CachedParquetStarTable - Class in uk.ac.starlink.parquet
ParquetStarTable implementation that does a parallel read of
all the column data at construction time.
- CachedParquetStarTable(IOSupplier<ParquetFileReader>, int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.parquet.CachedParquetStarTable
- CachedReader - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data
Accessor for stored values.
- CachedTupleSequence - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data
TupleSequence implementation based on CachedColumns.
- CachedTupleSequence(Supplier<CachedReader>, Supplier<CachedReader[]>, long) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.data.CachedTupleSequence
Public constructor.
- CacheFilter - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter
Processing step which caches the current table in a disk or memory
cache (according to the default
- CacheFilter() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter.CacheFilter
- cacheImage(GraphicsConfiguration, Color) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.PictureImageIcon
Forces creation of a cached image for display.
- CACHELIMIT_PARAM - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.server.StiltsContext
Name of a Servlet initialisation parameter indicating the maximum
size for the persistent data cache used during plotting.
- CacheRowPipe - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.calc
RowPipe implementation which caches the data to provide a random-access
- CacheRowPipe() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.calc.CacheRowPipe
- cacheTraversal() - Method in class diva.pod.lwgraph.LightweightGraph
Reconstruct the cache of the topology (this is contained in
a pair of Traversal objects).
- CachingStrokeRecognizer - Class in diva.sketch.toolbox
A proxy recognizer implementation that caches the result
of the target recognizer.
- CachingStrokeRecognizer(StrokeRecognizer) - Constructor for class diva.sketch.toolbox.CachingStrokeRecognizer
Cache the recognitions of the given target recognizer.
- Calc - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task
Task to do static calculations.
- Calc() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task.Calc
- calcAngle(Line2D, Line2D) - Static method in class diva.sketch.features.FEUtilities
Calculate the angle (in radians) in between the given vectors.
- calcLengthRatio(Line2D, Line2D) - Static method in class diva.sketch.features.FEUtilities
Calculate the ratio of line1's length and line2's length.
- calcProb(List) - Static method in class diva.sketch.parser2d.AbstractRule
Return a probability calculation of an aggregate based on the
probabilities of the children.
- CalcStarTable<C> - Class in uk.ac.starlink.table
StarTable implementation whose column values are derived from
some single calculation on the column values of another table.
- CalcStarTable(StarTable, CalcStarTable.Col<C, ?>[]) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.table.CalcStarTable
- CalcStarTable.Col<C,T> - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.table
Defines a column for use with this table implementation.
- calculate() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.geom.InterpolatedCurve2D
Evaluate the interpolation.
- calculate(String, String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.rv.RadialVelocity
Starts the calculation
- calculate(Object[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter.CalculatorColumnSupplement
Performs the calculations which populate the columns of this table.
- calculateApproxDecorationSurround(Rectangle, Trimming, ShadeAxis, Supplier<Captioner>) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.PlotPlacement
Calculates the space surrounding a plot required for trimming and
shade axis.
- calculateAuxSpans(AuxScale[], List<Bi<Surface, PlotLayer>>, Object[], DataStore) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.AuxScale
Fills in range information for a submitted list of AuxScale objects
from the data in a given list of layers.
- calculateBinPlan(Surface, DataGeom, Map<AuxScale, Span>, DataStore, DataSpec, Object[]) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.Outliner
Calculates an opaque object which contains the drawing of this
outliner represented as an array of bins, one per pixel.
- calculateBinPlan(Surface, DataGeom, Map<AuxScale, Span>, DataStore, DataSpec, Object[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.PixOutliner
- calculateBounds(PlotData, PlotState) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.Histogram
- calculateBounds(PlotData, PlotState, double[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.LinesPlot
Calculates data ranges along the X and Y axes for a given
point selection and data object.
- calculateBounds(PlotData, PlotState) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.SphericalPlot3D
Data bounds include one range for the radial coordinate; ranges
on the other axes aren't much use.
- calculateBounds(PlotData, PlotState) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.TablePlot
Calculates data bounds for a given data set as appropriate for this
- calculateBounds(PlotState, TablePlot) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plottask.PlotStateFactory
Calculates data bounds for a given data set as appropriate for the
given plot.
- calculateCdf(double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.dpac.math.Edsd
Integrates the PDF to provide a numerical approximation of the
cumulative density function.
- calculateColumns(S, StarTable, TableSink) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.ttools.calc.ColumnCalculator
Performs the calculation.
- calculateColumns(S, StarTable, TableSink) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.calc.MultiServiceColumnCalculator
- calculateCube(StarTable, Combiner, double[], int[], double[]) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.mode.CubeWriter
Accumulates the contents of an N-dimensional histogram representing
data from an N+1-columned table.
- calculateDataBounds(Rectangle, Padding, SurfaceFactory<P, A>, P, A, boolean, Trimming, ShadeAxis) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.PlotPlacement
Determines the bounds for the data part of a plot given its
external dimensions and other information about it.
- calculateDataInsets(Rectangle, SurfaceFactory<P, A>, P, A, boolean, Trimming, ShadeAxis, int) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.PlotPlacement
Determines the required insets for a plot to accommodate
axis annotations etc.
- calculateDefaultK(double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.join.CdsHealpixSkyPixellator
Determines a default value to use for the HEALPix k parameter
based on a given scale.
- calculateDefaultK(double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.join.HealpixSkyPixellator
Determines a default value to use for the HEALPix k parameter
based on a given scale.
- calculateDefaultLevel(double) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.join.HtmSkyPixellator
Determines a default value to use for the level paramer
based on a given scale.
- calculateDeltaRa(double, double) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.cone.SkyBox
Works out the minimum change in Right Ascension which will encompass
all points within a given search radius at a given central declination.
- calculateErrorVectors(double, double, double, double[], double[]) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.PlaneCorrelationCoordSet
Calculates the vectors defining an error ellipse from the
errors on each axis and a correlation value.
- calculateFiniteBounds(double, double, boolean) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.BasicRanger
Returns a 2-element array giving definite lower and upper bounds
based on known lower and upper values.
- calculateLayout(Object) - Method in class diva.graph.layout.LevelLayout
This method performs levelizing layout on the given composite.
- calculateLevels(NumberArray, int, double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.LevelMode
Calculates the contour levels for a given data array.
- calculateMads(StarTable, RowRunner, Supplier<Quantiler>, double[]) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter.TableStats
Calculates Median Absolute Deviations for each table column.
- calculateNonShadeSpans(PlotLayer[], Surface, Object[], DataStore) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.PlotScene
Gathers requested ranging information from data,
excluding the AuxScale.COLOR item (the aux shading axis).
- calculatePlan(Object[], DataStore) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.Drawing
Performs preparation for the actual drawing.
- calculatePlan(Object[], DataStore) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.UnplannedDrawing
Returns null.
- calculatePointCloudPlan(PointCloud, Surface, DataStore, Object[]) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.BinPlan
Returns a BinPlan instance which reports where on a grid points
in a PointCloud have landed.
- calculateRange(double[], double[]) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.geom.SphereAngleRange
Determines the angle range for a cube defined by Cartesian limits.
- calculateRow(Object[]) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.ttools.calc.ServiceOperation
Calculates the output tuple for a given input tuple.
- calculateRV(String, String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.rv.RadialVelocity
Calculate the Radial Velocities
- calculateSeparation(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.join.AbstractSkyMatchEngine
Returns the distance along a great circle between two points.
- calculateShadeSpan(List<Bi<Surface, PlotLayer>>, ShadeAxisKit, Object[], DataStore) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.PlotScene
Gathers ranging information for the aux shading axis from data.
- calculateSpan(AuxScale, List<Bi<Surface, PlotLayer>>, Object[], DataStore) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.AuxScale
Calculates range information for an AuxScale object from the
data in a given list of layers.
- calculateStats(StarTable, RowRunner, Supplier<Quantiler>, boolean) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter.TableStats
Calculates statistics from a given table.
- calculateTicks(double[][][], Caption[], Rectangle) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.geom.TickSkyAxisLabeller
Returns a list of ticks for labelling lines produced by a
- calculateValue(double[]) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.QuantileCombiner.Quantiler
Calculates the output (typically, but not necessarily, quantile)
value from a sorted list of submitted data values.
- Calculator - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.example
Minimal example of invoking a stilts task programmatically
using the parameter system.
- Calculator() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.example.Calculator
- CalculatorColumnSupplement - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter
ColumnSupplement whose columns are derived by calculating values
based on all the columns of another table.
- CalculatorColumnSupplement(ColumnSupplement, ColumnInfo[]) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter.CalculatorColumnSupplement
- Caldj(int, int, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.pal.Pal
Gregorian calendar to Modified Julian Date.
- canBePrimary() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.ImageHDU
Indicate that Images can appear at the beginning of a FITS dataset
- canBePrimary() - Method in class nom.tam.fits.RandomGroupsHDU
Indicate that a RandomGroupsHDU can come at
the beginning of a FITS file.
- cancel() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.gui.SaveWorker
Interrupts any save which is in progress.
- cancel() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.gui.TableLoadWorker
Cancels the current load.
- CancelAction(String, Icon) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.ProxySetupFrame.CancelAction
- CancelAction(String, Icon) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.SelectCharacters.CancelAction
- cancelButton - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.BasicFontChooser
Cancel and exit button.
- cancelButton - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.ProxySetupFrame
- cancelQuery() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.RegistryPanel
Invoked when the cancel button is pressed.
- canCreateSession() - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.ttools.server.PlotService
Indicates whether it makes sense to invoke this service for
creating a new session, or whether it has to refer to an existing
- canImport(DataFlavor) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.cdf.CdfTableBuilder
Returns false.
- canImport(JComponent, DataFlavor[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.tree.DataNodeTransferHandler
If we are configured to import data, return true, on the grounds
that the DataNodeFactory should be able to have a go at
turning almost anything into a DataNode.
- canImport(DataFlavor) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ecsv.EcsvTableBuilder
- canImport(DataFlavor) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.feather.FeatherTableBuilder
- canImport(DataFlavor) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.fits.ColFitsTableBuilder
- canImport(DataFlavor) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.fits.FitsTableBuilder
Returns true
for a flavor with the MIME type
- canImport(DataFlavor) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.gbin.GbinTableBuilder
- canImport(DataFlavor) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.hapi.HapiTableBuilder
- canImport(DataFlavor) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.parquet.ParquetTableBuilder
- canImport(DataFlavor) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.pds4.Pds4TableBuilder
- canImport(DataFlavor) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.formats.AsciiTableBuilder
- canImport(DataFlavor) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.formats.CoinsTableBuilder
- canImport(DataFlavor) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.formats.CsvTableBuilder
- canImport(DataFlavor) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.formats.IpacTableBuilder
- canImport(DataFlavor) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.formats.MrtTableBuilder
- canImport(DataFlavor) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.formats.TstTableBuilder
- canImport(DataFlavor) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.formats.WDCTableBuilder
Returns false since there is no MIME type which targets WDC format.
- canImport(JComponent, DataFlavor[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.gui.TableLoadTransferHandler
- canImport(DataFlavor[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.StarTableFactory
Indicates whether a particular set of
offered by a
is suitable for attempting to turn the
into a StarTable.
- canImport(DataFlavor) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.table.TableBuilder
Indicates whether this builder is able to turn a resource of
media type indicated by flavor
into a table.
- canImport(DataFlavor) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.example.AllWiseTableBuilder
- canImport(DataFlavor) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.example.GeojsonTableBuilder
- canImport(DataFlavor) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.example.TwoMassPscTableBuilder
- canImport(DataFlavor) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.votable.ColFitsPlusTableBuilder
- canImport(DataFlavor) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.votable.FitsPlusTableBuilder
Returns true
for a flavor with
the MIME type "application/fits".
- canImport(DataFlavor) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.votable.VOTableBuilder
Returns true
for flavors which have MIME types starting
- canMap() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.array.ArrayArrayImpl
- canMap() - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.array.ArrayImpl
Indicates whether mapped access is available.
- canMap() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.array.CombineArrayImpl
- canMap() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.array.DeterministicArrayImpl
- canMap() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.array.NioArrayImpl
- canMap() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.array.WrapperArrayImpl
- canMerge() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.GlyphPaper
Returns false.
- canMerge() - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.paper.Paper
Indicates whether this Paper instance is capable of splitting and
merging to facilitate parallel processing.
- canPaint(DataSpec) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.Outliner
Indicates whether this outliner is willing to provide painters
for a given DataSpec.
- canPaint(DataSpec) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.PolygonOutliner
- canPaint(DataSpec) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.SizeForm.SizeOutliner
- canPaint(DataSpec) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.SizeXyForm.SizeXyOutliner
- canRedo() - Method in class diva.whiteboard.WhiteboardEdits.AddStrokeEdit
- canRedo() - Method in class diva.whiteboard.WhiteboardEdits.DeletePageEdit
- canRedo() - Method in class diva.whiteboard.WhiteboardEdits.DeleteStrokeEdit
- canRedo() - Method in class diva.whiteboard.WhiteboardEdits.NewPageEdit
- canRedo() - Method in class diva.whiteboard.WhiteboardEdits.PasteEdit
- canRedo() - Method in class diva.whiteboard.WhiteboardEdits.ReorderPageEdit
- canRedo() - Method in class diva.whiteboard.WhiteboardEdits.StrokeFillColorEdit
- canRedo() - Method in class diva.whiteboard.WhiteboardEdits.StrokeOutlineColorEdit
- canRedo() - Method in class diva.whiteboard.WhiteboardEdits.StrokeWidthEdit
- canRetry() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.auth.UserInterface
Indicates whether there is any point in repeated attempts to
acquire credentials from the user.
- canScale(Scaling[], Span, Span) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.Scalings
Determines whether all of a list of scalings can be used to
create Scaler objects from given span instances.
- canScaleHistograms(Span) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.HistoRanger
Indicates whether a given span can be used to scale histograms.
- canStream() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.cdf.CdfTableBuilder
- canStream() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ecsv.EcsvTableBuilder
- canStream() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.feather.FeatherTableBuilder
- canStream() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.fits.ColFitsTableBuilder
- canStream() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.fits.FitsTableBuilder
- canStream() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.gbin.GbinTableBuilder
- canStream() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.hapi.HapiTableBuilder
- canStream() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.parquet.ParquetTableBuilder
Returns false; parquet metadata is in the footer.
- canStream() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.pds4.Pds4TableBuilder
No chance of streaming a format which stores the data in a
different file.
- canStream() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.formats.AsciiTableBuilder
- canStream() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.formats.CsvTableBuilder
- canStream() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.formats.DocumentedTableBuilder
Indicates whether this handler can read tables from a stream.
- canStream() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.formats.IpacTableBuilder
- canStream() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.formats.MrtTableBuilder
- canStream() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.formats.TstTableBuilder
- canStream() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.formats.WDCTableBuilder
- canStream() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.votable.VOTableBuilder
- canThick() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.MultiPointShape
Indicates whether variants of this shape with different line
thicknesses are available.
- canTransformCoords(int, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.Transformer
Indicates whether this Transformer
is able to transform between coordinate spaces with the given
- canTransformCoords(int, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.Transformer1
Indicates whether this Transformer
is able to transform between coordinate spaces with the given
- canTransformCoords(int, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.Transformer2
Indicates whether this Transformer
is able to transform between coordinate spaces with the given
- canUndo() - Method in class diva.whiteboard.WhiteboardEdits.AddStrokeEdit
- canUndo() - Method in class diva.whiteboard.WhiteboardEdits.DeletePageEdit
- canUndo() - Method in class diva.whiteboard.WhiteboardEdits.DeleteStrokeEdit
- canUndo() - Method in class diva.whiteboard.WhiteboardEdits.NewPageEdit
- canUndo() - Method in class diva.whiteboard.WhiteboardEdits.PasteEdit
- canUndo() - Method in class diva.whiteboard.WhiteboardEdits.ReorderPageEdit
- canUndo() - Method in class diva.whiteboard.WhiteboardEdits.StrokeFillColorEdit
- canUndo() - Method in class diva.whiteboard.WhiteboardEdits.StrokeOutlineColorEdit
- canUndo() - Method in class diva.whiteboard.WhiteboardEdits.StrokeWidthEdit
- canUpload(TapCapability) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.TapCapabilityPanel
Indicates whether the TAP load dialogue is capable of uploads
for a given capability object.
- canvas - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.DrawActions
The target drawble canvas
- CanvasComponent - Interface in diva.canvas
A CanvasComponent is an object that can be inserted into the
display tree of a JCanvas.
- CanvasDebugUtilities - Class in diva.canvas
A collection of canvas utilities.
- CanvasDebugUtilities() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.CanvasDebugUtilities
- CanvasFactory() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.test.JCanvasTest.CanvasFactory
- CanvasLayer - Class in diva.canvas
A canvas layer is a single layer that lives within a CanvasPane.
- CanvasLayer() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.CanvasLayer
Create a new layer that is not in a pane.
- CanvasLayer(CanvasPane) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.CanvasLayer
Create a new layer within the given pane.
- CanvasPane - Class in diva.canvas
A canvas pane groups canvas layers.
- CanvasPane() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.CanvasPane
- CanvasUtilities - Class in diva.canvas
A collection of canvas utilities.
- cap(int, int) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.ast.Grf
Indicates which abilities this Grf
implementation has.
- cap(int, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.grf.DefaultGrf
- CAPABILITIES_URI - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.taplint.IvoaSchemaResolver
Namespace URI for VOSI capabilities schema.
- Capability - Class in uk.ac.starlink.vo
Describes a capability of a registry service.
- Capability(Ivoid, String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.vo.Capability
Constructs a capability with a unique standardID.
- Capability(Ivoid[], String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.vo.Capability
Constructs a capability with multiple alternative standardIDs.
- CapabilityHolder - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.taplint
Provides TAP service capability information.
- CapabilityStage - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.taplint
Stage for checking content of TAPRegExt capability metadata.
- CapabilityStage(CapabilityHolder) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.taplint.CapabilityStage
- CapabilityTableModel - Class in uk.ac.starlink.vo
- CapabilityTableModel() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.vo.CapabilityTableModel
- capitalise(String) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config.ConfigMeta
Uppercases the first letter of a string.
- Caption - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2
Content of textual item to be rendered somewhere on a plot.
- Caption(String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.Caption
- Captioner - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2
Can paint a text caption onto a graphics context in horizontal orientation.
- CAPTIONER - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config.StyleKeys
Config key set for axis and general captioner.
- CAPTIONER_KEYSET - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.LabelPlotter
Config key set for configuring text font.
- CaptionerKeySet - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config
ConfigKeySet for specifying a captioner.
- CaptionerKeySet() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config.CaptionerKeySet
- captionTransform(Rectangle, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.Orientation
Returns a transformation suitable for writing axis captions.
- CAR0 - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.geom.FixedSkyviewProjection
Cartesian projection, lon=0 at edge.
- CAR1 - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.geom.FixedSkyviewProjection
Cartesian projection, lon=0 at center.
- CARD_LENG - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.fits.FitsUtil
FITS header card length in bytes (@value).
- CARD_TYPES - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.fits.CardType
Unmofifiable list of all known card types.
- CardFactory - Class in uk.ac.starlink.fits
Creates FITS CardImages suitable for writing to a FITS header.
- CardFactory(CardFactory.Config) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.fits.CardFactory
- CardFactory.Config - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.fits
CardFactory configuration.
- CardImage - Class in uk.ac.starlink.fits
Represents a FITS header card that will be written.
- CardImage(byte[]) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.fits.CardImage
Constructs a CardImage from an 80-element byte array.
- CardImage(CharSequence) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.fits.CardImage
Constructs a CardImage from an 80-character CharSequence.
- CARDS_PER_BLOCK - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.fits.FitsUtil
Number of header cards per FITS block (@value).
- CardType<T> - Class in uk.ac.starlink.fits
Defines different types of FITS header card.
- CARET - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task.LineEnder
Caret followed by carriage return (DOS CMD).
- Cartesian - Class in uk.ac.starlink.pal
Cartesian Point in 2D or 3D space
- Cartesian(double, double) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.pal.Cartesian
Cartesian Point in 2D space
- Cartesian(double, double, double) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.pal.Cartesian
Cartesian Point in 3D space
- Cartesian(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.pal.Cartesian
Cartesian Point in 3D space and its derivitive
- CartesianEllipseToy(boolean) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.table.join.EllipseToy.CartesianEllipseToy
- CartesianErrorCoordSet - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
MultiPointCoordSet for bidirectional errors in Cartesian data coordinates.
- CartesianErrorCoordSet(String[], int[]) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.CartesianErrorCoordSet
- CartesianMultiPointCoordSet - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
MultiPointCoordSet sub-interface for Cartesian geometry.
- CartesianMultiPointForm - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
MultiPointForm for use with Cartesian coordinates.
- CartesianMultiPointForm(String, Icon, String, CartesianMultiPointCoordSet, MultiPointConfigKey, boolean) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.CartesianMultiPointForm
Constructs a new MultiPointForm with scaling in one of two default
configurations, depending on the value of the supplied canScale
- CartesianPlot3D - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot
Plot3D which works with Cartesian coordinates.
- CartesianPlot3D() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot.CartesianPlot3D
- CartesianTablePlotData - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plottask
PlotData concrete subclass for Cartesian data.
- CartesianTablePlotData(StarTable, String[], String[], Style[], String, String[], String[]) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plottask.CartesianTablePlotData
- CartesianTablePlotData.PairCreator - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plottask
Class used for JEL manipulations.
- CartesianVectorCoordSet - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
MultiPointCoordSet for vectors in Cartesian data coordinates.
- CartesianVectorCoordSet(String[]) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer.CartesianVectorCoordSet
- CASCADE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.IconFactory
- cast(Object) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config.ConfigKey
Converts an object to the value type of this key.
- CatMapper - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task
TableMapper which concatenates tables top to bottom.
- CatMapper(boolean) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task.CatMapper
- CBZip2InputStream - Class in uk.ac.starlink.util.bzip2
An input stream that decompresses from the BZip2 format (without the file
header chars) to be read as any other stream.
- CBZip2InputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.bzip2.CBZip2InputStream
Constructs a new CBZip2InputStream which decompresses bytes read from
the specified stream.
- CBZip2InputStream(InputStream, boolean) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.bzip2.CBZip2InputStream
Constructs a new CBZip2InputStream which decompresses bytes
read from the specified stream.
- CBZip2OutputStream - Class in uk.ac.starlink.util.bzip2
An output stream that compresses into the BZip2 format (without the file
header chars) into another stream.
- CBZip2OutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.bzip2.CBZip2OutputStream
Constructs a new CBZip2OutputStream
with a blocksize of 900k.
- CBZip2OutputStream(OutputStream, int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.bzip2.CBZip2OutputStream
Constructs a new CBZip2OutputStream
with specified blocksize.
- CDF_TT2000 - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.tfcat.TimeCoords
Predefined TimeCoords instance for CDF Epoch TT2000.
- CdfDomains - Class in uk.ac.starlink.cdf
Utility class for identifying domain mappers for CDF datatypes.
- CdfDomains() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.cdf.CdfDomains
- CdfIntegration - Class in gaia.cu9.tools.parallax.util
- CdfIntegration() - Constructor for class gaia.cu9.tools.parallax.util.CdfIntegration
- CdfStarTable - Class in uk.ac.starlink.cdf
StarTable implementation for CDF files.
- CdfStarTable(CdfContent, CdfTableProfile) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.cdf.CdfStarTable
- CdfTableBuilder - Class in uk.ac.starlink.cdf
Table input handler for NASA CDF (Common Data Format) files.
- CdfTableBuilder() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.cdf.CdfTableBuilder
Constructs a default Cdf table builder.
- CdfTableBuilder(CdfTableProfile) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.cdf.CdfTableBuilder
Constructs a Cdf table builder with a custom translation profile.
- CdfTableProfile - Interface in uk.ac.starlink.cdf
Encapsulates choices about how to do the conversion from a CDF to a
- cds.tools - package cds.tools
- CdsHealpix - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.cone
Healpix implementation for use with the MOC library based on
F-X Pineau's cds-healpix-java library.
- CdsHealpixSkyPixellator - Class in uk.ac.starlink.table.join
HEALPix sky pixellator using the CDS-HEALPIX-JAVA library
written by F-X Pineau at CDS.
- CdsHealpixSkyPixellator() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.table.join.CdsHealpixSkyPixellator
- CdsHealpixUtil - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2
Utilities for working with the cds-healpix-java library in sky plots.
- CdsUploadMatcher - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.cone
UploadMatcher implementation for the CDS Xmatch service.
- CdsUploadMatcher(URL, String, double, ServiceFindMode, ContentCoding) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.cone.CdsUploadMatcher
- CdsUploadMatcher.VizierMeta - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.cone
Metadata provided for Vizier tables by the CDS Xmatch service.
- CdsUploadSkyMatch - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task
Upload matcher that uses CDS's Xmatch service.
- CdsUploadSkyMatch() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task.CdsUploadSkyMatch
- CeaConfig - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.cea
Class which defines schema-specific details of a CEA configuration file
to be written by a
- CeaConfig(ElementDeclaration, ElementDeclaration, ElementDeclaration) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.cea.CeaConfig
- CeaMetadata - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.cea
Encapsulates the metadata required for a CEA application description.
- CeaMetadata(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.cea.CeaMetadata
- CeaParameter - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.cea
Represents a parameter of a CEA task.
- CeaParameter(Parameter<?>) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.cea.CeaParameter
- CeaTask - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.cea
Represents a task suitable for use in the CEA interface of STILTS.
- CeaTask(Task, String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.cea.CeaTask
Constructs a CeaTask.
- CeaWriter - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.cea
Writes an application description file suitable for use with
the AstroGrid Common Execution Architecture.
- CeaWriter(PrintStream, CeaConfig, CeaTask[], boolean, String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.cea.CeaWriter
- Cell(int, int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.geom.MatrixShape.Cell
- CELLGAP_KEY - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.geom.MatrixGangerFactory
Config key for gap between matrix cells.
- cellSelected(ListSelectionEvent) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.SelectCharacters
A cell has been selected.
- CENTER - Static variable in class diva.sketch.parser2d.AbstractRule
The center direction constant.
- CENTER - Static variable in class diva.sketch.parser2d.RelationUtilities
The center direction constant.
- center(Icon, Point) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.geom.NavDecorations
Utility function to center a symmetric icon at a point.
- center1d(Icon, boolean, Point, Rectangle) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.geom.NavDecorations
Utility function to center one of the 1-dimensional zoom icons
about a given point on its axis.
- CENTER_X - Static variable in class diva.sketch.toolbox.ZoomRecognizer.ZoomData
- CENTER_Y - Static variable in class diva.sketch.toolbox.ZoomRecognizer.ZoomData
- CenterSite - Class in diva.canvas.connector
A concrete implementation of Site that is located in the
center of the bounding box of a figure.
- CenterSite(Figure) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.CenterSite
Create a new site on the given figure.
- CenterSite(Figure, int) - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.CenterSite
Create a new site on the given figure and with the given ID
- CenterTarget - Class in diva.canvas.connector
An implementation of connector targets that finds center sites.
- CenterTarget() - Constructor for class diva.canvas.connector.CenterTarget
- CentralForm<DG extends DataGeom> - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.layer
ShapeForm that plots the central point of an Area.
- CENTRE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.xdoc.fig.Anchor
- CERT_BEGIN - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.auth.ssl.X509CertificateChain
- CERT_END - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.auth.ssl.X509CertificateChain
- certificateString() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.auth.ssl.X509CertificateChain
- CFORMAT_INFO - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ecsv.EcsvStarTable
Metadata for ECSV format item.
- CGI_MODE - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plottask.PaintMode
Mode used for standard output in CGI form.
- CgiMode - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.mode
Output mode for writing the table as a stream with CGI headers.
- CgiMode() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.mode.CgiMode
- CgiQuery - Class in uk.ac.starlink.util
Utility class for constructing CGI query strings.
- CgiQuery(String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.CgiQuery
Constructs a CGI query.
- Challenge - Class in uk.ac.starlink.auth
Represents and parses challenge specifications as defined by RFC7235.
- Challenge(String, String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.auth.Challenge
Constructs a challenge with an optional realm and auth parameters.
- Challenge(String, String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.auth.Challenge
Constructs a challenge with token68 string
- CHALLENGE_HEADER - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.auth.AuthUtil
RFC 7235 challenge header key "WWW-Authenticate" (RFC 7235 sec 4.1).
- CHANGED - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.FigureChangedEvent
Used when figure is changed (transformed).
- changedUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.TitleControls
- changeEvent - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.diva.DrawActions
Event fired for changes
- changeStyle() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.LineControls
Send event to signal the line style has changed.
- changeThick() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.LineControls
Send event to signal a line thickness change event.
- ChangingComboBoxModel<E> - Class in uk.ac.starlink.util.gui
- ChangingComboBoxModel() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.ChangingComboBoxModel
Constructs an empty model.
- ChangingComboBoxModel(E[]) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.ChangingComboBoxModel
Constructs a model with a given initial array of items.
- ChangingComboBoxModel(Collection<E>) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.ChangingComboBoxModel
Constructs a model with a given initial list of items.
- Channel - Interface in diva.pod
A Channel is the object that transmits data between a Transmitter
and a Receiver.
- Channel - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ast
Java interface to the AST Channel class
- basic (textual) I/O channel.
- Channel(InputStream, OutputStream) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.Channel
Creates a channel which reads from the given InputStream
and writes to the given OutputStream
- Channel() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.Channel
This constructor does not do all the required construction to
create a valid Channel object, but is required for inheritance
by user subclasses of Channel.
- Channel(Channel) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.Channel
This is a dummy constructor which does nothing at all.
- channelize() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.IntraMap
This method, called by Channel's write method, attempts to serialize
this IntraMap's Transformer object into the IntraFlag attribute.
- channelize() - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.ast.NeedsChannelizing
Does object-specific preparation for output to a Channel
- CHAR - Static variable in class uk.ac.starlink.table.storage.Codec
Codec for 16-bit character, no null handling.
- CHAR_HEIGHT - Static variable in class diva.sketch.toolbox.TextAnnotations
- CHAR_INDEX - Static variable in interface nom.tam.util.PrimitiveInfo
- CHAR_WIDTH - Static variable in class diva.sketch.toolbox.TextAnnotations
- characterLiteral(String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.AdqlSyntax
Returns ADQL text representing a character literal.
- characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.copy.SquashAttributeHandler
- characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.copy.VotCopyHandler
- characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint.ElementHandler
Called when character content is found in the element.
- characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint.FudgeNamespaceContentHandler
- characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint.StreamHandler
- characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint.TdHandler
- characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint.VotLintContentHandler
- characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.DalResultStreamer
- characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.DalResultXMLFilter
- characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.TableSetSaxHandler
- characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.votable.TableContentHandler
- characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.votable.VOTableDOMBuilder
- charButton - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.SelectTextField
Button to initiate selecting special characters.
- charChooser - Variable in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.SelectTextField
The special character chooser.
- charData(char[], int, int) - Method in class diva.compat.xml.XmlReader.Handler
Append the given character bytes to the character data of
the current XML element.
- charData(char[], int, int) - Method in class diva.gui.MultipageParser
Handle character data.
- charData(char[], int, int) - Method in class diva.util.aelfred.HandlerBase
Handle character data.
- charData(char[], int, int) - Method in interface diva.util.aelfred.XmlHandler
Character data.
- charData(char[], int, int) - Method in class diva.util.xml.XmlReader.Handler
Append the given character bytes to the character data of
the current XML element.
- charHeight() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.grf.DefaultGrf
Return the character height in component coordinates.
- check() - Method in class diva.canvas.test.FigureTest.RegionTestCase
- check() - Method in class diva.util.jester.TestCase
Report on the results of running the test.
- check(String, ElementHandler) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint.ArraysizeChecker
- check(String, ElementHandler) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint.AttributeChecker
Performs a syntactic and/or semantic check on an attribute
value for a given element.
- check(String, ElementHandler) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint.DeprecatedAttChecker
- check(String, ElementHandler) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint.IDChecker
- check(String, ElementHandler) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint.NameChecker
- check(String, ElementHandler) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint.ParamHandler.ValueChecker
- check(String, ElementHandler) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint.RefChecker
- check(String, ElementHandler) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint.TableHandler.NrowsChecker
- check(String, ElementHandler) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint.UcdChecker
- check(String, ElementHandler) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint.UnitChecker
- check(String, ElementHandler) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint.VersionChecker
- check(String, ElementHandler) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint.VocabAttributeChecker
- checkArgs(List, Class[]) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.plastic.HubManager
Utility method to check the types of a list of arguments.
- checkArray(Object, int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.array.Type
Checks that a given Object is in fact an array of the primitive
type corresponding to this Type, and contains at least a given
number of elements; throws an exception if not.
- checkArrayConsistency(Object[], int[]) - Method in class nom.tam.util.ColumnTable
Check that the columns and sizes are consistent.
- checkBoundingBoxes(Reporter, TfcatObject) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.tfcat.TfcatUtil
Performs a global check for a given TfcatObject that any positions
listed are within the bounding boxes in whose scope they appear.
- CheckBoxMenu - Class in uk.ac.starlink.vo
A menu which contains only checkbox-type entries and has an associated
- CheckBoxMenu() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.vo.CheckBoxMenu
Constructs a new CheckBoxMenu.
- CheckBoxMenu(String) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.vo.CheckBoxMenu
Constructs a new CheckBoxMenu with a given name.
- checkBuf(int) - Method in class nom.tam.util.BufferedDataOutputStream
- checkBuf(int) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.DataBufferedOutputStream
Try to ensure there is a given number of bytes in the buffer.
- checkCacheValid(TransformContext) - Method in class diva.canvas.DamageRegion
Check transform cache validity.
- checkCacheValid(TransformContext) - Method in class diva.canvas.TransformContext
Check transform cache validity.
- checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[], String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.auth.ssl.BasicX509TrustManager
- checkColumnCount(WideFits, int) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.fits.FitsUtil
Checks that a table with the given number of columns can be written.
- checkConsistency(Object, GraphModel) - Static method in class diva.graph.GraphUtilities
Check to make sure that all nodes and edges
are self-consistent within a graph.
- checkConsistency(Object, GraphModel) - Static method in class diva.graph.layout.LayoutUtilities
Check consistency of the graph in terms of topology and
- checkConsistency(Object, GraphModel) - Static method in class diva.graphx.GraphUtilities
Check to make sure that all nodes and edges
are self-consistent within a graph.
- checkContainment(Object, GraphModel) - Static method in class diva.graph.GraphUtilities
Check to make sure that all nodes and edges
are contained with in a graph and are consistent.
- checkContainment(Object, GraphModel) - Static method in class diva.graph.layout.LayoutUtilities
Check consistency and containment in terms of topology and
- checkContainment(Object, GraphModel) - Static method in class diva.graphx.GraphUtilities
Check to make sure that all nodes and edges
are contained with in a graph and are consistent.
- checkCrs(Reporter, TfcatObject) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.tfcat.TfcatUtil
Ensure that CRS objects are in place for the tree rooted at the
given TFCat Object.
- checkDuplicatedName(StarTable, int) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter.AddColumnFilter
Checks that a given column in a table does not have the same name
as any of the other columns in the table.
- checkedLongToInt(long) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.AbstractStarTable
Convenience method to get an int
value from a long
- checkedLongToInt(long) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.Tables
Convenience method to get an int
from a long
- checkedLongToInt(long) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.WrapperStarTable
Convenience method to get an int
value from a long
- checkEntryStates() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.ProxySetupFrame
Check the entry states for the proxy hostname and port.
- checkExpressions() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plottask.TablePlotData
Checks that any JEL expressions used by the data for this object
compile correctly.
- checkExpressionType(Library, StarTable, String, Class<?>) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.jel.JELUtils
Checks that an expression is legal and returns a particular class.
- CheckFilter - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter
- CheckFilter() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.filter.CheckFilter
- checkJ2se() - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.Loader
Checks that the JRE contains classes that you'd expect it to.
- checkJ2seVendor() - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.Loader
Checks the reported vendor for this J2SE.
- checkJavaValue(Object) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.plastic.ValueType
Checks a value sent or received using Java-RMI.
- checkLink(VotLintContext, ElementRef, ElementRef) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint.FieldRefChecker
- checkLink(VotLintContext, String, ElementRef, ElementRef) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint.RefChecker
Checks that an IDREF->ID arc is sensible.
- checkLinks(Source, Source) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.xdoc.LinkChecker
Checks the result of an XML transformation to see if the links
in the result are OK or not.
- checkLinks(Source, Source, Map<String, String>) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.xdoc.LinkChecker
Checks the result of an XML transformation to see if the links
in the result are OK or not, with an optional list of parameters.
- checkOpen() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.array.DefaultArrayAccess
- checkOption(Reporter, String, Collection<String>) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.tfcat.TfcatUtil
Checks whether a given token is in a supplied list of valid options.
- checkParameters(Parameter<?>[]) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.task.LineEnvironment
Checks that this environment's values are compatible with the given
list of parameters.
- CheckSelectionAction - Class in diva.sketch
This class encapsulates a check selection operation
for pen interaction.
- CheckSelectionAction(BasicInterpreter) - Constructor for class diva.sketch.CheckSelectionAction
Construct a deletion operator that
executes within the given interpreter.
- checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[], String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.auth.ssl.BasicX509TrustManager
- checkSite(int) - Static method in class diva.sketch.parser2d.RelationUtilities
Check the given site's validity; throw an illegal argument
exception if it is not valid.
- checkStream(InputStream, long) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint.ValueParser
Checks the value of a table element which is encoded in a BINARY
- checkString(String, long) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint.ValueParser
Checks the value of a string which contains the value.
- checksumData(StarTable) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.Tables
Returns a checksum of all the cell data in a given table.
- checksumData(RowSequence, Checksum) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.Tables
Feeds the data from a row sequence to a supplied checksum accumulator.
- ChecksumMode - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.mode
Processing mode for calculating a checksum of table data.
- ChecksumMode() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.mode.ChecksumMode
- ChecksumMode(Supplier<Checksum>) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.mode.ChecksumMode
- checkTable(StarTable) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.table.Tables
Diagnostic method which tests the invariants of a StarTable.
- checkTerm(String, VocabChecker.TermReporter) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.votlint.VocabChecker
Checks whether a term is present in this vocabulary,
and reports to a callback interface.
- checkTopElement(String, String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.DocumentDataNode
- checkTopLocalName(String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.nodes.DocumentDataNode
- checkType(Reporter, String, URL) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.taplint.ContentTypeOptions
Checks a declared Content-Type string against the permitted
values for this object.
- checkUcd(String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.tfcat.BasicReporter
- checkUcd(String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.tfcat.DummyReporter
- checkUcd(String) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.tfcat.Reporter
Report on validity of the supplied Uniform Content Descriptor.
- checkUnit(String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.tfcat.BasicReporter
- checkUnit(String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.tfcat.DummyReporter
- checkUnit(String) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.tfcat.Reporter
Report on validity of the supplied unit string.
- checkUrl(String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.vo.DalTableLoadDialog
Performs syntactic checks on a string which should be a URL, and
throws an informative RuntimeException if it is not.
- checkWord(String) - Method in interface uk.ac.starlink.tfcat.WordChecker
Reports warnings or errors associated with a supplied string.
- childNames() - Method in interface diva.sketch.recognition.CompositeElement
Return an array of the names of the children of this
element, each of which sequentially corresponds to an item in
the array returned by children().
- children() - Method in interface diva.sketch.recognition.CompositeElement
Return a list of the children of this element,
each of which is of type SceneElement.
- children() - Method in class diva.sketch.recognition.VotingSceneRecognizer
Return the children as a list.
- children() - Method in class diva.sketch.recognition.VotingStrokeRecognizer
Return the children as a list.
- ChoiceConfigKey<T> - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config
ConfigKey that allows named choices from a given list,
and optionally provides other ways of specifying values
from string descriptions.
- ChoiceConfigKey(ConfigMeta, Class<T>, T, boolean) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config.ChoiceConfigKey
- ChoiceElement - Interface in diva.sketch.recognition
A choice element represents a choice between multiple
typed elements that have the same type (or super-type).
- ChoiceMode - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task
Output mode which can be used to give the user, via the parameter
system, the choice about what mode to use.
- ChoiceMode() - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.task.ChoiceMode
- choiceNames() - Method in interface diva.sketch.recognition.ChoiceElement
Return an array of the names of the children of this
element, each of which sequentially corresponds to an item in
the array returned by children().
- ChoiceParameter<T> - Class in uk.ac.starlink.task
Parameter whose legal value must be one of a disjunction of given values.
- ChoiceParameter(String, Class<T>, T[]) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.task.ChoiceParameter
- ChoiceParameter(String, Class<T>) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.task.ChoiceParameter
Constructs a choice parameter with no initially set options.
- ChoiceParameter(String, T[]) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.task.ChoiceParameter
Constructs a choice parameter with an initial option set.
- choices() - Method in class diva.sketch.recognition.BasicScene
Return a list of all of the choices contained in the scene.
- choices() - Method in interface diva.sketch.recognition.ChoiceElement
Return a list that contains the choices that this
element covers, from high to low confidence.
- choices() - Method in interface diva.sketch.recognition.Scene
Return a list of all of the choices contained in the scene.
- choiceToString(C) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.task.AbstractChoiceParameter
Provides a string representation of a given typed value
for this parameter.
- chooseBlockSize(long) - Static method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.bzip2.CBZip2OutputStream
Chooses a blocksize based on the given length of the data to compress.
- chooseChars() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.SelectTextField
Choose a special character phrase to append.
- chooseClientAlias(String[], Principal[], Socket) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.auth.ssl.BasicX509KeyManager
- chooseColour() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AxisLabelControls
Update the text colour.
- chooseColour() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.AxisNumLabControls
Update the text colour.
- chooseColour() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.ComponentColourControls
Choose a colour for the component using a chooser dialog.
- chooseColour() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.LineControls
Create a dialog to select a new colour.
- chooseColour() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.StringsControls
Choose a text colour.
- chooseColour() - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.ast.gui.TitleControls
Choose a text colour.
- chooseDataNode(Component, String, String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.tree.TreeNodeChooser
Pops up a modal dialog which asks the user for a DataNode.
- chooseNdx(Component, String, String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.tree.NdxNodeChooser
Pops up a modal dialog to choose an NDX from this chooser.
- chooseNdx(Component) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.tree.NdxNodeChooser
Pops up a modal dialog to choose an NDX from this chooser, with
default characteristics.
- ChooserColorSpecifier - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config
SpecifierPanel subclass that uses a JColorChooser to specify a colour.
- ChooserColorSpecifier(Color) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config.ChooserColorSpecifier
Constructs a specifier based on a given default colour.
- ChooserColorSpecifier(JColorChooser) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ttools.plot2.config.ChooserColorSpecifier
Constructs a specifier based on a given JColorChooser.
- chooseServerAlias(String, Principal[], Socket) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.auth.ssl.BasicX509KeyManager
- chooseStarTable(Component, String, String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.tree.TableNodeChooser
Pops up a modal dialog to choose a table from this chooser.
- chooseStarTable(Component) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.datanode.tree.TableNodeChooser
Pops up a modal dialog to choose a table from this chooser, with
default characteristics.
- chooseText(String) - Method in class uk.ac.starlink.util.gui.ExampleSelectField
Marks given text as a chosen value for this component.
- ChunkStepper - Class in uk.ac.starlink.array
Allows convenient stepping through an array.
- ChunkStepper(long, int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.array.ChunkStepper
Create a new ChunkStepper with a given chunk size.
- ChunkStepper(long) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.array.ChunkStepper
Create a new ChunkStepper with the default chunk size.
- ChunkStreamer - Class in uk.ac.starlink.hapi
Handles reading HAPI data streams in chunks to cope with data requests
that encounter service errors with the status
1408 "Bad Status - too much time or data requested".
- ChunkStreamer(HapiService, int, IOConsumer<String>) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.hapi.ChunkStreamer
- Circle - Class in uk.ac.starlink.ast
Java interface to the AST Circle class
- a circular or spherical region within a Frame.
- Circle(Frame, int, double[], double[], Region) - Constructor for class uk.ac.starlink.ast.Circle
Create a Circle.