See: Description
Interface | Description |
Crs |
Coordinate Reference System.
Decoder<T> |
Turns a JSON object into a typed java object.
Field |
Represents a TFCat Field.
LocalCrs |
Represents a TFCat Local CRS (Coordinate Reference System) structure.
Reporter |
Recipient for validation messages.
SpectralCoords |
Represents a TFCat SpectralCoords object.
WordChecker |
Interface for simple syntax checking.
Class | Description |
BasicReporter |
Standard reporter implementation.
Bbox |
Represents a TFCat bbox (bounding box) structure.
Datatype<T> |
Characterises the type of data held by a field.
Decoders |
Contains decoder implementations for all the TFCat types.
DummyReporter |
Reporter that discards all messages.
Feature |
Represents a TFCat Feature object.
FeatureCollection |
Represents a TFCat FeatureCollection object.
Geometry<S> |
Abstract superclass representing one of the seven typed Geometry
objects defined in the TFCat specification.
Geometry.GeometryCollection |
Geometry subclass representing a TFCat GeometryCollection.
Geometry.LineString |
Geometry subclass representing a TFCat LineString.
Geometry.MultiLineString |
Geometry subclass representing a TFCat MultiLineString.
Geometry.MultiPoint |
Geometry subclass representing a TFCat MultiPoint.
Geometry.MultiPolygon |
Geometry subclass representing a TFCat MultiPolygon.
Geometry.Point |
Geometry subclass representing a TFCat Point.
Geometry.Polygon |
Geometry subclass representing a TFCat Polygon.
LinearRing |
Represents a linear ring as defined in the TFCat specification
(from the GeoJSON specification).
Position |
Represents a position in (time, spectral) space.
TfcatObject |
Superclass for TFCat objects.
TfcatStatus |
Utility class to represent the validity status of a TFCat text.
TfcatUtil |
Utilities for use with TFCat classes.
TimeCoords |
Represents a TFCat TimeCoords object.
Validate |
Provides a main method which validates TFCat texts.
Enum | Description |
TfcatStatus.Code |
Parse result code.
This package contains a parser and validator for the Time-Frequency Radio Catalogues standard, defined at see It currently implements v1.0 of the standard.
The main
method of the
Validate class
may be used as a standalone validator,
or the TfcatUtil.parseTfcat
may be used to parse TFCat texts programmatically.
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