Interface | Description |
ColumnPlan |
Describes the arrangement of columns in the output table based on
the columns in the upload and raw result tables.
ConeQueryRowSequence |
RowSequence sub-interface which additionally defines methods for
retrieving RA, Dec search radius and row index for each row.
Coner |
Defines a service which can perform cone search-like operations.
ConeResultRowSequence |
ConeQueryRowSequence sub-interface which additionally defines a method
for retrieving the result of the cone search itself.
ConeSearcher |
Object which can perform repeated sky cone searches.
Coverage |
Defines coverage of a sky positional search service.
MocFormat |
Defines a MOC serialization format.
QuerySequenceFactory |
Object which can generate an iterator over cone search specifiers.
RowMapper<I> |
Defines a mapping between objects of some given type and table row index.
SkyTiling |
Defines a pixellation scheme which maps sky positions to long integers.
UploadMatcher |
Defines a service that can perform sky position crossmatches by taking
a sequence of cone-like positions for input and submitting them as a
block to a remote execution matching service.
Class | Description |
AngleUnits |
Defines a unit of angle measurement.
AsciiMocCoverage |
MOC coverage implementation which uses the ASCII serialization.
BlockUploader |
Works with an UploadMatcher dividing the input table into chunks and
uploading them separately to produce an arbitrarily large result
while each upload/match operation is of a limited size.
CdsHealpix |
Healpix implementation for use with the MOC library based on
F-X Pineau's cds-healpix-java library.
CdsUploadMatcher |
UploadMatcher implementation for the CDS Xmatch service.
CdsUploadMatcher.VizierMeta |
Metadata provided for Vizier tables by the CDS Xmatch service.
ColumnQueryRowSequence |
ConeQueryRowSequence implementation which extracts values based on
supplied column indices.
ConeErrorPolicy |
Defines how errors are treated during a multiple cone search operation.
ConeErrorPolicyParameter |
Parameter for selecting
ConeErrorPolicy objects. |
ConeMatcher |
TableProducer which does the work for a multiple cone search-type
sky crossmatch operation.
ConeMatcher.ConeWorker |
Object which produces the result table.
ConeQueryCoverage |
Coverage implementation giving the area defined by a sequence of
positional (cone search-like) queries.
ConeSearchConer |
Coner implementation which uses remote
Cone Search services or similar.
ConeSelector |
Abstract class for an object which can make a JDBC SELECT query
corresponding to cone searches.
CoverageQuerySequenceFactory |
Wrapper QuerySequenceFactory that filters out elements outside of
a given coverage object.
DalConeSearcher |
Utility class to aid with implementation of ConeSearcher classes
based on contact with remote Data Access Layer-type services.
HealpixSortedQuerySequenceFactory |
QuerySequenceFactory that presorts rows according to HEALPix pixel index.
HealpixTiling |
Tiling implementation based on the HEALPix scheme.
HtmTiling |
HTM implementation of SkyTiling.
JdbcConer |
Coner implementation which works by performing SELECT statements over a
JDBC database connection.
JdbcConeSearcher |
ConeSearcher implementation using JDBC access to an SQL database.
JELQuerySequenceFactory |
QuerySequenceFactory which uses JEL expressions for RA, Dec and SR.
LimitRowSink |
TableSink wrapper implementation that truncates the row stream
at a given maximum.
MocCoverage |
Abstract superclass for Coverage implementations based on MOC
(HEALPix Multi-Order Coverage) objects.
ParallelResultRowSequence |
ConeResultRowSequence implementation which uses a fixed number of
worker threads to dispatch cone queries in parallel.
SequentialResultRowSequence |
Straightforward implementation of ConeResultRowSequence based on a
ServiceConeSearcher |
ConeSearcher implementation using a VO
Cone Search service.
SiaConeSearcher |
ConeSearcher implementation using a VO
Simple Image Access service.
SkyBox |
Defines a region of the celestial sphere which is rectangular in
Right Ascension and Declination coordinates.
SkyConeMatch2 |
Crossmatcher which works by performing one cone-search type query
for each row of an input table on an external service of some kind.
SsaConeSearcher |
ConeSearcher implementation using a VO
Simple Spectral Access service.
TapUploadMatcher |
UploadMatcher implementation for a TAP service.
TilingParameter |
Parameter for specifying SkyTiling values.
UploadConeTable |
Table suitable for uploading based on a sequence of positional queries
and an RowMapper.
UrlMocCoverage |
MOC coverage implementation which reads a MOC from a given URL.
WrapperQuerySequence |
ConeQueryRowSequence implementation which delegates all methods to
a supplied instance.
Enum | Description |
Coverage.Amount |
Describes a type of coverage.
ServiceFindMode |
Enumeration of ways to submit an upload match to a service.
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