Interface | Description |
AuxReader |
Extracts range information from plot data.
BasicTicker.Rule |
Defines a specific rule for generating major and minor axis tick marks.
Captioner |
Can paint a text caption onto a graphics context in horizontal orientation.
CoordSequence |
Interface for iterating over coordinates.
DataGeom |
Translates the coordinates found in a Tuple to data space coordinates.
DataPosSequence.PositionCloud |
Adaptor interface defining a cloud of positions for use with
Decal |
Like an Icon but less complicated.
Drawing |
Does the work of drawing graphics onto a given Paper object.
Gang |
Defines how a set of related plot zones is presented together on a
graphics plane.
GangContext |
Supplies additional plot-time information about multi-zone requirements.
Ganger<P,A> |
Defines how multiple plots can be presented together
as a gang of non-overlapping plotting zones.
GangerFactory<P,A> |
Generates Ganger instances for a particular purpose,
for instance a particular type of plot,
taking account of supplied user preferences.
Glyph |
Represents an uncoloured shape to be drawn, typically a small point marker.
Navigator<A> |
A navigator controls how user gestures affect a plot surface.
Pixer |
Iterator over pixels.
PlotFrame |
Defines the geometry of a screen area to contain plot content.
PlotLayer |
Represents a layered element of the plot.
PlotMetric |
Calculates distances in data space between points on a plot surface.
Plotter<S extends Style> |
A Plotter can produce PlotLayers given data and appropriate configuration.
PlotType<P,A> |
High-level description of a type of plot that can be drawn.
PrefixTicker.Rule |
Defines a specific rule for generating tick marks with prefixes.
Ranger |
Accumulates a set of data values to provide range information.
Scaler |
Defines the mapping of an input value to the range 0..1.
Scaling |
Defines a policy for scaling values to a fixed interval.
Scaling.HistogramScaling |
Marker interface for Scaling instances that create Scalers based
on a histogram assembled from data.
Scaling.RangeScaling |
Interface for Scaling instances that can create Scalers from
a lower and upper bound.
ShadeAxisFactory |
Defines how to get a ShadeAxis for a shader range.
Span |
Characterises the extent and possibly the distribution of a dataset.
Surface |
Defines the graphical area on which plots are painted.
SurfaceFactory<P,A> |
Generates members of a family of Surface objects.
Ticker |
Provides tick marks to label plot axes.
Class | Description |
Anchor |
Positioning constraint for plotted text.
Anchor.HorizontalAnchor |
Anchor for drawing horizontal text.
AuxScale |
Represents a ranged value that can differ according to the content
of a plot.
Axis |
Does geometry and drawing for a straight line axis.
BasicCaptioner |
Captioner implementation that uses Swing text drawing classes.
BasicRanger |
Ranger implementation that just keeps track of high and low values.
BasicTicker |
Partial Ticker implementation based on a rule defining a sequence of ticks.
Caption |
Content of textual item to be rendered somewhere on a plot.
CdsHealpixUtil |
Utilities for working with the cds-healpix-java library in sky plots.
DataPosSequence |
Splittable iterator over the data positions in a list of PositionClouds.
Decoration |
Positioned icon, with equality semantics.
Gesture |
Enumerates mouse gestures used to perform navigation actions.
HistoRanger |
Histogram-capable Ranger implementation.
IndicatedRow |
Represents a row from a dataset in relation to a reference position.
LabelledLine |
Aggregates a line in graphics coordinates and its annotation.
LatexCaptioner |
Captioner implementation based on LaTeX text rendering.
LayerOpt |
Defines characteristics of a plot layer that may enable plotting
LegendEntry |
Aggregates a plot style or group of styles and a label to be
paired together as one entry in a plot legend.
LegendIcon |
Icon containing legend information for a plot.
NavAction<A> |
Describes the result of a navigation request from the GUI.
NavigationListener<A> |
Listener that receives mouse events and uses them in conjunction with
a supplied navigator to feed navigation actions to a set of one or
more plot surfaces.
NullCaptioner |
Captioner implementation that writes no text.
Orientation |
Defines text orientation for axis labelling.
OutlineCaptioner |
Wrapper Captioner implementation that draws an outline around the
caption bounding box as well as actually drawing it.
Padding |
Defines user preferences for padding a rectangular area.
PlotCaching |
Encapsulates some choices about what caching is performed when
preparing a plot.
PlotPlacement |
Aggregates a Surface and the Rectangle that it is placed within.
PlotScene<P,A> |
Contains the state of a plot, which can be painted to a graphics context.
PlotUtil |
Miscellaneous utilities for use with the plotting classes.
PointCloud |
Represents an unordered set of data positions forming part of a plot.
PrefixTicker |
Partial Ticker implementation for major tick labels with prefixes.
RangeCollector<S extends Splittable<S>> |
Partial SplitCollector implementation for accumulating range data.
ReportKey<T> |
Typed key for use in a ReportMap.
ReportMap |
Map containing typed entries generated as a result of plotting.
ReportMeta |
Contains documentation metadata describing a plot report item.
Scalings |
Implementation class for functions to do with Scaling instances.
ShadeAxis |
Graphical representation of aux shading range which can be placed
near the plot.
ShadeAxisKit |
Aggregates information required for generating an Aux colour axis.
SingleGangerFactory<P,A> |
GangerFactory implementation for single-zone gangs.
SplitRunner<S extends Splittable<S>> |
Utility class for making use of SplitProcessor instances.
SubCloud |
Aggregates the DataGeom and the geometry-specific parts of the
DataSpec for a layer.
Subrange |
Designates a sub-range.
Surround |
Describes the area outside a rectangle reserved for annotations.
Surround.Block |
Represents the space taken along one side of a rectangle.
Tick |
Defines a tick on an axis.
TickLook |
Defines the appearance of tick marks on a plot axis.
Trimming |
Aggregates static items that decorate a rectangular plotting area.
ZoneContent<P,A> |
Gives the layer content and surface construction details
for one zone of a Gang.
Annotation Type | Description |
Equality |
Indicates that an object must have the
Object.equals(java.lang.Object) and
methods implemented intelligently. |
Slow |
Indicates that a method may take a non-negligable amount of time.
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