Class | Description |
BackgroundedCompositeFigure |
A composite figure which has a background shape and
appropriate event-handling capabilities, behaving in
a way similar to PaneWrapper.
BasicCanvasPane |
A basic implementation of a canvas pane, provided for simple
BasicController |
A basic controller implementation.
BasicEllipse |
A figure that displays as an ellipse.
BasicFigure |
A BasicFigure is one that contains a single instance of
BasicHighlighter |
A decorator figure that displays a highlight behind the
BasicRectangle |
A figure that displays as a rectangle.
GraphicsParser | Deprecated
Will be removed in Diva 0.4.
GridLayer |
A grid layer displays a rectangular grid.
IconFigure |
An IconFigure is a figure that contains a main background figure,
a PaintedObject to decorate that figure, a label, and an arbitrary
number of attached Terminal objects.
ImageFigure |
A figure which draws a user-specified image.
LabelFigure |
A figure which draws a string.
LabelWrapper |
A LabelWrapper is a figure that attaches a label to some other figure.
PaintedFigure | Deprecated
Will be removed in Diva 0.4.
PathFigure |
A PathFigure is one that contains a single instance of
SVGParser |
A collection of utilities to help parse graphics out of SVG files.
SVGUtilities |
A collection of utility functions to aid in figures from SVG,
the Scalable Vector Graphics language.
SwingWrapper |
A figure that embeds swing components in canvas drawings.
TypedDecorator |
A FigureDecorator implementation which simply acts as a
set of prototypes which can be instantiated according to
the type of object the decorator is applied to.
VectorFigure |
A VectorFigure is a figure containing a list of objects that
are drawn to produce the figure.
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