Class | Description |
ArcTutorial |
This tutorial shows how to use "arc" connectors.
CompositeFigureTutorial |
This tutorial demonstrates how to use composite figures.
ConnectorTutorial |
This tutorial shows how to use Connectors.
DragTutorial |
An example showing how to make figures draggable with interactors.
FigureTutorial |
An example showing how to make custom figures.
IconTutorial |
This tutorial illustrates how to use Icons.
LabelTutorial |
This tutorial illustrates how to use LabelFigure and related classes.
SimpleTutorial |
This tutorial shows how to construct a JCanvas and place
figures on it.
TerminalTutorial |
This tutorial illustrates how to use Terminals.
TransformedFigureTutorial |
This tutorial shows how to make custom figures that contain
their own TransformContext.
VectorFigureTutorial |
An example showing how to use VectorFigure.
All of the tutorials show some common code in the constructor that creates an instance of JCanvas and places it into a frame. The code is:
canvas = new JCanvas(); graphicsPane = (GraphicsPane)canvas.getCanvasPane(); BasicFrame frame = new BasicFrame("Simple canvas tutorial", canvas); frame.setSize(600,400); frame.setVisible(true);
(Where canvas and graphicsPane are private variables of the class.) Every JCanvas contains a top-level canvas pane, which in turn contains layers. By default, the top-level pane is an instance of GraphicsPane. BasicFrame is part of the diva.gui package and contains the JCanvas in its content pane.
To run a particular tutorial, simply move to the diva/canvas/tutorial directory and type:
make FigureTutorial(where FigureTutorial is replaced by the class you want to run). A Java window will appear where you can see and manipulate the figures.
For a slightly larger example, see the package diva.canvas.demo.
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